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<br /> I°taaK�r�ee��e i�if I eit a�ad�►�ay�.adit rrID 6t�i�e[3fI�aqi�I atw ��a�y�eoes�y ad'�to m��firoc
<br /> � cM�e�r7le t aLat�ow ire ie�m�b tlo�s as�he�eaa�e tide fa 1tie Fi�c��,'[bal dAymaes.�eie7bdt SsiePyioe ae
<br /> �e�wrasi,.��anr.�a�ie� �waoeive acb at�re�ay.e.a�wayo.i�aue a�a.a l tro,�►m.c�lne.v�bc w�di.a it r pepey eec�nc i�as is
<br /> ao�i�[tawe6�" Iamc�edata�.Ift�ekadig�doKS�tcampu�ed�eG�nrcar.h�se aedifIpep�ytbewloieasort,.��sef�d
<br /> - bnC�Ctees�dpo�t�osoE16CLsf�ee (ialae���)bYtheaxo�poo�o���f������amy������ -
<br /> �� ariedoted�lessed�o�af�sg mo�blg�aymeot adeatm8rc�otwld�sad�sw�tsatibe t4�lpay��w.il�artlnta�elf�dtdkts�il-a0 =—
<br /> - �t aot Di�frdc i maf�"aT�otIIjr p�pty le amoo�ec i awrc yw.is CWt ar is pit,�e a�rime. f�m�s p�tiat pepaym�.!mmc�cneic�o po te ox r�+ulac �-- ._
<br /> -_ phrde�rs�I Nave pid dt aeames arcd. � `- , =- -
<br /> _- �IpQHTAI�ITMORICEA80l1TMIAptANT1ES:(��SELi.ERf1Ef�1/018ClAN18AL1W E7�RESSED �""'---
<br /> =_ dF ANO F1ilIESS FOR w P�A�1CtN.11R PIJRPO�E ON ALL t30VDS ANV ' `�-�'"'—
<br /> �� - — -- �ein��nw�n��►s�►�wwsrE�tw��w�nro��oo�wa�a�r t�-c�s ""�-" _ --
<br /> -•--� O�NN�Ef W.E ta)t are iaa.tsaecat.urc aepe�le"11I1�7'mw,R�tiu►rrFY"w�laice �5is ovean,.u eapl�ias dre me8aa..arrd�c:p�,�urpr..oa in �'--�°-'- _
<br /> a�ie!Aie a�laerra/�ud��viit 6e eiep'sed ot npbreQ.I d�e rooce af�e limit�t'wb�s��cy4 aod"1 p�et�,yl�rll[�5�1l11.A710 W�ARRlN1Y"� �''��s -
<br /> _- - ��< t�'��LRSaalYafla�!�tbewaRaM�+afeeviacaeaact.(c Ilrveiad.iadA�u'I.Brcfe�r+le.[�HFI'EDI[ Y rr�- �
<br /> -: -i[aro� ca�:jrs�pp�rdiew�iuooia�fciw�aoaes�wbcii uti�.��� �ess�.��s:�l�r.�ac •__� ,�_
<br /> - Woe�otloe d�e iir�tfa�s o��ie�ana�q,sd f p�ti�vt�rfy necapiae d�t+�Y teptied.�•��w �ppiia w tbe�I�s aety r lo�a�9rc.�r�a�ty a �.� : �_�*_".
<br /> -`� MfMlef Cbll�Ct. � ' . =�'Y��"�
<br /> �:'._c=-r-'-
<br /> .� � ,��:_: _,� u�r�r:��r��«� «�rr ,wn r w�w r w��n.�ra�r w� � r�uw�r� � >�-
<br /> �r�w NA�M w�fMr 11�1! ���aeM�iw r�i�1�MIItMi�r 11r��WI M N liw sf 1M��K iw�. =-;��.���`�
<br /> •��~yi, ��M������ �� , . • � • ' ' ��� .
<br /> , .���:C1�.�J �f �� ��{�-!1.
<br /> �.; L: ...� : All��i1wE��A�R�NIT i�MN1EE�AWM�T_CI�EA�ATIIN.�S1�AE�1MN M�lT.�MIICR YE MR OIMMIEE�Ai�T �:.��-
<br /> . . �� �'��': �1�1�Al1EISE�A11C pMItNN�. � °..
<br /> 5.,.,;,�., ..,,
<br /> . .-`� -.�,- � .<.� �r.�r r�s�wane w��u��w�c�a�sewah wirre��c ear�sRar n+r��cnm r�rcrs� : r ? .. ;
<br /> �_�: :�_:-:=:.,-�-� x�r�tna�auwnw�w r��wa�wtr�s���n��cnr�w�w c�cnM wmr nNS s�.�s�rs � , a T
<br /> �� � � �- u e�t uno w�wwnr�n������e wr�r ns� --
<br /> , _ �: ,.. � � �•'r�' ��:. EMIi�t.1M1 halllla mloK N/�1AiNN IR�MRANd iF AA��Il M IIA11�E MNA150E1E�r Q1�S IA�IUEl.NAI IE.SrE�t N � "r' '"'� "'
<br /> ��: � .. � 1E E��INlii 1 CIIILI ��ACIEIE A YSE/F�1b11C1tS1.1�I�tsl tlqt a� s��t�q!sEWw is M/MM�I AN��i�rt�,. -
<br /> � � .:. , t�ef�,f�Mf�.irt Mt N�NM 1�„1M t�„�Ilq�i�ry�f t�liw iM�1w.f�r�si�r�i�It d A Mw,1Mt N :i� �I'� �.. � --
<br /> ' ��,�,.: `� :',. . ;.� qIR11�Ca111 It Q M■�,�J 1/IIC�N�I flJ�1,1M w�Mt M 1/�II(IIQ i�N1111M.N�If�I�h1�AEd�fillfYp,ON�Nk t��Ni�� �• � "''`=
<br /> . . ; . .- �f�J:MN.�1 aM 111 t1M d MMp p�/M�ai�if eM1i1t�1� .
<br /> . . { , •'•,;:5�',;' w� p�wis �. ,
<br /> , �`;,, . , SlF.t7ALARDER GOODSs I Imow tA�t you have a�asuced my house aod its openings w tlut yoo can md�e the products to fitmy p�nicuiu ha�se u�d tba�the goods.
<br /> . . '',�' ...,�-, w�;ll eat 5tery o�er 6ouses.so I Irnow il�t I c�ona cancet this conuact su auy time afru dx yaiod of.Ame yiven w me 6y f�w in adich to caooel.ARv thae .._. -
<br /> - , �peria8 ot t�me.I Imow dnt 1 have tde obliguion m WY You in full tfie amawa awod. � -
<br /> -• �`�•'• OPTHB FiNANCE CHAAGE:11ee 6n�e chuge(intaest)is estimated w start aithin 30 days of the date of this canuact.eaapc in the event � :... '
<br /> . 'r,';t. . oompkoetbeiastallui000ft6egoodsu�dserViceson�otherdate.ttienthefinukec6uge(iiueeest)wiUbegiototunanthedatethatlsigntheCorapiebonCeitificare. "' '�:; •.
<br /> - l'ii:�, , t� � `;. .:
<br /> '.�.i:.,...� � � ,.,., .
<br /> '�.'•t+�'1Y;�;'�'• �YAOYM Of CINOCC C�f$E(�A�CfE�)10aY EG IOfKE Of�ESS 1biD 1bC.1�WYJ1{dtSCIOfLd AGQEDdIG$OD ihC�OU01S I�}I}IOO iO�Q►J/11RIGI76CSS IA A{�1(tII$QijIlI1L1�L5- . .. .
<br /> .: ..��;��,.��,�...
<br /> • . ... '�hi�i''�' OELiGATIONS lERTAIINiNG 1�0 PROPEATY INSURANCE ANA MY REAL F.STATE:1.I promise m kap my house in good sepa'v aM kap 4 iamRd far at ;;:'',j�`•� '
<br /> �i';,:;. �_;.��=':t�;<,'�' . . .. I[iSI�7 Of ILS tCpI7CCTGCOI V2IlIC I7y bllylllg A fIIC YOA CJRL'OEGd OOYCld C�ILNfi111CG QOIICS:T�G UISUf811CC CO[Q 90SI fl1Y5[I1G apQlbVld yw.�d tLe poGcy musi have s;;:;:=:;�. •
<br /> B P 6Y. ;:;,,:,.:, .
<br /> ;+,.;. �.",K:•':�;��:•; s beaef c�y clwse whicL says th�t yau me to�6epu d it tt�e is a loss.The insu�ance cora�a�must agme that it will not cancel my policy withao�first aUmg yoa.l ;,_. �. ,•.
<br /> ':"•.;~.,:i : aipLaize B�e i�nce w da d¢ectly for anyr loss.You cm choose to use td�s insumnce pryment to eit6er rcp�ay aay amounts 1 owe you a w rt�a¢my .. ;
<br /> ":'c;�'; ..�.. . . P�YY i;;:�,,;� . `..
<br /> _ :t � :: �_,•, • bouse.I have the optioa of dingpmpc���uurm�U�ough an ezisting poliry ar thnough a pollcy iedependendy obtained�od Qud f�by me.2.1 also Dmmuse tlnt ,;..aY:�= `i
<br /> ,:.:T:,"�;`,::,.::..__._._. . 1 w�!ans allow aayoae else to plece�y- �ie�son my teat estate without your written ion.3.I promise tapay all taxes.assessmenls aod o�her chuges oo my�al r-:•tS1'':;:'. - -•-� .
<br /> -- - ,«;•,-,—. _,�:7;�;r;, — :
<br /> �...,. ..
<br /> ' ';:.s..;:;;�? .�. estatt ahea dae.4.I proatise to timely m�lc�all payu�enls a1 mypnor loans sccuted�teal estate.l alsa guamise that 1 wi11 aat Exteed.teriew"Ot Ch�agepnor loans -;,f:}r:, .
<br /> - •..:,,.�•, , , witNoot your arritten petmission.5.If I do aatiian�e my houu or fulfill my other obligadons to my teal esra�.�ken you pn do it fa me if you want'(but you do not have . �t•;!t;:>;-�
<br />' :?::.-; ` . ' � to).If you dopay any of these obligaqoas fvr rae.I ag�ee to paY You 6ack Qa demand plus inteeest at the 6S�St luwful conaact nte of irneresr:Until l paY You bxk. �
<br /> , . -- - •---- �'�f:•,. U�ese amouets wUl be added to my bt to Y Y� �' +���'s-
<br /> de yoa which ts s�c�ued by my n�al e�ate and hotue.I know that� aa decide ro bu mswuue for me tbat yau do not have to �=-:n�5,-•.;- :
<br /> • .. ;�` obtain any homwwtier or liabiliry ussuraact. ;;,. .
<br /> �' � , � �'}i� ��. MORI'�AGE:1 Izeebyr gnot.bugaia.seff.wnvey and mongage to you.u Mortgagce.my ceal estate and house located at my Addiess"desigaated on the otfxr side ;_,{.-
<br /> ;,,;:,. i•,.:;%•;.!`
<br /> ,,,:4-,,, of tdis ca�naet�s secarity for atl arnoums dt�to yoa urdu this lnstallmeat Sa1es Contmc[.
<br /> ;' ' �;'�:J;,:v' QUE ON SI�I�:if I sell.lqse orgive my fiause to aayone 6efona 1 have fuTy Fsaid alt I owe under tfiis co�acs:+�rou can decla�e al!that I owe as+d.er this contrxt payabk � �:1.,;.';' .
<br /> {:. ; at oaoe aad I ag�ee to immediattely pay�you�at amount. �• .:•,, � .'
<br /> � ,�,����:, DEFAtTL'h!wiU be in defantt unQer this coadact if:1.1 donh matce a paya►eta when dae:or 2.!brealc any p�umise I made to yoa in this cantiact:or3.Somqhin�eise }.:�;,',:.
<br /> �pp�t�whieh p�ues you ao 6efieve in gaqd faith that 1 do nd intend to pay you as pmmised:ar4.I defautt on any obGgatIoas for wNch I un using my home ascoll�ternl: ;
<br /> �c �r''i,..I ' • . or S•S�methlnE Ivppena ro my houu whicfi thteaters your dghu.if azry�m it. '�. .
<br /> �,., OOLLP.C7'ION COSTS:If I a�n in default of this oontract and you demand full payment,[undastaad that pou Nave the right ro fotvclou the mortgage I hav�gi4m to '-�,': '
<br /> you aad W have my house sold to rcpay asc�'aqwunts t owe you.Befine my hause ts sold.y�aa ah7t do ait t1�at the!awnq uues.!uaderstand that If you hise an attameY l� '•�
<br /> � ,� w utist you in the enPotament of yoar agh7s,inctnding the sale of my house oz a lawsui�.i agrce ta pay you far reazonable attomeys fas and forotlier a1ata exyenses �;:;�'-;:�,.'
<br /> ' , , �: such as cowt costs,ade sarcha and money yau expen0ed to pcotect my ha�e.if you aze altoaed tn eotters sueh amounts by taw !•:..,: ,.
<br /> � �;�` � .' 07'AEB RttiBl'S:You can choose ews to enfotre any of the dghu under t6is r�nuact as ofren as you aant without losing them.Or,you can delay enforci�aay of the �;�:',::,,'��. •
<br /> �. � ; ' . . righu witLout Iosing them.Yw can also nse any rlghts aow or in the future given to yau by taw. ' . ' ' ,;
<br /> • , DELAY3;1 taww tlwt you wllJ uu your best efforts to instaU the�ucts I am pischasing on my�house.but I also understand that in some situaiions you maq ostcounter �
<br /> . � delsys thri a[C caused by strikes,weaffia cqnditions.delays you f�are in obtainmg materials.ur Por oihes re�sans that are beyond your wntml.I ai11 not hold you IiaDte '
<br /> . . . � � for wch delsys. � •. .
<br /> .�j;t�:,' ' REQII£ST F�OR Fl1i.L PAYb1EKT:[f 1 sm in defuult unJet Ihi�conttuct,you cen declam a11 that 1 ow e und�t thi�contract payablc at once,l ugree to pay S•ou interest •
<br /> ' • • oo Uiat amaam at the maximum cnmra:�ual'�ate allawcd by law unti)thc amount 1 oxe you is paid.!ak��kaoct�thut you can forcctoce t5e mort�ge 1 har�e gnen to pw. ���'.�t��
<br /> �, ;��;s'� AltffiTAATION:If 1 have a dispute or;ctaim with you wnceming ttse quantity,quality or pMotmance of the products,l understsuM tAat my dispu[e may be submitted +`;,;��.
<br /> ,'f:, W and settied accatding to the mediatlonf-atbiaadonprogam that m�y have developed m my communiry.l alu,know that any decision made by an arbitraror/s)would be ;
<br /> �. :, ',.,. ente�ed ia the cou�t having jarisdiction ovrr me and you. �
<br /> �''�� SAIJVAGE VALUEs 1 know that the windows,woodwork,siding.brictc and other materials Ihat have to be removcd by you for this installadon have NO salvage vatue. .';, , _
<br /> ',` ;�::°�•: ' Wbee you temove them.you can have theat�for whatever puryose yoa want. ;
<br /> SPECIAL SPI'UATIONS:Due to 1Le unigu:ness of some of the productc that you sell.1 understand that in.y,v:rial situations your Regional Office may h�ve to review •
<br /> � and accept thls rnntract.l also undersL3nd l�at this sale cecurreA ln my home nnd that you and 1 may no:have h:�al l the cors�ct infortnanon impottant to this Iransaction I 1` '"
<br /> - � - at our t3ngertlps:l give you my¢onsent to comeet arry obvious ertors that may havo occurred when fhe blaz�kv in this cantracl were completed. � .
<br /> ' �� � � QWALID PROVISION3:Ifa�r ptuvision af this contrxt viotates t h e law a n d is unen toreean l:,t he mst o f�he'contruct wi l l be va li d.i f any p a rt o t t h is eon t r r.�r�qaice�
<br /> . p�yment of mote lrtetest than the iaw permits,then you will only have tAe rip,hl to colle:s£�:om me the ampunt of interest which the law alln�vs you to collecr.
<br /> :r, COMPLETENE.SS OF THIS CON'iitACh This contract can only be cAcr.��d i!6oth yau and 1 agree in wriHng.
<br /> ; �; ' NOTICE
<br /> , . � OEBTOR HEREUNDER. �
<br /> . • � i IIVSITRANCE CANCELLATION:1!1 have reyuested insuranre in this puah:�e.1 mav cancel such request for insurance for any ieason within fiftcen(15)Aays fmm " �
<br /> • ' � the d�te of th}s contnct by notifying you or the holder of this contracl in writing.l know that tfie cancellation of my coverage will be arranged wi�h the insurance carrierl�)
<br /> _ _ :�'_;. .. �nd a full n�fund o!my qrmium(s)together with appticabM finance chuge wip be credited to this contract. �
<br /> ' � " rl,EASEN07'Eslflhaverequestedinsurenceinthls purchau.lwillrecelvewithinthirtyl3b)daysacertiflcateetinsuraecemorcfullydescribing�heinsurancecrnerage.
<br /> � c � I tuow th�1 it theie is anq conlliet in the eov�nge or the�aeguage ot the certificate of insuaance and the following Notice uf Proposed inwrance that 1 am mvercd only to
<br /> ' the extent stated in the folbwing Notice of Proposed Insumnce.1 also know that 1 have insurance corerage on7y if 1 have been charged for it.
<br /> -� ' � 1 take aotke that either Cndit Life or Cmdit Accideet and He�ltte tnsurance,m both,will be appticabk to ehis Installment Salee Contract an the m�crse side only it
<br /> 1 have cl3�sen it Dyi signUg the tequest for sueh lnsutanee.TAis lnsuranc�will anly cover the pCrson sip.nirtg the reqaest at the cost tor each type of insunuice shown.
<br /> �a Sub�� s�3eceptaoce 6y tht insurance com�aay.the iasurance wiD 6e ef[���as of roday and witt ccmtinu,auily for the eweber nf moeths after the effective date eyual
<br /> ; � - � .- to the�tWLer of mondily payments.l ufs�erstand that this particntar icstuJnx:aay no:pmvidc cwcta�c fo�say tasl few payments.and t3>.�t Fia::ng thxtperiad a!timo t
<br /> � : , � wj11 not h3sr any,inwranee covenge.AI!6Cnef ts and pcoceeds of tbe insu.:..^^�x tsi;!be pz�eo yau or tb a tur:��cea)instituuon�t it purchases�7±�+allmeni 5ales Contr.,cc
<br /> f,; :, , to the extrnt of�a i�ts and �ro will bepayable to me.The ini'irJ at�o�.a vf Cc�dit Life lu>-�ance is the amounl mqwted to r.-.�y the Total ot 7ay meat5: � .
<br /> • tl�etaiftor,the insw�nve de+cneun t��nount of each monthty payment an a scteQ�led?a Qny ba�3s.if t am jointly obligated on tt�e lasts.'7m:�r Sa1es C�a w1:ta ,
<br /> " ` _��__��__-._�. _- sCo-Buyetiaadwehavebath�L�r�stforCt�editl.ifetnsunnce.deathbenefits�yllriepa afa:ec�l;with�especttot6efustoneofustad`ir.�5ubjecttJezc:c:>ions..
<br /> __.-- -- etlmi�Bousor�vtitmgpetiadst��ia�:�sm'artcepoticyvrcertificate.emt;raRYu�+�«��mc�,:�Yisw��tx�Kr����.,Wa�r�r��,����,�,a�nb payme;�¢ . t, - .
<br /> ; � for eocb day tdat 1 am tdalty dis�bleG d�a co an injury or sickness wbile 1 owe any paymeat to 9ou:however,l nnderstand that l ha�•e to be pzvented from.vorking due .
<br /> i� • to such tatai ditabllity fot more t6am tottrteea(14)consecuHve days befbrc!Ae insur�nce benefit is paid bac�k t��fust day ofrny t�otal disabllity.l also�taw tiat 1
<br /> . ' ca�ol obtais aeY idwranee�om yon ft 1�m over id years af�todsx aed I�iso t�ow IMat t6e n�pe proviAea to me msy caatale a mazimum
<br /> ' � asoret of eorera`e wbkD wLl aot pn te eome taeea.!he eeNra amouel thaf 1 a�re yao.Due to the mycimum amoont o!coverage stated in the imumnce policy.t
<br /> ' � . tno�w t��ny unpild amouet�ne�af the insuta�e cmre�age wilt sti�6�ve to be paid.lf tUe installnKnt S�les Cattract i�p��+aid in fulf pricn ro thc 1a+t payment
<br /> . . date.aoy ueeamed�es�ntke prcmivau will be trfunQed to fie in the mu�ner Qcescribed by lax:Within�hirty 13U)day:s.l witl scerve the cert�ficate of insurartce m�tte
<br /> ' Potty describina my lttwranoe coverage.If Ux lnsurance iv not�cceptrd by the insurance company.1 witl rcceive n mfuad o!�he insureace premiums 1 havt paid. t
<br />