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<br /> � ir��i a�d a�w�pM�Ntlie May�M►D�i/d'1'�we a Seneit�rO�e1(1�e•seerekar 6�)aitlre�s dMe�iva b�
<br /> . �e�dariPed(11e'BoltOrrei")baic�s�01l�1M�r'iAdj�M�bis�le[�Ole�ii0'I�ooeqa : ,
<br /> �■�.�l�L 1�i�
<br /> ': � :' � (d�e"l�de�dWe�i�edMa�doo��a1�15ep[opeit�►daaibodia�leaectiettr�eataedlo¢a�odN:
<br /> - t01S !�Ii�. Q��TS�l. �6eA03 . -
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<br /> -- — - _ �__
<br /> �. _ra�-�cr�t�Oi1�A1_ _._. __ � FQ�CHAMGES!N THE INTEREST RATE/IND THE
<br /> � �i?�gE�:..�_ - ' - °
<br /> N[ON'IfILY PAYMENT. TtIE NO�TE tl � _ - -
<br /> ADDIliOD1wl,t7oV FNAI�FlS.Is dd�tias to tbe cavearots sod apoemea�s m�de in t6e saaait�t�u�t,$ae�s aad lreede�
<br /> tietks cavcmmt�d s jnoe as foltaMx
<br /> ibeaotep[wWes�atmisit�liataestruad 4.700 '�.1beNotepeuvjdesfadmaesint6einta�est
<br /> etemdtbe�ocetwYP�Y�a►ssfol�orx � .
<br /> 4. 1l�E�R�P RA'iEAND 1V�ONTI�II.Y PAYNffi�TFCHAN�iFS -
<br /> (A)���� . , —
<br /> 1Le�wtei�paymay�aantbefgatdayaf �7�.Y ,195�;:���x1c�.�tdsyevery6tbmonth -___
<br /> (�1�.�Cllai�+.nE7Y�Cl1���.tLl��C�l1IIsC�S '{�t��'1°�"'�'!b,�C.� :r�� - ; � . z':.�, � —
<br /> - °CB3'tt�e.To"�ex::: ;:.: >::' �: _� • . : - ...� . :. �.r,f .�. _--_
<br /> F, ,.;
<br /> _ :'.�mEais��t�se'fitst�aaaeDate,my�ratc�II�e�n'sSOdaaaa-iadex.Thc'�e�'LStLevir'aldyauaranr�vessEa .-:.; � "�"
<br /> - c�3���a+�as�aybms,um�dea�vailabl�t�_�A�altk�►�9oata:'�e�tnc��rm�:fi��ue;�i�as�� `; : --
<br /> ds[e4S tlsys6efae+�sh Cbanse Date bc�edtbe'C�ureatlrsi�ex.' � ' , ` .• � : �d'`•` -
<br /> �If t�e indcx�aa�on�ec svail�ble.tbe Naoe i4Eotdetw�l choose a�vr index afiich is Iri9ed upoa eac�x,.�fiaf�tion.�e.��:� _ � .
<br /> -� - - fZoWerwIll�tveta�'ssoti�xofthisd�oiee. � . � : - .. �! .':!':. . .. .. '.'.��',�t:. ...`
<br /> �.� . , • ..:• �f
<br /> rfi f�Q�.CatcnlatianoY�.'' '•"�. � � ` '��6•'�ltf�'.'�3J,� ',. J ��;�{�, _-
<br /> .�" �a+eeache�aaaeDue,c�cL��s��1€eaieat��y��ewintet�truebyad� . ,',. ; .. ��e�f 3:375'R) •, -
<br />, - toiLct�neat�ndrs.:'i'6eNo�e�l�ae+�tSat�3ti�e�E�o€tLisadd�¢at�im��t'�;af�oe�is�epoint�� �'".
<br /> - ` • �� , � --(4�12596).Su�tothelimitsstuediaSectiaQ�EDjbedflw.4�u�s�a_s�3oaaa��¢r�E�++ira��etv�+t -*'tr�mtilth�nextCi�ttas�7ate. _
<br /> �e Ps+�d �t4. a n. .Y�!
<br /> _ _.. �^_ . . `. ' - - — r � _
<br /> � -�_;'P` � :,
<br /> � -'.°�`�=:.'��` � '11�eNoteHoldorw�7lthendeterminetheamouatofthe�lYPaYmenttLatwov2d6esiit�identto�ayd�tu�p�idPrlaciPalthatl �:
<br /> _ ,4'-:�F�:�-�;�:-; ts'IbetssWtof :a
<br />_ �..�.;� .• am expected w owe at tLe C6�nge Dau in full on tLe manairy dau at my nevir inutrst rata in substanti�llY equal WY�cn • . . _ .,-,�
<br /> '`•"�-� . '� t},is calculs6aawU1 be rhe new a�muat af mY�Y P=Y�� � .
<br /> '.� ' �.�. �� .14.
<br />. •'vi�'".' _ . � �� (���5 OR TII�E[r•5��IIIC�OECS
<br />_ ��;„'':',. . ..��,r 'Ibc int�a�st Rte t am required to py at t6e first C6iese Dau wiU not be�aurth�n 5.d50 9G or less thaa 3.950 96.'lbeze- � : :;� � �
<br /> . :,i�'zr.� .:, . atter.my intenstesu wW never b e i a c�e a s e dor d e e�s e d oa any s i n E le C h a nEe Dau by awce ttnn 3/a p e n a nts ae p oint��0.750�i) [ . �
<br /> fmm tLe rate ot intee+est I bav�been payh��C fa tl�e per,�xdinE six moaths.My intcrest ratawiU'aover be gce�t�r tlnn 9.?00%. �
<br /> ,- . .. � . (E� Flfoctive Date of Chu�Ees j �
<br /> -- - � � �-- My aew inuerest rau will 6eeutne effoclive on eacb Cl�ngc Date.l will'pay tLe an�ami ot my new m�ibly+PaYmeu�beSinaia�on tLt j- . .
<br /> • :.•._.. •
<br /> . .-..�_
<br /> , � ,. . .. ffrst montblY PsYmentdste afurthe Chaage Date undl the amouut of my maithf}"PaYment changes egain�� } � , � .
<br /> � • (ftj Notux of Changes r .,. '
<br /> � . • 'lbe Note Hoidet wUl dclivcrar mail wiae a notice of aay changes in m}r intemst rate and the amount of my monttily payment befon �.� . •
<br /> ,-..,.,....
<br /> •-� -, the efficdve date of any chanaa 7be noricc vv7t'sa�:lude information reqait�ct br tavrto bc given me aad also tLe title and telephone ' ��
<br /> ;�►�°�'``, • ... . number of s pelsao who will�nswer aay questi�1 may have regudinstf�e aoiide. ! �` , �
<br /> - .. � - . �:. B. TRANSFFR OF 71�PROPFR7Y OR A BFSIFFICIAL INTERES'F P,ti$ORROW�R j:,;:'.�r..:;: � � - .
<br /> �`�`�`':� Uaifam Coveaartt 17 oP tbe Sec�uicy Iast�ument is amendcd u�read as follows: -°�' '
<br /> � 7'r�sfer of the propertya a beaeflcial iate�ese in borrov+�r.If all or aa of thc m or interest in it is sotd or traatfetred � ''���`'�'` '
<br /> - . Y P� � tx�Y snl► ra t , .
<br />. � _ . _.. , : (a if s beneficial interest in Botnawer is soid or v�nsfemed aad Bom�wer is Eota nattn�l pe�son)withwt Lender's prlorwritten coaseat, `�.'"' . .
<br /> � Leeder msy,at its option,requirt lmmediatrpaymont in full of all sums se�,aec!ay thts Sec�tIty Instrumen�.L.eader also shall not exercise � , �
<br /> ' .. tb3soptioo if:(a)Borrower ca�es to be submltttdto Lende�iaYsstmat�ba r�.,y�tui by Cce�s7 to evaluate the intended naasfenee as if a new ;.,.:•.
<br /> na�
<br />- i,; '�'. iwn were beina mzde to t6e tra�'eree�and(b)Leeder r�aia2y detcrmitks that Laack�¢s seciuicy will not bc tmF�ir�d$j�the loan , �
<br /> ». assumpdon and tlnt the rlsk o!a@reacb o!aoy covcn�nt or�grcement ia thls Secntity insaumene is acceptable to Lend�df� -
<br />- ' - � To the e�cten�permitted by applicabie law,i,eader may chirgea reaso�ra�ld[re as a condltion to l.tnder's consent to the loaa .
<br /> .. �.
<br /> � • � � a.�umpdoa.Lender may aLso reqnire the vaazPcree to sian an ass�tdn ggteement tLat is acceptabte to Lender and that obliEates thb'
<br /> _._ . . . . .._...._-..,_
<br /> _ . . .
<br /> : � uansferee to keepall�he promises and sgreements made'i�tl�e�Notd and in this Securlty laswmcn�Botrower w111 condnue to
<br /> `•��.� '. . • . o611sated under the Noce and thls Secudty Luvument uafr'as!#ader releases Bon�ower in writing.
<br /> If Lender exetcises the option to tequin immediate payment in full,Lender shal)give Botrower notice of acceIeration.The notice
<br />_ " sinll ptovide a period of not tess tbaa 30 days from We date the notice is deliveted ot mailed wljWin whtcb Botrower must pay all sum�
<br /> - '. �� - aecm+ed by t1�s Sectulty 1�tnmse�.It Bormwer i�iLs to pay these sums prtor w the expiradon of Ws perl+i8.lender may invotcs aay��. : �
<br /> --_ - ._ . tr�med'idpetmitted by tl�is Secndty l�trument arithout fmthernotice or dem�nd on Borrower. ' ,
<br />.__ ;�: - BY SIGNING BF.tAV�Bortower accepts aad agcees to ihb terms and wvenanu'eontaiaed in tWs Adjustable Rate Rlder.
<br /> ,. . ; .
<br /> ,: : . .:
<br /> ; - :; . . ;
<br /> _ y , '6=''+�_ ' __. ... � �, . � � n .�i �/ • ,.,,'
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<br /> _ ��. � . �eeiroww _��
<br /> ;.7; ,
<br /> ':�);��;v--==_-- - tSsal) _._. � � (S�aq : ` •
<br /> ; . . � -6eneMN1 /Stga OrlgiaalOh!J �
<br /> �,.� • � • �
<br /> � .
<br /> j '�� ... .�:� =�. ��� MULTISTATEAOJUSTABLERATERIOER-ARM5-2-Singt�Family- ' :
<br /> Fanni�Ma�/�nddi�Mac UnHorm Inatrum�nt Fonn 3111/3/85 EC 3033(REV 03/93) 4 .
<br /> '";� ' `''' . ,
<br /> _ _ ��
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