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<br /> � ` . � �pi�i���la�r�'�peci��or�)�We�d��7�P�.. Z�oit�`�a�e ��o�rd i��-.. `
<br /> ' `S�e�r�tj!Iwew�ak o�(b)�!►af����. .�Y. it Ba,t�°a'er �'�`
<br /> ;' �pNjn Ie�Aer�lt�w¢kh t�ea 6a,d�e�a8er t�s:Secw�c�►�ot aed.Me}�o1e a�€�o�aooidaalio�E.Ya' � .�
<br /> . . a�a�(b)aia ary dd�ritcf�o�r al�es onreureb a.apeemd�:(a)pqa all a��emes iec+�d io���y
<br /> �e�trrse�x,�iMcbdie�.birt�aot lirdetlloy te�rdn�wbie anomeys�.faa:.aad td?nioes:s�►acdoa s�.i.ende�np,��tti�Y .
<br /> � �eqi�ire a.rwRe d�t die uea of ma sec�it�r m�im�enr,La�'��4a m a�e rmpacy�aa ea►'r+o+��a�m w�Y� ` .
<br /> . ,,,� ,ea.ed tr�.tti. �, Imh,�auat,6�n 000m�aoi�u�ed uPon t� g►.Easro�w'r, �is s�► . ,
<br /> `� I�eat aYd WC�secuai hea�'br a m t i mnain f i�J l y e i f a�v r e�s i t no�o c e i a i't t o u l r q d c o c�n e� �+^�,1�•
<br /> ,.: *� ' — ..... . . _ .. .. :. .:...::.. . _ - . ; _ _ _. ..
<br /> ' breai�atMe�linoi-appiYS��erssedaoockrsnonmderp�g�1'#:-' �-- . - _ .
<br /> , �-1#:l�1r�f iW1e;C1w�e�[L�&rtioer. 'iLe iVale�r x p�rtial i�a�est�.8�e Nde(�o�15a��S�' � ..
<br /> - ��j�Ee sold oae ac ruoee time��ci�o�oE pior natice w&scox�a !1 a�Jt�A�ty t�W[in�t�in the eotitY .
<br /> ._..._.. - (4 2!��I s_t 6�'t 9 i w S e�v�o e c")�o o�e c t s a�o�t h l�P'�y m m t s d u e�d e r t b e l W�o e a o d 1�4 a S a�y'� T6ere.aiso.
<br /> _ _ _ � srn�r awcamoee - .--___:._ �_ i�uiu-`S�`W�;— ---�_—
<br /> � . Baavnr�r�!be pvat��6oe oFihe cifa�e in acooidanx rrilb'po[s,gr�ph 14 af�►e!o�app�csl�iaM.�'tbe noric�..
<br /> � �sf�ttit utnit aod add�ess a[drc nCV t.o�o Saviea aod�e,address Lo�rPo�payme��t sUoatd be m� 'f1�e aotioe w�. ;�
<br /> aT�o�c6eGin+�tyoli�ai�a�an�a�edb�r�Iav�. '•
<br /> 2�t Baariws S�iW�ea. Borrower shaii not c�ate ur pe�mit the p�esenc�ase.dispcsa�,swi�ga.oE rel�ase oE aaY.� .
<br /> Hu�S�ea o�or in tbe Pt�uQert}�:. Baaow�cr s1�sII mt dc�tror allow�ny�ooe eLs�ks dos��'�d�,
<br /> Atipaty tl�i is:n violaeioa of s�cy�avimom�al is�Tbe ptecrfimfg two sawences sh�li�spptY��tb�p�esawe.!�se,af :
<br /> - siacxge oa dre Arop�ty of small qu�ities cif�da�s Sv6s�aae�s t2��e geoeraily�jZa�!o bo app�oprisie to��_-:
<br /> ze93tnti�l uses�d taani�Raaoa of thc RopeiEj►::`::;,�;. : - �.. �-:
<br /> ti�
<br /> - Baauv�rer sW1t Qcamptty give Leader wnuat nq�ioF�a�Y u►vapgation,ctaim,demind�lawsa��or�r��bY,�S'
<br /> - ._ �.::aiiiie�nment�i or rtgn�,igcnc.y��ii��aie jkssty ia`�'e}ng the Pmgttty a�x!any Nnza�ous Subsu��'�e'e a Hriacoatn�a�- _ . _
<br /> . •:;.L�aw of vhicp,Bo�mwer Uas x� knawledSe. If&xmwer lasns,ar Is notified bY anY 8av�mna�tal or ngula�*� _
<br /> ��boritY;tfiat;�ay zeajovat a ad�er remediat�on oF any Har.s�doas Su6stance affectin8 d�PmpertY ts nocessiry,Bo�m�c�r,; .
<br /> �P`,'�,�-P_�JY ta•l�ce,.,a,ll nooessary.yn�rmod'al actions iyn�.a�o-c,o�r,d,auce w`�it,fi,�7avLi,,m��n,�n,,�x,,►u�o�lpLsw. � ,,,,{,�.��.��' ,s
<br /> . . �' ' !f�YSW�WLl�La/s���uWYi�W��C�WJC$�Y]fYlbA(Iry�������,!�A{P!wi��� � .
<br /> ' Fa�vimainental Law and d�e followiag subslatcces: gasaiiae,lcerosene.otlxr f�ammabte�waic p�oteum pr�is�.toxic
<br /> paticides and habieides.volad"le solvents,mateciaLc�tainiag asbestas or formaldebYde,�d'tadiioacuve�s. As
<br /> . . usod in this pan�gr�ph 20,"Fnviroo�law"me�ns fe�d�'a!�av�s�iaws of the jnrisdicppn vq�gie t��e�'as lacated
<br /> t8u nlate W(tealth.safety ar rnvirou�entaZ Drotectioci. : ;:'.:. .. .
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENAN7'S. Borsower aad Lender fiuti�taoveaant and agree as follo�:' , •
<br /> ZL AOl'lk17�011's Rl��l.4.- IRIIdp'S6aI1 g�Yt qO�FC!�O BO�POWd'p�01't0�C�Jp��t'�OR'��ORORK'S
<br /> brescM o��sy aoveaant ue agr�ameet i�tbis Stcarity Instrumeet[bat not prbr to ac�ratios aad�t,f�g�Pb 17
<br /> u�tess sp�icsbk law provides otLerwiseT Tbe notke sb#ll�gt.{s)t6e detsutt:fb)the�cqon re9��?�cure tl+e
<br /> dehnh;(c)�daie,aot Iess t6sn 30 da,Fs froie t6e date the aW�iie,�gi�'en to Borrower.b9�rhkh tlk def'aQ1t most be.
<br /> _ cored;s�dC(dl t�at tsQure W cure t!u dd#bit on ar 9x?orc tLe d�,'fie�eci�ied in t6e not�se may result in ucilerstio�of'.' ':
<br />