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<br /> ..d' ,..�s3 , . � , . ` . �} LbE�fR , �7�i-1 � f�OC�QO
<br /> , ��:�iii[I�Ot�G�bl�p��i�#�OE•HOMD�►C� � Pf�O
<br /> �P(OjM[!j l�1�iMitrt lOM�.�1ta.d�tb 1�1Ia0f�1�I�fII�lE�Ol'f!!�QISEQaOd t70Y0[�j0•ilid�fUf Ot�iOf��, • .
<br /> 1AC�U�IIR'�bOf�O��OOalt��OY lf�ltl��E(lQ01't'OQIIIt'�1A111�t10Q.��fl�110Q��bC f11�ItlUl110d tA t�10 a17l011f1T8 .
<br /> . aoa�or s1�pertoa�th.t trender requines.'The i�cqrzar providinE tbe iae�uanoe eh�tt ue ohoeai by sar�«er �
<br /> subject ta I�dbr's�pproval Mbic6 e�U not be une+e�eonably wlt2il�eld.lf BaroNer fails to muntata covaa�deacribed `
<br /> . abov�I.enddr au���t Lende�s optia�,obLia co�er+�e t�prouct I.�nder's ti�l►ts ia the Froparty in accordaaoe+vith
<br /> : p�raph�• . . � . , . _<
<br /> � Att`ineaance poticies�nd renexais ebali be�coeptatila to Lender and�stull it�clude a standird mortp�ct�uee.
<br /> Lax�sr abtU t�avt the rig1�t ta bld the policiea and nne+vats.If I.ender requitea. Borro�rer sti�ll PnomPWY �jve W �
<br /> .. l'.arjdec alt tnaiposot paid premiw�raAd rernRal.uoiivea.Iu tue e�ntoi 1aes,Aorm�a ehall�ive p�e+ompt aotice;o the _
<br /> . inwrance caaier aad I�eodx.�nder nnay mate proo[oi toes if Aot mde promptly by BorroRer. �
<br /> � LTtilers I��dec and Borranrer othtr�risa agroe ia writin�,inauraace pr�ooe�ods stall be applied to e�eswration or rapair '
<br /> --�-_T --�__,. =-- -,oi--t]m .Pm�dsmaead..it tl�t�o�atiQn�reptir ia eoonoa►ic�lly fasible and I.ender's eecudty is not le�enod.If the �
<br /> --- — � -•-
<br /> iestontion ar c�epir is not ecanomicalT"y-fe�'b�e oi Len�t3r wou7d�e Ieseen�d�� siwii-i�= --°---=- .
<br /> ' applied to the$ums secnrod bg thia Secucity Iastrument,Nhetheror aot thea due.Nith any em.ess pid to BorroMer.If
<br /> Borrorer abandons tl�o Prcypertq.or does not aas�rer�vitivn 30 dsys'a aatice from Irender tl�st the insurena csrrierhas
<br /> o[lered t�-sctt�a a.cl�im.tha�I�ender ma�r�c�olleet�ihe ins�uaave ptove.�ci�I.ender ma}��th�pcooeeds to�pir or .
<br /> __ restort�iaPia�peat�or w pap sumssecwed 3�gthia Savtitq Instrumem:�he�ecarnoLt�due.Thc3Q't3ag peria�+�iI1 _
<br /> be�ia�icE�4£tei�#ia is�iven._ .:,'; :;.:��.:.-�.. -;: : .• : ., � _
<br /> .. , ...-�,:...;.
<br /> Unfei�l.endaai�Bocro�'tra��isc�gt�ee in�ritin�.aap app�icauoa of pmoeec�s.�prcu+cipal sha11 not e�x�oc =—
<br /> lpostpone the due da5s�Eitan rii'on#h3„g`��s�esred to in prs�raphs i�ad 2 or change�t��mntof t�e pay�ctta: � =--
<br /> •if wsdec prs�raplt=�.:.r&e ProPa'r:g�is�g�red�y.��.endet. $otrow�'s rig�t to any iaswaace poltii�es and pta�eieds �•�
<br /> �resuiting frum dasseaga�to tl�e Pce�3q�sa�1��soquisirion stu�ll p��m�eadec.ta tlia estet►t of��sums secured by =ta.:�, -.
<br /> � this Security Instrumentimsrze�ir��irsor ta#�i�vqt�sition.� . . � ... ; , , : . � '��_�
<br /> ? 6.Occop�acy.Preaervati�"!�'iintea�liaioe�nd Prot�ion ott��'a�ieit�;Ba�crower's Loan Appli�cation; :_.;��*�
<br /> ;:: . Leasebotd:.Borto�rer shall oecup�;escsblis'�,,:ai�:�se rhe��operiy a��a�er's principal ce�isl�ce,wit�in siary days ;.c '~ -_.
<br /> _---� atur the�euocution qf this Secunty Iristn�m�aiid sl�ait continu��s�ccugp the Pmperty as;.��e�i's'�srincipal ' ��:s7 f-__.
<br /> z-�� sraidence for at last one yeu sfter the date oi a�cupancy.unless Lendef�aerwise agras in writin&'w�icls cca�eat shalk :%'�.''I�_`-
<br /> ;: , � �;'�
<br /> - - not be unreasonably pithheld.or unleas extet►uating circumstances e�isi tsh{ch are bcyond Honower's controf:�irinwer: '' -� - - ='�-_
<br /> �.p4 i'J•�..
<br /> ' • shsll not destmy,damage or impair tlu Pmperty,ailow the Property to dcteriorate,or commit aroste or►the P�i'�€,,;- :; , t�r;t`--°
<br /> ;t�, r� ' �, Borrowa shall be�n defsult it any forEe�ture action or proceed'ing.whether civil or criminal,is begun tiiat in�tde�s ' , ����
<br />-. � good,futh j�dgment could result in fotteitnre of the Property or otherwise materislly impair the lien created 1�}�tbsa =
<br /> :;�" `' �� - Securitq Iastroment ot L.ender's secutity iaterrat. Sorrower msy cune such a deiault and reinstate,as provi��ra � _
<br /> �� ;�,;�!:..x'`� prsgraph ]8y by causing the action or procoodiAg w be dismissed with a ruling tha� in I.enders ga�rd.€aith . ' "
<br /> . �`.�;'`. �. : deteemination,precludes forfeiture of the Bocrower's iaterest in the Property or othet material impairmentuf 7he�lien ':=
<br /> ,...;, .`c... � :. �'.:a;!%�:
<br /> • �� �`'':.��,.r, �''',� cratod by this Security Instrumeator Lender's security intcrcst.Bortower shall also be in default if Horn�n�;during -
<br /> " `a�'�����':".'�� � the lwn application process.gAVe materially false ar inaccurau infocmation or ststements to Lender�(or-�aited to -_
<br /> ; ,.t�,�: , _
<br /> - .�r�r,+�s�{F�_4�` .. . provide Let�der with anp material intormation)in connection with the loast evidenced by the Noter zrictdding, birt not _
<br /> - _ S.�'.�-.�';��i�'��':'° � limited w.tepr�aeatatinns conarning Borrower's occupancy of�the�Prapercy as a principai nsid�dc@.:iD 3hia•Security - ---��
<br /> , G9
<br /> ��-,�x i' u�,: Inst�umem is on a laasehold;�Borcower shalt comply with ali�th��provisions of the lease.If Bonower acquires fee title�ta ;;?:`�,-
<br /> � c'v:,-3.;T������ ; � a�ta::
<br /> the Property,the leas�hold and tho fee title shatl not merge unf�L�nder agees to the merger in writing. _r��_r,;..
<br /> ' ` � ' 7.Protection of Lender's Ri=bts in the Property.lt�Sdreower fails to pertorm the wvenants and agi�ement�� ' •�:�-�"
<br /> ' � � • wntained in this Security Instrument.or there is a te�al proceeding that may sign�rcantly affect Lender's rights•in the '"
<br /> � � � property (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy. probate. for condemnatian or torteiture or to enforce laws or ,,' '
<br /> � ,;.�,..:, regolationsj,,then I.ender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and I.ender's !. � � �
<br /> ' � ' sights iri�thb Propetty.Lender's actions msy include psyiag�any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this �' '
<br /> �'. ,, Sxurity lnstrument,appearing in�courC.paying reasonable�attasneys'fees and entering on the Property to maice npairs. '
<br /> � .+�::•.'.. A it ho u g h'L e t t d e t may t a ke actiomun d dt t hia parsgtap h 7.I.e r t der dues na t have t o do so. f
<br /> ' `'�<%r•-. . rt.hy amounts disbu�sed bp Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additionai debt of Borrov►•�csecured by this E �
<br />.°•�; � � .,� 5e�.nrity Instrumenu Q.��l�ss Borrower and Lertder agree to other terms of payment.these amounta shbli�bear interest !' : -� �
<br /> � ; � .,: �ram the ctate of disbuisrment at the Note rate and shali be payabte.with�nterest.upon notice from L'ender to Bonocver t . • �
<br /> , .�. request'sngPaYment. ' t •�'••
<br /> ' 8.�lott a e Insarsaco.i£�..ender r uired mort e insurance as a condition of makin the loan secured b this � "'1�`'`
<br /> � f �I 8a8 g Y ': .;.f��:
<br />- - , , Securiry i:tstrament,$orrowet shsll pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insutance in eife�;t.If.for any ; • ' :'?:;�:�.
<br /> reason,t3z�mo e insurance.covera e uited b l.ender la or ceas�s to be in effect,Borrower shall the �' '� '''�
<br /> ° -:.�'�`;: . �g. , 8 �9 Y P� PaY . .
<br /> . ._ . . . . promiums requ�rei3 ta'�btain CoJe'rage substa�arially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previausly in etfect.at a c�st '�
<br /> . � � � st�bstanti2tlty,.equiva�7ent�to the•.cvs:to Borr+a�?r�or of the r�ortgage insurance previousiy in effect.from an atternate ; '
<br /> , '��,;� .:�;_,�:• � � mortgag� ittt�ui er approved bg &�e.nder. If s�bstantially rqqivelent mortgage insurance coverage is not available, ;
<br /> ; . ..:s�i, � . Bomaa'�t sh�Sl�pay to Lender ez�h erionth a s�:.rit equal to�one*cweifth of the yeariy mortgage insurance premium being � ,
<br /> .• ':.'''•; paid by$drrowet cr�t�n the insurance coverage iapsed ot cEa.�ed to be in effect.l,ender wi11 accept,use and retain these , •
<br /> • �? • payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mnrz$age �nsurance. Loss reser�•e payments may no longer be required. .
<br /> ,; � �';�+`�'` 'tr,. � .
<br /> y; 'n �' _ . . .i .
<br /> - ��.?:;'",i;:;:� Fwa�30Z� �/!0 . .
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