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<br /> - �abie lw�r�p�e(hr��ieM�l�l��Yeroa�le-aI t�e livp�i�p�ph�qt:�ta�[��oE rrle co�hi�ed�ia�14i�
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<br /> . .. drt•�Irc i'ien oE das Setv�ih!Ll�le�e�t.t.eMe�'r r�Ma nt d1E�MOpaty aNd�iNi�qw�oc:R�li�oa b pt�r•d���ed try
<br /> ' t�is� Se�ity Idtt�eel:�WI c,o�ti�e �eY�ed.`UPos.�tiiiji,,;�y1�no�nni,<,g� Se�witg Ia�lruweat a�ud die
<br /> a6tiptiow�aeowr�d lierebq.�U�N nm�in fut[y d�ectire at.if ao aoaela�tic�r hi(i.tqaiaqixedir�b�ra�►tr.tbg ri�ht w reimwe�dl.
<br /> uot spplX ia tbe ca�e o[aocdaatie�a ander p�ra�r�ph i7. •..:_. ;:• ' •<::-;�
<br /> • 1!. Sde Q 1W�t'L'IM�r�[I�wt Serrker.ThC Nate ot a�ttiwfi:iitf(a(����ti,.'t6e'No�e t� �� �!'
<br /> � . =tmtitteseet)mayr b�aoit!aue or moe�e times�nt6out prior notice b Boreoll�ri.l�d��mry crsnit ia a�ia tAt satity(keowa
<br /> _ _',as sIx�'1.aen Sesv�opc_�th�t edkcYS modhly.pa1rments due auder the rTord"raisd:t6ls Sa�nritjr.Inetnmmt.'lben�iw�y be one
<br /> � a mo�a c�a�a of t6e t.o�o Serriar aanl�ted W s sde of the Nwc.U the�e�is ac�e aE die Lo�Servioer;9amwa�rii!�e
<br /> ' pve�a wr�en mtics�of tbe cfw�e in spoocdaiaoe*rith praEr�ph�14 above aod appl'�ca kb law.The aotic��!sqie tHe.wme and
<br /> addiess of d�e ne�P Lm Setviaer aod the at�dtrss w which payn�ents sliwld 6e made.77ie.eotice wiU aiso eooraite aay utber•
<br /> ieta�tiea ialWrod b3►�pplic�bte law• ,. . .
<br /> �. H�oeiws 5ri�q�ees.9onuwe�s�ll not cause a�pennit tbe p�+esenoe.ose. dispos�t• soo�e• or nk�se of any ,
<br /> I�aracdo�s� on or in tbe Pmgaty. Bo�m�rer s�ll e�at do. nor dbw.snyme dx w do, anyt6�g alTectins the .
<br /> . P�upaty tWt is in violation of a�r Envirooment�l`Law. T6c praeding two sentenoes shalt not 9pply ta the presenoe.use.or �
<br /> stara�e on tUe P�opaty of sawll qua�Kitk.a of W�zatdous Subshoces th�t�►�e geacral[y i+aoogniud to ba appropriate to nom�l
<br /> nsid�it;al uces�ad to�af the Pe+npeity. . . _ . �
<br /> gottnwer shal!piomq�tty give Lender written natice of any investigat�ion,ctaim,dem�nd,tawsuit or other artian by any
<br /> • gover��eaf�1 or regnlatay age�y or pr'svate puty invo�ving the Pmpe�ty end e�ry Har�rdous Substance or Environmantal Law
<br /> of whicb BoRa�ver has a�twt kmwlodge. If•Bomowu tacns,or is aotified bY a�►5►8overome�l or tegulatory auttWriry.tt�at
<br /> any tianov�l or other t�emodi�ioi►r�f any Hazatdoos Substanoc affecting the Pcupecty is noocssary,Borrower shall pc+am�tiy take
<br /> a}!neoes.�saty m�edial actio�in�aontdance witb Envimamental�w. .
<br /> As used in this paAg�t�2�,,.'.'Aazard�ws Substanc�s".ace ttwse substanoes definod a4 toxic or l�azardous sub�by
<br /> Envimnmental Law and the folfowing substannes: gasoline. kerosene. dher flaaunable or toxic petmla�m products. toxie
<br /> pesticides and he�bic�.voiatife soivents.matetials oonta�ning asbestos or forn�aldehyde,and radioactive matenats.As tued in
<br />� this paragr�ph 20, �EII.11SD{IRIGiI[8I I.BW� means federat laws a�d laws of the jurisdiction where the Ptoperry is.locaud that.
<br /> _ nT�tt ta health.safery or enviranmental protection.
<br /> .� bi(DN=UNIFORM COVENAN'!S.Borrower and Lender turther cavenant�d agrec a�fotiaws:
<br />- 'Z�.•�A�rekration;Ran�ies.IRnder sLall give notice to Bon+nwer prbr to�code�adoa tdbwing Borrower's broch
<br />- ot aoy covenant oc�reaaait in tl� Security L►atrument (but not prior to a�deratfon under p�ragraph 17 unkss
<br /> applicabk Isw peoiides otberw[se).The notioe sbaU specl[y: (a)the detautEt(b)tde actiou reyuired to cuee ti�e de[awlt;
<br /> (C)s datG aot kss t�n 30 days from the date the notice is given to Bornuwer,Dy whkh t6e defauh most be cbred;and
<br /> (d)tlat taihme to cure tde deiaalt on or bdore the date specit�ed in the notice may result it��of the st�ms
<br /> senu+ed b}r this Senuity Instrus�eat and sale ot the PropeAy. The aotice ghal! fialher intone Borrower of t6e riEht W
<br />-- n�state aRer acakratba wnd the rlght to bring a court�ction to as.snl tbe aort-existence ot p defaWt ac�aoy Wher
<br />- detrise ot Bonvv�er to aeceleration and sak. lt the defanit is not cured on or be[ose the date specified In ibe notioe,
<br /> :�� �,,°;�,. ,. .L [.eader, at its opf�, may rcquire immediate payment in full of all sams secured by this Sa�u�3ty l�nent �rithont _
<br /> _,�.:=--r� ; turther dcmand:as3 s:ssy iavoke We power of sale and any other remedies permitted by app1fiwble law.l.etider sha116e
<br /> . ���::... 'a-z...- rntitkd to oolkct ali expertses incurnd in pursuing the re�edles provlded in lhis paragraph�1,Includiag,bat��Imited =
<br /> 3u.�;•
<br /> ' ' �;;'"•.,L. • to,reasontble nttorneys'[ees and costs of 4iUe evideuce. � � _
<br /> �' �-�-. I!ttx power ot sale is invoked,Tnutee�sl�all recoca9:i fl+otice of detaalE in�c6 county in wtilch aey �acb�of the
<br /> '''x� '.,'+- " PnupertY is loeatdd and shall mail copies of sm�b natice in 4�e m�tu�e��scribed by applicaWe law ta BomovrEr and to =
<br /> � -'.' �. •. � the other persons p�+esc�Ibed by applkabie ia��.,�lfter the time requir�fa�appllcable law.Trustee shall give publk notice _
<br />- ,t� .�ti:�. :�� ot sale to the per.�ri�es and in the manner po,e�r�'bed by app11ca6le t�r�,D'crostee,without demand on Bon»wer.shall sell -
<br />--ti � °`��;� Ihe Pt+uperty at pubi�e auctioe to the hlghest�ai�der at the ttme and�t`a�.�ai�d under tl�e terms desigrtata3 trR tllce motke oi -
<br /> �;�,-. � sak in one or mon g�nels aad�any order.�'rustee detr�ines.Trsr..tee may pu�'(ioae safe ot all c.�aa� �nd ot the
<br /> '`�•; - Yroperty bY pubii�s���wit the tieme�c�d ptace a�+��an�prex�ores2y schedreCv�.sate. i.end�r or�ig.��i�ee may =
<br /> � purcl�se t6e Pt�ap�t►'a't any 5�7c: , _
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