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<br /> P QdIi�CLi►I1[ D�-
<br /> ' �TBSSTBR � SONS, � a PartnereLiip, co�es�sting �f Richard K..
<br /> t�ebster and Jobn.D. Webster, GRAi�'1�OR. . . .
<br /> fn consideratioa of � .
<br /> _.. —. __ ------ �
<br /> ------... _. ....--- _ . _ . ----.. . . .
<br /> - — -- � - -- - ------- �.— ,_—_----- -
<br /> -----------=--=-�-DISSOLDTZOR OF PARTNSRSHIP-------------------
<br /> recsived fzam GRAPlTBBS �
<br /> � . JOffi�i D. 1i8BSTBR and:1�lRY A�III IiBBSTBtt. husband and xiEe, as
<br /> tenants in cam�moa, , "
<br /> c�#tclaims �o GRAKTS88: tli� °foliow�.ng-described real estate tas
<br /> cI�f3aed in Neb. Rev. 'Sta.t.�:76-ZOl?; `
<br /> A tra:ct of iand com�r�iag a part a�":!�he South Half of
<br /> , � � the Sonthwest- Quazte� ,{S�S�{) and.:T��p� One -f i? and Twa- ,
<br /> . • (2?. Sectioa Four (4) .� Tosraship. �N�;:(9f ;Ztorth, Range� �
<br /> ,.,.; � Bleven til) Kest of �e 6th P.M,, Hali;-.�ountp, �Nehra��i:�::;�;;:,_;_:,�::':s..,,..;. : _
<br /> � ar�d more particular��t� described a�.�7.�.stir�s: �
<br /> .r� s.,.� ;,,,::,
<br /> V`:`�`. � - Begirining at the southwest corner o�'�'aid �3�SWi�, t�acts � . ' _
<br /> � .; ` � , running nort8erly a dietance of Oue Ths��ad Ths�:'�,::;';:.;= ."�=:
<br /> � Hundred Ni.neteen arsd Seveaty-t�o Hundredtii�'��ti3i.9:.��it:` ::_�;:•:;:"�
<br /> -'+' feet to the north�t corner of �aid S�,.i�, t�sr;:!r;: ;;'�'�
<br /> �•"�` ruaning easterly .a c�`tance of Two ��if�azid:&�:�c $si'i�.rc�
<br /> � , � , Porty�one aad�S�:3c_.� j s (2,641.6}..:fr�,`��c�:;eI%���±or�i:�st . • � _ .
<br /> ' . corner .of s��d:�5��' th��:,.�ont�o:�_ ���rly aloag .
<br /> the north I�ue�=:�a�.f�is� �?�''i �_;;�':;�: distance of Twa
<br /> �� Thcus�nd Two Huad���te�:,`aiid On+��t.'�h (Z,216.i) feet
<br /> . , tp�:: a point oa tl�:;�ttortherly r�glit-of-way line of
<br /> � Interstate Highway���3�0. 80; thenEe deflecting right
<br />_ 149°48� and �+�n*++ng southwesterly aZong said right-of-way
<br />_ a distance of One Thousand One Hundred. Fifty-seven aad
<br /> Five Huudredths (i,iS•7.05)� feet to a point af curvature,
<br /> . thence eontinuing �+ais.t��esterly aloag safd right-of-way
<br /> on a 16,978.74� r�us curve to the r3ght (initial
<br /> � tangent of which coindides with the last described course
<br /> producedf a distanc� of One T'housazcd Six xundred �renty ' .
<br /> and Three Tenths t1,620.3) feet to a point on the south `
<br /> line of said Si�SW�f, thence running wes�erly a distance af
<br /> 41ao Thousand Four Huudred Tbirty .ascd Eight Hundredths .
<br /> (2,430.Op) feet to the poiat 4f begf�ing and coataining
<br /> 112.36 acres more or less; ` '
<br /> and
<br /> Part of the North Half of the Southeast Quarter (N�SH3iS
<br /> of Section Four (4�), Township Nine (9) North, Range
<br /> Bleven (11) West, H�11 County, . Nebraeka, more
<br /> part3cularly described as beginning at the North�est
<br /> corner of the North �alf oE the Southeast Quarter (N�S83i} �
<br /> of said Section Four (4) , rux�n�.ag sauth 80 rods, running
<br /> thence in a n�rtheasterly disection ra a pofnt 80 rode.
<br /> 'directiy east of the place a€ beginning, runnfng thence
<br /> to the place of beguining, coataiaiag 22 acres, mor� or
<br /> lees. '
<br /> S�cecuted�: Septemb�t �, 1993.
<br /> WSHSTBR & SONS a Partne ahip
<br /> . By � .
<br /> ' , . . .• Wel�ater
<br /> � . . � . . � .
<br /> __-__�._--..- -..-.-- _-:. �_ - . � - ._. _ � . .BY
<br /> _ .. ._�::.. II� D-:-W ����`. __. _... . . -
<br />