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<br /> - ' • ., . . . � ..`. � .
<br /> . u��f� < , . ' . . . . . . ._ . . _ S�"�Z��s ' < < ,
<br /> • " � - f ` - - ;i4�i[ts'�Ai��ATS�� , �'���� . _
<br /> , , � ` ' .�(i.YM��7 i���le t�a•�LM�1s`t�w�i�O�ii� � . . ,:` � ".
<br /> . . - ;, . � . _ , . � . � ,
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<br /> ` � ,rms�sr��u���i,.r.�. �rs aa`�a.i�a..� �.�4 ss'� ,�.�t� ' .
<br /> - �� i�oot�or�ied Wo`�t i�lt 6e uees�e�a�ri a!*i!l�����V+�.`�atYlr�t ac se�veitr D�et t+. . � .
<br /> � '�j►YIeuM�t�of 11�e�Me drt iiMe!Iry�s�d�rd�ed(Ifa'�nb�wr')b�re�onp�er'�A�� . '
<br /> � ' ' Piols(81e'NoM71� �' IIO�i��e �• , . :
<br /> .- _ {tl�"Ire�ec')o€�e�ms dee�ed e�I�apapatg dac�6ed ia ti�Sea�eity���d
<br /> ' ���0�7 D�� �a��Z�li1p,�;1R i��di : ` � . , '
<br /> - --- __--------.._.. .- - --- _ - _ --_— - - -- --- -- __ -
<br /> . --- - - ��!►_._�,��_-
<br /> �rto�rsco�+n',�u�r�ovLS�s�owu��ca�►xc�n��n��' .
<br /> : �ra�rm�MO�rrn.�rrwm�xr. �r�a��n�s��ovrrr� ' .
<br /> �'31lDliJSTlWE II�18ES1'ltA1E CA1�i CBANGE AT ANY Ul�'IDYIB AND
<br /> ZAB�IA�[��AA1E 7�:10R�ORY�1M[1STlAY.T�NitrlE AL9U COi�tt'AII�T� � ' ,
<br /> • OlIiON 1�D CONV�'i"1'�AiUUSTA�iE RA7E TO A FlX�SIlTE.
<br /> ADDi�fAL COV�NNAN1'S. tn�ddition w tie covwots ffi as[oameats�d�e m tbe Sea�city I�aAtameot. '
<br /> �o�re�r aud Isodci fuo�tLer oovamt and a6tee��dlo�rs: _ .
<br /> A. Il�il'�EST=ATE APIDM�•Y!A*.��.ca�xc�s�►�������'�'��s� �
<br /> Ttie No1e pivri3es ta�n tottat ietaat aoe cf .
<br />- � Sud d�e mo�Mb1Y P�Y�•a ialfo� � ,
<br /> TLe�djusfable mtaest r�te I wIIl pry maY c�7m8�oa 1Le fitat day of�! .19 95 ,aod on tb�t dry r.,z—
<br /> . evay iZth montL YLa�a�fter. Far]t d�te m whicfi my adj�ible inta+est rate coatd cbmge is c�lled�•L�oge Dsfe.' . �- _
<br />".'; �)��
<br /> �-=
<br />`'��� �� Begim�in�with tLe fust C1�ge D�my�djastable intenst rape i�l be basal on m Index. '�UUd'7ridex'�s t�e�vicelcty �'�----
<br />. a�►ense Yidd oa United S�tes Tt�es�9 Sec�ities ad'3ustod to a coast�mt m�o€Y_•yeu{s),�s made ava�7ablc by.tb� �
<br /> e Ee
<br /> - Feder�l RpCtve Boud,_'Ibe most teoeac Index figuie avulable as of tLe due 45 d�gs befote each[�aage D�e is cal2od the ��,:;���.
<br /> , ;�. -_-- •C�me�t Lide�• --=---- . ._. .. � -
<br /> �-�� � �z, c§. ugva: mparable infa:mation. L` .�° -
<br /> ��r`� lf tbe iudex is ao longer ava�abts,uTae lYau Holder wiU choose a nev�r in3ex that is based co •.� -
<br /> �fY����,� � aex . ,
<br /> '�,-,. , ��,,,� 7be Note Holder will glve me notice��s choice. � ,
<br /> :-#;��';'-.;. f Calcatation ot � .� . . '�;
<br /> � ,� (� Ci� � � �;,' .
<br /> ;�k��;�.r:�. Befote exb Change Da�,.'��e Note HaZder w�l plculate a now iaunst rate�p�g �•750 peaxnt�ge poiats �i`.;. .��`�:
<br /> ' . (Z.750�)to the Caaent L�rdes.The Nou Holder will tben round the�esvlt af�a3�:tic�so the neanst � . _, .: .��
<br /> . ;_:. ,.,:
<br /> �-�J":�:f,
<br /> : `•r'� e i n t Q:II 2 3 9 6 S�b o c t t o t h e l i m i s s t�d i n s e a E a�.4 f�D��-'��Y d u�m u�n d e d ama�nt � :.,�f�;;•
<br /> ,`" , . �t;.,. onaeig1rthofonopec�nta8 Po t )• 1 ;': • . ,:f�.. .
<br /> , .� .s�_, will bo my new is►terat rate nntil the�Change Date. � , . :' ., .,: . .
<br /> ''.. � � ' Tha Note Holder w�I t�tan detemrine the aama�.t d€rhe moatWy gayment t�a¢�c+��E bc,�.ueat to repag the uap�id �,_,.:.;;t,. ._ ;'
<br /> � : principAl tbat 1 am expect�r3 ta owe at the Chaage l� nn full on tLe maturity cTate��r zsc�i�'�t rate�n s¢bst�nt�Uy +�;;:;is����,. � , . �:
<br /> ` c ��.:ti�,
<br /> ° :1,,^,, �q�1 PaYments. The nsult of tLis caYer�at�on w�.''���ie�he new amouat of ray man�Iy pa�� � ' -..•,' �{
<br />_ -- -�,;��°'`?t.z )Lir�i�as Iiilcrr�S R.t--'�' s�1 � .51,
<br /> ,r'.�'.!1''`� � i� ^• , =� >J.,,.
<br /> w.�`•n;'#r� T6e intenst rate I am rcqaired c��a�a.We first Chaage Date wi11 not be ter thaa r.�tg0 ' `r= ''_
<br /> g�q %orlessthan ,
<br /> �� . ..,Vr,,,,,,� ' ��:'...
<br /> . Z.750�.7'hereafter,���able�iateres[rate will never be inereased or decreased on asy single Change Date by more � .
<br /> .�',�� • � �,":;�(: thaa sNO Ferce�tag¢g�o�( z. 96)fro�s the rate of interest I have baa paying for the pnceding �'. _
<br /> ,., . .
<br />. °-� ' _::;A:.��y:�� - 1 .. .. �� ' ,
<br /> •. .l�::'f::�i,•, twelve moaths.My iatete3t rate wit neser be��.�c�aa 10.750 ;6,which is called the'Maximum Rate." , _. �;- �� .
<br /> '.�; '.'" . ,rt.:.<i::1 i^;: (�T'�H'.�tE�!OE C.�DaE4 ' , '
<br /> s;. : .:.3`;'`:%r,j' � ' ;.: .
<br /> t��: •.:���- My aew intenst rate will bccome eifective on eac�:l�a��;,�.,e�a�.I will pay the amouat of a�new moattilY PaY� .
<br /> .� � . beginniag un the fust monthlY PaYment date after rTse�ge Date until the atnoont of my ma��payment changes , ,:'.,;`_:.
<br /> ... . _.. �• • . . 'a��'
<br /> •. (i�NoNce ot Ch�ages . :. ,°:
<br /> � '` ' The Note Holder will deliver or mail co me a notice of chan in m ad'ustable uueren-c��c�:e aawunt of �'°•`-�-
<br /> � . � .t:��-,�; anY 8es Y J .. .
<br /> r.`.r„ ...;';i,;::�:;
<br /> S; � my��1y WYment before the effaxive date of aay change.The nodce wi11 include informa:cm�c��i:rd by law to be , , .�:r�•:�:.:,. ;
<br /> � ��'.f'` given me aad�1so the titlo and telephoae nnmber of a person who will answer any questions I s��C�ava regarding the" . ` ,:�;{;.
<br /> . ' _ . notice. ';`•�:; '�'s,�'.
<br /> .��,. - ' 8.FIXED II�PI'EItEST 1�ATE OPTION
<br />... : . _ :. .
<br /> ..
<br /> -- ' �-;:>>�,., � � T6e Note ptovides foi ihe Borrower's opNon to wnveif froai"an 3dju�table intenst rate wit�iaoetest rm:lxmmits to a �--. . - � .
<br /> #�. . ;;;'- fixed intc�at rate�as followa: � .
<br /> � ;• '. .� S.FQlED�f�'P RATE C(�VE➢CSION OPTL�lri,
<br /> (A)Opdan to Coav�iE to Flxed R�te ,
<br /> _ - . : 1 have a Comrersion�ftion tt�t l caa exencise unies�I a�a in default or tL1s 5ectlon S(A)will not permit�a to do so. _
<br /> . .. . � 7'he•Converaion Option"is my aption to convert the iaterest rate 1 am required to pay by this Note from an adJustable .
<br /> '-`; , rate with interest tate limits to the fixed rate calctilated under Secdon 5(B)below. •
<br /> -! - - _.. .. ..• .�
<br /> ± • � 7be wnveiaion ran onty take plax on a date(s) specifted by the Note Nolder d�uing the pertad beginntn�on tLe first
<br /> , - ' - � Ch�nge Due�od eading on the Sfth Ch�nge Date.Eacb due oa which my adjustabte interest ratt can oonvert to the aew
<br /> fixod rata�S catled tbe•Conversion Date.'
<br />: �'*'�.. ?� . , .
<br /> r���� .
<br /> . i: . �` , • . .
<br /> : • � 11NLTISPATE CONVERTSIE AIINS!'A11L��A7E 1mF.t• 5'u�1e FamitY- 1 Yar Tmwry Iadat- Parie Mae Uaifirra iate�reat .
<br /> ' _ NMF7.3118A92 Fonn31181/E4 .
<br /> , . . :� ..
<br />