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<br /> �wyti�onwolt�onelroiNal�L�IK�i1wMi��:lf�►a�pMb�e��tP�oowfYio�i��AMt�et�ww�i <
<br /> rM+i�s�d�r p��hl�wid�tl�Mol�,oir a�n anlldNM*f1MtMndu ot hwM+�Wr.An�u��/PN!i f�r��s al�M Piid b -._
<br /> TFwlor.�' . .. . . �. � . . .
<br /> �,��b�u�on+h�oaa�w m Cv�nta�iit�•�:�rr.er it�.a r wr.�e.1�p�i a.o..d�p �
<br /> . , oon�n��o�d+�A�ichn�brUN�►alNclsL�r��MMwrltN�i�rap�ty�E�rNNrnM�►inllt�own�ICwioikbut�lort�M0�1ir'do
<br /> � s0.�M�a�t"�ollctb or dM�id Won TiuNot and williotR�NMiq Tn�M�x itom s�'h►obl�lior�do an!►�otwfMOA ThMbr hM�
<br /> pn.a 6utt.Ys to do aiw mhr ab,s dQ a+�r ow.c.ct it a�s�y to wobct+hi a.cy�±i�r!M�•ok'ItyN�ryli.t�..�.w�r�--, _
<br />_--•--- __ _ _ -- �dMnitW 11�Mor�i� --.:�--
<br /> th.aearct.s.6�rland�atl+.Ua.oaiqrtphr:top�MMr+�IM�tnM.rctA.r.oaaclhralwle�al.pro�eNtw.NoM�.ihia�rr.ila � �
<br /> addrd b�h!�a�and Mnblr.�«�sh�N not N�cut anY W�M1f-b�cwtt d anyM�irp k nMe�14o or anit b do •
<br /> IIMrlK1d��
<br /> 9�.ti�M�wis W�M�Ii.TcuMa Nal�kMP 1��PMtY����rilh al{appNOl�blt IMw�.o�dN�lr�o�t and rqurMoirs
<br /> �wYrg�irwi�wtrW fry��or writrawMiNM v`�orcffon(oolYc�wA►nNrnd w eNrNn a�"Cm�rom�l Lawa"!�1'rualor rirM .
<br /> M�[el��"!1�out M�iMchN"}Tnwlor tMnb!►�urra��npr�nti t:�rtd�th�t�M��a�no HI�td011��M�Mii�l�on Or ,
<br /> tMISNNhr.H'op�rh!.TN�bfhsnDl►apr�st�tndNmlt�►andhofd IwmlrsLMfdK.ibdlrrCbrs.dlfcws.�ropiafS�����
<br /> any wa:e��ois b LMlder'�inM�r�from and a�in�t any and aN cWms:drew�t�„bM�s and li�Wlfliw arfic�3q,ea�cYo��
<br /> w.aro.enc..u.R�abao.a w a.�wo�a.n�►H.�raous t�.rW.on.�„�a.r.�an«a�eoue r,.�no«�r.n��oowc3 , �
<br /> 8UpVI�IE REGODl1l�Y/1N,G�OF 7'l�S.flEED OF TRUST _ ., .`�� ,
<br /> r:�:
<br /> 10.Aot�IM�MIt9���Trusforlw�rbf!�Wpr�sbL�r�d�rlhsr�tM,i�tuils±is����'����f►:p!��d�dlh�tTilwbr ,
<br /> alall.�it.lh.o�na��#a�n cv.eca oeawc h«.und�r.h.wtlusr�httQO.D�a��r�d�wiri sucb rw�b,ipu.sanavroM..s�A.�►�
<br /> b�cpms du„er arb D�Yat�`�fipa►t��urr�d an E w n!o t O�i u�t x d�#n d p r i e�y►.�i 1 f M r�t�t s o n o r b�l a p�n�w i l A o r w i w o i�t •
<br /> txinpi�',a'Injr�on a prorw.dhw.or.Lti�_a r.c.i�+ivD�+�d d1r�!�?!a�±r�na wia,out rp�c�e�"sf�y�.dsqu�cy a Ns..curil�,InM.
<br /> uponaYi��'_A��M�eProP4�'�5►.aany p�rttlNroM.in ib�.aw..i�:3P.±,�.b�mitts�,,ain 1hs nart�sc���fusM�.and do an�racl�+�A�reh it
<br /> ':,!'i'.�.=:..�f11��Of�fa�Q�1�1�(Y��YA�{N.111�Ik�a��0►aRi��o�7a�P(O��r��C-�����flb(��fl� '
<br /> �:..�..:>:- incoms tM[Mrom ar praMct.th�s�cu�itY haeof uid.wnfi or wAhout t�kinp poEbe�ion a�;f�rly::�s 9br or
<br /> -- �•�
<br /> � '�:�;�;r. ,r`' � ths renb.iasues ana profib thereot,includiny thow pa�t das and unpaid.anrP:dyply 1ha�t�Na cad�nd
<br /> - . ;'��;�
<br /> - •��:,t'•'� eicp�ntlpsMcOMation and callectlat inctudlip attorneya'faas.upon�ny lndebtednea securad.L!�`•!�ir�►.�!1�rl�o(daas LendK
<br /> msy ddi�inA fifs anlerinp upal and hkin�poaeasian of t�e Prq�erh.tlN colAectlon of sur�ir?enb►i�NS�d proffls and N1� . .
<br /> - — app�icatiprrthersof as aforesai4 shall not cu►e or waive any aetault or nMlce of defauR hemi::�cidr a invalidals any act don�in
<br /> - -- ° ro�poneetostichdslaultaPursus�ttoauchnoticsofdehultan4notwitha{�ndln�thecoMinuanosinp�e�tionollhsProp�rtyor
<br /> _ ° .; � .': 1hs oolbct(on.rscaiPt aad WP�iCation of renb.Msues or profite,�nd Trusbe and.Lendsr shali be entitled.b axsrclM�v�y ripht
<br /> -=_ _ ,`;��. .,, provtded for in any otthi Loan tnatrumants or by law upon occurrenca of any Event ot Oshul�inctudinp wilhout IimittHon ths rlpht •
<br /> � to exsrctas the power ot aale�.Furfher,Lenders rl�hb and remedles under thls para�rsph ahall bs cumutathre whh.and in no way s
<br /> - "' � ilml�t;o�E�xbr'sriyt►tsanrirenediesutiderenyassiynmento►IeasesendrsntsrOCOrdedagainstUfrProperty.LertQer.-Truilss -
<br />=�'1.i: anQ flis,reioa�ver aha11 bs uable b scqodnt onN ta thoss rents u�tyr receivet�
<br /> 11::Ev1iiU�ar D�iM.The follox�(n�;hall conatltute an Event caf�efauft under fhis Oeed¢�:Tqqt
<br /> .�-`_._ -----• ' ;(�}-�aifuro to pay any inafallrnent of prtnclpal or Interest c�any o�er sum eeCUred hea�lajfwhen du�
<br /> y n J (6)A breach of or default�nde►any provlsion contained in the Note.thts Deed of Trust,any ot the Loan InsVUmenb,ararry
<br /> - ., :�.-� other Ikn or encum6tance upon the P�operry: �
<br /> � •�.=-"�=`: . (c)A writ of executlon or attachment or any similar process shall be entered a�ainat Trustor which d�I fiecome a Nen on
<br /> � �"�='`�������'��`� the Properly or any poRlon thereof or interest thereln; .
<br /> „�t� ... ,1µ_ •.
<br />-. ��!��� [�There ahatl be flted by or aqalnat 7rustcr or 8orrower an acdon under any present or future federal,sfats or othsr
<br /> .� � � etatute.Iaw w re�utaUon re�attng to 6ankruptcy,insotven�y or bther relief for debtors;or thare ahaH be appointed any tra�tee. _
<br /> �•� •'�r ;��ac.�;;.ti ' r.T`' receiver or 1iquldator of Trustor or Borrower or of aQ or any paR af the Property,or the rents,isauea a profits lhereof.orTiwWr �_
<br /> .�� . ;�,�,��.:-: w Bonower shall mske any peneral aasiynment for the benefit o1 credltora; �:
<br /> . � (e)The eate,transiar.leaae,asaiynmeoL conveyanca or further encumbrance of alt or any paR of or any Interast in the �,� _
<br /> • '��;� ` PropeAy.elther votuptarliy qr imoluntarlty.without ihe express written consent of Lender.provlded that Truator shall 6e .� __,
<br />' --'. -permit�dtoex�uZea�eas9-oithePropertythatdeesnotcontainanoptiontopurchaseaeidthetermofwhichdoesnotexcesd _
<br /> _•;:,:� �. � oneyear. _,
<br /> �•` . .. • . ., (q Abandonment of the Property;or
<br /> �f,�;, .:� • , (y)IfTrustor is not an inEividual,the Isauance,sale,transfer,assipnmen�conveyance or encumbranceof more than atOtAf
<br /> �.. � :•,;,..
<br />- �: ', � � ' ' p(_T—percent o1 pt a corporaUOn)its lssued and outsp►nding atock or(i1 e parfiership)a total of percent of `� ��,
<br /> � .- �* ._.:..�.'.,;;,;,�t;,:,,;:;. pa�n3rahip Interesb during the perlod thls Cetd of Trust r�ains a lien on the Property. .
<br /> 1Z..RNn�dtN•Ace�Mratlon Upan Odaull.ln the event of a�y�uant af Oetault Lender may,wEtEnout noUce excepta��equlred by
<br /> , �r�` .,:�.�t,:,' ' � .
<br /> ,.,,�j ; . , faw,declare 8111ndebtedneas secured hereby to be due ana y�yabfe and the same shall thereupon become due and payable
<br /> �" wNhout eny preaentment,demand,protest o�nottce of any kind.Thereafter Lflnder may:
<br /> .,+.��';>
<br /> . - (a) Demand that Truatee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted heretn,and Trustee shalt thereafter cause Trustor's
<br /> .2;,;''� .�*'''•-� Intereat ln the PropeAy to be sotd and the praceeds to be distributed,all in the manner proyided in the Nebraska T�wt Oeeds �
<br /> '.''.�'�.,:,.,: . � !
<br /> • ` �.;�;�`;:`,� (b} Exeraiae any and all ri�hts provlded for 1n any o1 the Loan fnstruments or by law�pon occurrence of any Event of !
<br /> _ . , i, .� ' : '?•�.t�.. 08fault and ,
<br /> _., .�: • . �
<br /> .I,,' ��,:�� (c)Commence an action to foreotoae this Oeed of Trust as a moRgage,appolnt a recefver.or speciQcatty enlorce any o)the
<br /> - 'n.. .. covenaeb hereot �• .
<br />" ��+' , • • No rempdy hereln wnterred upon or reserved to trustee or Lender Is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy hereln,in the �'-
<br />-- ' - ''+ti• " '`� j"������-- � I.oen Ina�Grumenb or by law prervided or permltted,but each sheN be cumulative.shaN tie in additlon to every other remedy glven . . . . . ; . .
<br /> �"��•'���' hereunder.in the Loan Inahuments or now or hereafter existiag atlaw or in equiry or by statute,artd may beexercfse0 cortcurrenQy. •
<br /> _ �- . • Independently or successtvety. �
<br /> ' ' 13.'ftwhr.The Trustee may resign at any time wlthout cause.and L.ender may at any Gme end without cause appoint 8 � •
<br /> . .� ' ` aucCes9or or subsdtute Trustee.Trustee shatl not be liabte to any parlyr,inctuding without limitation Lende�.6orrower,Trustor or any : •
<br /> �r - - ' . purchaseraf the Property,for any loas or damage untess due to recWess orwiltful misconduct 8nd shall not be required to takeany �
<br /> ��; •�' • � � � actlon tn connectlon wlih the enforcemerrt of thia Oeed of Trust unless indemnitied.in writinp.for a(1 cost�,eompensaUOn or `
<br /> � � -- � - • expenses which may be aaaociated therewith.In addition.Trustee may heoome a purchase�at any aate ot the PropeRy Qudicial or ;
<br /> ` ..�:' under the power of sate granted hereln);postpone the sate of all or any partion o}the Properly.as providad by law:or sell the :
<br /> . ::.:. . . �
<br /> � � ' : . • PropeRy 8s a whole,or in aeparate parcets or tots et Trustee s discretion. -
<br /> .,.. .,
<br /> -- �� � - • � 14. FNS and EYp�n�.Inthe evern Trustee seils the Property by exercise of power of sate,Trustee ahall be entitled to appty =
<br /> ., t - • any aab proceeda ilrot to payment of all cosb and expenses ot exercising power of aafe.incWdin�at!T�ustee s fees,and LenQePa '
<br /> s--.-•.� - ;-- �nATru�tee'�uttomey'sfae�:actusllyincurredtoextent.perm3ttedbyappltcshtetaw.tnthee�rentBnrro,erernrTrustnrexerciaesany
<br /> � � . . B�ht provlded by taw to cure aa Event o!Oetautt,Lender ahall be entlUed to recover hom Trustor all cosfs and expenses actualty
<br /> ! • Incurre�as e reiuft of Truator'a defaul�including without Ilmitahon atl Trustee'a.and attornsy's tees.to the extent permlttad by
<br /> ' ' '=�`"'' appNCabN faw. • • .'
<br /> `i-- -=r" • 45 �t�ttts Ad�.!lpan request o!8ottowar.LenQer may.at its.opdon,matce a�itiortal and fuhue advances and re- _
<br /> � � ��. J � a�dvance�to�onower.Such advances and readvanees,with In�erestthereon.ahatl be�ecured by thla Oeed of TrusL At no Ume shall
<br /> e.
<br /> ;�•� � tl�principalamourttotlhsiodebtednesssecuredbythiaDeedofTruaf,notinctudingaumsadvancedtoprotactthesecurlryotthls
<br /> . • �':° . ' Osed of Tms�exeeed the orlpinal principal amount stated herein.or S�?5�00.�3-.Whichever i�greater. � .
<br /> �
<br /> • .. .
<br /> :;,. • �
<br /> ' ' � � �.
<br />