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<br /> ' ay�MoN!MrW�in�D�iddlh�lpai�i�iM+bw��iMfr.�+tey�N+d�w147InM�erl�,la�e�iM�lr�t �� .�,.
<br /> . aa�«�doM�te��ih.a�ta[sr���w�c�+oe�wetiaw•s;�r.�a�w.�.�yrer. �
<br /> � < <�tI�76w11��wiM�aK au�►�M�.±r►O�oo�M�.'[I�Mbr�p�w a�w wwnr+s 1ht tnta a�owMe�M�t wis«�o��Mi�jr � .
<br /> � T��lor f�oM�Ml�MMalron d ri�1?Md ot TinM. , ' - , � . �
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<br /> -i�!`�: ;�:��:f�� � _ •., - ���_��H['YIYnE��� . _ :;��;� ,
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<br /> :'�R�tl�l° . ., r'� .. �^"'�-
<br /> .�t�:�p��`���„e�n q Fn1s�r � LSidt�D t� 68801 (��ryµTrIM10r.°1M1e1NK oM O�mot�1:
<br /> fhs TruNM, �*Y8 POIt�11`S Bi�lCr 11 �S'-UL �tPC�1TIO1 �- -- �
<br /> . . .
<br /> w�+o+����� P o eox 1507 c�D isr.� D1B 68802-1507� �wrruw.�ara
<br /> tA�8�w�rY..-�SY�anrn� � , — ' .
<br /> wtaw m�NNq�ddr�Is' Z015 N Bf10�1DWELL Gtt11�U I3tJ1lO• N�.4L�d► _____� (h�"�r"1• �
<br /> FOR VALUABlE CONSIOER/►T10N,irtctudirp L�ndu'��xtNfiio.n af cndit td�ntifi�d Mraln b Qi«O1CT0 ti1!'��� �
<br /> HQt�lill� llt� !l11RIA C� !l�IDttID �n"8orraw�r".wh�1Mr on�a mory�nd tl►�trwllwnfn cn�bd,
<br /> ths naipt W whlch(s h�r�by�cknowNdp�d.Trustor hereby trrevacably p�a�t�,tr�r�afen,canveys and�sti�ns to Trwlet.IN �
<br /> TqUST,WITM POWER OFSALE.fathe b�nefit an0 aecuriryot I.ender.under�ndtubJecito theterms�nd cOnEitian herainaher�et
<br /> +orai.�.n.�proa.rt�►.di�c�ib.a a.�awws:
<br />- THE 90I11�tLY SEV@!�7'Y-FIYB l�i�ID SEY@1 TFNl'E�S (?5.7? FSBT OE� LOT TF�1 (10}
<br /> - BI�OQC P�0[iTY EIt�' �A8), OF RWSEL WHEELFR'3 ADDI'1'IQ�t R� T� CIZ7t OP G[�AI�ID ----
<br /> - ISI.1�t�ID� HALL QOI�Tl'SC� NE�KA� . -
<br /> Topether with all buitdinps.improvemenb,fixtu�es,streets,atleys,passageways,easementa,rfghb,privile�es an0 appurte-
<br />': nances located thereort or in anywiae pertaiMng thereto.and the rents,issues and profits,reversions and remalnders theroof,and __-
<br /> such pe►aonal property that is attached tothe improvements so as to car+stitute a�ixture,inciuding,but not limited to,heatiny and -_--_
<br /> ;. o�__:_�
<br /> � cooli�g equipmenk and together with ths homestEad or marital interests,if any,w-:�sh interests are hereby released and waived�alI
<br /> of wt►fch,including repi�ements artd additionsthere%is hereby declared to trea�art of the real esfatesea:red by the Iten of thta
<br /> _ Deed of Trust and ell G9 4tce foregoing being�eterred to herein as tl-e"Property" � ��`��'`
<br /> - . ,�:, �
<br /> ' �� Thia Deed ot T�ust sflatl secure(a)the paymer.t ot the prr���a�sum and interest evids���y a;,ro^rissory note or.credit� ,������=
<br /> 3 'bII���F�i �. -w...i,�M�.
<br /> 4 i :`;��`��'° _ a�reement dated �VF�IDER 2' 199 ,having a matur�j�e of: g� � 7:'
<br /> �;�' �.�L{�:•...,��..,, S . . • „-.
<br /> ���:�'� r�`."����`} tn the orlgtna� nei at��saunt ot S 8.027.50 .anct a�y-asa a;t.^:•a�;fications,extensions end renewals . . r ,�,:;,.t%
<br /> �;�''.•._,,,�,.,, Pn G �. ,
<br /> r "�r�';�����`t�;,'•' thersot or theret0 and any anC all future advances and readvartces to Borr�;�r�r(or any oi them i}more than one)hereunder , .
<br /> '� "}�`��^�%;: •�� pursuant to one or mar�promissory notes or credit agreements(herein caue�"Note'q:(b)the payment ot other sums advanced by _
<br /> _'����:��� ;� Lendertoprotectthese:uNtyoltheNote;(c)thepertormanceotallcovenantsanbagreementsotTrustorsettoRhherein;and(d)all -
<br /> '��":��„ • present and future icr�da..`^iedness and obligations o}8orrower(or any oi thern it tipte than one)to Lende►whether dlrect,indireCl, :=;.-
<br /> ����=�•.� .. abaotute or contingert:and whether arlaing by note,guaranty,overdrait or otherwis�.T�e�1a�e,inis�eed ot Trust and any and a11 • '•`��"
<br /> ''"��-;�' � '� other docuents thet 3eCUre the Note oi otherw(Se executed in cC�+�&�ion therewith,inCfuding�s�'hout Ilmitation guarantees,seCUrily ��
<br />�"��, . &� t
<br /> '��`���.:� ayreements an0 assignments o!leases and rents,9hall be r2te�red to herein as the."Loa^,Lss*�ments". f ' .
<br />-��' `:i,. . .. Trustor covenante end egrees with Lender as tallows: � � • ,
<br />����', �•- � � . 1.PaynNnt d Ind�bNdnas.All indebtedne�s secured hereby shall tia paid wtten d::e.
<br />'�t;� `�=��� ``�-� .. 2.TNf�.Trustor ls the owner of tfie Property.4^as the rlght and autharity ta convey L':s Qsa,�er:x,an�.ti�8rrents that the lien �
<br /> ''• created hereby ia a flrat and prior lien on the Property,except for liens and encumbrar.�e9 se'.foritf Dy Trustor in writing and ; ,,:
<br /> •;�:�1�:•y;,r
<br /> ' ,*,,4_,;,.. . • detivereQ to lender befare execution otthfa Oeed of Trust,and the executlon and delivery o`.tl�s Deed ot Trustdoes not viotate any � - ;;
<br /> . "r'� conhact or other oblt�BUon to wMch Trustor ts sublect � .'?`,''•
<br /> "�''�� � 3.Ta�N,A�m�nb.To pay betore deUnquency all taxea,speciaf assessments and all other ehargea agalnst the PropeRy
<br /> .�.,;,.. , �
<br /> , ^. now or here8fter t�v'ed. ��
<br /> ���;.��. ` 4. Inwnnce.tv keep 1Ne PropeRy Insured agalnst damage by f1re,hazard9 inclUded within the term�'�xtendld coveraye',an0 t,.
<br /> ?� � sucb other hezerda as Lender may requlre,in amounts and wlth compentes ecceptabte to Lende�,naming LendBr aa an adGitionAl E .
<br /> '�''.:�:�.' .•��',�.,, namad Inaured,wlth toaa payebte to the Lendec In case of toas untler suah poticies,the Lender ls auif�orize0 b aCjusL coilect and l- � � • -�
<br /> , �:-:=._�.:=, cpmpromise.al�c�aims thereunderand ahall have the option ot apptying all or part of the Insurance proceeds(i)to any indabtedneas
<br />° ,,.y,;:`.•:.:��;�'` secured heroby and in such order aa Lender may determine.(I1�to the Trustor to be used tor the repalr or rastoration o1 the Properry i
<br /> � . � orpif)toranyothe►purposeorobjectsatiafactorytoLenderwithoutaNectingthelieno}ihisQeedotTrustforthetullamountaecured 1�
<br /> �:::, . ��,c...:a.�;.r . hsrsby before auch payment ever took ptace.Any appllcatipn ol proceeds to indebtedness shall not exten0 or postpone the due ;
<br /> -S. ,�;. d�tb pf gny peyments under the Note,or cure any del�ult thereunder or hereunder. � �_ _.
<br />- "�-..� ��' S.Eaorow.Upon written demend by I.ender,Trustor ahaU pay to Lender,ln auch manner a�Lendar may aesl�nate,sulHcient C
<br /> ' . '"""'"� sumstoenabteLendertopayastheybecomedueoneormoreolthefottowing:p)aQta�cee.asaessmentsandotherchergesagainst �
<br /> • the Property.(ii)the premiums on the propeRy Inaurance required hereunder,and tiii)the�remlums an any moRgage insurance
<br /> '� ' �a� ..;�� �.. : r�quirsd by Lender.�
<br /> � k�!,^ :.: •.;.'
<br /> ;.:t �" ° B. MaY�Nnane�,R�psln snd Complianc�wHN'Laws.Trustor shall ke�a tf�e Propasty�in good condition and repalr,shatl
<br />;;,�:;f!4 �.�n� ;'�::+•'.Y proMptly repair,or reptace any tmprovement whiCh may be damaged ar desLroyeG:ah�1l.not commit or permit any waste or
<br /> � �;'�;,��`'.'�-r.:._ dsie�i�nUon ot fhe Pcoperty;shatl not remove,dAmetish or substan�alty atiAf any o*L�+e j^�t��ovement�on the Property:shall not '
<br />'':°'''� -~ `_.----= eomm�aulteror�etrtHt�ny act to be done in or upon the Prop�ty in violetiaa c�arry iar�.or.�ind�ce or regutaUon:and stra�pay� � . ;'-,:J:^,;:'_:°�.
<br />�;,�:; �"`=�'`� promplty d�charqe st TrustoPs cost and expenae alt�llena,encumbrartcts and oP��as feY�ed.imposed or aaaesaed�2[ta5a�se ° � �
<br /> � '-.�- ..�� ��;M ��tYa�'Yl�a�t.lHsteof. � �� , : . . _
<br /> ,.: ,.:,.: � _ .. ?.Eeinw�t�a�tai�karnkri=fiare6Sra�af�nedaticompenaation.awardg:Gamuge�8n�otherpa}�-,��;ret�atl �.d. .. .. E '
<br /> a�
<br /> :;, -4 ;'��r °Procee�s"}in corinectitOn lwith oon0emneUtln orothertakinp of the PropeRy or�aRlt�ereat,ortorcomeyarrae in Geu otconde�nrra- '
<br /> ,• ?,� � tion.tender shall be�entitl�etif�optldn to commence,appear in and prosecit'e drt iis�5wn name any action or proceedings.artd �
<br /> �'. t� r�s�._.� ,� shall a(ao be entlflea to maktl any campromiae or setltement in connectian witn suen iakir.g or Qamage.ln the event any portion of '
<br />,;..:�: . • ,
<br /> � ..•;�s'! rNCSis�t�+r:�++e.raaew.�om , . �
<br /> .i'.t .i�.:,' t.'�''"�n" - ,
<br /> 0/1MMMtnW MiYtd Ca�w�wnTtuMaMErwe�Awoeufbn.Unoeke.NMab .
<br /> �;;' ' , � , . ,
<br />