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<br /> . . , . , � . - � .. - ' ' f.Gx+,l.'"i.t'i�*S.�IJ1:c �`
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<br /> - , ,:�:; . 3 ,rU"F::`�` '�
<br /> ' p�ei�i it titit[Niw. '!�irreNps an�i�s�i�ier��-:.'.", �;�oe�vwa ts L�ir�c �
<br /> ,. +� � �r1'wliioM i�M�MI M uM�w�M�r�il�ibit. lf�a�t�i fa��``"°�'�."'r .!^����bictibi sDove. �►.at: .. _
<br /> Lw�i�SaMiaR.o� fo1p�E�e�de��r�in�iwPrapE�� :rir� 7. . .
<br /> . 111{i�we+MO� Yp eiM�iMwiirq6e I�Ieade���`�,. '`�' . rwitl�d�c�e. I,a�d�c"
<br /> � _ i�d Ltr�e dia ri�t b f�old IMr polkii�Md t�. 1�L�nd�er.ra�a,sit�., ...�`:, eI�p�y�re b i:ea�a aq reaeips`
<br /> , �p�id pew�dwaa�Md w�r�t.�ioticw. 'IR�Me a�1ot at la�i.Bae��.� '�.tb t4e�tec�e c��riet a,d
<br /> ' I.r,ndet. �eedfrrnr�r_�ltepeotc#touitirot�in�epc�ompttyby ,`:`�`:���°•�sr�:.,,, . : ; , . .
<br /> . tlait�E+ee�Meaed3en�uv�er�dewiic ��`,���', .:.� . ._ .
<br /> '.: :�' `;;': �odtio�a��
<br /> apec��itia��.�''-����i
<br /> . dro d�n�ed,iI tMe t+alot�tio�mr�+ep�i�i�aoo�wmic�Uy:.t�:s ��e�,d��:�aceit�r ic not]e�eaed. i�We
<br /> �.. ����qr►�P�b�wt ao�oa�ly�a La�ak������,.,��:�iia�ce p�ooeed��4U 6e '
<br /> �p8ed�a d�srm�secuned by d�ir 5ecutiqr L�nm�ent,rrLedier.�z:�;:�i?�.�;'s�co�t�pria b Boa�. If
<br /> - _)�--� .. e ,, ::�._�,:�.,;' :, f :. , �'7"a''�"�i��• _-'�'�T • `�"� -
<br /> � � "—.
<br /> .
<br /> ` olYEied�o x�tb�s C1�m►tt�n I,eader�at �oilC�ct tbe iae�au�ce `;' .::.,�"' ,��...,",' liepoe�e
<br /> y p�riad�ls•.�°i�Y:> �:�acacoed:�o ieprir ai
<br /> � d�e P�opaiy a�io�p�y,a��ed b�►d�is Secariey La�t.�v6e�?ptr�;►�a; .`���;dap pQio�t w�l be�in r�tto,
<br /> �.r�.-�.,.:;.
<br /> , ' .thenoticeis . �.i:.:,.;;.;:r�=:�;.;<1�.�.,:E�s:,,..,;,,,,,
<br /> ��' ' `•��....,,;.:%< ��;
<br /> Unks�Leadee and Ha�o�er od�et�ri�t a�ee Li wrltica,aay ipp�or�3i;i�#8��:��p�mcipd amil iooe e�ldid at .
<br /> st�aio�ovncof tbc paxmeats. If
<br /> poapone H+o dne d�i1e ot1Le aiondily pa�meea�efaied to in p�uap�1�'�1;aaq�a��;'��� ��
<br /> uod�r peaE�aph 2l d�e PtapertY is acq��d b�l.eocte+',Bo�verk rlg�;�e�ati�:.._ , � �nd
<br /> . ftnm mmsaa,ta.t6e Property Prlor a thc aoquii;cia�ahctl p�s w Ixoaer:#c�:�i,a�4�.a�e�aecu�ad[tpr t�s.secaity
<br /> � Ia�nana�tinanedlWeigpriortolhea�:�� .``'`'��::'i-;";.i; <�%;`�:,;�' :-;� :
<br /> � � �� � !� �o�ect�w at'�L�:'�;�.�a's;i:wr:l�pp�;
<br /> � ,. .
<br /> . ' t�. Bonvwer�haii occupy.ea�Dlt�h.and we�c�t�oQc�ty as Ho�piaf��.:Y�i�ence witivai:siiriy,�after-_ <
<br /> • the exabtiaa of t6is Securiry lnstrumeaC and shd!cauinue w accupy.the�t3rt:�:��s PrinciPd t�esiddr.z far at
<br /> - la�st one yar afla.the d�e oB�aocnp�uicy: unkas La�des otl�rsev�i.ic sgro�s,:3i5 p�;;�can9e� �att.m�be �
<br /> � w�easaiably wjtl�eid.a w�ks�exlCaaWin�ci�anutances exist whiel�m�b!�aii�C�sa�la��oauro}. BoaaWar�hali uut
<br /> �Y.��a i����Y•�low the Pw�to dete�ia�ate,oc.c�oie�t.Kv�;ak?;t)x�tnp,�ty.;;:.8oc�uwa sh�U �
<br /> ' 6e in default If any torFeltuc�e�ctlan or proceedin� clv�or crimtoal,�;�s°���'8;e�a�:�`faith judgtnem '�
<br /> coWd n§Wt in fafeiture of�he Pbpe�ty or atherwise materi�lty impair the;�ea�:�..{b,y�Sis�5acvcity Insaumrat or
<br /> • Lenderk secu4iry interca� Borrower mriy cwe such a default and teinstate.as prav�a'f�:�p�18.Ly cauuing the actioa
<br /> � or proceeding ta be diamissed wlth a tuling th�tt.in Le+tderb good f�itb decermir.�;5�:��5�'�r�eitiu+C.!�f the Bae�ov�er�s
<br /> - intenest in the Ptoperty or ather material impaimKnt of the lim c�eated by t�."�aer�ty��ps�rd ui�security
<br /> interest. Bo�mwer shall also be in default if Bomawer.duting tbe loam_�acs:�:act`�'�:,:�;.�Ily fatse or
<br /> inuccurate infomwtlon or atatrnxnts td Lender(or failed to provide Lender wilb�iy;:���d�?.anj�g�with
<br /> _ the loan evidenced by thc Nofe. includiag, but not limited to. n�entations��q�inng��ai��ve�•rao�c�:�the
<br /> Pivperty ss a principalresidence. If tltia Secudty Insuument is on a hoid,Bocio#��"r_s�I��r•,�����p�-rswns
<br /> ,.. .. ,
<br /> of the kase. If Bartuwer ac uic�es fa atte ta thb ' ' .
<br /> _-- 9 PlupedY•tha leisehold and the fa ude�l,�r�t:mf�t�a4e's'sI.-�erag�c+es
<br /> to the merger in wrlting. ' � ;.
<br /> -- -- _ 7. ProtecNon ot l.ender'a Rithb ie the Pro�erty. If Borrower fa�l9 w pafor�i�e�.'cow�ts amd agnxments
<br /> ` � containod in this Security Inswment,or there ls a tegal proceeding that may significa.�I3 s,ffe�t�ezi�fi righu in the
<br /> --_- 'Property(snch as a pmceeding in bankruptcy.ptobate.for condetnn�tion or fodeinue or to e�eeae�3at��mi,�ilations),tlxn
<br /> Lender may do and pay for whatevcr is neccssary to protect the valuc of the Property an�Ti.�dl�r�ifigT�is in the Pmperty.
<br /> Lender's actions may include paying any sums securcd by a lien which has priority over this S�y�nstcu�ent,appearing
<br /> in court.paying reasona6le attomeys'fas and entering on thc Ptoperty to matce repairs.AIl29�ar�;h i.endes.ma}�take ac6on
<br />- ,'r „� `I• under this paragraph 7.L'ender does not have ta do so. • � �
<br /> ` � Any sunounts disbur�ed by Lender under this pamgruph 7 shaU become additional debt af,�aa+��r�r,s„cared hy this
<br /> Security Instrumen� Unless Borrower and l..ender asree to other terms of paymen�,these amaur�s,s�il:bear inte�est from the
<br /> ,��� • date of disbursement at the Note rate and shAll be payable.with iatercst,upon riotice frorri Laa�.t��arrucver roq�esting
<br /> _..�:_ payment�t� � '
<br />- '�,`••��;'�<:'` S.� Moetg�ge Insurance. If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of�e uhe;a�a sewred hy this
<br /> �'��T`�'•� �� _'� Sectaity�Instrument, Bonower shall pay the premiums required ta maintain the mortgage insiTa=-�oz.'��B"r�. .If for arjy
<br /> ,.,�;••:�.. .. ;,¢:,:. .
<br /> ' ,�+�;:,. � , '�� . • ' reason. the mortgage insurance coverage requued by l.ender tupse.w or ceases to he in effsai, �acmr,u*�sI�,2:i pay the
<br />'r:,. �-yis;. �;, ,
<br /> ����,it.,: .;;,,�.,{�. .T premiums required to obtain coverage substantially equivalent ta the mortgage insurance �ec;o�rs13� i�e`f�,•ae a mast
<br /> ���,t�;.;. v, !�;,=r;. substantially equivatent to the cost to Bortower of the mnrtgage insuranrc prev�ously in effes��m�aTzerna*t Tnortg�e -
<br /> }�#�� w{,�;''..r,)i�:r,�. insurer approved by Lender. lf substsintially equivalent mongage i�urance coverage is noi av�i!b�a,�u�rpwes shall psy�o
<br /> ,• ';;;�t,r;,:;•,;�',• Lender each month a sum equal to one-twelith of thc ycarly mortgage insurance premium being pai�ny�wa�mws;�w}�en the -
<br /> .' •''';�,``�.� insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. l.ender will acceM.u�e nnd re�ain these paymenu as a]vss�senie i�aieu
<br />:�;;; ;' ..•..,w�.•.: -
<br /> - �-,•,;';.;, �,.;:fs:,;;,.� of mortgage insurance. Loss reser've payments may no langcr be rcyuircd,�t the option of l.ender,i�mav�a�r itas�v�cc -
<br /> : ;•.,:.:;;;.,.;;�, coverage(in the amount and for the period Ihat l.endcr reyuiresl pruwded by an insurer approved by Leiid�agai�:� _
<br /> �';'"'`°�� availabte and is obtained Borrower shall pay ihe prcmiumx rcquind to mainlain mortgage insurance in e`7�or t�*r�s+ide� . -
<br /> ;s,,. ,:.;.,..,,,:,
<br /> • � •',:, ;•'°;;•; , lo.ss resetve,until the requirement for mongage in�urunce end�in;iccnrdnnce with any written ageemeat beawee�s�L�*rou��r.. --
<br /> �;;;;t•:};, ' ';f : , and Lender ar applicable law. • ..•. _
<br /> � ,;�:,y,;,,.�,.,} , ;,, ;.; � 9. lnspection. Lendcr or its agent may make�casnnablc cntrics up��n unci inspections of the Proper•ry. �dex s��:l '
<br /> ' �r � �:1;��; give Borrower notice at the time af or prior to an inspection tipccifying rraumablr c�u.e for the inspection. � '
<br /> . 1���.°' 'r'''•'+ 10 Condemnatbn. 'I'he proceeds of any uwarJ nr clain�fi�r damageti,iiirect ur cunsequential,in conn�lao:i u,itl�i�,.:� .,
<br /> ., •,r...t�r`1,,:,• . �
<br /> • .:��;?ti;.;y�;:'•: Single Famity--Fannk MrdFitddk 11tw Cti1VONN N%TRl-�1F:tiT-•Unifomi Corenanb 9/9D.t;a:�,.e�;'6 p4g��r> =
<br /> ' ;:•i�511.`;.:h,�,i -
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