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<br /> _ �_ . � _ � c z�--;
<br /> rs' ` • f y (� ". . �. �- ( �,. �` .~'`i . --,c ` �� �'
<br /> . < ` - ... . ' . . .. .. , ,�� . . '��. - = a. t._ . _ • -.-�: -`�`s,. . .
<br /> � . �i■r��r��Yr�ii�s[�r.wt�f�'!�/i�►►�RfirC�r,yMOSis�wafl���ii�.rre.i�i�wl�M!�. .�
<br /> ' � . �iM/�Y�al.r� � � � ; � . . ,° _ `
<br /> . ts 4�i��1�W 1rd�d r1+R�►.i���i,t�ME�1M!a�fr wiwE s��.w�. iit�ail� .
<br /> � 4•i�i�r�.,�i�iir a�ot��..�a�r�pM a�aecwer. IR�e�rwrt d a p�W rtiM�d��hopatr ti
<br /> M�ii�iie�ir�t viw d M Ro�wt� l�fa�+s ie 1�i�14 pwl b ac��tli�tMe aMOwt a��t+e�t ,
<br /> �� = �e�11�i i�►tYii�Y�r�,i�eat�Me#����tlre W�i�f.wleu Dan�o�w+e��d i+eMdK�+ut��e=+rei�► `�
<br /> .. ; . li�`�i�wwi Ir�i this Srereily Iorl�wst_rWl br[�d b�r ie�o�t at IMe�� ���6�►tl�e foro+ri� � "
<br /> ' ' � � S�ie toW 1Mrort d die���iein�e�iMdY b!I�be�tUe t�ki�.divided bg►(b)�ie t�ir�rlrs��ri d io �
<br /> � ,-bp�wt�:��wt�r.ljoN ie e�i�._Anr�I�ce iWl be`pii�d`io Hatower. li�tie�+re�gt�'p�t1iY ,_� aE.�e
<br /> ' �irwLicl�•it11�$wrt�at vaire a(�Ye.t�opaty�edi�i�►6efa�fie tiiti�ii Je+�r�tlwi 14�a��f, � sra�it ' --
<br /> �i�ely 6d�a�e.tUe hBL��le»Borro+Mer aWl L�de�ai�i�e�p�ee ier wrilwi a��e�s tppiieibk lisr. :
<br /> ` ' oM��e povtaa.�Ue prnt�+�drlt be appiiea to 11ie�rnr ucwed by this Sec�itr teMt��t w�6e�er ar eot tl��#re� -
<br /> ----_ -�--�.—_..�__�—_.--.�____--- --__..—. �.._.._ _.�.. _ _
<br /> .o.�. , - — � - . .
<br /> . �.I[-t�Ptiopanr ir�Di�d�ed�jr�eowrr.a d.aAar�by l.ender a Haro+�r�t Jbe oon�ea�ar diers'a�tae
<br /> . ia arr�d ar�eWe s�,o'1�far dM�s.&irto�ret f�ilt b re�pod 10 Lader widiis 30 d�ailer�lr'd�1e tl�e a�otiae�ii prei. �
<br /> 1��1��OifliOd b CdIOC!alla apply t�e p�01.'�o0df,�t iti opt�oo.ell�f!?b 1�IOI�lo11 C1''/�E�of dlE tkllpRt�t llt b A6G
<br /> �11{fOC�ld,�1��y�qk.MYl�Ef Cf 110t 1�lA�C. . ' . <
<br /> Uala�e.La�der ad Bareaw�er atherwbe�pee ia�.aaY�PP��P��P���l�aot exlaiW ar ,
<br /> pc�Apose iie d�d�te dd�e moo�19 P�Y��efe�ed to ia p�r�pl�s 1 aod 2 ar cl�e d�e amount of sw�paymeets. ' . .
<br /> . IL Mt�rw�er 1V�t �lewi: !�'ie�r�oe S� I.e�Wer N�t a Wit�er. Fz�an�ion of �e-tim�iar �tyMe�[.ar
<br /> • `so '�iation d amo�tion of tha suns secvird by dris Seco�it�r L�ara�ed bx Lsader w any s�ocasar:in idaat '
<br /> ' ":d 8uteow�er�1t aat opei�w�efene d�e liwbiiiry of the arisiml Banu�va or Barower3 audces:o�s ia marcu.Lader
<br /> - i�i�ot b�ce�med�to-� a�ed�gs�ag�ast-aug.ax�essa in it�st os refux tQ���end tiine far payment or- - -..
<br /> qb,qn�ri�e modify amartizMion o[tb�soms secmed by�us Spcurity I�t�t by teason af�r denqnd nn�de by die a�i�l '
<br /> � Ba�o�ra a Bo�?s spocaso�s in ie�e�est.�My f«bes�nca by Lmaer in exe�isins any ri�e or n�ahatl anc be s
<br /> aaiver of ar pxluda.t6c�xa�cise of any risht a iemedy. . �
<br /> 12. Sroees�s��ri�A�iPs aw�i:�i�t a�i Sereral UsMiitl,Ca�s. 7be oavmao�s�od ayeemeats d thk�
<br /> Secwity IOwament siW[bind aad beaef'[t6e wooesio�s aqd a�siEns of Leider and Bunuvveir,su6ject to tbe p�avisions of
<br /> .'p�spb i7.Bor�o�w�et's eoven�nts and agreaoQents slnll be joint and several. Any Bo�rower wlp co-siaas this Sa�uiry
<br /> lasaameot but does nat exa�ue the Note: (a)is co-signing this Secwity Insuument aoty w mo�tgage.g�ant aad convey dnt
<br /> • Batm+ra�s aMet�est iathcPioperty urder the teims o€this Secu,rity� fb)is not persaalty aWigatod w p� tbe sums
<br /> socwtd by this Seciuity Ia�aumea�and(c)agcoes that L.ender u�d any other Bamwer may agtee w extend.�y.forbe�
<br /> ot m�ite any avoommodatia�s witb ngaM to the teims of this Socurity Ia.rtrument or the Note vrid�aut that Bortower�
<br /> �. '
<br /> 13. l.au�CWr�e.s�. If che toan secund by ihis Security Insuu�rnt is subject to a law which sets mauimum Wan
<br /> clwrges,�d that law�s fi�lly interpeted so tt�at the inte�stt or othec faan chargrs colkcted or to be copectad in caubetion '
<br /> ' with the lo�n exceed tbe pe�mitoed limits.tlxn: (a)anY such toan charge s6aU 6e reifuced by the amount necessary w c�eduae
<br /> • the eharge to the peimiai��timifi and(b)any sums aIceady colketed from Bortowa which eaceoded pemutoed luaits will be
<br /> -- -t��ta 8omowtr.C+ender may choose to make this teWnd Isy rrducing the princiPal awod undcr the Nae or by_m�cing a —
<br /> dim:t pA.yuient to Boriuwer. ff a nefntici reduces ptmcipal.the red�ction will be areated as a P��FnFaY�n��rntlaut any
<br /> p�epryaamt ci�arge under the Note. •; .
<br /> 14�. Natices. Any notioe to�ofmwer provided for in thi�Security Insbvmeet sha11 be given by defivering it or by
<br /> mailing it by fiist slass mail unless applicable law requires use of another methad.The notice shall 6e directed to the Property
<br /> Addnss or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class
<br /> mail to Lender's addness stated herein or any other address[.ender designates by norice to Bomnwer. Any notice provided for
<br /> in this Security Instrument shall be detmed to have been given to Botrower or Lender whea givm as provided in this
<br /> P�S�Ph•;
<br /> 15. Coverning Law;Severability. This Security Inswment shall be govemed by federal law and the Iaw of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is located. ln the event that any provis�oo or clause of this Security Instrument or the Plote
<br /> conflkts with applicable,L�.w.sucb conflict shap not atfect other provisio�of this Security Instrument or thc Note which can
<br /> be given effect witho.ut�K conflictin�.provision. To this end the�s.~ovisions of this Serurity lnstrumem as�d the Nate are
<br /> declaredtr.t4tseve�'.e. "
<br /> 16 �Frnwer,'sCo�:�Borroa-er�.l�all be given one confotn:-�i°copy of the Note and of[his Securiry InsuumenL
<br /> 17.�Transter ottl�Property oe a Beneflcfai•[aterest in Borrower. If all or any pan c�1ir;Ptoperty qr any interest in
<br /> it is sold or transt'erted(cr if a beneficial iptere�t in•T'i+a-rower is sotd or transferred and E�sir�;:�er is not a tr2tz�ral person)
<br /> without l.ender's prior written consen�Lender ma.4:,st:-:ts option,require immediate pay�rz�t'zn full of aU��a secured by
<br /> this Security Instrument. However,this option sit�1L r�:c.be exercised by Lender if execcisc is pn�T;ibited by fe�eral law as of
<br /> the date of this Security Imirumenw � � : •
<br /> if Lender exercises this option.l.er�der shall gi��e Borrower naice of acceteration. The c,�otcce shall prouide a poriod of
<br /> not less than 30 days from Ihe date the na[ice js deti«red or mailed whhin which Borrower mu5i pay a11 s�m�.�curied by this
<br /> . Securiry Instrument. If Borrower fails tv pay the�w:'yums prior to the expiration of�his period. Lender+sru� invoke any
<br /> rcmcdies permitted by this 5ecurity lnstrument w'sflv�uF further notice or demand an BoROlvet: ,
<br /> 18. $�rrower's Right to Reiastat� If If�:sto�ver meets renain conditions. Barrower shall have the right to have
<br /> enforcerrner,t of this Security Instrument discor.tuau.�t at aay time prior to the earlier of: (al S�ys 1or such other period as
<br /> Single Family--Fa�lnie!�la�e Fse4dk Mac I;ti1FOR�1 ItiSTR1;�tE\T-Uniform Cu�c;��ts A'� /�aRe 4 aJb page.0
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