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<br /> . �licabie taa may spxify fot��einst�tert�eot)befae sale of the PtopeKY Pursuant to anq power af sate can�ine3"�a dds :
<br /> . ' Sa�ai�►Iashumrnt;�or(b)eauY of a jadgma�t eaforcing this Sxurity InsMunenL lbose condifloos ue th�t 8o�mwer: (s) `
<br /> pays 1 ender�il sw�rs which then woWd bc due w�der this Secudty Instzum�at�t6e Note as i€no xccler�c�n A�d •
<br /> occume�tb)cwss any defwlt of any aher wvenants a ag�aments:(c)WYs a11 eapenses inciured ia e�ocring this 5ecuriqr
<br /> � Insau�neat,incW�ia&6u4 not timiced ca r�asoaabte attameys'E«s:a,�d(d)[akes s�ecit a�ctiat as Lender m+y relwnabty
<br /> ' requue to assiu�e that the 4ien of this Securiry Instxvmen�Lender's rights in che Propercy and 8arrvwer's o�ligation to pay the.
<br /> sums secused by this�Serutity instnunent shall continut unct�an8ed. Upae �einsmicmart by Bocrower.this Security
<br /> ` Inst�ument aad the obligadons secused t�aetry shali teatain fully tffective as if no accelcraoian tmd acc�ared. However�this ; .
<br /> ' rigt►Cto ieuutate s1�aII`nat apPIY m ti�e cace of acceicratiat under paragrdp�21. `
<br /> 19 Ss{euE�iat�Ci�e o�Lo�a Servicet: 71se Natc or a paztial inteces[ia the.Note(toSet6er witlr tit�Secucity .
<br /> Instnmtent)may;lit sold one or mae ames withou[prior aotice to Borrower. �k sale muy r�su(t in a chaug�in:Wa�sodcy,� �
<br /> ------ .(kn�wn���cthe���mi��e�rict�thaccotl.ectcmont6lY Qa�wu dtte under the Nate and ttiis securit�IasaumepC.'Th��s��_.—
<br /> ._... ----- -- . _
<br /> . ,. at�yti�i�oe ormae changes of tI�I.aan Servicer un�ted.w a e o ote�the�e is a�c�u v€���aaa�►i��r.
<br /> 8c�wer wIlt be givea vi�ritten nouce of the change in accardm�ce with:par�h.14�a{irove and appGcable�aw::,'Pha ncRCe�
<br /> an"ll state tUe aamc aad addce�s af�ncw[Aan Serviccr and tite addeNSS to wbicb paymenrs shoWd.tie ms�.:.TEi�rtqtice wi[I �
<br /> - siLso oonta�any.Wher informatiQR�reqi4it�ed b!!aBP�anhie fa�v. . ; � .
<br /> . 20 Bs�ardous Sabstaace�•:Bort�a�sfiatt not cause or pe�mit the presence.use,dispar,a�storag�„an�+eicase of any
<br /> Hazardous Substaaces on ar�iii��He-1'�upeity: B+omower shaU not da nar atlav an,v�ane.elt�c.m�dw;anvlUinB�af[ecting the
<br /> Property that is in violadaa of�uiy-E�vuonmenlat Law. Th$preceding cwo semences.shaB�nauapptwto,tdis-�nar�rtc�u�c.or —
<br /> storage an the Property of snaR q�an[fues of Hazardous Sabstartces[hac are g�ncmlli�c��rusd��be a1►Anc�ndAft�td�pnrtnal =_
<br /> cesidential ases apd w maintenance of the Ft�mperty, -;.. . � �:�. :' .. `;:::;`- • : -- • =
<br /> $omnwer shall promptlY give Lend��3ifsen aotice of any investig�snn+°cltfiufi;c�enlitnd!'•ii��uqdihvnrntienacaan�byrany..�r;,•: :-_—_- ---
<br /> gmrem�ntat or n�gulators'agencY°r Pc:xaR:�ty'invoiving the Pttsjte��;�ad�am;;���3�dous":'iii[ta6d}�;�an�.n�'s�nmentti[: . , ,,�__
<br /> �r of which Bomnwer l�as actuat'h�a��e. If�rr+�ver tc�ns, ar�s aoti�,�d'lry any goveineieatal or mgu►,.tory �-�,�,_
<br /> • �'s�orit}f�d�at anq re�rtoval c�r�er m�ne�ation of ang�.arardous Substance at�e.cting the Property is necessary.Sortuwer — �_--_
<br /> , `.'<� take all cemedial actions in accordance with Fnvicortmental law. --
<br /> .�;:s��r�y . �"-=
<br /> .,: � � —
<br /> �;.,:�� � As used in dvs paragraph 2(1,"Har�cdnus Svbstances"are those substances deFined as toxic or hazardous substances by � �Y-�
<br /> ::.:�:._
<br /> •�;�,�';'�i�•'Enviionmental Law and the following sa[s�nces: gasoline,kerosene.other flamma6le or toxic petroteum products.toxic. , _
<br /> ��t: .
<br />°_ - �estic3des and herbicides,volaWe solveriC;;�muteriaSs containing asbestos or focmaldchyde.and radioac6ve materials. As �,�,p;.y
<br /> u,sed in this h 20."Fnvironmeatat l.aw"means fedetal laws and laws of thr� ,'�..�,{'eerion where the Property is focated �"J';:��:�._
<br /> P�P
<br /> ttiat relate w IteaIth.safety or environmentaf protection. �:• .: :��:;'.;9'?�'�,a3
<br /> • NON-[JNQ�ORM COVENAN7'S. Bormwer and i.ender fuAtier covenant arcd�aa as follows: ' :h"•�—
<br /> Zl. Accderatioe;Remedles. Lender sbal!give notioe to Borro�es psioc.�acceleratton fdbwing BorrowePs �;;';f,�,:.----
<br /> b�+rac6 0�any cavenant or a�cement in this Security Instrament(k�ut?�oE Qci��n acceleratiou uadee paragrapb 1'7 ��.;;-::�
<br /> �tnless aPplip�k faw provides othtrwEse). '1'he nolict sh�ll specii9: (a}tf�e def.v�;�b)t1�e aclion requircd to curs the •''-��.-:;J�_
<br /> •�etault;(c)a dat�riot kss i�n 30 days from the dx�tt�e notice LS given to Ba�sie.�'v,by Riuc6 t6e defaWt must be ��,
<br /> craud;and td)dwt fa�ure tG�sii�re t6e default on or��t t h e d ate spec i f i e d ia�i��ice may�ssult in a c c t i a�ion of �,�.�;�w,�=:-_—
<br /> .a'�su�secared b tl�S�iGy lestrument aod sa4e n�t6e Pr rty. The p�iaz�a11 tssri7rer.inform Bmmwer ot �-`�,�� �. ����
<br /> Y °� �-��.�'-_-_
<br /> '.�e rt�t to reinstate atter�xtioa a�tbe rfght to bri�g a court action to ass��lr Qie noae�tence o[a ddault or �;ir,-,q„�__
<br /> any Mher detense of Borr�;FS+�'-ifl�ace�a�ioa and sale. It the default is not cure�.on or b�Y�e fbe date specified In � +��
<br /> t8e eotioet Lendsr at its o�'+n'ma1 reqnire immedrate s mmt in fuN ata11 su�+s.secared by t�is Security lnstrument ='�.''�'V:,-'.
<br /> P T �'�;'�_ -..---
<br /> �i t h o a t t a r t h e r d e m and:a�ina y invoke the p oRes�sate and an y other re�rsdies p ermitted 6 y �pplicable law •
<br /> l.ender shall be ent�tted iG;��olfect all expenses inc�sred in pursoing t6e re�'�es provided in t6is par�graph 2l, . �,'�-
<br /> • Inclqding,but not timited;��,reasonabk attorneys'fees and casts of titte evidenc� " � � �==
<br /> If the power of saie Is invoked,Trustee s6a11 record a notice d�dEtault in each coanty in which any paM of the - . •. �• . .
<br /> Psoperty is loca�sd�nd shall mail copies otsuch notice in the manncrprescribed hy applicable I�w to Borrower and to '� .
<br /> � ..
<br /> the other ptrsoa�s prescr�bed by applicabie law After the time required by applicabte law.Trustee sfi�ll givg pu6ltc � f-
<br /> notice o�sak to t6e �and in the m�nner prescril�ed by applicable law Truste�wit6out demand on��owes, �''��
<br /> s6a8 sell the Pro��auction to the highest bidde�at ihe tlme aad place and ander tLe hrms dcsi��ated in
<br /> the notice of sale In one or more parcels and in any order 7lrustee determines. Tru�tee may postpone sak�f�or any �. •;.�":
<br /> p9rcel of the Property by publtc annoamcement at the time and place ot any previously scheduled s�te I.edder ar iis 'C `:
<br /> designee maJ pnrchase the Property a�a�sy sale. � : � �•
<br /> lJpon receipt ot payment of t6e pr�se bid,Trustee sh�R deliver to the purchaser Tru�tee's deed coa�eying the �-
<br /> Property. The recitals in qte Trustee's deed st�all be prtma tacic evidence of the trutb of the statements ma�e therein. � "1;'�;��'�� � L};;,f•
<br /> 7fusta sAall apply tl�e praoEeds of the sale in the tollowing order. la!to�Il costs aad expenses of exerclsing a�e power f �=�^;;:'.�!�''rt';'
<br /> „ � ��t.�;'�i';,,t�'i'i;:;:
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