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<br /> : pO0d01pUfti00 dr t11�fCf(aj[IDj 0[�ey p�t i1E fhC�QE�ty.Of fo['Callv�ey�11QC irt r1E�of CC�p����►�� ;
<br /> ' !�(bC�1�D kll�J � S�It�1 bE .,.,.�..,�W fbE St11RS Sa{RE{��► ��Y
<br /> lll 1�1E CYl�O�t���O�1�IG.��� W�VY�L Ill�Of� Li�Clp O�1�IC�OQMy►Ifl
<br /> tp�plt,YY�0�ROt l�id!dlf�.�th�Ry►E7tC�SS�bCfOtC t11G i�Clll 39 CQIL�t0 0�$IC�tCt t�t�G�tD0U�1t"Of thE Wm5
<br /> WbiC�!t11C�i'�C1 Y�UC Of t�1C PI�O�GRS►1�j� �•
<br /> sec�ued by this Securiry�trtnnent.immed��telY�befae ehe t�lcing,w�hss Bormwer�����in wriqn g
<br /> tbe a�mos seaued by this 3a�aitp Iaswment shalt be teduced by the amaunt of the mul the'foUowai
<br /> 5aciiort� (a)the wtai uaa�t of the s�s savnd immodiuely befae the laivng;divided by(b)the fair marlc,et vatue of tbe
<br /> 8enpetty i�e�ety 6efata ihe ialang. At►Y bal�toe�s�11 Ex Psud to Bar�nwec In.the eveat of t pprdal�safcin�of the
<br /> Fmpaty�n which the fair market vatoe,of tbe PmQerty muntdiatelY befae the tatong is tess tTum tHe a�ount of tl�e sums
<br /> sa�:i�ediauely�ae tbe t�iciag,nnkss Bomower arn�.Lrndef ahecwise�gox�writing ar unkss appllca6le taw .
<br /> _ _ . ..._ ._.._ ..�T. _ �n�erc�y�t'a:the shall be a�"oa m tLe.�s s�d 1�1i t�is$e_cuntg Insanm�t whether or not tiyt sums are _
<br /> - -=-tbeadpe: . .. . ---=---
<br /> If tbt Propeic�r is abandoned!ry BoROwer,ar i��ter�e bq Lsnder w Sa�rnazr tirdt id�co�demiior.o�as w mal�e �
<br /> �aw�d a seule a c1�im far da�es.BaeoA-er fails to tespood tQ L�ndes.pyiihin 3U ili;'s affer tI�daoe the notia is given,
<br /> La�der is aathoria�d#o oolkrx aod apply d�e pmca�d.s,at'ss uptioat e�hei to nstoratioa c�r:cpair of t6e PropeRy or w tLe
<br /> , s�ms�ecuad hy tbis Security tnsunu�esit,whe�her or not t6at dat. .• •.
<br /> Unl�ss I,.eader�ad Bondwer.�hecwise agree in wri�a$�any aPP�ion of pnic�ids to principat si�all aat exund or
<br /> �oe the dne d?[a of tLe moii�stY PaY►neas seferred to in,�aphs t and 2 or clt�get�e aawunt of such payma►ts.
<br /> .i!: Bocro�rer Nat Rda�sed; Furbea�aece B� l.e.aer No� s Wii�er. E�rn,irsion of the time for payaxnt ar .
<br /> mo�on of a�norti7aoian of tbe sums senae�by this Sec�ity Insaumert gran�d bY Lender to any successar in intenest
<br /> �
<br />-° af 8e�zoyrer sirall�wt agerate ta ieIease the i'�,�ity ci€the uriginal Borrower or Bo�mv�er's suoce5sais in utter�t-Lenckr . . _ _ -----
<br /> s��:+�t ba ra�ai�ed to commence pmceedings agaissF anY successor in intelest or iefuse to extend.time.f�pa�nc or
<br /> �modify aaattiza6oa of the sums�d,by tIris Sacunty Insuument 6y�o�ar?y demaas�made(�t4earc�nal
<br /> , $otsdv�at a Homc�wer's svccessors in int�;�Y forb�e bY Lender in exerc's���rigt��r ae�aed���t be a .
<br /> - waiver of ar piec�u,3�the exercise of ang ci�{Ci�ciemedy. . • � ; ,.,:',: ,~' ::��`�����:',,��:``af d�as.
<br /> , . 12�r�nrs•�d�1�,4 Ba�t1+::,�+uid Seveeall.ia6ii+tp�Cq-si�nea's. �e�����.
<br /> 6
<br /> $e�iti�ty+'��.set;�u:,~��.��:�ri3'�enefi`t•tne'siiecessois anii assigns of I.e�er an�B�irs�:�.s.�a� �the}�n��!:s c� ,
<br /> �p�aragsa�ts I j..���'s ce,'erau�s and agrxments stiat!6e;oint and severai. Affs i�.,m.?�er w�t��n signs��na�rsay
<br /> �n,��6�c3�r.sa��.�u'�.1f�:Note: (a)is co-signiag�i�,Security Insirumeaacil�:i�.?cxongage,�tant ans���c�"�t
<br /> „�':.:. .��5�rrr.��rir i�� ��.'.`:�ander the tenns of tbis S�.:^-.:ry Insuuraeac; (t:)is��ally bbligated to Pa}-�� _ --
<br /> , • .a. r.i.and(c} that�ea�er and any o�her Borrag��=y'�ee to euend r.sc�.�ir'.ferT�e2r - ---
<br /> ,s���5�a:..��' aS� • -- -
<br /> � e,��r,�:�'�a.�;r�-';u�,:��ih negard to the terrms�u£�sis Securit}Instn�e¢r•;.�.�:�fot��ist�:4.�tl�aa�isi�s' ---
<br /> :.� _ .,. ... , .... ,. ,., ; ,. . �.,.�
<br /> ; ��.: , ' . , : .. . �_
<br /> �. � :f�. Loae_�• Lf�'t�secure3 by.t4us �aa�ey Insbtaneat is su6ject m�±aw ��i s�raaxiz?runc toan __.
<br /> charges,and t1�at F�{s finalfy mterpieted sco t�t t6e inferesc br other loan charges coliec:ed or to be oa i�ied in cin"snection =r���=
<br />:_ 'wiW th�loan esw�d the permitted limits,the�: fa)anY such loan charge shall be reduced by the amomat necessa+y to reduce
<br /> the charge ro ttie permitted limit;and(b)any s4ms already colle�ted from Bortnwer which exceeded permitted limits will be
<br /> tefunded to Bormwer. L.ender may chaose ro make this ttifund by reducing the principal owe�under the I�Iote or by making a �
<br />- ��'• � direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal,the reduction will be m�►ted as a pastial prepayment withaut any = -_-_-
<br /> � • -ti�`�` prcpayment charge underthe Note. �'��
<br /> .1�.'.'i �__i_
<br /> � °= .� ' • 14. NMices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrumertt shall be given by deliver�ng it ar by .;;°�..,�—
<br />_ �,?;��'""'�.'�=•�;: •�. mailing it by first class mai)untess applicable law requires use of another method.The notice shall be directed to the Property _- _
<br /> - �'.�"• '� pddrGSS or any o1he�;�ddress Borrower designatec by natice to l.ender. Any natice ta Lender shall be given by first ciasc �
<br /> ��'� ' r �� � mail to l.ender's•addresz stated herein or any other address Lr.nder dcsignateti by notice t�Bomawer. My notice provided for �
<br /> a�,,�;.:�;��t�:. in this Sccurity In�tament shall bc deemed th havc bccn given tu Bomn�cr or Lender when given as provided in this . . � , ;�;;..;
<br />_ '�.r ,:.- • . ,�,.- �-
<br /> •f3� ParaBraPh•
<br />- �`t�`� , 15. Governing Law:Severability. This Security tmtrumem shail hc govemed by federal law sind the taw of the ;. . -�
<br /> • -hs..: .. , , .
<br /> :��:. -:.,:�.-•• . 1;,r. jurisdictian in which the Propeny is tacated. In the event that any pr�vitiian or clause of thi�Security lnstrumem ar the Note � •.x;�="
<br /> :�z:.:.;.:� � • :���._
<br /> � • eanfliets with applicable law.xuch contliet shal!not affect other pmvisionsof this Security Instrument ur the Note whicb can� F.;.: : ,�.__
<br /> ' be given effect without the conflicting pravision. To this��nd the prc�visionc of thic Security insvument und the Note aro ' '. -"�;'"
<br /> -.-. . declared to be severable. •�`:'� � ` -�'.
<br /> " : 16. Borrower's Copy. Borm�ver shaU be given one confarmed copy of the Nete and of this Security Ins[rumen� :�r! ` :«"
<br /> �`�;,ll.2..y".i��4r°.'.
<br /> •. 17. 7lrans[er o(the Prbpc��or a Beneficiai Interest in Borrower. If all or an}part of the Propeny or any interest in • ��:.. . .. .
<br /> -�n .,�. � it is sold or transfeRed(or if a b�reficia!interest in Horrower i�+old ur t�n,fzrred ar_d Borrower is not�n:�mral penon) ��'��:�'��`�`• ���'�!,
<br />- without l.ender's prior written c.Tnsent,l.ender may.at i�c apiion,rcyuire ienm�d�ce payment in full of all cams secured by =s� ,-,�,'� ,,;-
<br /> ;. " this Security 1nsUVment. Ho�3e�zr.this aption shall not be exercired b� f.er:der if e«i.e iti prohibited by fedeml law as of ' 4' ;:�;;,�;� . ��;;
<br /> � _ ,��r•. ; ..._� thedateoithisSecnricy Inst�:�nt. .:�:` : .•:'-
<br /> � ' If Lender exercises this oF[:o:�.Le►ider shaU give Ba:ru�rer notice of acceleratian. The natice shatl provide a periad of � � �
<br /> ' • . not less than 30 days from the date th+:aot.i�'iy delivcred or mailed wit6in+�fiich Butrowcr mutit pay all�umc+ecured by ihis . .
<br /> ' � ' � • Securiry instrument. If Borroaer fails t�s�niy� thc�e �umc prior to the�pintiun of thi.period. Lendrr may invoke any
<br /> �r� ' - remedies pem►i:,ed Dy this Se�uriry f nstiumant without funher notice or d�:mand on Barrower.
<br /> , � 18. Borrov�ers tttgt�ti G3 [�einstate If Borrawer meets certain conditionv. Borrower tihall have the righ��to•have •.�,.;
<br /> .',.;�;��... . � enforcement of this Serurit}+ tn<trumene diccontinued at any time prior ta the e:+rlier of: la)5 dayz(or such other peria3 uw .•;'� :';,
<br /> ' ' • , Singia F.+mily..Fannie�tatlFreQdie Nac L%IFt1RSf IrSTHUSf F:%T•-I;niG�mi Cavenants 9,'9S"I��r��if h pa;���a)�1
<br /> ,; ;,.,;. ,
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