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<br /> AE8RA5KA. .
<br /> �witb�II We���ts belood��aa�a�nts da ati�tDe t[�e deeds smsio�wjt6.N�1�1�,
<br /> �d aA tl�e eeaa.tsws aed y�+c�b arLte[�ee�o�s a�r�tt la p�rLo�saaes at��r�maat ae ooaditiaa lKr.ds eoa .
<br /> Wied;aad wirraab He�tit tl�eto D�abd c)ea esoeD�far tLir moef��i�
<br /> � Dmiia�tbe tida t�b nattWe L ia ioees!be mart�a�aes at�'��
<br /> � �ftst. To Pq aII tues and spedd aa�a]eded apiart sdd R�•��tD ta� aod awelase�la Iedad
<br /> _ — apaa fLb maetpl�.ae!Le d�bi�ee�u+ed by tNi maetpte.
<br /> $eeand. To 1o�ep sll ba�dtnp tL�e�u insatied a�ta�t law b7$t+s.li�M1�and taeaaao ia aams eamP�.W bs ap
<br /> — De�o+ed by t6e a1d 8a�e FMecal Ssd��Loan Aaroelation d Grand Ldand nn the taa oi i 16? OQQ.O� , �
<br /> .�* t5s beaetit oE f,Ue�id A�oefatbl4 an�ib ma�aaes oe aaip�s: and to deDosit�pdIda wIth 9id Asiadidioa.u�d�nd
<br /> pe
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<br />-_ oedes '
<br /> T�fN. To p+V ar ainre to be P�to the Hame Faderil Ss�ings lc Lo�n�on a€Grand Lianrl.its�aeca+�m�s ar
<br /> ����� ONE HUNORED SIXTY SEUEN THOUSAND AND Q�/70Q--------___�_______�`y�,�� _^ v�_
<br /> a:-::--�—
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<br /> -• ' �� � '" Ii aaid tues�ad��aot Wid ahen due,va:t the bnildin$s�isn aaid Dremiees are aot insared as above Pro- ' �,.,;,:,
<br /> � ,. �'..,,:
<br /> �? ��.� � " .�aea,or�aAy ot�aia iarermt 3's m��d when aue.wen s���s2e aeb�abon eecome��aeaiatet�,at tLe oDtton ot the � .. .: :��,t;_
<br /> • � e�id Ass�lton,sad sball th�er mh�.inte�i�t t1�e��d3eutseand in ome arleL�tg ar•, �Y aad all times teom a3d � � , ,
<br /> .; . The mortBaY�hereby ass�D�— to a.cstBaB �A •
<br /> ��;., .
<br /> f� � pronerty and hereby autHortse a�id n�rtg�8ee�a�s�Bent,at ib oytiaa,vyon defanit, to t�ca cTtatge at aald prope:tq and . ••
<br /> ' ;�.�`-� -•;. � collect all senta md 9neome theseirom and ap�si�c�:sune to t1�e paymsnt of iaterest� DrinciDal. itsIIt�ce pnminms,tue�. .
<br /> �.,;•c, � � �asmente, rf�tra or lmproveme�a necesearY to keep aaid pmDerty ia tenaataDle conditlon, or tv ather cbu8es os D=Y- � �.
<br /> '•�`'"�';�'� ; . meM��rovldM tor baefn or in the��te hereby eecund.Thls sent assignment slult continue In foroe nnM the unDdd bal- _~ f .,.
<br /> :��', :*.`;'�Yj��;'," �nce oi�sid nde L tally D�id. Tha�of possesfioa herenades alnll in no manaer yrevent or rM�rd s�id mortgagce fn
<br /> ' � the colleeUoa o!tatd tuma�y far'r.s2v�:e or ot.�erwlae. i :
<br /> �. • , ;:��•.',.
<br /> � ' ;�� ' Whet6es�iiid deht tsecomes d;�e�y ia1�5a a8 Cime. or by =e�aon o!the tailure oi the party oi the iirat Dart to comply ; � '','�
<br /> �, •,. m ,
<br />� �,'• witb any conditioa 8en99:+�the aaid Home Fe�+es�'Savinga tc Lom Aasoclation ot Grand Ealand.the aucceseore and aNBns, , .;;� •
<br /> ' � e
<br /> "�'-�., , ' � ahall bave tbe r1�E.trs la„�n_t�e '�'���f r�'s martgage ri once on the wbole debt�bereby aecared, snd to inelude . ••
<br />..__ ��•,7�,a� *• . - � Y ,� � '�,'� ..
<br /> . f._•:...� tbenln all tua.�sr��-�`�'.�m"'-e�rss.u��d tod�,i�3d by i! or tbem; or �z� Afcoclition. iN mcoaso�s or �
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<br /> - ,.�.:. . oi the llen tLereoL � , � �
<br /> ' And the esid i�rat Dazh►and the ma���=�E�aote,e�peclally agree and declare tl�t tne aeDaaa�+�stsk o!each and� �•� •
<br /> • rat
<br />_ _�:r,•,'� e�nery one ot them, iactudiny bo�h th�t cyw a�� wd tLat hereaiter acquired, is yledgeA aad bouad Eor the p�y+ment of �
<br /> : a
<br />— ;. �. - tbe aabt L�eb�►recurea. � i . .�:
<br /> -- � `-+��'E- �'..' �- Aites!he commenceadent o! aaY aniL ln toreela�ure the pl�intifi the:+ein�atl be entitted tothe immcdiate Do�esdon oi � � '
<br /> �i�.: . - �-- - a�id premiae�aad the apDolntment o!a receiver therefor,notwithst�nding they may be th�Romestad ot the oecupant aad �
<br /> - es llable for tIle debL may be aolveat,and the iiist puty LereDy coaseats to the appointmeat oi a fi± j .
<br />: _� • • .. •- - aotwlthsfaIIdinB the p�rti .
<br /> x"�`�"`-� • " Recei�es upon tLe pinduction of tLie indentur�wlWout other evldenc�. f
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