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<br /> '� To�etirQ wItD all�e�te�aas t6�a�to�d�L�aII oo�ats ia�1l tbs title 4�edr{�6�L�ith Wd ra1 afah. .,'
<br />- , aad aII'tie ra�IaoMS aod D��i�a�ae dtfantt i�►D�aemam!�i s��+'ao�at cr'�aa beeda oot
<br /> btasd;at+d wa�t�s tttls t�peded�d da�r e�eept ta�tLir.aottpN. ` ' . .-. . .. ".
<br />_= D�m�,tLs time!3!s maeti�is in laeee tLt moetpYm asr�es �t��.�:'.Ia�Nd
<br />-- .,�� Ffm�t,To pss aD taas and specisl�nt+3e�led aWa�t*�id Dted�.��� . <
<br /> - '. ypa��ds mcef�[e.a�tLe debt seea�e�bY tMs matpi� and taendo in iose ooe�p�f',to bs sp
<br /> '_;��. To 1�eep all baIIdinp tLa+eoa i�ed ss�inft 2ao�7�.�
<br /> - _� `,Dev�e�'�5':t�e Wd Haoe Fedee�l 3ada0 ic Laa Aa�odWa� eE Gsand Llurd in t6e sam oi: ��_010_5Q, tae
<br /> > tbe�mt tbe wtd Aa�odation,an�ib saeonraes ae a�t0� aad to depatt s�id ydida with tdd Asoeistia�.�sad eiatt ad �
<br /> I. _.� : Qr auKtr W wabe o�o�id P�•md a3aII P�aad 1ueP dd ral atate bn�aad im��f.+� -- - °
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<br /> ,�; ' r� .-�" �T1i{rd. To p�7 ae caat0 to be D�to tbe Hame Fedtral SavIn�+10 I+an AsroWtim a!Gtand�atf�i�:ib sooea�oe�ae�
<br /> �4.�`'F'= icand T
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<br />-,. »��`1��,�-�- . ��� 'p�patofe a foIIa+rs:
<br /> . .�; - ,�. . _ ,.
<br /> . ���'µ�•!'` � � f Single payment due Uecember a; 1993
<br /> ".::�;f,i ..K.`
<br /> � � ,��. . � � , - ,.
<br /> ..{;,`r�, ' ,. � . :.,: � � ` ,� .
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<br /> �, �::•,.,t; . � with iaterest tbenoa yay�ble,a��t�+e tes4=�nd tifec�oH:the oz�Ttrtafa lirat mostga�e nebe.'.�s�id�m�crs. .,.
<br /> . :1..;9�•. ,.
<br /> �,: . . b�e�sla8 even d�te with thae P�,A€f.ex �tnrltY uiid btiad M�ws interest at the nte ot nia� cm#i�.��.
<br /> _ > .°•�- � • .� I!said tuces and aseesamen4 are�aat�m�en dne, or ii the buildiags on s�id Dremises ase ac:��.�.•nd as���1?e pro-
<br /> � " vided,or it aay of s�id lnterest is not D�d+�'��.�en said ahole deM al�all become due immediat,�v,•att the oyl3on ot the _
<br /> _ . ,.. '.i � sald Aa�ociatlen,and sLall thereafter draw iate�at tbe nte of nine pes cent yer ammum. � '' � _
<br /> r�. Tfle moetgigo� hereby �o1gn-.- to sai� m:�aSee ill niRs and in�.rome arlsln� at anY ac�� a� tima irom �atd
<br /> �'�"� � �'` P�D�9 and henby anffiortze aaid mo�+See cr�ts�Seat�at ib aption. upon deG�il�, to tate ¢�rSe�a! s�id yroDeit7 � _-
<br /> �.. .
<br /> coilect a11 nnts aud income thereirom and apyly the iame t�►Gse D�ent oi intertat. �rlacipal, ia�aance Dreminm�.tasa. _
<br /> � - ; . - fuaameatay �ep�ire or impmvements neceasary to Yeep saiaC i3�D�Y in tenantabie coadition, or to other chuSes or D�►7• _
<br /> � mwts�rovided for huela or in the note hereby s�cured'This rent assignment aball coattnue ia lorce�mtil tbe anpatd bat
<br />� - � �nee of ea38 note i�talxy D�id.The lal�in8 0!�-.�.c�sston hereandtr a�a:l'En no maaner pnveat or:e'�ze!a�id mortg�tee in ;'
<br /> � >�::i�;.�� ,� We coltection o!�aid anms by fo:+ecIosure or otfiu:t^Wise• � _
<br /> � �' �1'�"'��;'''.' . Whether a�id debt becomea d:ir�bp 2a�ae o4 time. or is1 i�a•oi the failure o!the Darty ot t�tirat ptrC to com��
<br /> -� :��:�+.,��r��,'� witb aas'cond�tion IIerein.the saE�f�aase Fedeaal Savia�t dc Laaz��Assoctation oi GraIId tElana;the anccessoss ane afd�a, �
<br /> at �
<br /> . �,� . ._ .. ---```4-.--- � �aF�Ifrre therlght to be�n tli�fa�ectosase ot this at�e��once on the wbole detxC�herebp sec�aed. an�! to inclnde - -
<br /> tha�eta all tua.as�wnents.iasuraace psentiuss��cost�.P�ia�bs'.it:o: them: or said Assodatioa.�its eaec�s.ton or
<br /> � ' ' . " ,: �4�, �7t fonciae on1Y aa to the suca Dsst da► without iN�Y � this mortBaBe. ar the' disF]a�meat�oi impairmen�
<br />-_ � , of ffie Iien thereo� �
<br /> AnA ffie taid firat DtltY and!Le makera of said note, esFed�ly aBree and dedare Wat the sePuate estata ot each anA
<br /> - • eve:y one of t6em.including both t6at now owned and ti�at 8ereafter acqu�red, is Dledged and bauad for the psyment o!
<br /> � � . the d�eb! �enby tecured.
<br />_� ���. Aiter t�e ooatcdeacemenL oi any :nit ia torectaure the plaintlii therrin tbaU he entitied to We ita�edlate parseedon of �
<br /> qiA ye+emisea and thn'apyolntment oi a receivqr therefos. notatthatandi�'t8ey m�,Y be tbe homestead ot tite oeaupant ane
<br /> • not�vithstandln8 the Faztles 1iable far the debt may be solvent,and the fttst partY here�y coasenta to the appoinlment oi a
<br /> - ,- - - - - --�.�- geeeivrs upon the producHon oi tNs inHsnt�e;withmrt ather evldence this oonveymce s�ll be�dd,athtt +
<br /> - 'j . -.- : -- - Tlse i�+etdus candltioes aad aF���, a11 �nd aia8ular.belns fu111 P��• �
<br /> " - � us
<br /> wLe to bs aad t�as�ia ia inll fa�e aM eHeet
<br /> , j� ��b�. 9th - �yr.,� Nnve "' D» �
<br /> � � �4 � �- u�
<br /> - - _ is p�ae�°°t _ • _ _ � aw. on J . .
<br />:. r . ._
<br /> .� . .
<br /> �'���• : Marcia J Lawton
<br />. � ; ... . 1'.�MG,I'hIM��::.
<br /> . ,.
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