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<br /> , ' `" .T�iiTir MM�w1�Mrt ihi i�aiti�w�t Mrt Te�i�iwtti wwl�i�t b�lM+d°TiiNt wi Mt�w�f�i'rN�/wit ilr�wwr �, .
<br /> . -.�w.���er��.c�.+e���.i�.w�.��rr�+w..++.i�.e.i�r.T��•�iw.w�».r.�c�
<br /> .M1wAt a�.rab d el�f�tion�a�r tM OMi bt t�w.i�elu�Ur.�ut n�t iniNi f�.�t+wNd•�t�ht M h�rw tlr I�r�NIY s�M iqj�s
<br /> . TNktM wiM�K�tt F��M��y.Te+�N►��s�wina�ls 1l�TssdiMwll�i�w�w�[w�s ww�A�t�TwwNs MIl���r �
<br /> �anoution di ttr�i�f Tnr�. � � .. ; _• ` , `
<br /> 4� 4 . . ' . .
<br /> ' .'_ '. '_.. . -_ '•. . _ . ..
<br /> . ..:_ . ': '' .__ '' _ ' _ . _"' _: _
<br /> ' _" -.. ._ � � ' ._ ..
<br /> . ' . ' . ..� �C�� . . .._ .. _
<br /> - `DEED OF TitUST WITH.'�ClHE:I�DVANCE8 , -
<br /> �+�s ok�x o�,.,..st;=�r m.a.«ot e+.�..6th._aw a� `�� *'�� .ts�.Mr•n+a�a�
<br /> .�, :� . :� . ,
<br /> in.Tiweor. Ja�t,,,.D� _l�cMUS�t�ane GUea�lf�a�4�bc.,_,,.__.,�iWab.�►tl�:-: - ., ;r`. _ ,
<br /> � whos�mainp�dMeas i's� 371�3 It20 GR�4NDE�CZR: . a��' i���.'�,����'�at�w w�owi.
<br /> - - � � _ . .'.:_... :.. : . - _ .
<br /> - �-r :tMttuatb� "�g 1f11TION1lL`8ntE1t Ain Gtil4ND ISLAND'.:` _ - •
<br /> ! ..
<br /> ' wtio�m�7iii¢sddr�arfsP O HOE 1698 -;' • G I3Lli11D�li�: 68��2 _ _ �nin?iwtN9.and , `
<br /> `7 }`i'=. ._'.•:::. ._..:..,;;' - ., ;.t , , . .
<br /> � �Nl�i���Y� .,��,Af7Vns�II�r�u��D liATIOF11L�litfX��R711fD ISL�HII'- ` — • .
<br /> - whms,,,,al;,�y add�KS�y�P O�HOX 168B R�FA IBI�Nli Nt� 68802 �r�in'Lw�dn'i.
<br />_ -,t�:,:,. -,., �,:: f.;,,;r, `,, `
<br /> ?'_ � - fpR VAt1tA8LE CONSIDERATION:inchiditp le�si�s ixt��ia►ot a�dit id�ntif'rd'�;'C�::'=�'.°� D M71�GIIU50lf• �
<br /> - , . �<i�,,i� �,�
<br /> �� . GUN71 t!l!GlNSON , •-� ,.• ceMtrd,th�
<br /> _ --- .,``: {herein'Borrowar'.whethar arii�:iri~,r;ioi�?w�d th�trwt Mai+ `}
<br /> — receipt of which irhero6Y acknuwbdped.Trustor h�16j�i�rovoca6ty prants,transiws,conviys arid s�sipns ta Trust�s.IN 171UST.MYJTN�:.�'�:.`.,
<br /> PpWER OF SALE,fn�th�benetit and securityr of 1.erstje=:under and wbject w the tsrms and conddia�s hu�insfb►s�t foAh.th��1 ,
<br /> �� properly�.�tesCribed as folows: ',. . ` • . ��
<br /> , ;':::'' LaT SIG�iT (g3�:'.�y'1RNINGSYDE S Sd)HDIVISI�N• IN TH�,�ITY
<br /> .'- OF GRJIND ISL�,]hi�7.�HALL E'AOPiTY;�PJ�s1U�- `� '�
<br /> �'>�' , .
<br /> .
<br /> ' ' ,;.. .. ...�.: . ,.
<br /> , � . ... .. ,, -
<br />•-.- . ..: .. - - ... ._ . - -- -, • -
<br /> _ _. �,, ., ;i::..
<br /> ;�t_�� '. �.. '� :,,
<br /> - .' ��J���3�-`_ ;�'a,�erS;�er witfi aIF�ai'8:nq9. imt�wu�rrents,fixturas.atreets,a�a'�rs pss�psvi*yc `asseAMrR=.+'v�t�.Vm�OM+��P�+rt�+�� �----
<br /> ;�� '���imdiad�sra!aon o�in anYwise perta"a��n�4'r2re�o,and tfie renta,i�:.��s ahd profits,ravsrsaiis and.samsnd�rs that�of.and sucfi p�noav � .n� --
<br /> � ti
<br /> ,,���k��r '•.' , �. ��l
<br /> � • �. �'�rap�tipr�t�a:�is atUched to the'anpr�iksresaats so as ta constitu'.e s$irtuc�,ir+c�udinp,but nbt�itrrlted to,hwtin��nd 000liy�quipmw►. �`'�, --
<br /> �� �Y'�rt 4 ' �.
<br /> .;� i,;-•• � .Y: a�d taflelfter with tAe fiome�teed or etk►*i!al interes!s.,iE any�wttieh intarasta�re hxeby tiNssaQ and waiv�d;aN oE whid4 ifaN+d'n0 � `;`� _
<br /> ;�;!�5'�;., ,,; replacements and additions thereio.is here6y dactae�Ca f�a part o!the real estate secured by the I'Nn of tbis CNd o�Trust md aN of �----:=
<br /> .:r,... �r;I.:� :,�._
<br /> � :.+;•�,,;�:�!-� ". ., cke foregoing bemg refened to Aerein a9 the'Propertit". '�"'•'• •'
<br /> �,���, .• a�t•-"'. ., s'°`-
<br /> .s"„;�''.'; - � ':TI'ies�leed of Trust sha0 se�rofi�l the paymet�t of the�rimtipat sum and interest avidenCad 6y e promitsory not�Oe �4�d'd ��_-
<br /> . . 'vf�
<br /> : ,.. ; . ... `�, •:
<br /> -.. --• � - agreem�s:'�a'dd •T2;Lf�,l43• ,hewiny a maturity datv of.+2�a�T�a'' • ��,
<br /> :;�� r� . .. .,. �. . � ,•, , �w'
<br /> •`�:�+.; �_ _.._ ' .. in the cE�+RaI prinCiCul:ar+-..*�r+t'ot 5 ae nen_ee .an��any wtd al!m.��fic�icaa,t�Rrntiona and r��wals , . .. ,r ' �
<br /> R
<br />' � ' thereot�lfiereto an6�.g ariQ a111u'sire advancee and resdvences to Bortowar(or eny of thetn 6 mare than ca!+2i;hMwndw punuant to t''� , •
<br /> . �,�+ :
<br /> . • one et u+y�promissory notes ot r,r�B�*ednent9(herein called'Note'1;(b)the paytr[ent of oYher suma advattGld by Lwfd�r to prot�Ct �
<br /> ,, , �. � _' the getiu;xry of the Note;(c1 the per��.ar.-.�tce of aU covmants snd aqreeme�ts of Truator set forth 6arein;and�d3�II pra�nt�n.d tuture
<br /> �- . , :r„�etra�lrsess and obGpations o} 8orrc:5�itr tar anY of them it moro thsn onel to Lendar whether d"neat,indinct,altaxkt�a+oatr-3it0�nt � , -.
<br /> " ='" � ��'ar�d a!�ether arisiny by note,puaranty,overdraft or o,tfierrvise.The Note,t his D e e d o t Tru s t aa d any an d a l l o t h e r:3�u e n e r s Y S�'':+t s�c u n i. „',
<br /> " �. .. :i��,tltote or otherwise exeeuted in conpeetiar.therswith,iicludinp withou!timitation,pwr�ntaen,seeufrty epreeteca.'cisatd a�ipnmants : ��.;�� _.'�'..;
<br /> r+;: ' ' � ",4C•�es and renta,shall be roferred to,herain as the`r08fl IQ9LNTEIIt9�. • '��• '
<br /> ' "�+' = � � Tn�s��►covena�ts md agrees w�,tt�:Cendor as folfows: �'�•
<br /> �� h;",
<br /> � ., ' t•_���nt o11nd�Et�dn�ss.A�t'ir.debtddttoss secured herebY sl�atl6e paid whea due. �1 . ��'''%t;�-
<br /> .�;.:..
<br /> Z,Y'iQs.Truator is tha owner of"etie praperty,Mas the right and authority to convey the Ptoperty,and wu�ante tfi�t ths fiam ct'�ted �
<br /> �'i�;•�'�. � hereby is a tirst end O�ior Hen on tha Phoperty,except for liens and encumbrartces set forth by Trustor in wtitirtq and dsliv�►ad Ca Ld+der � • �
<br /> � • bntore exacution of tMis Oeed of Trust,and the execution and clelivery nt this Dead ot trust does nol violate any contract ar cther
<br />'��`'�•:' obligntion to which Tnil+ror•is subjeat. �
<br />"�•�'.�' ' ., 3.Taxes,Ati�esstrnnts.to puy.•detore deUnquenoy etl toxes,speciel aasecsments and all othsr charyes apainst the Property e�ew or ,
<br /> ° i hare�t!er lovrod.
<br /> �" ' 4.thsutanc�.To keep tha Property'inmued'a�ninut•dumege!iy fite,hazards. incWded withire the tarm"axt�nd�d aov�ralfr'•�nd �
<br /> �� � . such other hazwdg es lende�maY requiro,in amounto and�wilh compsniea acceptehls to Lander.Raninp land�r a�an add'dion�l n�n�d �. ' ,
<br /> _ .. : . . .......----......_._ mauted,with bss peyn6h to the lender.t�cess ol�Ibflo undur euch policbs,ths lender n authorized to�djust.coNrat and eamp�amiw. ��, „
<br /> � � all cteims thereunder end'sh�!heve the option ot appl�ln�y�stl or paH of the insurance p►aceed�(i)to any indebt�dnNS s�eund hwaby
<br /> . anA in eueA order s�Lende�may detarmine,lii)to ihe Tnietor to be uaed for the repair or restoration of the PtopsrtY or('�i�Ii fo��ny oths►
<br /> " � purpose or o6�ect satisfactory te Lcrtdat wrthaut atfecting the lien o}this Qeed o}Ttust}or the tull emount secured henEy b�lor�aucfi
<br /> - � '' paymmt ever took place.Anv appUcatan o1 proceed9 to inEobtednoss shall not e�tend or postpone the due data ot any paymenta undar ;_. _ ,
<br /> - '"` . � th�Nots,or cure at►y.dMault thare�mder or hmeundm. ' .
<br /> -• �i'. " 5.Eanow.U�loa�w�itten demand by Lender,T�ustor shall pay to Lender,a+sucM manner as Lenda�may d�tipnat�,wHkimt�ns i
<br /> `"�' _ "" " .° to ena6lo Lende�tu�paµ'a��hny bacome duo Qne o�mo�e o!the}oltowing: ti1 a14t�xes,eseessments and oth�t charpa ap�in�t th�
<br /> • _ �:..�.:' Property,G4 the prem'tWns on tho DTOPcrtV msurance required hareunde�,end(iiil tho premiums on eny maRgage insutanee teQuired by .
<br /> - ..s� lender. ;
<br />- . .. ;E;�.` .=
<br /> , . � B.Maint�nanc�.Rqain and Comptiana witb Lawa.Trustor shall keeA the PropeRy in yood conditian and�ep�ir:ehap promptht .
<br /> � ' repalr,or reptaee anq improvement whi�rnay be damaged or destroyed;shall not eommit o�permit any wute or Mhriontian oi th�
<br /> _� ------..-. :=� Proporty:sfiall aot rcmovo,danolisfi or substantialty elter any o)tha�provements an the Propartq;shali not commA.�uNw a P�rtnit • .
<br /> any aat to bs Qone in or upon tha Prope�ty in viofartioa o1 anY taw,ordinance,o�reyutaHon:and ahatl pay and pramptly d'ahsrye st
<br />- `'•� '� �-� T�ustor'a cost and eYpanss all liens,encumbrances and charg�a leviad,inposed ar assessed paiist the Propnty or�ny pwt thK�o1. . ,
<br /> .�'.�. ��.' 7.En�n�nt Qornai+. Lender is hmeby assgned all compensallon, ewards. Aarrayes and other parmenta or nli�/ Ih«�in�fbr
<br /> , --=u .�, - `Pioceeds`i�in conneefion wifM condemnstion 6r otflel takinQ ot the 4'orperty ar perttheravf.'or foreonvey�nce in liau t1!condYtnaatiaw. ,------- ----
<br /> : . -�t '
<br /> ;,:�. Lender shall ba entitlyd a1 its aptien to eommence,appear in and prosecute in its own�ame any actan or proceedinp�,and�aM abo 6e
<br /> :�ar.'.� entattd to meice any�camptamiso or settlemen!in connection wAh suth taking o�Aamape.In the event any po�tion o}ths Property ia so � �
<br /> ' ;r_.. ' . . ..' � �
<br /> `}w .. . .. . NErC 11671N�nir�CJi�iY Oe�E1 RMr.f0'98 . .
<br /> .. .. : " ��t!!6 N16bW BYA N CeT�ndu T�ur rd S��npi A�waoeR lmd�n.N�bwU . . �
<br /> ' . .� • �_._.._...�.
<br />