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<br /> ��r.A����Ol���I�ONri���y��l��.�Q"�IE�!!!y." . ` , . �
<br /> �' '�� ��M���AN���R1�ONIIr�i�y�IMQ.O�l�0�6�01�'�COM1�E���i'�1��p�f��
<br /> CasMl��C�lO�O�y�d 1�1�0�1!Oplfly i�OMOpCN�1p�Od►C7t00�t�Of EiClMlbf�i 0�/hCa(d.,HOfl�OMll M�f�RE�d M�I ' .
<br /> defi���s�M�r 14 i�lie b lMe?�opRt��piinrt rl dlq�r ad deio�da.��u�oY aa�Dra�s of.�eoo�d. � � . .
<br /> . '�lQS 18CIJ�rIY INSiRUI►[�i+il'co�'ses reifo�m ewea�tt for w�tlotif ine�rd aoa-�mifaen oove+�ats wkb IioWed
<br /> ` `.ra�tions br,j�iudicoia�w+ooi�tilwe a u�iform�eauity idteymeot oovalat er�1 ps�cpaty. ` � �
<br /> , . t�iQ�tlt G�QV�NAI!iTS.Bocto�ner iid I�oon►pMnc�ud�i+es�a loiloMS� �" . � - _' .� .: ._
<br /> - - 1.1'll�wiwt�t Ri�et�l a�i Ye�ei�!r"eirr�t a�i L�c�M�e�es.Hoao+var s1�U P�lM1Y::iKY �dre t6a.
<br /> p�irip�i cf and i�+eat a�t6e de6t a+rid'eaced 6y�Nare a4d+�g pnepayn�nt aid laoe d�c�ea duo,undex:t�e i#Vate. .
<br /> _ — -- ---_���- �j�to-��i�a-to a wriva�waiva by Letid�r��ax��--�ay-s�s=-=-=-_ -
<br /> . .L+erder gt tMe dr7t�mdd9 Pry,oe�s=e doe�sl�Notc,un�the Nde is ppd ip fuU,a,s�('Fa1�'}fa:(_)Y�Y�. �
<br /> ar!�waaaeat:MLicb may�lc�in ptiaity ovec t6is Soa¢ity Imt�ummt ac s lia�on We P�+apatty:(bl Y�Y�P��
<br /> a ti'd�sd r�s on tba PmpatY.if airy:(cy 7ar13!haan�or ProPatY i�e�+(d),Yf�Y��aar�eoe Pe�emium�.
<br /> ��!►;c�)Y��a�ine�c.nae p�aaivarx,if�r;aaa tn�nr sum�p*r�bk b�►H�m�.io t.eaaer.in acco�danoe+M;ci�,„ .
<br /> , d�e p�avisia�af P�gtrph$. in Iiat of tha paymdn of mott�e i�uiu�oe•ptdniwuc:7'hetQ ttems ane dlai'Pxro�r.�s.', -
<br /> . i.a�3or may.st�r timc,oollect�od I�dd.Funds in an amounti�aot ta acveed U�e nwamtNlfi;�ount a feiKla foc�:fadc�aUr 1:
<br /> nel�led e�o�t�e laa m�y requiea fs�.8ano�ra's esctow acoou�,,andar.the�fedehl lteal Fsqfe 5ettlanent A+oadurr.�_A�t.�of;;i�,
<br /> 197'0 as ameaqed fmm timt to time, i2 U.S.C.Section Z601 et aeq.('RESPA"),unless another Isa.tb�t�plies w the Fwds
<br /> aefa a tesser amouat. If.so.I�der may.�t any time.�oollax and hoW Fands in�n smour�t mt to exa;ad;t6e lesser aroona�t. ,
<br /> ' . I.�nder AriY e�tfro�e the amonet of�ands dae on tLe b�sis of cument d�ta sad te�soroble�of expend�tu�es of fudm �
<br /> . , Fscrowr_Itamr oc atba�+viaa in s000�danoe�rith appticabk litw. . - - .
<br /> '1'6e FaMa's1qU 6e befd in�insdtutioo wbose deposits an inwred by a f�deral agenc.y, iffitrum�ality.'or entity :
<br /> (indudioa L�der.if 1.�der is sac6 an imtitat+on)ur ia acry Fedaal Haine I.orn B�nic.I.eoder s6all apply the Funds to pzy the '
<br /> Facto�v Itea�s.I.endec�ijs.mt d�rge Sormwer fo�6olding and applyiag thc�uals.aanually�nalyzing the escrow`aecount,or'
<br /> verifjring tLe Esc��:it++��untess I.eoder pays Bamnwer intec�st on the Fiu�ds aud applicabte law permits I.erder ta malco stu�
<br /> s cb�rge':3�reva,I:ender may roquire.Borcuwa w pay a ono-ainic ciwtge�for an indepeident real estate tu reporting seevioc
<br /> used by:t�,�nder in rnnnection widc t6is loan, unless applicabie taw provides athenvise. Uniess an agroemcnt is made or
<br /> applicaDfe!tw roquircs interest to 6c paid.t.ender sl�l!aot be raJnired to pav Borrower any interest or eamings on the Funds. •
<br /> :- Bomnwer atd I,eader may agr,ee in writing.however.tt�t intercst st�all be paid on tl�c Funds.Lender sha11,give to Bortower.
<br /> -'` withont cl�uge,an annual accouating of tLe Funds,'sliawing credits and debits to tl�e Funds and tl�e pucpose far whicb eacd
<br /> debit w tbe Funds wac mide.Tbe Furds ue plodged as addi6ocraE se:vrity for all sums secured by this Socurity I�trumeal. .
<br /> _ . If tTi��Funds luld by Lender exoad tt�e amounts pemrittod t�tie held by applicable law.l.ander sball acca�nc to Bornxurer
<br /> -- - -- -far�se eaccss Ft�ia aecoc3ar�ca wittt�re�uirements of appTi�abfe faw.-�if tbe amo�mt of the Fwds ixhi by Lxoder c+E a�ry ° -
<br />_ time is not sufficirnt to pay the Lscro�v Items when due,L.ender may so no�i��ower in ariting.and,in such rase Bo�mv�rer
<br />-_ _ � . s6a1!p�p to L.ender the,anaont r�eoessary to make up the deficiency. Borra�rc��il make up the deficimcy in no mon than -
<br /> - : twelve monthlY paYments.at Lender�s sots discretion. �
<br /> Upon payarent in full of all suica�secured by this Security Instrument, Len�er "s�ail:pmmptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> � � Funds lxld by I.ender.If.under patagraph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Praperty.�r•,prior to the acguisitian or sale
<br /> :' of the shall a 1 an Funds held h Lender at the time of ac uisitiaa.ar sale as a cladit �'"`
<br /> . �P��Y• DP Y Y Y 9 against the sums secured by ���-
<br /> this Security Instrumnt.
<br /> '� � 3.Application of P�yments.Unless applicable!aw provides otherwise,all payments rcaa��ed by Lender under paragraphs 4.;�«�.
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be applied:first. to any prepayment charges due under the Note:second.to amounts payable under paragraph 2; �-._-=
<br /> thitd.to interest due:fourth.to principal due;and last.to any late charges due under the Note. r-
<br /> • ;-' 4.Cluraes;Lien4.Borrower sha11 pay afl taxes.assessments,charges, firres and impositions attributable to the Propeety �"�`
<br /> � �'=i .� which ma attain riari nver this 5ecurit Instrument.and leasehold �� :'
<br /> � ,.. Y P �Y Y paYrttau�.cr ground rertts. if atty. Borrower shaU pay i;
<br /> '�:`..� , these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that rt�Rer,Bormwer shall pay them on time directly ,
<br /> �`�'-P;�',. to the cson owod a -
<br /> pe p yment.Borrawer shall•pr�nmpt[y fumish ta Lender all natices of amouats to be paid under this paragraph. : -
<br /> ���Ii#':� If Borrawea makes thesc payments diree�ly.Bonuwer shall promptiy furnish to Lender receipt�evidencing the payments. `:•`�
<br /> �_a��' � � B o r r o w e r s h a l l p r o m p d y d i s c h a r g e a n y l i e n w h i c h h a s p ri o r i t y o v e r t h i s S e c u r i t y I n s t r u m e n t u n l e s s B o r r o wer.(a)agrees in '.
<br /> -` "°``"�'' ��w�idng to the payment of the obligation secured by dse lien in a manner acceptabte ta Lemier:(b)contests in goad faith the lien �
<br /> '�' by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in. rzgal proceedings which in the l�cndtr's opinian operate ta prevent the
<br /> ��. rt'q�°.'�,'.
<br /> .-,���,;rt:". � . enforament of the lien:ar(c)secures from the ho2der of the Iien an agreement satisfuctory to Lender subordinatin the lien to
<br /> -�. N�y�,;:, g ,
<br /> _ ".,�y� � � this Security lnstrument. If Lender determines that any part of r11�Property is sub}ect to a lien which may attain priority over
<br /> •,. , �':". �' • this Securit lnstrumenl.Lender ma � �
<br /> .� j-, �;,. , .� . • , y y give Bc�rroti�•er a noticc identifying the lien. Horrower tihaU satisfy the licn or take one or
<br /> �' ;"" :,.-+4y�;°.. °" . morc of the aetions set forth above within 10 days af the giving of natice. . �
<br /> _i;. . , Form 3028 8/80 { '
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