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<br /> t � ':7OOE7H�R'�N17'H al!16F�iaipia�s oo�►a�e�Rlab+eCted ae ihe�lapa[y.aod tll ea�ients.appur�ii�es. . �'=• '.;
<br /> �ed�t�es now or ha�fiee a p�t of d�e pnopaty. All�etKs�ud addiaaas�11 aiso be ravard byi t6is Satirtit�► .
<br /> Ia�t�YmeaL Ai!cf 1he faegOma ti t�CffEtl�td b In tM�SCCIKity Inaonlllle�as tbe"PtnQelty." � -
<br /> � soxxowet�cav�v�rrrs,nu s«m��s��uy�sea o�w�e�ac�na�y oo�Y�a�n��,e riat,�co�: ,
<br /> � �od cmvry th�YmQe�ty ind tl�t the Pta�ty is�6r�cumbe�d.except fior eucumb�aaoLs of recad. Bomnwer war�ntt and ' , •
<br /> w�71 defa�d aa�aaUY�he titk�o th�PiropFr�y�gaiaa all c1�i�ns and dennt�ds.snbjxt W any.encumbiances of cd.�onl. ,
<br /> ° THIS$EG'iJRFtft ¢iS3iti}MENT coarbines u��ifam cova�+ts ia aatt�l �s aod aoe-unifam cQVen�nts with - .
<br /> � mmee8 vui�tiaas by ju�isdiccian w rneuimte a uaifam secu�ity Iostrumc�covaing isat ycope�y. . . .
<br /> [JNff�RM C70VENAN'tS: �atmv�rer�ud I.ender cova�ant mA agnx as follows: . . ��
<br /> __. ---__-_ __.-.- s a.J.�.��.1al�ltz-��ti�y,a�CMu�Bamwa sha11 PnxnlxiX=�P�1-whe»due tbe
<br /> : principd af�od iooet+est aa thedett evidenoed try the Note and u►y p�epaaya�en�and laoe chuges due under the Nate. _ _ .__-_
<br /> � F'�ds far liues ard Ias�aue.'Subject w applicabte taw orto a wntten waiver by L:eoder,Bamwer sball pay to
<br /> � 1,ender an 16e dsy monthlY P�Y�ace due under the Nute,unt�7 the Note is paid in full.a sum l"Fw►ds")fa;(a)Y�Y
<br /> tua md�whic6 m�y�ttain p�ioritY over tbis Securiry Iasaument as a tien on tLe Pmperty:tb)yeuly�a�efwkd -
<br /> WYments or�o�u�d rents on the Pkvpe�ty,if any, (c)Y�Y���P�P�Y insurrnce p�emiums: (d) Y�Y ��
<br /> i�u�P►��.��°Y: (e�Y�X�8�8���P��•��Y+�(��Y snms payable by Hormwer to
<br /> I.eoder,ia accad�noe�wnth the piavisioas of par�h 8,in lieu of the payment of mrntgage uuw�nce�xemiwns. 'I1�ese �
<br /> items are called"Escrow Items." Lender may,az any rime,collect and hoW Rmds in an amount not to exceod t6e tnaaimum ,
<br /> tinount a Ip�der for a federaUy ielated moitgag�loan may tequire for Barower�s ascmw ncxount w�der the fedtral Real .
<br /> — Fstate Sdtiar�t Pcoceiiures Act of l974 as�nended fram time to time,12 US C.�2601 et seq.t"RFSPA"?.anless another --- _
<br /> � l�w tbu appties w the Tw�ds sets a iesser amount If so.Lender may,at any time.rnllect ar�d bold Fimds in an amaunt not to
<br /> eaceod tbe ksser amount. I.ender may es6mate the amoua�t o�f�nds due on the basis af cutrent data and nasonable . _
<br /> es�nates ofexpayditune.s of fuhae Fscniw 8ecas a otl�ecwise in ucordance witb applicabk law . � .
<br /> Tt�e:�iinds shali be heLd'ut an instiwtian whose�deposits u�e iawml by a federal agency. instramen,tatity.ar eatity
<br /> • (iuclu�ng Leoder:if La�de�r is such an institutioal a in any Fedetal Hame l.oan Banlc. Lentl�r shall apply the F�unds W pay
<br /> the�,scraw Items. I�de�may not ct�arge Bolmv�for holding and applying tha Fvnds.annuatly anaIyz�lg the escrow . -
<br /> ace�un�or ver�fyiag t#�'Escrow Items, untess Len3er paYs Bomnwer inteiest on the Funds and applicable law permits
<br /> ' - � I.eoder to in�ice sach s charge. However,I.eades may requir�Hormwer to pay a one-pme charge for an independeat.reat, ,
<br /> estate taa teporting service used by Lender iu connec6on�vith ttus toan,unkss appiicabte Iaw.pravides otherwise. Unt�ss an --
<br /> '°_--
<br /> agrapnent is made or applieable law requires intecest,to 6e paid.Lender shall not be requiced to Ray Borrower any interes�or �y=-=_
<br /> earaings on tUe 1'�mds. Bomawer and Lender may ag�ee in wrmng,however.that intenst shalT be paid on the Funds. I.ender -=--_
<br /> shaU givc to Horrower,withoat charge.an annual�iuntmg of the Funds.showing credits and de6its to the Funds and the ���-___-
<br /> purpos4,fpr which eacb debit to the Funds was masf��'�he FS�nds are ptedged as addirional security for all sums secured by , ��R
<br /> Uus Serxui�gInsuurneec �,�-��
<br /> !f itie�iuids held by I.ender exceed the arn�nts pertniteed to be Iteld by applicable law, Lender sha11 account to _____
<br /> � _...:Borrow�r�fa.the_exeess Funds in accadance witB��'�requiremertts of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by -_____ _
<br /> - ---- :-:-f.ender at aby dme is�sufticient ta p�y the Fsac�ar items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower:iii writiag,and.in =� .
<br /> ' such case Borrower sh�pay to Lender the am��t c�ecessary to make up We�ciency. Bormwer shall inake up t6e �' ����;r=�
<br /> '��� deficiency in no morc dr�rt�twetve monthty payments:at Lender's sole discretion. '�_. . ` _: :::. �. "• `.�.��-=--�-
<br /> — Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Secarity Instrument,l.ender shall promptly rePond io Borroaler any .'��`j�.��;_�_
<br /> = � Funds held by Lender. If.under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Property.Lender.prior to the acqnisifi�tar �':=�!;�"-�•�-
<br /> _ �� saie of the Property,sha11 apply any Funds held by Lender at the ume of acquisition or sale as a credit against tde"sums • '-.,;f=:_:--
<br /> --�� sectitM by tfiis Securiry Instrumen� .,.�-�
<br /> -_� 3. Applicatioo of Pt�ymeats. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all payments receiveA by I.ender under _�_
<br /> - — paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:fus�to any prepayment chazges due under the Note;second.to amounts paya6le under ': �.L �-_
<br /> � paragraph 2;third,to interest due:fourth.to principal dae:and last,to any latc charges due under 1he Note. . "`�a�
<br /> -�-�'� 4. C6�rges; Liens. Horrower shall pay alt taxes.assessrrtenu, charges.fiaes and impositions amibutable to the ... � `�`j
<br /> ,;� . y��-,
<br /> =;�;r: Property which may attai��priority over this Security Inswment,and leasehold paymentt oc ground rents, if any. Borrower • • ;. -�
<br />-:�� shall pay"these obligadoe�s:,n the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid ie�that manner.Bortower.shap pay them on � i•�__:__.�"''
<br />=�`��f� � 6me directiy to the pe��wed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Len�Aer all noticcs of amounts to be paid under �;�. • '" �`3•
<br /> �:';:�;�:, , ,: . this pazagraph. If Borrower makes these payments directly.Borrower shall promptfy fumish to Lender reoeipts ev�dencing , �.�,, � � � ••
<br /> ; '�."` , the paymenu. . ' •� x
<br />'��".�:-�� �� $omuwer shall prompdy discharge any lien wt}ic�i�as pri�e��a�er this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(al agroes .
<br /> ����' ' in writmg to thc payment of the obligation ser.ured by eE�e�ien eca a cranner aceeptable to Lender.(b)contests in good f�ith the , • � � . .
<br /> =� '"��' � lien by.or defends against enforrement of the lien nn.IIegal prooeedings which in the l.ender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> -'' �� � enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures from the hotder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to L.ender subordinating the lien ��� �
<br /> -} "�� ' to this Security Instrumenl. If Lender determines that any part ef the Property ic subject to a lien which may attain priodty • ':���f.
<br /> �r�`'��f'' over this Secnriry Msuument,Lender urta,�r give Borrower a norea�adentifying the lien. Boaower shall satisfy the lien or take • :;���fi''�-.
<br /> i��r..;::t," ;:,�;:•..
<br /> -i:2','�.4'�•�:::� . lv,.
<br /> ;. ,�� one or more of the actions set forth aboce within 10 days of the gicdmg of notice. ,.�::�r�r�:;�..
<br /> " �`'`'' S. H�rd or Psoperty lnsutance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hercaftcr erecceA on the
<br /> ri�:�•:�. �• • .
<br />:�.;��_r.:: � Property insured again�Ec�ss by fire.hazazds inclesdea within the term"extended wverage"and any other i�azards.including • Fs:
<br /> ;!;�}�,,;,,� ! ' floods or Raoding.far which Lender requires i6s�cr^,�rtce. This insurance sha11 be maintained in the amounu and far the i • , ,
<br /> ;t:��,,.;, ,
<br /> '��"����:�1,,• � . For�31ffi !!f� I/x+Be2ojApagat) �' �
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