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<br /> '- FOA THE PURPOS�dp SECURIN�: ' - �
<br />' (��TfiA payineel ot Indebte0ness eviC�s.Pi try 7r.s�r9 note or guaraltee�"Nots")d�ted NoYember 29� 19 9� .
<br /> Twenty Thc�nsan8 Five Hundzed Forty-11wo and 88/100 *� *�' *� �' �'* po�����
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<br /> - tutun asvaacea evldanced by promisaory notes or guaranteas st�tiRg they are secu►ed he�e0y,and any and atl ren�wal�,maditicaUen�and
<br /> �zl�ntionsth�r�of.both principaland interestbeing payabte.inaceor;�*:ewiththetermsaetfonhthsreln.whtch bythis�aterenc�ia m�d��p�h
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<br /> fOp�fhar with intetbst ihAteOff at trtb tate pt0vld[d frt the'•`MDte. -- . . '- .
<br /> � � � . .
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