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<br /> la„r,�y sp,x�fj;fa",�m,eatl fyd'a�a,s�Te af the Aopeely tw��t w ieiy p�at�le 4a�ia�i�ed i�+i� .
<br /> �bo�rome�or(b)emY d a�ud�mea���i��Y��7b�e ooa�ktiaos ae,Wllt:� N} � , ,
<br /> psYs Lsade�all�mms�rhi¢6 Iheo wrodd be d�ts osder ttris Secority 1o�niaoabt�od tl�e Na�e as if na aaaele�tioE 6d' , ` ,
<br /> oc�re�(b)a�sa anY defiult of�ny dber oo+reu�nts ar�(�)P�Ys�It expanes ia�v�ed in eofa�cio��his SecaritY
<br /> �aLnument,inclid"mg,bue�wt Wnited w,�wuabk a�o�eeYs�fees:an�(�W�es s�rch�etic�a ss Iradrt mty raataaab�y�
<br /> tKquite to�ssaie t8at tLe lien of dut Secvrity tnst�me�t.l�dnderb t5alds in dit Prapdrty�d Barmwett�o6ii�ion 10 p�Y dr- �
<br /> sums sa.ticed bY this::Se�crity ia�¢cunKnt sh�li cdowiae mch�aQ. Upou t+eiostarcmau by Baimwa, t6is Secu�itS► �
<br /> L�nnnent aod tt�e obii8,�d:oas sa�u�ed M�eb�'s�1 R°��Y etfaxivc as i�no aooekr�tian bad oonx�d.' Ha�everf t6is
<br /> ' rigM Eo reiastsie s6a8 nat appiy�lhC ctse a[sc�ort under p�p�h t7.:._ .. _ � ` _
<br /> 1! Sde d Nole;�e d I:o�a Senieer. 'I'lie Nate.ar a partiil iaenest in the Nu�ee(to�pdha veith ftiiss Seauity --
<br /> fi�nandlt)maY'6e sdd ooe a mone tim�s witbaR p�iar m6ce to�arnwer. A sai�mty�esu�in a ch�oge in tbe eatitY
<br /> _ _----(iiroovsas��_SSiq�uer-"���n!i,��Iy=��c-u�3er-sltc�sh�8�_�m+ent-7beo�aisQ----=_--_ -
<br /> mzy 6a aoe ar�pore ct�ges of!be Lo�u Setv�rer..um[�i�tec!to s sak of die Noce. If tUere is a cwege of d�t Lan Sariar,
<br /> ' 8amwer wiU�t given�rriaen c�otica af t8e ch�ge im a�000tdmae wit�►p�apt�14�ove and applicabie law. '(be n�tia
<br /> vv�l ataoe t6e mme�ad addr�ess of tDe aew I.�t Setvicx�'�nd d�e address to.w6ich DtYma�ts shouW.6e made.Tl�e natia w�l ,
<br /> � . also cu�nin yny atlnr iuformatian�aWirod hY�PP�+���
<br /> . �, p��=ar,do�S S�6�Oe�, Bamwet shail not canse orpenUit d�p�sence.ase,di�poaal,aw�a�e.a zek�se of�ny
<br /> �doas Sa�on a m the Prope�ty. Bonuwer shalt nat do.nor aitaw�yoae eis+e w do,�nYtiunB affed'mg the
<br /> . pmpeny!�t ia in violadon a�f u�y&ivimoa�auzl Law. '!be pRCCd�B tv►'9:catakes sM11 no��p¢lY�°tDe P�'use,a
<br /> staage ae t�e Piopnty of small quantities of Hs�rdous Subst�naes ihat��nieraUY recobniud to be app�opriak w ram�l �
<br /> _ `re.sid�atial uses aad tn coaiuteaate�a of the Pi+opesty: , �.`
<br /> Qo�mwer sball p�omptl3+gi�.i.�wntcen notiee of.any�#y��•claisn,dtntancl.lawsaii ot oUxt�e!'sos�by ang- - --
<br /> � gove�ental ar tiegttlataY a�encY ar Fnvate Part�'inwl,viagi:t5c;�cope�ty and anq Ha7ar�OUS Substaace a Eavimwmental ,
<br /> L�v+r of which Batrower has acival Imowledge. If Bormare�:�eams.or is uotified bY�Y 8�'�ment�i ar re8ai�toc�}
<br /> �uthority,that aay Tepooval ar othes temediatiaa of eu�Y.Hax�i�as,Su6starxx affa�ng the P�u�paty is�rY.Bamwa
<br /> �D�P�Y�e aIl necess�ry nmodial actioos in xcarzlac�ee witlt Environmentpl Law. :, `
<br /> 4s used in this.paragrapA 20."��az.azdous Substances"azt.tbose substanoes defined as toxic or Iwzanciais subsmnoes by .
<br /> Faiim�ntal Iaw and the following substances: Sasotir�ek��osen�oWer flammaMe a toxic peaokum Pnoducts{toxic
<br /> pesticades and herbicides.volatile solvenis.materials conta�ic�:asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive matetiai�::As
<br /> used in this paragraph 20,"Fnvironmeatal Law"means federaF�vs and taws af the jurisdicaon whe�tt��mperty is Uo�ated .
<br /> that relate to healt2�.safety or environmental prntecdon. , ._°::'�,. -'':="''��;°
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Barower and Lender furttKr co� :�;�_�,t�nd agec as follows: ,,;:.;;�,
<br /> 21. Accekratioai Remedies Leeder siaU�irs notiee to Borr�rC�:P�W acakration�c�wies Borrower's
<br /> breacb ot aay oovenaat ar ag�ent ia tf�is Savrit7 In.�aunt t6ut ilot prbr to.sps�kratiao u�der psra�npr 17
<br /> �les4 applicaWe taw pruvide3 b��e). T6e notia s4��Jy: ta?t6e detau[�4t�;+.ttre actioe re9aLed to are tlie
<br /> de�aott,Fc)a date.aot hss tWbdta78 days tran tLe date ttNt�otice is give,�to Baero�r..�1D���vl�idi.ti�ddapit mrst be
<br /> .cored:aed(�t6at t�ilnre to cu�e tbe defa�!!on o�r bdore the d�te�ied id tbe������s acedenBo�of
<br /> We sums secured�by this Secartty Instru��nd`sak of the Pr�upertp.�'C6e eotke sbs8 Porf�ec'iuCut�n Borrower a�
<br />_ : We ri�t to reiss�te alter sia�el�r�tiae asa 1�e rigdt to i�ripg a boMA actioo Lo a.�sert t6e no��e af a def�alt ar
<br /> . ..' ae►F�11�er defmse o�Borrovru ta acceleration'aad s�te. �#Ae ddauit is not cured ow,or 6efore.tie date speck�i i�
<br />_ ' t�a�o�oe,l,endee at its option n�ay reqaire imenediate pa�mmt in tnil otall sums�iw�by tlas Security I�t
<br /> mm
<br /> ° � wit6out furthea�de�and and rt�y invoke the power ot sak and any a6es ren�.�d'n�ittM b��Pp�6�-
<br />- � l.eeder shal!6e..c�ed to coilect aD expenses incarred in pursuinp�.tbe remedies p'rovided i�s t�s Pa*�V �: ,.
<br />-= includiag,but rta�.i"iEmi�ted to,reaso�abk attorneys'fas and costs ot title evidence. • •
<br /> _ � Ii tQe powe��sale ts in��t;'rad,71r�tee sh�ll record a notke of default in each mantq iw�lOic�any p�rt at t6e �
<br /> ' psoperty is located and shaII es���opies of suc6 notice in the iaanaer prescribcd bya�p��abte taw to Borrower md to
<br />� t6e Wber pe�sons prescrlbed by'aApficabte taw ARer the Hex required by applicable�aiv,'ll�ustee s6a11�ive public
<br /> �` " nMice ot sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed 6y applicabk law. Trnste��rithout�nd oo Borrower,
<br /> � shaU sell the Peoperty at public auctlon�fo the�ighest bidder at the time and place and under tie�����in -
<br /> � the notice of sate in one or more ps�rcets a�d i�snv orde�Trustee determines Trustce may postp� Y
<br /> a ' � p�sq�qf tl:e Prap:�ty by poDlic anaatncee�a4 at t1�e ttme and piace o�any previousfy scheduled sal� Lender or tts
<br /> � ' de��ma9 pnrc6ase the Property at any s�.. • .
<br /> `'� � (;p�in ceceipt ot payment of the price 63ci,'�'rt�Ce3'��]i dellver to the purchaser Tirustee's deed coa��g�7�tpe
<br /> property. The�als in the Trustee's dee��t be pr"sccis 9acie evldence of the truth of the stateg�nts made t�rein-
<br /> ;� �}����a��pp�pL��e proceeds ot the sale Fm the tollowing order. fa1 to afl costs aad expeases ot exr,-r�c�sing the pdv�ee
<br /> � _.
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