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<br /> �• .J .i��otrt*f �'�i+f�Nrf`I��b�pwtOlMO0�Ot10�W{�l�l�l�Tdl�sedl�l�it ' I�I�f�yt! .
<br /> ` � � '..t�{.`���:�;1��_ ���.��{�'���Ofl�O'R�t.�id Of`��«� • ..�� `
<br /> . .�I(�1�1�t 1��.Of�.�� tlC�f�.�Cli��,��1�0'R�C j{iO�d�R tlN�M'[Ma��OflO� '��� `
<br /> �Rurv P�e�#�ri�htwt:T�'� �rr�iMd ooew�R Iw�id�r mU►,.at iis�r�quie�id�an�li�ls p�ia l411 d< .
<br /> � rf.wua.rrcuroa�bx,thi�s1�a�rit��taie�uen�t�t.�b+r.aer,t�is oppoa dW twt be..e�erc�.�a.�► Lssd�e:d..i�Oi»i�r
<br /> � . pea6ibi�df►7te�eesf4K�sal.slM�dl�edtbisSecruitrJmwenaat. . � ,
<br /> lt Landee�e�rer�cis�tLi� wr,Laider�Aall tive Boenwa�e�tios o�acseieatiaa..Ths rwtZa�1 pt+ovi���etiod,: .
<br /> ' a[�m�t l a r d�s n 3 0 d��f r o e n�d�t b b n o t i c e i�d a iiv�e+ed'or n�aited�rittin Ml�di Boa�owe�c murt par ilt��ue+�d '
<br /> bg this8snu,itq In�truman�I�Horcoxe'hils to,ptp tha�e wans_ �rtar to t'6e espira�d t�i�p�[�od�I,�det nisy io r v i c s
<br /> an�►r�nedi�Petelit�ed'b�t�lit$ec�iiX�a�r�nent�iittbatmsiceorde�n vp8or[r�rer. '
<br /> 1l�:�Borrow�ec's�lilt ta��te�.1i�or�owar aiaeb ceetain co�nditiooe.Ho�mpar i�lt l�vs tl�s rt�tt�o�- .�= �.,
<br /> � mtor�eat d•thie Secarit�r iden�mu►t�luooa�sts�tiene priaE w tbearlia a�ia)3<Mri�or wx�od�er pecia�
<br /> as �cal�le Ia�r:may apecii�r iac rei�erMn4�nt 6etue+e sae a�ths PropM yu��►t to my�orrar at w�le contdiied ia
<br /> ---.:.���--� �_�g_��' ,�ia��a�vnt]r-�ieann�,ateni. �naae c�dittana�e+e thit,`,_ •
<br /> __v _ ....�..,,.,..... --- . -—
<br /> -- -- - -
<br /> Hoaawar �i�' l�s Imder suma�tcb". , ��
<br /> aoodeta6on:�ooe�aca�(b)awbs my,da�ault d wy;atha�onvemnts or aQeemen�(a)P�p�dl arpeoses iscurred ia
<br /> p�{�t�i�Secucity I�rnm�,incl�t�;�brn aat]uaited to.:e�eonable s���snd(d}taices such actioa as
<br /> Lada myt�bly requit+�to aetue�t the lien of thie Sec�uit9 fne��teut. s ri�s u►the Pmpe�y�ad .
<br /> Bacrowet'm�nblt'�dioawpa thesumea�ec�teedb�►_tbisSecuritylneb�umentetaltoontiau�uacban�ad.�JpoareiaeRatemeat •
<br /> by Hott�oir�,��sSec�uity�entaudtbeoblipt�o�exvroct tx�bYal�all renfain fully e�ectiveasi�no soodexat�on
<br />- Lad.�iccarro�cl��eva,thie ri�ht tora�tast�atJ tiotsp�1 y iA the w�e of ac�oderation�u�dec paa�aph 17. .
<br /> ` ��i9:5sles`aot�Tote;[�m�e ot Lo����Nou os a pa�ial iateresCin the Not�(to�t�r with thisSecuritq
<br /> i�aryment)msy b��sdd i�oc�noe+e times Mittwut ptior noti�eto'Borm�va:A sate may result�n a ctnn�i�l stre entitg :
<br /> ,�tc�a�?a.ss tha"Lom Servicer,`}lthatcolldctg montlilY P�Yments due tmder the Nou�d this Securitq lneavment.'fh�ere .
<br /> 'etai�'�tisg.ba�aac or more ci�a�es d tha Luan Servivat�mrdatad to s aat�ot tht 3Wte<If tt�ene is s clwtg�of.the Loan
<br /> �'x�ti`�ieetr�urri►,ii,ec w�71 be given trrittaa notive ot the c �ei�n acconduxx k�p�a�caph 14 above and applicable lae. :
<br /> -��� '�_..:•;-.,��iatioe�t��tata tbe name aad'addr�ee�at the�tr La�ti�Set�itxr aad tbe sddc�as.ta�rluch pymeats ebonid be made:
<br /> . =:;::'!,',f,i��tiat�oe�rill'atsocoatainmpotbainfoeYnatioae+equinedbqspp3�wl�ieLw : ~-r.:�=�-. �r:�+elaeeof
<br /> _ ;:,.�:.Asaudoos Subsh�ux�.Boerower etidl mt waee or d the�eart?er:t�ee.dispoael,a�wri�t•.
<br /> -_ _ -��'anp�L�dOUS Sub�oa or tn��.Bono�ar ahal not do.Aor ailo�r anqoqe elae to da,ang�dixtin�
<br /> _ tix propfrty that ia in violation oi any Bnvsronmentat La�v.The praxt�iag tWO s��sncrs shall not aouly to�presence,
<br /> _- u�e, ob�stonge on the Pmpertq oi'smatY:.quantities oi Hazardous_Sube�o� th�t are gcneral�q recog�ized to be;
<br /> = sppmp�ste to normal residentiat uses:adfla:maiatensace of thei'ta�stY.
<br /> Burco�►ar shitl promptly give Le�idef writun notime ot any iurestigatio�l.clairn.demaa�,3s�vsuit or o�tr acticm by
<br /> ur
<br /> ---- an}��gpvemmeatal orregutstory.agesicy.os�grivate party involving the Pcopecty and st� �Hsz�trdous Su'6stsna or
<br /> -. Eriaironmeatat LaW ot whieh Bonoxert�actusl kaoWtedge.U Borrower 1�iar is nota�ed by any�or�enul or.
<br /> regulxtocy authority,that u►y remoYal Qr.other re,mediition oi any Hauu�uus Substaaoe.af#ectiag the�operty'ss . .;.;:
<br /> ';�:' na�cy.�&�rroxersballp�+nm��tekeu��a�ecet�ary_remedialaetionsnaacxardaace�withBnri�nmsnta��:aw.. ..-':::: '. ` .
<br /> AA used in this p�rap�aph�(1..�us Substances"are tha�ee su6stanvGS dcfined as tozic:�i hazerdous su�:�._;..�. :
<br /> - .':`- bN�Faivitoamental I.ax and th�toltowiAg substance�Basoline.keroeene,other f[ammtbl�or wuc roleum. r�}�.
<br /> '',�::�'r�ii.>::.�f . . . � �w� .
<br /> - - t4xco��eticides�ss�d�-hr.rbicidr,�voldtila-.sQlvmta,-materials containing as�besms ot formaldehyde. and.r�dioiCtive _ --�„ --
<br /> _t • ����'-.��:' -------ma�sl As usa!In this puragraph 20��"Environmentsl Law"means foder�l ta�vs and Isws oi ihe juris�ctiori pbere tlio' _
<br /> ,�=� -': "" ' Ptbp�t��aldcatedttatrelatemhsalth►safetyoremironmentalprotection.
<br /> > :,v-,�;.t '..
<br /> -NC1PJ UNlFORM COVENANIS:�Hdrrower and Lender turthetcovenam and agrea as follow�
<br /> � � � � 2Y.► Accelaation; Remedtes:.L�tder shslt �ive aoticx to Hotrower prtor to acoelecation followin= ___,
<br /> - � Horcarar'd braoh�of any covenin�"ot s=reemeat ia tbis Security Instrument(but not pdor to acceleration ��_v.
<br /> � unddrpars=caph 17 uatesssppZi+ctbtelaw provides othetwisel.Tha notice abs11 apecify:(s)the detsult;�b)the -
<br /> ca
<br /> _� � � � action�requtred to cure the ddtautt; (c)s date. nat less t6an 30 days from the date the natice is�ivea to . '����
<br /> y ` - � ' Borso�ver�bq xhic6 the deiaut�must be cpred;and(d)thst tailure to cure the detwlt on or betote the date W;�,�-.x�
<br /> ` ' s�[ied�ia�tha notice may tesul!in accolesstion of the sums secured by thia Secutitq Instrumeat aad sale o! ' :��.
<br /> '�' �� t6e�PYopesty:The notiee ab's1U turtber infotm Hono�rer of the risht to reinstate after acceleration and the �� '•
<br /> ; " . ri�ltb�to�bring�court actioa�ta�ssert t he aon�:i s tence o f s d�fs I t or a a y o t h e r d e f e n s e o i Bo r rowec to ;` .y� �`i-
<br /> • acceldration�snd'sale.It'�tte�ddtault is not cured aa ot betore the date specitied in the notice.LeAdat.at its
<br /> ���.. � opiiaai�may require�immed�atE psymerrt iA iull of sll sums secund bF �tis Security Instrnment�vithout f'.;�� '�€�:
<br /> � - � � fuMitbr�dd�mand�aad�`msy•iavokc the poRer oi sale and sny other remmns�8ies permitted bp sppiacsbte taw. . . :':�-
<br />• � l.�nddr�sbidlibb entitldd�ta cot�ect aU e:penses inauned ia pursuias the remedies provided in thss pan=raph �, �� +:��
<br /> � 2t.inotudlids;.bi�p not�li'ri�ited�ta,rasonable sttomeys fees an8 costs o�title evideace. �
<br /> I1�;bb�powero6ssld i9 iaKOked.Trustee shsll r�eord a notioe a�f defs�lt in eac6 county in which any p�rt of .
<br /> �-� �- the•Pfopori��,is ldo�ted��ad��hall msil copies ot such notice in the mammer prescribed by spplirable la�v to �.,.. .�:
<br />: - BOt�trowec.a�nd�"ta�thb�oth�c.�persons prescribed by applicable law. Afte�sfae time required by appGswblets�v, :;.•... '
<br /> ��' � �� Ttbstee abalU�iyr pp6lifia�otice ot ssle to thepersons snd in the msnner prescribed by ap�licabte�s�.Trasteet. ��:i;�.;��.,;..� �� .
<br /> ,', ; • .•,'� without�ddmand�on�Bdrto�ver.shallsel)the Property st publicaqction to the hiLhest bidderat the timessa� ; .,
<br /> - . . ' : place snd•�udds�tlth�t�ems�desi=ested in t6e aotice of sale in one or more parcels and in say order Trnstee_�' �
<br /> �. . ;�,,..1 determ�nos•+Ttuytde�tnay�.postpone ssle oi atl or say parcel of the Property by public annouacemeat at tae ; ,
<br /> � � � . ° time and ptdee�of��nyipreviously scheduled sste_ Lender or its desisnre i�sy purchsse the PmpestK at sny '���'•��
<br /> � :. salo. . ';°1`
<br /> ; �.... . ., : .. , ::�<;,�;�'. ,
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