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<br /> - �--
<br /> . .. ,. :
<br /> ...
<br /> _�" - ` . `. --... _ —-
<br /> � — ,._ s-�-ti': . _ _ - . . _. ; < - —, .. - _ _ -. . —_ �`ia���—.------�' —— - —
<br /> ` - �_ . < <:
<br /> ' ii�f aQ�i011 A�TiM1a0r.i; �0�1�000 a0Y0fyp.� tli0�fAOq4t ifld.�0�t11Q pefi�ld.#�t�i00de�f'AQIMt�Oi�-� �
<br /> �It�tl�w�V��A�i�O[i�11!�OCOlIIe/itit�i�0�1/O�ilal0�.�OltO1fOP�f pt�t�Ql�fl11Wl1�
<br /> _ ..trq�����nai�in'rr�ct�/e�iwrasos in diac�oe'to.pmnida a Ho�s rarecra uaa'i ffie requie�een�nt•foe matt�e �,
<br /> r
<br /> ' ' iarue�a md�jia a000idiocs mtS ao�r writoen t�+eanmt betxeen Boero�es�I�odar ar apptiabie�law:�
<br /> � �i.Itipeatio�.La�dtr a its s�eat myr�nsts reisooabte mtria;vpoa aac�impee400s.d the Propert�.I.aic;ar el�it
<br /> . �i�c�b�o�a+c�racnoticeatd�ewnedapr toa�i�pectiaaspecliy�in[raeootbleau�efortheia�pecti�n. .
<br /> - 10 Co�deu��atia�.T6e prooendr��any sws:d ac ctaua fa d�mqes,dirnct or ooroeque�tial,ia oonaectioa�riffi
<br /> aqr condeentMtiau at othx tddt�of any p�rt ot tLe Penperty.oe iar convtysoce in lieu at ooacbmnation,ar�ba+eby
<br /> . � ��ned add si�iil be p�id to I.ander.
<br /> -�- Iu�ha a�r�et a[a m�l�nt ot��P�'!the gc+oaeeas et�lt be appiiad to tt�se�ms seciu+ed by tlsis Sacurity
<br /> In�ent,wl�ttier ar�ot thau dt��ritb aa�aioadcp�id t�Borcai►a:Ia the eveat oi s p�rti�l t�trin j d the Fropaty in —
<br /> rhich the fair fiadcet vatue o[t6a A'oge�tg imme�aLdy bdore tltie t�ida�is eqwl w x�e+eater tAan t8e unaw►t d tlre
<br /> . �.4ggi�'e¢_6y tlw See�riiy InstrumeAt imme�atdy bdoe+e tl�e bicia�,unless Bormwa aad I�eader otherRise��'ee .
<br /> _ _ — - �n wr�w�, aums�ec�i[e3�t�s . ioe ia3doo��jf�es�aau,i��i�aa p.����sliea b;=_.— - ____
<br /> da ldlawit�bactioa:(s)tAa total a�►ount of tl�awna secared immediatd,y betoc�tt►e�W�ius.divided by(b)tbe fair
<br /> tfn�dtet v�tuo ot the Plropectf imm�adiatdy befa+e tha tai�irr�At►�b�tanx sba11 be p�id to Fcxmw+es Ia t6e ev�eat oi a
<br /> P�rtI�1 tvdt�d tbe Ptapas7 ia w1uc1[th�iair matket value oE tbe P1roQe.�ty immed�ttdy be[ote the t�liciue is less th�n
<br /> tta amowit o[�]re�uns sec�u+ed innmedi�tdy before th�tatin�.wtieas Hono�rec sad I�eeder athe�wiae s�t+oe in Rritin� .
<br /> oc wdaes a�plicabie law otherwiee provides, th�pe+octiods sfnU be applied to the suma secueed by dns See�titg
<br /> laetrwnait Mh�the�ae mt th�auma srattx�t:doG.
<br />-- - Ii the Pcoperty ia sb�nda�ed by Borivwer;ar if,attec notica bY T�der to Bo�'e+oRer thtt tDe wndeint�or oifers w — --
<br /> °m�tie m award or aettle s cl�im for dt��.-$o�awac,fai�s tp respnnd to Lendd��rithin 3Q days aitec�date t&e
<br /> nutic�is�iven,Leader ia suthaized to ootlect aad spply.�the,p�ocaeci�attv�ngt�o�,,eitber to restontios�or:fa�tis of tLe p.�.-
<br />-. PY+or�a�ty or to tha aums eectund by this3ect�sit�r t�crumeat.�i+hetheror aof tbrndtrc. - � �.;.J;F. .;.;�.. �-- --
<br /> _ Untaes Lender�ad Bor�+oMec othervise a�cra in RritiaB.any app�i�i�►of Fr`�oeeds to priacipal si�all�ot`�end ar��:F:;> �'��=-
<br /> - postpooe the dua d�te ot tba niontblJ P�liMenta re6ermd to ia �pt� t.aad 2 or chsag the unotiat;�qf�r;. ';, ��`�°_-`�
<br /> pyments. `?� • ' t ` `��'� _
<br /> — U.�orrower Not 1Lela�ed;For�oe Bg,T�lrs�jer Not s Wiiver."Fa�+ension ot the wne for pi��,�r`�f�i,t or _:�`--
<br />- _ m�eation ot amortization oF.:t�sums.sa,wed bg t�jit��CUrity Inswmeat�ated by I�ender to any ��r.�a ;�.'e�""x;�;
<br /> iaterest oi BotmMet sh�Il not roa• �ase tt� tq oi the original BorsoWer ot Borrn�re�'s succe�'s it� : ' �f���;_ -
<br /> � v�tia:. .��.. . �'7i
<br /> iaterm�Ixnder shall nat ba s e q c�i i e c�0���p�d�n�`spinat any siwc�sur in inttreat or refi�se td�+��ten�3::".' •:�,•;�7Jt�•:....
<br />= time ior p�ya►ent or otl�erMise mo�fy ai&iii�7ation af`t,�ae suma secwbd b tbis Sec�ni Iastrument b re�son of"aa ;`;c;;����'"
<br /> Y tY Y Y .,aav;i,
<br /> �.:�.a:
<br />- ` demand mtda by the original Botx+oMec or Bornnker's sr�roe�ots i�iAterest.Aay labnr�ax by Lender in exets�ffing °.>r;;;�;�,f:_
<br /> ��;'" .t`.. �ty ri�ht or t+emedy ahs11 aot be a�raiVet oiat preclude the o=ercise oi sny rip,ht o�temody. :'�: :,:��,.:_
<br /> 12 S�oces�ors�nd Assi=ns Bonn�.IQiat and Severat Lisbilitq;Co-si=ners.The eoven�ats aad a�eements `' `` � —
<br /> ot this SeauritY Inswmeot afnll'bind a�Y�f it t b�e s��oa�ois a a d�si�aa o f I.e n d e r�n d B o n+owet.sv b 2 e c t m t h e ,.:. rx:�" -
<br /> -.�-�� provisions ot p�ragrapl�17.Borroxer's cqf'ec�nta and agreements sinll be jrnnt aud sevual.Aay Homoket�rho co-��s .;��;--.�
<br /> _ , � x,�� this Securitq Instnunent but dv�s��!ot pieaute the Atota:E��is oo-sigaiag this Sa�rin►j�uaeesit only w saortgage. � �n� `-'_-?.
<br /> ''••. gtantand eanvey tlat Borrai��anten�t is� the Fro�under the terms of.�teis Security Iastrument„'4�?�is not - r —
<br /> � • �J�' .�-� ?�.
<br /> _ , ;.;�F�;=;,;: pecso9slly obliY,tted to psy t�r�ci.f,c�s secuiod by thi���ity Instrumen�snd' c7t,a�cees that Lender and:��other ��r��,��,' 9s.
<br /> �e
<br />.•iw , -: �r��. ��.. ;�.. � Bocro�cer msy s�ree to extend.ii`iadity,forbar or mak��Y�mmod3tions Ni � t�egard to the terms of�aeeurity ��: T�s;�',�� :
<br /> .<.s = �:,_.,.:,,; � _
<br /> :S; :.�.�;�. . :? '•� � �.� .� Instrument oc the Nota without that Borrower's canxn� .
<br /> �x:.�:... .. � ;, ..,
<br /> ��;-r.... � 13. t.o�n C6u�.If the losn securod by tWs Security Instrument is sobjat wra lax�viuch aete maximum loan
<br /> ``����� "� cf�argea and tt�at lak is finally interpr�ud so that the si�tercst ot oaher loan charges collected or W be oallectod ia�
<br /> - ^ n c shall be redtxxd b iP�amount � � - .
<br /> ' �onnxtion Mith the loan exceed the permrtted limitsr t3�i:(a)any such los has�ee Y,,
<br /> ,�._,..:=:.... ._ on a � r.�
<br /> ��;.::. ; _, .. `., aocea�ary to rednee the chsrge to the permittod limi�and (b) any sums already coltocted from Boriu�er which � f��,�,,r _-
<br /> �;;,K� .. - ezceeded pennittod timits kill be refunded w Borrower. Lender msy chaose w malce this refund b reducin the ,
<br /> Y 8 j _,<:�;:<'••'`';,
<br /> '=`'�5=:_,_ ° ' priacipal owed under the Note or by msking s diroct psyment w Borroxer.If a niund reduoes principal,tQe reduction �
<br /> ,.. : �. : �vill be tratod as a pertial prepsyment withoutanY prepsYment chstge under the Note. ��';�<: .�
<br /> __ �:�S�a�•_. `,'� 14.Notic�.Any notico to Borrower ptovidod for in this Security Instrument shsU be given by delivacux�it or by '::;.:'�:'t;'":::.-� '-
<br />. . .:.;,s::;�1. . . .-, �.:�,,.,
<br /> muling it by first cl�mail.unless agplicable lsw requires�e of another method.The notice shatl be cfi�to the ��-:;�{��-��: � •�
<br /> . � Pro Address or an other address Bomowet desl tes b notice to Lender.My notice to Lendec shaYF�4e ven b E � : ��t;%s:' -�
<br /> :.. . .. P��Y Y S� Y 8� Y ,,. . .�.
<br /> :_,..:::,: . tirst ctass msil to Lenda's address stated herein or any other addnsa Lendee designates by notice to Borirower.Any � ;
<br /> ' °'°' ' nodc�ptovided for in this Socurity Insttu�em.t shall be dcen»ed to hsve ban g'�ven w Borrower or I.ender xhen g'�ven i'�
<br /> � a9 provided in this P�S�P� ,: � . . �-
<br /> � �''��=��` ' 1 S.Governia=I.sw;S�csrability.ltt�s�cti�ia��nstrument shat!ba govemad by federal law andi t�i»taw at the
<br /> i .,�,.•:.,;
<br /> � ��. . .. .:,._ , .�: . . , - .
<br /> .•_ � , : ':;c'.:;:::;_
<br /> ` "• • .�% juriadiction in tvhicb the Fr�pea�y is tacated'In tt�e es�nt that st►y provision or clat�e of thia Savtity�n�un.ent or the ; ��.;��;_:; .
<br /> , . .,,. ,,,.-•
<br /> � j'�.`. � � � Note conflicts wi�ap�3it�Lsle fsw.such coQftict shall not sNect other provisions of this Security Inattumecitor the Note ���
<br /> �'� ., �'� �
<br /> ':';' ";';' ' : "s,:�:' � : �"{ ,, which can be c�:�'fe�R it2�out the contlictin vision.To this end tDa rovisions of this Securi lnstrument and �
<br /> , .,,;���;,-'-. � �. � S PfO P tY ,
<br />� }�-. ,;;�`:t,,.��;�.'i,;f:� :�,� theNouareded:i�+�'�rnbcs�rerable. . . :'
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