,� -:s�P":�� t� _� _.� - —
<br /> _ �� _ ..: - .. : - - . �. : . . ._ . .. . - . . .- ; ._------ ,-.
<br /> ""�ti ,. �. , � . . .. r• . ` � � < t . ;L'
<br /> , .. • Y. . .. . . . ._ ' . _ . . . ' ' .t. ' . n
<br /> .. , _ � � � ��,. .. . ' ` `' �n�!_`�. � r '
<br /> • . . . - � , . � �`. .�' ,��� .
<br /> � ' the�' PropertY in �violation of ai�g laM. oi^diaan��. os rr9nlat�.onf
<br /> and� sHa11 �PaF` and prd�pl�ly discharq� at ;�osrdrsr.�s �ost .a�,�` .
<br /> � e�tp�n�� all liens�. �ertcua�ranaa� ,and ch+�r9�s levie�#• i�po��d� or . ,
<br /> s;ss�rssrad aqainst the Property c►r •anp part theraof. .
<br /> � - :.... . .` � • �' � �
<br /> � - - �t1I -
<br /> � 6. � �iinent Oasafn. i+eaaer is hereby assigned �
<br /> `� : ca■ipenaation, awar s, ar�qes anct bther pay�aeents or �reliet :.
<br /> __�- ------------ � ,-�.�.•�-�+�.��e�Proceeds!�..in..�Qn»action_with. condeaunti4f�;,o� other
<br /> --. . . _�.__._____--- ---�.... _,,__-
<br /> -- ,. .��v�_�----- �
<br /> -- -- .
<br /> . • takf�q� of tl�e Propezty os psrt erea , . , .
<br /> � of conde�tation. I,�adPac sh��.l be tn�itlsd: at �ts. op!t3,on.,: to . � �
<br /> cc�enae. aPPear in aiad proaecute�. in it�r-:o�„�a=e, any„actioae�or .
<br /> � p�oceedinqs, and shaii also be.en�ftied,.to:aa�e, anp cc�P��
<br /> ' settlewent in �vnnectipn W3,th suah, talc3�ng�.or dastage�r.� I��a tltg
<br /> e�rent any portion of the Propexty;ia:-sp.,taken or daai�►gad,��Lende�c .
<br /> � :;:.� shall have the. option, in .ita. scle and,absolute dis�xe#ip�,�,.to .
<br /> .� ":;:,apply �17. suoh�,Proceecls, a�te�adeduoting therefrom nll� cosl�s and
<br />-- ---_-- -- : .=�tr:.:'�.=::�P�s�s iucu�red:.by �.t i.n�;�corinaction �ith such Proceeds. uPon .._ --,
<br /> , �. .'.� any indebtedness secuseall ench Pra eeds urafter e ucl� deduc ia s`
<br /> � . dettstiaine, or to app y .
<br /> ���� ' , to-the restoration of the Property upen sucli conaitfona as•I.ender
<br /> � �s a y determine. ]�iny applicatfon of Procee8s to;,�.nd��bs��e� s�1
<br /> no� extend or poatpone the due date of any�r.�a�g� . :
<br /> - Note, or cure anp�defanit thereunder or hereuY►�er. ,
<br /> � T: Perfonaance b Lender. IA the event of 8orro�r's .
<br /> - failure to �er orm any.of.rhe conenaats herein or make any pay- -
<br /> � � me�ts seqnired here�ig r,or.if any act is taken or legal praceeding
<br /> �:. _- aommenced which m�te�ia�ly;f a��ects Lender's interest fa the __-
<br /> � Property; Len,der m��r�,�,�i�i�i�.#s:s� dise�etion, but withqut obliqa- ----
<br /> � ~ �; tion to do so, ana��;f��itst�?°no�ice to.,��.demand npon Sur�cower, ana
<br />..i�� ,., -.. '. ,. aithout releasizsg�;Ha�xower from any cxb�iqation. dc a�t�i:act wbich ,
<br /> . �.� --
<br /> -- � the- Bosrot�r;�.�tsii� :�t4re� bnt fails to da ar�d ma��! also e�o any other -
<br /> - '�°. ��,��^��°��,< aat• it�deeat���n�slessary to protect the,�eeuri�r�:�tereof. Borso�er -_ _
<br /> `; ,>�.."°� �: - shAll� ,imm�diate2y ngon demand therefor.,.bg �,e�ac�er, pay to I,ender �
<br /> �� -.�:�.-����. ' all cos��.:and expensas incurrea and surns ex�lended by Lender in }._ ..�, --
<br /> : �;. ��,=;:�,,:== � - conaection with the exercise by T,ender of the foregoinq rights, . . � -
<br />_�: . . together with interest thereon at the 8efault rate provide8 in ':_.,. . .�---
<br />- -,��5•�1 � '• ,�'-d� the Note; which shall be addea to the lndebtedness secured : ��_
<br /> .�;.��- -. � ,��.-
<br /> hereby. Leader shall nat incur any liabilit� because of anythi.ng
<br /> `` : ;,.: - .. � ` ' it may do or omit ta. �a. hereunder. � . . �'':
<br /> .. ,�..�
<br /> ' � �J�r4t
<br /> � rtir.,. ';. . �, .. . . ,
<br /> ;.,; .�,r,,r.;�,w�,;. ;. . 8.. Hazardous Materials. Sorrower shall keep th� .��';
<br />- ..�..,�,v:.� ,,, • � - �+-�
<br /> . Progerty f�s�:co�P]. ance w t any and all federa�, state ancl la� � �i .'
<br /> ;����'} ��� .' � „laws.: ordinanaes and regnlations relating t� industrial hygier�e , , . . .. �
<br /> ,':,:�, . • ' or to. environmental coaditions on, under or abaut the Property,
<br /> . includ3ng. but not li.m�.tied to, soil and groundwater con8itions. , _�
<br />; �'�-�. � Trustior shall not use� generate, manufacture, store or dispose of ;, �.
<br /> • on, under or about the Property vr transport to or from the °�_�
<br /> � � �`Y-� • Property any flammable explosives, radioactive materials, hazardous � �--- �
<br /> �����-� ��� � . �. � � �;�� ;. wastes, toxic substaacea or related mater3als, including, without .. . . .
<br /> �, �"� limita.tion, any subs�aaces definecl as or fncluded in lche defini-
<br />`�`�:��.- ►�:"•'". �'1; •,
<br /> :.�..�.,.. ,- . . , , f .
<br /> � �� '` �` ' � � "�! ' �� tion vf "hazardous �s�bstances", "hazardous wastes". °hazardous _
<br /> ' - materia].s" oz �"toxic subatances" under any applicable laws, �- . �, .
<br /> � ord3nances vrc xegulatians (collectively referred to hereinafter �.: �:��, �
<br />'=�'�;`� �'7�-�` '� as �"Aazardous Materials") . Borrower hereby �arrants and repre- � ; �;`�".��
<br />__.,;�;;. . s . � " ,;:�:,,;� ; sents to Lender that there are no Hazardous Materials on or under �
<br /> = � ` �}� . . � , the Property. Borzawer hereby agrees to 3.r.demnify and hold �
<br /> �- - � ---��--�- -_�- - harmless Lender, its direators, off3cers, emgloyees and aqents, j "
<br /> ,._,;._ . _ .� , � and any auccessors to Lender's interest, franr aad against any �and �
<br /> _ • E� all �lafms, damages �nd liabilities arisir_g .in aonnection �ith
<br />� � . �:;'.:�;' � the presence, use, storaqe, disposa2 or transport' of any Hazardous �
<br /> ` � � ``�� Materials on. under, from or about the Propezty, including, with-
<br /> -�::�: `.�..;
<br /> `�'�� ^�`�� . � out limitation, t�) all damages direct2y or indireatiy arisinq
<br /> -":�� - � � out of the nse; generation, storaqe ox c l f s p o s a l o f N a z a r B o u s
<br /> - _ �- . - Materia2s by Bcrrower or any prior awner or operator of th�
<br /> �:-.,;. °:����,�-::,':,°,�� Property, and tb) ali co�ts of any. required ox necessar�r repair, .
<br /> cleanup or detoxifica�fon and the preparation of any closure or
<br /> � � � � other require8 plans, whether such aotion is required or neces- ; ..
<br /> j � `� ' sary prior to or followinq transfer of title to the Prvperty, to
<br /> r '� ' ; � .� the fuli extent �hat such ac�ion is attributable, directly or ,
<br /> : inclireatly, to the presence or use, qeneration, storaqe, release,
<br /> ✓ .���Y� threatened release or disposa2 af Hazarc2ous` Materia2s by aay • ==-.--_- ...-
<br /> - �.��<: .� � person on the Property prior to transfer of �itle thereto by �
<br />- , �•. . :
<br /> . , - :.i y,-.•`�, . . _ . . �
<br /> -�� � : �;.. -3-
<br /> . :., . .
<br />