<br /> � ,,::4:` ' =�:V°, . ' .,: . � = �
<br /> � :�hi��T•,.,.: __ __ - _.
<br /> e
<br /> , -_. .- L . ._. . .. _ . _ . _, .. " . . .. ,_ _... ... .
<br /> � . , F „ . . ._ .. _ � _ . .. . ' _ -.
<br /> �L �.1S. _ .. _. - . . � , ` . ' � '��� ` . ` �
<br /> � ..'�[�� � � � �t11Qf�09Ef�1p11i•AO�f Ot O�iL�_El'OtS00� Of! Tj10 ��s � i�l � `'.
<br /> rQp1RDOfM11D0E��r1�1�'Of lldlr��Qf'!pft Q�t�16�E+0�0[�y l�l l+O�OMlIER�i��L�COR���t�0�G.OD1►bf0d
<br /> tr�tti��SeaM�it�ta�orw�paiqt AII ot tire ta'�oinf p�+eia�r�d to iA this Secwitj►I�ttneat as ttie"R�tperty.' � • -
<br /> Hf3RR�WBR t�VBNAI�TtB�tbat Harro�►ar is tarrfi�ly�eised ot tAe eetate l�ereby conveYed aad bas ttre ri�ht to:.
<br /> ,Rrant snd ooevqr t6t Pf�+apeety aad thst tha Pt+aper4t ia�beted.e�xpt!or errcumbrnaoee o!reeord.Boiro�ra
<br /> . . wsraats aad�!ddaid�tener�llY the tit�e to the Ptaperty apinet aIl alaia�s aad�eman�.�subiect to any eacu�bna�
<br /> 'p�fEpp(�, . : 'r . . '. .. -
<br /> '1'fII5 SECURITY INSTRUML�11Pr oom6inea wtiform covenants for mtiom!use and nonvniform oovensnta w�th
<br /> limited vuiasioas by jtuisdictioa to cvnstiwtas uniform eee�u�ity instrument coverin�rat pr�aperty.
<br /> = UIJIP�RM�7QMEi�ANlS Bormxer aud L�eder covtnant aad:�rx as iolla�r�
<br /> � l.Paya�qat bt P�ci�alaad iaterat:PIreP�Ym�nt aad Gte Chutes.Barrowes sha11 PromP�Y PzY when due
<br /> the princiql ot atid inteta�st o�u ihe debt avidenced by the Nou and�ny p�+epaymeat and lau char�es doe under t�e Not�
<br /> ___^ _----—�_�.�-•-e�..��_��,�c rQln�licab�e_lsx_ a written.xuvar hy��r.Qdet,Rs+tsa�r-st�Si-----_ —
<br /> — -- _ - ----�.�--����- - 4��. -- -
<br /> py to I.ender on tbe day moatblY P�ri�eats are dua unde�the Not�uaU'1 th4 Nota is paid iA fuU,a s�m("Fu�is"?ior -----
<br /> is)Yariy tues and a�ssmeats�vhich fnay ataia priority over this Security Instrument as a iien on the Propeity;(b)
<br /> = yasly Iea�ehold p�yeseata or�ow�d rdnts on tiie Property:if au3r.(a)Yarly h�zard or property insurarnx iums —
<br /> (d)YealY tload iaaraqce pi+emiums.if any;(e}yarly mort�e ia�swnve pr�mituns�if anp;aad(f)my snm�s paysble
<br /> by Horro�rer w L.ender;ia aocordance�vit6 the pc�visions of pata�raph&iA lieu of t1k payment oi mortgage inswsnce
<br /> premiuma Tfies�;tems are called"Eaenu�g Itema.'I.endec rosy,st aqy time,collect aad hold Funds in an amount not �_.
<br /> to�s�eed the me=imum smount a lendec for s federally related mort�age laa.mag re4vixa ior Bon+ower's eacrow ��
<br /> _ _ a000nnt wider tbe iadeeal Real FBtata Settlemeat Proccdures Act uf.I974 ss ameadect firisr�;tima to time. 12 U.S.C. ���,_
<br /> Section 2601 et aisq.('RFSPA").unle�s another lax that�ppties w the Fuads ser�a I�;:ar�siui�If so.Lenda msy, �--="�"
<br /> � .:;=_ _-
<br /> --- at any tim�collect snd hotd Funds in an amount not to esoeed the le�cc ammuiit��ig esti�ate tt�amount of ��:��-
<br /> - Fwads due an the b►sis ni`current dsta wd rea�onabla estimaus oi e:pendit�a�'��R.I�or othcrwise ia ,��:�_;
<br /> . accardatn�e aith sppl�abI,e is�r. . ., , .:.t_ .: . . .., . , � —�
<br /> The Fuads sball be hefd in ati instittrtion�vhoee deposits arc instuzd by s Ieders!sget�i:�y,;�z�pruttitntality.or entity ,.��,. .
<br /> (inctudia�Lender.ii I,aider is such an institution)ar�n anq Foderat Home Ibaa Bank �c'shall ip,piY the Futlds to = _.
<br /> y py the`}'�acroM Items�eoder msy not ch�rge BamoMer ior huiding a�d agglf�!iag the Fi�,ann anatyziag the :'"=��:=-°._
<br /> "eode
<br /> �, cseroA account,or veri€�in�the F�.�,roN Items,uuleas Lender pays Borro�ee iv.ncreat on the Fiind��p�Plicable law ..,;:;: : =�::
<br /> 'TY'."....I1 �!'-
<br /> _' , �{�etimits Lender to mafre such s chugy. Hoxever, Lender may require Saiao�ret to pa.�3 o�-ti.�rc.�;±��arge for an , ,.z�.=
<br /> .. . . .. ,.,-.
<br /> ��_--_r.__
<br />' ' ui�9epertdeQt real eststetas t�eporting aervice�rsed by Leadet tn connection wi�ti� s laaa,�e�s sppttca3�fe law provides :.-��.
<br /> .� ,-''; ° •.��`,;� ,.r
<br /> r� other�vis�Unless an agreemestt is made or spptipble tsw cequines interest W be paid,i�r��shall.not be required to ;� :.,. : ..:.,t.�
<br /> - p'ty Borrower any intecest4rt earninjp on the Fnads.Borrower ar�d�.ender ma�,zgnee in��g,however,that interest � _
<br /> - ,�::��- s2talt be p�id on the Fuac�.�nder shall give to Bottower.without charge,�a�r�r�al arcouiiang of the Funds,showing af�¢��; —
<br /> _ c�edits and debits to tiie�ra�and the purpose for wluch each debit to the�rir3.��as�."1'he Fan�s.are plodged as ` � (f'`��� _
<br /> :''' {fi„%f�,
<br /> , • '�� � ,•.�3ditional aecutity for-al��s,>ms secured by this Secutity Instrument . ,�.�..;.�` , -:,� .� :, � ,,.� v
<br /> � �: �-r�:,� ' If the Fi,cnds Aeld by Lender excad the amounts permitted tw,6e hetd by'��pplicabl'e;��s:�.ender shall account.� �, -
<br /> _.;''>_ s.•.',i:.f i;.,J.t,► . f=
<br /> ,�,,_„� . Hore+nwer for*.ht exass Funds in accosdaace cvith the requitCenea�sot�applicable 1aw.If theamount of the Fnnds held �'�� _
<br /> ,. : .,,� _,w n•�.T • by.Lendet at any tinse is not snfrcient to pay the Fscmw Items when due.Lender may so notify Bor�Br�er ia wdting, ;r r"�;'�.: :� --`
<br /> ` r.4,.' t`,�.:.��- and,in such case 8orrowet shall pay to Lender the amount necesssty to make up the derciency.Borna�shall maice .1�'•�':... `:�
<br /> '' �,'�i'!r '�(�+t!�i-%�a;.:-. .� , �: ., Z�: C.l..,-. .:..,�c
<br /> ., ,,r�, -..... tig the deficiency in no raiue than twelve monthlY paYments,at Lender s sole d'iscretion. ,.��,��,f:. . ,.. :.-
<br /> �"' Upon payment in fv�[of all sums saured by this Sccurity Instrirment,Lender ahsll pmmptly refund to Borruwer �^ ;�%;
<br /> >.' -•..;. . . ., ,.. ,,.:
<br /> ;�,. ' .._ . ,;:�:,;,,..,+;,:.`5.;.:.
<br /> _ � �. any Funds held by Lender. If. under paragraph 21, Lender shall acquire or sell tha Property,Lender. prior to the ; 1 ,:ti;r,;
<br /> , ,-, acquisition or sale of the Property,sriall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit ,3,,�, . :
<br />_ : .- " I �'^ against the sums secured�S this Security Instrument. ;z,:;:;''. .
<br /> _ �.�_�_'y. .:.,� ._... �..r..,...� .�
<br /> ti� � 3.Applicstion of�aymeats.Unless applicable law provides otherwisa.all payments received by I,ender under r� r'��'�'� � -
<br /> .F...�:. 4�:�' '. � .
<br /> . ,,�:1���::; , paragraphs 1 and 2 sha1T 1�e applied:rrse,to any prepayment charges due undec the Note;secand,to amounts payable k °° ' � .
<br /> ;f,r,,'t . f
<br /> ;�:.,.. . •. under psragraph 2;third,ro intecest due;fourth,w princinal due;and tast�to any late charges dne under the Note. � , , . �
<br /> ' • 4. Char=es; Liens. Borrower shall pay all tases,assrssments.charges,tines and impositions attributabte to the E
<br /> '' � `• � � Property ahich may atta3n priority over this Secwity Instrument.and leasehold payments or graund rents. if any. ;� � ° �
<br /> '`!�{`" Horrower shall pay thes-r�bligations in the manner providtd in patagraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower �• '
<br /> .,fi;.CO, ',, � _ .;,
<br /> � '(.��'���''�s' ' � :��al)pay them on time d�;n.�:tty to the pe�son owed p�:,ment.$orrower sfiaU promptly furnish to Lender ail notices of �:,f''�s: �
<br /> "!y?;,7;tci� . .. .� � .
<br /> ,., �s�f • • . • �z�ounts to be paid unde��'us paragraph.If BorroRe�ucsakes these payments directly�Borrower shaq promptly furnish ',�'}{,;%+' .
<br />;;r' - �- . ;':��;!;;��=�,;f: 'to Lender receipts evidenciag the payments. "� , ,' : , • . , `:`:
<br /> •�•��;, •;��;r+�?,, Rorrower shall pmmptly disch�,:any lien which has priority over this Security tnstaa�eient unless Borrower:(a� ,,.: ,r,�
<br /> ._ - _ . . ;�l;<<�,F�, agree.s in writing to the payment a;�nb�abligation sr�c�red by the lien in a manner acceptable eo f.endei:(b)comests in �� �%�-� ,
<br /> E:.: .. ;. '�,. . 1( i.��qd faith the lien by,ar�Pends a^��inst enforoeioec�c of the lien in.legal proceedings whiclt in the;Lendet's opinion �st�%��{;{��`' '
<br /> •''" '� �' :f ' i' ' '�';SJl� ,
<br /> � �• � � , . �o�etate to prevent the ecr��m�cr.ent o�the lien;av.f(ei>:�cures from the holder oi the l�en aGr.agreement satisPactory ta ' `�-•�
<br /> ", eE .
<br /> r K���� '''"i';i'`�'`'i 1�✓ectder subordinating the�i�'to this�s�xtity Instr:c�rent,lf i�nrr��determines that Any�iar�of.the Property is suhjv:r. ;
<br /> `' `' '�,';��f;'�-"'.� to a lien wt�i.•h ma attain , ' .
<br />':;�r;f; ' .: -. . .• .,,,,,,.;,� � Y griority ae�ci�is Security lnstsurcr.�C.11.ender may give Borc��e�t�notice identifying Mi�
<br />;:,,, , ,..F,,.; "ti' � lien. Borroa er shall satisfy the tien or take one or more of the��iions set forth abave wi�thin 10 days of the giving oY �
<br /> . ;;,. ',;;,;,i �, .� notic2. ..
<br />_ , .:�,�: : .
<br />' :£"'.. • ' , `. ;
<br /> ;i . iirw 90l� !/!0 .
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