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<br /> '°" ' BII�iEFICtARY
<br /> .�, ���T AVCO FINANCIA{:SERViC£S
<br /> _e _ � . lNTFRNA770NA4INC. .
<br />�-� GRnH7'o[�(s): 247509936 '
<br /> -f.-.
<br />��::� N..� � ..�. .,�� � ..�. ��aa��
<br /> B�i!l�iD I�Q� P �!l�iD MI3rI L 1425 N fiEB� RA�D
<br /> YH1r1ADG11ESS . ' C/l� $TATE Z�COOE - �
<br /> �' � �'' 17�1 W � . .°ii�CaW 1�7liff�w �w VWY✓ � i�7fYti.W ��L_ . �__ _
<br /> 12'1'H l�OY@�Eti � 3 �veex��D���iwii
<br />_" _ ' TtlISDEEAOF7AU�:iVladethi� d'�70 W st t9�ID I� !!I(� P PIB►PILLO
<br />-- i�afla caikd'1�C'��:whose addrtss' -
<br /> - - .hercinaftetcalkdlHUSTEE.whose addoess i� •� -� ' ,
<br /> . �A� f��1�E�II1�'I(��a NebRSka capaation.Nneinafla called�ARY.vrhoae ad8iess is .
<br /> 4Zy I� t� �
<br /> '.S :� � . . . _.. .
<br /> •� .,1':..:.' WfITiFSSEfH:17utTnsstd�GRA�;'6'��fl!�VEYS.SFII.SANDWARRAN7'STOTRUS7EE.INTR�[�WlTFiPOWEROFSALE.t6efdlowina
<br /> L::?'' ,�S:.y . c _ ,� < � • - • . � � ,
<br /> � .;� " describedp�upnty.sita�ia -�-`'B��L � - ' r.�,�..w�Nebraslca:.,. :` ..� . _
<br /> --- �r��,=��"`''•:•i.. ' �. Tq�; N�L'!C��:��+YEl'OF•FRACl'ItL�,L I.QT QB.' IN FRACTIQIAI..B1A(:iC SIX IN �1RLSS
<br /> x , :•:.�
<br /> '� = `.'�.; y�TA.g�t•S ADDY�4'�1 Al�ID 1T'S ar�LII�lII�TP TO iiPP: T� FAS'1�RLY FIP'�'Y L�0[1R L�'r
<br /> �-�'•_ � � • ADDY3`Il�i BOl'B��HIP7G ADDITIQ�S '1�0 '1'HE CITY.t�F C�tlll�ID ISL1#ND, BA�L•QO[�Tl'Y. NEBRA3ICA
<br /> � 'i����'. - .- .�:ti , . . -
<br /> �., , . , .
<br /> <:;'''�,�'��`:�� f: � " . - .. , - - -
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<br /> r.t
<br /> . .. ���,i5 � - . . . � ' " � '
<br /> � � �' togethetwithallbuildint,sa�dimpmvcmentsrtaworhereafterercctedtficmonandallscreenr,awnin�:.tihades,stormsarfiandblinds.AtldIlC�IIAg,lighting. �'�__
<br /> �,`� ' , ptumbing.gps,elecuie,ventilating.mfrigerating and air-wnditianing equip¢ceni used in wnnection therewith.all of which.for the pu�poseof tfis Iked �'`,__
<br /> af Tn�st.�be deemed flxmres and sub�ect to the lien hercof,and[he here�Lt�-^ients and appurtenances pertaining to the properly above described.and
<br /> f • . ' allxmeets,i�mES.alteys.pascaoes.ways.waten.waterwunes.rights.libenies�dprivitegec.whaGcoeverthereuntobetong�ngormanywiseappettaining i�=-°=-
<br /> � � and the ttver3ions�cd rzm�inde�s,all of which ic ieferted to hereinafter aa the"premisec". �=°�-"_``
<br /> .. . [,�� _- _.
<br />`'. •.. : :. .. . �'�. +h � - • "h a n ec �R unta t tiai ene ' " cre.• • S� . - --
<br /> _<_.. ._ . . _ . ..:. :', .- TO HAVE AND TO . i.f3. e abovic esca6ed rem�sey.w�t the urte anc . and C iures, he. d B fic� �ts su aors and assi : ''";.J�•-.
<br /> forever,far the puryosC�ai3 aces herei�set fanh.f�ce frum ail rightc apnd beneiits under.,-?d by virtue of any Homestead Facemption Laws of the Sta�te };
<br /> �••�� *,:� `� •� uf Nebraslca which may be enaeteA.+�hi�h r:�i�f riehts and(xnefitc the`aid Tru+tar dces hereby expre�cly mteace and waivez. `�':`;f�,,;.�:'..
<br /> . �,,. .. �, +��;;r'
<br /> ;;;,,,,, ,.
<br /> ';`'v.�' Trustor also atisigns to Beneficiary a!t n�s�zixsues and proGts of v�id premi.e+,granting thc right tav��Jux and use thc same.with or without taking rl� �."•„�;�r.�;
<br /> � ' pnssession of the prcmise�,during continuance of default hereunder.and during continuance of such Q���t!�authorizing BenePciary to ent�r upon said i.: `�'.'��! �
<br /> ' premises and/or to co1lect and enforee Ihe same withaut re�ird to adcyuacy of aay+ecurt�rar the indebtedness hereby a+eeured by any tawfW tne�ns . . �
<br /> _ .:�.�,�;:�ti .. . includinSuppoirrtmrm.r*areceiverirtthenamenfanyp•rrty,heretn.andtoapptythccaaceit�,c�+i�andeapensetiofaperutianandcullection.inetudia�r . � -
<br /> . • - teasonable attomey'�':�:��.u(wn any indebtedness sccured hettby,tn wch arder a+Beeer`s.�r::,r:a�'.�ietcrmme. : :
<br /> �". �: - ;. . :: : " ,,. �,_. ..,-
<br /> ,.. �OR TN£i�i.'RP05E OF SECURING:!1)Pedom�ancc of each agreemen�cFTrustorcor.;aiaed hrmin:�2)Payment af the principal sutts�c`r;�'t interest. ; _
<br /> asp rc:%�in d:nce with the terms and provi�ion�af a Rmmi`�ory Note/l.oan A_:^emcm(hcrrinafter referred to as"promissory r.ate")dated �
<br /> � . • N�JY�M'd@i��� �993 ,herewith executed h Tru�ror.:nS e able to the order uf Benefc:a m t1�e Prinei al sum nf t �
<br /> � �- . , ^ Y P"Y" �Y• P _ ,
<br /> �.��` r� � . S 43600.52 . _.and having thc date of its final paymem due un D@Certlbet 12, 2007oraseatended. 1- .. .
<br /> �:'-:`''.+, de(erredor t�escheduled by renewal orreGnance:131 Payntent of any additional:nivances,with intere•t themun ar may herr.�fv:r 6e toaned by Beneficiary i :...
<br /> �..���. •;,'s:- � . toT�str.rs-iamaximumsumofS dz�m �� . � uitltiir�ISyearsfrrnnchedateofthirDeedofTrust: ,' ,=
<br /> ii � :y'- ' ' . . how�e~:er.�fiisparagraph daes not constlt�::�;a cammitmenl hy Heneficiary tvmake fuwre advunces:(4)1�,:�.;ment of any memey thatmay beadvanced ''�'-�`'
<br /> ,,;-;,, �. ; .. Y' , bythe&.tcficiarytoTruatorforanyreas�.^.ortothirdparties.withintere�ttherean.whercthe3muuntrarra�vancedtoprotectthesecurityinxcordance � . �
<br /> ;i,;;�; L_��`,r y',•,�_.�..�,'�'.�. ,;: . . wUh Ihe cavenants oFthi.r•i7ecd of Trust:(51 Any reneu�al.refinancing or catensicm ui.aid�nmmis�ory n��te.or any o�her a;reemen�m{ray which m�} :
<br /> f�w e: .r. . � 6e��abstituted therefor. . i
<br /> �: � 4 fI . , ' . . .
<br /> ,_ ' p�}pt�,��,�q itfade by'Lia,'stor on the obtigation secured by thiy Ik:ed uf Trust shal[f�;;�:'sed in the following ader. . f----�--
<br /> ' �. , ��R S T 7 o t h e p�y m c n t o f t a a e s a n d a s s e s s m e n t 4 t h a t m a y b e l e v i e d a r,.E as wx,c�t F r;as�said premises,insurance p r e m iums.c r p air�.ancl all aher : �
<br /> --°� _ . . •.- • ', ' ctw�es iioc�expenses agreed to be p�id by the Trostor. . '. 4
<br /> __ �'='� •SECOND:To thc paymcnt ot interest due on said 1oan. � .
<br /> - THIRD:To the psyment of principal. � . .
<br /> TOPR(TfECI'THE SECURI'1'Y HEREOF.TRUS7'OR�5f'C�OVENAN'I'S AND AG[tEE5:11)To keep said ptemises imured againct loss by fla and f '
<br /> qher Aa�rds.c�sualty and cartingencies ap to the futl valuc of al�improvements for the protection of Bearficluy m such m�nner.in stuh amn���,aod j •
<br /> :�;�' `+�=•.� . insueheomparoesasBenefieiarymayftomHmerotimeappcove.andthatlossproceedsllessexpenseafco[teciion)shall.atBenefieiary'soption.heapplied :, . .
<br /> - on aid indebkYLKSS,whether due or not or to the restoraaon of said improvemen�.5.In event of tass Tr,fl-tor wiU give immediace naice fry mail to the f
<br /> Heneficlry.w1a m�y make p►oof of loss if na made pron��tiy by Tructor,ud e�ch insurance company concemed is heneby awhorizod and dirceled to t �.-.
<br /> n1�ks pmDeM fqr frc6loss dueCtly W the Beneficiary instead of to the Trustor.(2)To pay aU 41res ancf speci�usessments of arty kind that have ban �
<br /> a�y be le�,ied orassesud upon s�id ptt�tniae�.rad to detiver to Ben�ficitiry,upoe aquest of the 8eneflciary.the official rcaipt sAowinB p�yment of ; . . ,
<br /> all�ch,tu�a�nds+aesyeent.s.(3)IntheevrntotdefaultbyTrustarwWerPuagaph+la2above.Boneficiuy.sui option.may(9}place9ndkeepsuch 4 . . .
<br /> iirirasoe sDove prpvided far in ta�rce deoushout the life d this Dad of Trust and p�y the rcasonabkprem�ums and chacges therefor:(b)psY all s�1d
<br /> u�q ad sMp�adr�wi�Lwt detertninin`the validity ihcroof:u�d(cl pY such liens and all such disbu.raementc u sfutl6e denned aput of the � .
<br /> _ ' i1�3�p1ed�ea�ec�redlryMisDeedotTtust�dslallbeamnedialelydueiiedpayabkbyTiustorwBenefici y(4)Tbpaywhmdueanylienoot6e�to�erty
<br /> `-"' �w1�ip�ib9f���sertEf�:notwitia��3ina�r*i�hturt�pliw►g+u�e�i 8rsnysentor"IicnaFby�Ysrnioslicu�oldcF:npea�ue�tc . L----- -
<br /> pri�eip.1 bd�oe ots�cb senio�r tien to incrcsae.Trus�or wil!na pertac tGe praicipat halana otan�senior IiCn to increase�bove the baf�nce ae�6e rime , �'
<br /> ddiem�kiKdtrilThutDeedintitOdsTtustIIeedslWlhwe6eenpridinfnll.(S)To1�eptheMiildmsaanda�hetimprovemeatsaowexisNaaarl�neafler • .
<br /> erix�leA i��ood catlkian ae0 rep�ir.na to cammit or anifer any waute a any use.of satd pamises canUary to cestrictlons d Rcord a contnry to law. .
<br /> qu
<br /> ab�o peiMit HeneficLry qeeler at�11 rcaxre�Me times fa the pu�pose ot inspec�ina the premises;nw to rcmove or demo`lish�ny building thereon:to � •.�� .
<br /> 2�W741I1E1L7911lE-OBEMLUSURYUIW , . `�!•�i:j��i'
<br /> � � � ' ' � - ���.� _ , _
<br />