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<br /> , . � ( `•�. ��� �R �Of��t��.�l.'`=��ON��Q[�f���0�/lt"�!`' , ' �.
<br /> ' , . �y��.�10���s��l�Cl��,���`,1�I(X�1��f0�4d COYiOC�C`�d�I OI�lt�.�`� •
<br /> *00�Ar dOO�i�0['�M�C�LpdK!�M�i. ls�1���1C�1d tbC�ItlQ�ltt i0��Ot l�IC pR1��� .
<br /> � � . �e.i+e�er�iif�.Y�e i�a�racE caRia p�o�'W�ai tbe la�wa�o�.l�6ri1 bC c�h01lR by'Ho�mwrcr a�b,jQCt to Lc+�der's�pp�nval_ ,
<br /> • �s�icit sM�i[aot 6�iue�oo�61�r�r�d¢-if 6cr�+o�er f�ils�v.a�darairt ca+�r�e�dac;ibed.aUove.`bendsi mRy,�t L�oder's `
<br /> • .ppeip`;pb1�oo�v�r�e,p p,cleci I.eder's ri�in die Peogaty tu aocad�noe wkb p�apb 7. . ; . -
<br /> ' � All L�De.�olici�s as@ rb�e�vats sdit be aooeQt�61e w Laider�o�.sGall include#�u�d mott�e cLou: E,s�jc�r
<br /> � _. _ ��!!l�tee tbe d�t ea l�d�e�pnli�tiesand n�rals.if�i�ende�.�q�m,Barm�ra st�lt�mnaptt9 8iv�ta lieoda all iooeipts of
<br /> . O+f d pieai��aad r�e+r�l antjoea.lu tbe erznt oE lon;Hoaowa a�ll Elvc panpt nctke w t�e i��oce arria mnd Lendet.
<br /> I.�ter e�y�ptoof d ba if Aot m�de pg�nptlY bY Bam�re�• = , � .. � .
<br /> . . , . ., ,
<br /> -- ..._.._._------ „T_. �1s���x.ks a�Saa���•�•••�•,•�:•����.��eedsrhW 6ea�Qiiad a�aatc�.�nft6e__._
<br /> —=—_-----
<br /> ��eo�ety A�ed„l�d�e re�oc�6cn.or�ir�eaoeo�eiailly fmi6le aod Leo3et'�sea�rity is»ot ksxxoed.If tbe n�oe�tioa a
<br /> . rep�ir i�sot�oo�omicaIIY faar�ie�ac Iiader's�eaudry wrouW 6e testa�ed.tbe i�aoe p�ocoods sb�U bc appliad w d�c s�s .
<br /> .. �acoe4!ry tLis Sa�aay Imt��mKat.wi�a mt��hea doe,�rith�ay eacass paid w Borrowec.If Bormwer ah�odoas ihe .
<br /> Pmpaty.ar doa ant am�er�thin 3Q daj�t s aoticc fmm I.ender det We im�a�oe c�rriat las offered to sEttk a daim.ilsen
<br /> I.Nder m�y colbct d�e i�nan�poaeeds. Ieeder mty ase tLe p�xeds to �ir oc t�sWre the pmpe�ty or w�WY �
<br /> se�ted by tHis Senait�►1a�tea�eot,w�tber ar oot tDd►da�.The 30-dag periud wtill begin ivbe�a thc nqtioe is given.
<br /> Udess I.ender aod Bor[owa other�rise adc�ee ia wri6ag, aa!► �PAlic�tion of Proopeds w PrinciP�1.si�ll mt e�teod or
<br /> poapa�e ibe due d�e of tbe moritWy prymeats refared w ia parrgup6s 1 �o42.or dwnge the ama�nt of tLe paymeats, If
<br /> oader p�gaph 21 the Pmpaty i�aoquited by l�eadet,Borrtowds rigiN tu aay ia9.�uce policies aod pmcoeds�esai6mg f�m
<br /> . datnge m tbe Pcapaty prlor to tbe aoquisitioa slull p�st tP Le�der to tbe exQa�t af tl�t suias saca�ed by this Se�wity Ia�wneat �
<br /> ' i�iy 1�'ior to ttre a�a�don. �
<br /> i.Ooe�7,lnesaralM�.Ms�oe swd PtntecHo�a[tie AnpMy;Botrower's t,.�s.Appiic�on;l�aid�.
<br /> � Banower sbdl oocapy,estaMish,and nse tLe Pmperty as Bonowa's�rincipal Yrsidence wiWin;saad�'dsys�fter the.exeation of
<br /> d�is Soauity Ira�mnant ad siull oontim�c'to aavpy tUe Paopeny as Borrower's pri�;ipal resi��or at teast..one year sdta
<br /> tbe date of oocup�acy,udesg I.ender otherwisc agroes in writiag,which ounsent s6att not be ua�sona6ly witi�tietd,ar unless
<br /> exknu�tina eitra�oa e�tist which aoe beyoncl Bormwer's cor�trol. Borrower si�alt oot,destmy, dama�e or impair tbe —
<br /> Fropp�ty.aUow tLe.Pmpecty to deteriorate,or aummit waue on die�vperty. Bornuwer s6a116+e in defaufi if aay for�eitut+e
<br /> sction or prooeeding,whdtjer ctvi!or crimin�tl,is begun tHat ia Le�s.good faitb judgnra►t oaild cesWt ia fodeitars of tbe
<br /> Prapeny or othtrwlse materially impair the lien ccwted 6y this Secu�ity��nstnunent'or Lend�r's sxurity intarest.Bormwtr may.
<br /> care sach a def�Wt and niastate.as providod ia puagraph 18.by ca�sing the action or proceeding w be dismiss�d with a ialing
<br /> tlnt. in Lender's good 6ith�determination,precludes forfelmre of We Borrower's intenst in tl�e Property or otlKr material .
<br /> uq�airment of th�lia�aneated by tius 5e�urity Ins�meot or Lend�r's socurity inierest. Borro�rer shall alsa be in default if
<br /> _ _=-�-- _BommES^^.��.�luuas3 theleat�agplieation�s.�.ga��e.�naterially false ur i�teeterate fnformation csr�-�r,Emsms to Lerder(or failad �_-_ -
<br /> to�rovide Lender witb aay msteria!i�ation)in connx�tiioa witb the loan evidencxd by the.�Te�`,.�:"sncluding,6ut iat limited
<br /> te��tesentadoas concxming Borr�wtr.'s occupancy oE ffie Property as a principzl r�esiden�.�fibis Security Instrument is on a �.
<br /> �izasehold, Hornower shal! oomply with all the provisions of the lease. Yf Bornswer acquires �ae ti"tte ta the Property. the - -
<br /> _ leaschold aa�thz fa title shall not merge unless Lender agrees to t6e astesger in writ�g. ., ��`-=-:
<br /> -- 7.Pl�ote�ion of Leede�a Rigl�ts in tbe Property.ff Borrowes fa�s to perform the covertants and agree�rents contained in ;��;='
<br /> ------ this Security Inswmem,ar there is a fegal proceeding that may segqu���y affect Lender's ri�hYs in the Pmperty(such as a ''=�=�
<br /> prooeoding in traaktuptcy,probate. for condemnarion or forfeiture cis sn enforce Ia�s or regulations).then Lea�r may do and =•�s-;::K:_;
<br /> pay for whatever is nocessary to protect the value of the Propercy and l.ender's rn�°s in the Property.[.ccsd�r's accions may _.7_'��;��
<br /> - - include paying�any sums sewrod by a lien which has priarity over this Securiry tnstrumer:t�. appearla8 in oourt. paY�B, � °::"{�:�,;
<br /> i . :�•�;.-:ri._—
<br /> � reasonable attomeys fees and entering on the Property to make npa,rs.Although Lender may a�ce action under this paragraph . ,,,_,_
<br /> �� . 7.Lender does not have to do so. . ._�"�'`�s
<br /> .,, ' Any amrwnts disbursed by Lender under this pac�'aph 7 shall become��aima�t��of Borra�rrr secured by this �,,ti •, ,•.
<br /> Security Insuument. Unless Horrower and Lender agree ra other terms of payme�.f�esz ar�a:r.ts shall bear 6ntetiest from t h e . ,,�;�;h?;;' .•,'-
<br /> date of dish�sement at the Note rate and shall be payable, with interest. upon nazix frem II�r.der to Borrower requesting ' • �•'�Y_
<br /> PaYment. ` . ,� ';_.:�+�,�"-
<br /> - ----- 8.Mort�sge Insuranca If L•ender required mortgage insurance as a wndition of making e�loan secured by this Seeurity .: �►_�,-
<br />�� ----=-= InStrument. Bortower sha11 pay the premiums requirod ro maintain the mortgage snsurance in•iffect. If. for any reason. the `'•,: ,.'
<br /> - mortgage insurance coveiage required by Lender Iapses or ceases to be in effect.B�rrower shait pay the premiums required to .. _
<br /> ' -:,�,,,, obtain wverage substanaally equivalent to the mortgage inwrance�sreviously in effect,at a co�vbstantially equivalent to ihe � �.
<br /> '�:r cost to Borrower of the mortgage insu¢�ace previously in effect. fia�r.�an altemate mortgage ca��.rer approved by Lender. Ii __ '�'`
<br /> \r•��a .�..i.ii.. .
<br /> � �;;,�.;.?..� substantially equivalent mortgage insura.�ce coverage is not availzlsSe.�:�rrower shall pay to Ler,.�c each month a sum equal to ` � ".'
<br /> �� � '�,� one-twelfth of the yearty mortgage insurance premium being Qaid t��rrower when the insurance ooverage lapsed or c�ased to ,
<br /> be in effect,�xnder will accept.use and retain these pacments as a toss reserve in tieu of mortgage insurassaa. Loss reserve
<br /> Fa►m 3028 9/90 � _ � .
<br /> - . Pags 3 ot 6 1 `•""' ' �
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