• , �._';` 1�`'� '� �tf�.� '-
<br /> = � :�,::t - ,_ . •r�,-
<br /> : —_. - -- --
<br /> : — - - - - - - - �- -- —
<br /> _ � , _ . : . - -- - ---_ .- - - �_ . . .
<br /> -_.�� . ' , , . , ' � . . '. c . ,, ` __ - ,
<br /> _ r . � k, � , . �E� `. ��..r ��;��.�.�;/ �'.
<br /> ` ,` . _ 1 ; `. � ' � � •�l��- t . � • . . .
<br /> �` �. ]Ar(�.' U tilt�00 lECILLbQ�i�i S�OG/1ly���Ct IiF i�RM.rY`IiC�!!!i II��pIMM�� �
<br /> . C�fs�1�{t1M�}��fpr�dlP Ih�tbt 1�1J�OIbEr 10�n C�i CC�IOt10d O[f0 6C�C0�1CL'fCd IMi CCO{IOC� : �
<br /> . ,.. �ri�die 1aa e�eed dp pam�fad 1m�s.drce:Eij�a3►sush 1ae cLu�e�il be reduoed 6Y tbe amouK oeces:aeY�o reduoa -
<br /> •� tre crr�e w the pee�itled Wni�asd(b)aal►�al�d�►��►.��S�P�°�0���
<br /> ' br eehtled to Bart�e�er.Leeder may c�oo�a t�m�ire:��efi�od b�.mduein�tdc Principd o�ed uoder t6e Nale or by md3q� �
<br /> - i�ire�t psymeat iQ Bar�r.if:teftmd nduoes pria�clp�1,the:ed�uctioe rv�7i be t�ratod s a P��P�P�7►�°���� .
<br /> - - — - a�Y P�Ymeot c�tmde*the Na�e: - - �_�
<br /> �i�. Ndk+er. Aa5►ao�ce to Bon+nwer povkbd f�in ahis Secuciry I�teun�eat afiall 6e�en by ddiveciaE it a :
<br /> • rt�ce n�n mleat ' - • •
<br /> .. -__=_-bYT���h!!�t =- '1-- �i�ble-br.ne4uue�use of#�mabod.Tha nouca sfi�II be dinaned w t6e
<br /> `=.:..� propeny Addt�s a�ny oWa add�ts Bos�Q�►er daignw�s hy�ce to :Xay-oou�e tu�en3er�aii�BIr�is'�`—=--_ - - --
<br /> =- Post clm drid w 1.eader's add�ets staoed tierein or aoy dhet addnss Laider deci�tes 6Y uolioe w Hortaw�er.My aotict
<br /> �:M� p�,�r�for io this Securicy Imuwaart tlall br dee�od to AavC Daa given w Barower a Lmder wUec g�ven as pmvided --
<br /> �: io mis�C��eris Lsw-Serera6ilit�. This Security�t��enc sl�be govecned by.federa►4w ana the lav►►oe tbe
<br />�_�;� j�uisdiction in�vhicb tbe Pmpaty is locatod.in t6e event that any pmvision oc clause of dus Security In�tnunera or tbe Nure , -
<br />_i.z_. � oontlicu with applic�ble law.such.00afllct s1W1 mt affat otba provisioos of this SecucitS►Inmvment or tbe Nute whieh �
<br /> 00 ! �
<br />- , qn 6e givea egect withau tbe aQaflictin8 Pm�ision.'Fo tius eod the pnavisians oi this Security Instmment�nd tbe Natc
<br /> .g��__--
<br /> � � �te Jecland to be strer�ble. . ::""•:.• . ., -:.: , �=�==-
<br /> if. Eaiswer's Capy.��8acta�a;s�be gnra�n�ie ooaformed capy of tbe Nde ud of this Sawiry Itcsuament� . :�°,�-=_----
<br /> ... �'�.�.' 17. Tra�der d tie Pe+npertg,sr���1•Iate�+est �Y P� °�nF �►Y . �.��_�-
<br /> b�on�owa: If�il or uf she Pr or �=,<�u--:
<br /> ':� '��.�� � ia4enst in it is sold or uansfen+e�(or if a b�,,�i�..'��st W Bormwer is sotd or transfernd and Bomnwer is not a�tural , . ,;���`,�.
<br /> ';�,:,;�t�"-y pet3aa)w�out I.rnder's pcior written canse��c�Lferidaa;�!:at its optioo,rap'ue imaxdiate payment in tull of aH wms `:_�.-
<br />-� J�� sa.�tued by t6is Seciuity Ir�aoment.However,tl�is optididsdm�na 6e esercised 6y L�ender if eaeccise is pmW'bited 6y federal� `:;?;,�_.-
<br /> ��� ��,��'��� lii��`of.tbe d�ty of thLs SavdCy Iasaumem. `',`:�`�' . `'� :��:-'-
<br /> ' r::-.,- �-F:�• � � �=------
<br /> 'i:�f. - ."]�.e.rm�,c..-:
<br /> c�:. , If I�ader exercises this option,Lender shall give Borrower notia�af accekruion.Tbe notic�a st�all provid�a period ,y;�;--
<br /> ; '�� of not kss t6�n 30 days fmm tbe d�te tbe notice is delivetcd or ma�e�L,w�tt6ia whicd Boriuwer must pay all sums secured • • °' _
<br /> � . . by this Security Im�ttneat.•If Horroara[�s w pay tbae somz prior to'Qb'e eapiratioa af this period.I,ender aray inpoke . , : _''�.1;..�_
<br /> - ` . . . aay nmodies permittod by thi�Security Iastnmtent without funher notice or demand�an Borrowa. 'n���.�r L-
<br /> _ . .. : la. aoaowa�'s Rij,bt�u Reinstste. Tf Borrower mats cettain conditions,Huaower sfiaU have�right to bave f�'��'•'r:,
<br /> tain � .�;; : �,
<br /> _ � � - enfaameat of thig Seenriry Iasttument dis�coatiaued ai any tiwpe pcior ro the earlier o�(a)5 da9s(or otber peciod �, ..�-:,•,`Erd�, . -__
<br />: • � . a4 applicabk taw mry specify for re�)before sale of tNe Property p+irsuant to aay power of sale contained in this • �-:
<br /> ' • . � Socqrity L�suument;.a�(b)entry of a�enfoticing this Securlcy Iamvment.Those conditions are tdat Borrower: ... ..�
<br /> . � . .- _ (i)Pi►9s Leader all sums which dsen woukl ba doe undet�tbis Socurity I��nd the Nate u if no aoceleration h�d ;;��4.�'!.�:;
<br /> . . - ------ oxumtd:(b)cares�t►y defzu�a£aay other cov�aants o��ents:(c)PaYs all expensts iacumed in enforciag this Se��nrity • , `:Y�:�. `�':�
<br /> _ -..--' '�,:-=---. -- . . � - .- ...,t�;°i�A.
<br /> ' t,including,buE oc�:iis�ited to.r+asoaable a�..'�s foes:and ld)talcos suct��acpan as L-e►ider may reax�ly �'.._.,I'r+r,.;1.:,:,��`
<br /> �' � ' . . �.pon reinsta�tern�mab}+.�Barrower,th�is Sec�..�y�Y � . . . .
<br /> raryire to auare that tbe tien of'this Sa�uriry Instrument,L'ender's righu in �
<br /> . tbe sums sec�uod by this Savriry Iasuument shalf contiaue uncdaagod:. •
<br /> �-- . ._. . ._ .... ........'-�- , --�- ----� -
<br /> .A���'�
<br /> ; strumem and tdt obt�gatioas secured hereby shall remain fully effecti�e�as if av�aoceteratianJiacl�occuned.Howe.er.this �� •
<br /> � right to niastate sball not apply in the case of acoetera�ii�ia'¢�der parsgraph 17. ' �, :�;r;;':;�',
<br /> ra �
<br /> .. 19. Sale of Note.Cbaoge ot I.oan Servicer. �'Er:��'te or a parti�l interest in ttis I�ota(together with this`5rwri . , `.•`-,r'';`
<br /> tY :.�:,::�: •
<br /> - ~ Instrument)may be sold one or more ti�s a�utb;a�t�!r¢as�aice to Horrower.A sal�may�esult in a chswge in�.�:�entiry �" � ':'{;'�;; �, •.
<br /> �. . .;�.,,...:�
<br /> : . � (bwwn as the"Loan Servicer")that wt.ec�c�,:�,.lr�y.�3nnents due under th:!�inte and this Secr:.�a#nswment.There � ,. . �•��
<br /> :}: also may be one or morc changes of the Loa�a.5cnicer anrelated to•a��av�of�the Note.If there i5 a�age of the Loan , . ; •
<br /> • Sen+icer.$orrower wiU 6e given written notice of the cD�ait�t in accord�ncr wiih pa�agraph 14 above'and applicable law.
<br /> • ' The notice wit!state the natne and addrcss of the new�.Ssrvioer�and ttie addross,to which payments sQould be made. r �',.,. .
<br /> 7f�e notice w�11 also contaia aay aher information requira�!..�li►applitable law. ; ' �;?;;`::;:�•
<br /> ' � . � ?A Hwrdoas SnLstanc�s. Borrowet shall not canse or pemtit the presence.use.disposaf.storage.a:retease � ' ��' �;,�` . .
<br /> = of any Hazardous SnEstances on or in the Property.Bonower shall not do.nor allow anyone else to do.anyth:ng affixting �
<br /> � � � the property t�is i�•viol2tion af any Envlronmental Law.The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the prescna. � ,
<br /> • use,or storage c+��d�PYO�eaty of small quantities af Hazardous Substances that are generapy recognized to be apprapriate � '.
<br /> to nom�l residential uses a�1�to maintenance of the Property. �• . +',.��'�,.
<br /> � � , Borrower shail prom�:�y give Lcnder written lrotice of any investigation.claim.demand.lawsuit or other aCCion by ��:���:�`�',
<br /> • . my govemmantal or regulaWry agency ar privanrop�Ry lnvolving the Property and any Haza*dous 5ubstance or , �""'`''.
<br /> ' � Environmental Law of which Borrower has,actual knowtedga If Borrower leams.or is natified by any governmental or •
<br />- • , ttgWatory authority,that any removal or oeYi.�remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary.
<br />" ' Borrower shall promptiy take a11 necessary remedia!actions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> i, �•� As used in this paragra�fi 20."Hazardous Substances"are those substance.s defened ag toxic or hazardous substances ,
<br /> ��. .;_.a;-;�� 6y Environmental Law and tti�iio:!dwing substances:gasoline.kerosene.other flammah?�g or toaic petro2eum products,toxic �
<br />:. ,. •. . , � , , pesticldes at�d herbicides, votadIe solvents,materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde.and radioactive materials. As �
<br />,.;;,.;•,1 . •:.'f:•• ;,E used in this paragraph�0:"Envirocunental Isw"means federallaws and laws nf the jurisdiction where thc Property is located
<br />� ;t� ::; . . :;;;°',,,..' , �.+ tl�at relate to hcaItl�':safaty or environmenral protectio�rl� ,
<br /> . ;l,,°,.;,�; . , .' '. .
<br /> '. . ��;�,;•'. . . ��., ,
<br />�R. --- :=t,�.��:'�"� ,. NON•UMFORM COt'E:�ANT5.Bbrrower sitd����fitttf+ercovenant and a�ee.as follows: ,,. . ..
<br /> 'i.,- .�. �.;t:,;.YJ,• � • . .
<br /> �ti �• Zl. Aeaellratton;Rtmedles.l:eadke s6aN gi�e neRlce ta�BdRnveer�prlor to arccekratla�toDorring Borrower s
<br /> ,�.�-,+ , �+.;�y:;,, .
<br /> ,:::�•.. � �• �� ; :,:� 6eeac6 ot�g'co�'eaoal ar a�re�menl�l�o�E�5ecurity 1�d'(�rnM prlor to�k�st�n ander P�*aBraP61�
<br /> .`�:,.,:;;`� , . .,�.,�;; aui�s+s applicdbUr pa�v pras�i�s ot6erwi4e):Tlte nolice a1�aU'specity:(�'the detaatt;(b)the acttoe requlrcd to cure t6e
<br />'t � • ;��. : '.������ , �edWti(c)s dNe•not Les�tma 30�dxys firom We d�ts tbe aodce is g�iveo to B�eoxer,by whkb the default must
<br /> �,_..� . 4�"'��,�;:;� ----.- - �e�car�ed;a�d(�ilut faQMtet�ct�e t�e defiwit os os 6etore t�dat�specitied ie tlk aottce may resWt in accekraHox
<br /> -� ._._:, ;.,. . a�t�e�seeured by tWs Security In�rumcnt aad aale ot the Property.T6e nMlee s1�0 fiuther intorm Borrower
<br /> `� of t6e rig6t to reinsfate atter acceletatioc►and the dght to bring a court actioa to assert the non�cxistence of a default
<br /> ti " � or aq�ot�r defe�e ot Borrn�rer to accekiatioo and sate.U tde default is not cared on or before tbe date speciticd
<br /> �r
<br /> �. i�1 t�b aotfce.IRnder at its option m�y roqWre immedi�e pl�mee�!in tWl ota8 su�ns saurcd by 1Ws Security In�trumeat
<br /> - .�. ', _.. � . . wkrout ihrtres deo�wl aod eny lsvalce t�e power otsNe and any dber n�sedles permitted by applk�Dk law.Lender �
<br /> - - _ -� - �nll 6e eatitled to eo0eet a�expemes incYrred in purauie`t6t�aedies prmdded in thi�p�'�pL Ii.inciut�.
<br /> • - ' �, 6at tfot limited to,reaeoe�6le attorntys'fees and caets ot titk evideuce. .
<br /> , �� �, �
<br /> L-<_ - _.. ___�.v— .. fe�!!� �J!!! 1�Io1��1 .. „
<br /> tv � • `
<br />- � .. � • � • , • .
<br /> . . .y,
<br /> . • . � .
<br />