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<br /> N�..._eil�c►t tf�li ��r Mcx�zrd bY � Ttust D�d �� UY cea � _
<br /> , . .
<br />_..- _ —==a�n --saYb�r7�7r-.- - s =i--'.�€a-=i�i�''��r_'�'�`� Ee+r_.t�l�en��_� ,� '_
<br /> t1YAR�lId 1�'il[Nib i�Il<C U!�ISIi�. � � �• ��'ed 10-27-92
<br /> an[�r ltovs�ber 3. 199�. � O�� vf ths 1i09ist�r of Ueeds
<br /> o� a ��. �, �.I�tct�enC lltsibelc 92-1095b2 , � 1��
<br /> !� . � sa f c ry hes saqueeted itr writin9 that this of Ii�oa�f� �
<br /> �ee�oul�ec3 atd�tielive�f .
<br /> . �, �l�+o[iE, in aoneide�t�w►ot eudz PsY�enE in �oo� with tfie reque��ot. .
<br /> , tt�e b�nefiaiaLy tsal thetc�e�n, thB t=idetsic�necl. ag Tttastee, does bY �2� p�$' �'
<br /> - T — - t�xi�e, L�elee�e atd rec�orNe5/ � � �� °��� entitled f��eY'e�o sIl tl�e 3n�st�st .
<br /> and estat,e desfiived t�a said Trnstee 1�!►or t�ua� sai+d Ti�t beeri in the folla�+itq- .
<br /> cieecs'ibed ptai�es. buE anly as t�v sud't pre�ses� ..
<br /> . . ,. �
<br /> See Helaw.Por Legal Description •
<br /> – – — ' • ' R
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<br /> _-----_� � : , � . � a�13 �Q��,�A�
<br /> - _ .�c•— t�oqst��a¢'.�#h aIl buildit�► f�r ���
<br />-��"�'���� pt+e�.e�e��', , � � .
<br /> -_�.�_�. , . . ,�
<br /> �� O�ete� tbis �:.:8tb. Qay ot 293�.:;:�,:
<br /> December ` , .
<br /> � ,
<br /> "`3�,��,vr t.••v " ,
<br /> =- — . ,.�.
<br /> ___���z�f f',<<-1•_ . , .
<br /> �;_,:.:�;;a.:.: ..._ .
<br />_--5�i''".s'rv.Z:.=1 , . ' .. . ,
<br /> t7.� , . ,' • .
<br /> -�L. . . . <e Qjffiii!Y6� � R �. . r. .. .
<br /> _1., .. ' _ � SBS . _
<br /> . �� ; vot�c��w�. ) � � yg. � bBfOl��,.'tt�e
<br />-;;.,�_;.. �. On tltis 9th day of a� �i! ea for eaid �'LY. P���� ,..`; ;
<br /> .��:%!:� _. : . und�raigtl�.. , an,N�,,o�tary �ublic duly ,, - .
<br /> . .;� .•A. 't'73� D0�4�wIti I . '� ' .
<br /> �'�r��.:'�.. �. Q� t�109� Bf�110 �8 SUb9Cr�b��'A t11@ fOL�JO� ' .
<br /> �`� t0�j�i1 t0 �79 �le d�1��CC� p@LSOl7 �7�/� ��p ♦�r� �9 �,
<br /> .. „�.—. _ . .
<br /> �1.•��i��� L W RIV �S�i� liV��MiLY � �: ..
<br /> ,';�; � �trl� � aC$t10W1� t11� @i(�C.11t�011 � ' , .
<br />- { . ••'� . . ' .
<br />:�...- • �
<br />--'�'':;:`' -, . N�.t11eSB IIIy h81i1d �td NO�dr�BLl Sedl At Grand Island �
<br /> �,�..:; , ` aeid 04�tY� t1�9 ttats afO�esaid• ��+�M1iIM�
<br /> . �+``y�` 'r. .' ��Y.SIOIM� • � .. ..
<br />�_ . . � �� �3L�8t '
<br /> -- � , � � .
<br /> - ',•,. <;,r 2iDTARY � . .
<br /> _ • . ,
<br /> T:c� . . . • • .
<br /> _� ..;..y:x;
<br /> :;.:;.�;�_,�.�., A Tract of land in the SIi} of' Section 23, Sl�1N, R9W of the 6th �.M., beiag also a . . `
<br /> -=-==='="r•,•:•. portion of Goverament Lot 1.of the Maialaad described as followa: Beginnfng at a pafaG �
<br /> _`'�'�L�1-�
<br /> - �_� on• the vest liue of saia Section 23. 423 fcet aosth of the seuthaest corner of Rafd
<br /> - --"--- rsction. thts poiat also bait►g on the centeirline of the itood River Channel as desoribed
<br /> — on�F�chibit "A" attached'to and made a part of the Warrantg Deed filed for recozd in the
<br /> Otfic� of eha ltegistar of Deed� of E!a!1 County. Nebraska, on Noveaber 13, 1959, recorded
<br /> = io Book.l29 of Deeds at Yage 447; thence, noxthtsly oa the sectioa liae a distance of
<br /> 971.9 teeC; th�nce, at an angle of 90 degsees to the right. a diatance of 68.5 fert;
<br /> ��1�se�. at aa aasle�of 90 degrees ta► the left. a distaace of 19.4 feet= thence at an
<br /> ausi� of 90 d�ar�es to �th� �igM. a dietance of 140.5 feat; thence, at an ingle of
<br /> us
<br /> --------�� 90.'degateea to the 2eft. a distance of 262.2 feet; thence, at an angle of 90 degrees to
<br /> � tL� Yitht. a distanc� of 680 �eat wxe or less to the ceaterline of the Wood River .
<br /> � mannsb; thene� upitYeas on the� centerline of eatd'chaaael to the poiat of beginaing.
<br />