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<br /> 1 . . �p�iL��6ie'ia�r�ry�pecify tor�ea�at)b��ae�ie oE.die Plpopq�'ty p�r�at�o as7►!o'M�r d fMe ca�uir�ei i�t`�it .� ,
<br /> f . Sac�ieF i�mea�a(b)auy of�3�d�t antarci�d�S�y�"'�' '�'o�e ooeditioM�e di�t sonow�a:�ta>-_ , •
<br /> PRys'i�ender aU am�s whicb dra�wouW be dne�robs ti�s Sec�iqr baenmKat aod<tbe Nae a��ra sacelenat�a did _.
<br /> , oawmed:(by cures aay defaWt of my ctba oov�s a ir�cem�:(c)P�ys!it oxpe�es iw.'o�ed tn eata�io��Secir'a7�.'.
<br /> � ' lost�e�ait.iecludin�,but ltot limiled io..t�ea�o�ble�aae7rs�fee�:�rd(d}Wces wch acxioe'as i.sndes msy tea�oa�bly
<br /> ! ' �equice oo awre that the lien of t6it Saurity Irotr�t►La�derh ri�hts nt the Ptopaty apd�rower'�obiiptian b P�Y!�� .
<br /> � a� setated byr, this Secu�iry lemun�at•shall canUnue, ued�a�ed- Upon aeinswemant bY Bart�, lbis 5ecur�y .
<br /> �IaKtrumeat and tlie oUli�[ioat securctl het�6Y abalt nmtia fulty effa�tivr as ii oo aooeier�tiaa Md accaned. 1�anMeve�das -
<br /> � - ri�to reinah�e sball not apply in tb�case bf aoc�lE�tiott�u�desp�rop6 I�., - ` .. . � � ;
<br /> , il.:Sa1e d iUole;C�e atLo�a�Sen'1oe�:�7be Note a rprtiai ie�aat in dx Nae(to�ahrr�dw Secaricy _>
<br /> Insttumeat)may be sold oae armone thues anthoatptiar.notia to B�er. A s�ie may result ia a chm�e ie the aitit� .
<br /> ' .► xdne.undec.tbaN���#Secutit�►1muu�nq_�.�'6aoe_.__ .— --'
<br /> --- --' ----�-�r��stl:e=�.s��es:'i�t� .�-
<br /> w -• -
<br /> may bc aoe ar mae ciainges af thc L�aao Savioa umeWed w s s�lt o�dte Nota. s '_� , �-
<br /> Ba�mwa w�l be givm wriuesi nocio�of�die ci�ge.m xacerd�eoe wph•puag�r�p6!4 above aad applicable law: 3be netkn
<br /> � will stste the name aad addiess of tbe new Loan Sesvtoer aad tbe ad�e§s w w�paymaMs s6wW be msde:Tbc m�icti wDI
<br /> �Isa contain my otl�iafonnatim ra�i�d h7'�PPI��� ' .
<br /> Zd. HaTardoa4 Srbe�na.� Boimwer shsit not ca�se ac pe�mit We p�eserke,ase..dispo��swuage,or nelea�c oE aay
<br /> �Ha�dous Subsqnces oa a in tt�e Bomower s6a11 nat do;nor allow anyone eL�c qda�0:.�'�ht�;��i°S!�C ,
<br /> Fnupaty tl�at is m viutuiao.of az�g����tal Iaw. Tht pnceding two�s s�U•t��,ss't�s�cC,�g
<br /> s�ta�,�ge,�o.,n.S the Fmpesty�'t�.�c�a.�e,��flara�d�ous Substanoes d�it sce���cd�',�.b���`�,�F , r
<br /> � lpR��+VL�������`����`. ",' r . ,��..�::S_r%.�:.;.�.:;..I , •. , 'i r`' . `_ '.� 1 s ' .
<br />. �_— '�f, .`� " ;:- •�'�i QW"�S� '�,�n����trE�o.,pi�`�.F�.'����'$f�,tf�Sc C''...- .:� fir��r'�.Z3WS�t3�i�i``�"�t'��+�`,�' ' i
<br /> aws
<br /> �`:-�'S'±���, ;��i�.� �,�s�'-�vr�:;"�.n.,`+~�,,�,`'a��mv�ving.il��ig,�:aai�NazudousSubstaaot't��tV�r�-`• _
<br /> .� �,
<br /> I�
<br /> �,8;����$ �_�?';�:,�'+�:j�A'�°w''�.�',orrowa Iearas, at its�ied by u1Y gov��x`•�egul�totjt
<br /> ::-�=.-.�oncy;�ar any�ie���;�r-odxr re�o�Ari'va�uf��uy Hazardoas Stibstanoe ati'ectmg the Praperty is neoes�ay,`Bac�owa. .
<br /> `. �..�.sTiall P�P�Y t�1ce sIl nea�ssacy remedial actions in accord�nre with F.nvimamcntal Law.
<br /> As afxd in this paragraph 2Q."Hatacdous SubsEances"a�those substano�de�nod as wxic a hua�dous subs�ao��y
<br /> F.ttvironmental Law aad the foUowL�g sabstances: gasoliae.kerosene.otf�er flammaMe ar tbxic peduleum products.Wx�c
<br /> pesticides and Gerbicides,volatile solvents.materials containing asbestos or fannaidehyde,and radioscttve rt�teri�ls. As
<br /> used in this par�grs�ph 20,"Eavlroumental law"nteatu federal�aws arid laws of tlie jurjsdktlon whet+e the Rmpe�ty is located . .
<br />_ that rolate to he�tfi,safety or emiromnental protection. . ' �
<br /> � NON-UNlFORM COVENANTS. Bairower ancf l.ender funher covenant and agcee a4 folbws:
<br /> � 21. Ac�ekcatba; RenKdks l.e�der�alt aire�otke to Rore+ower prWr to aceeteratlo�tdtowt��orra►er'� �
<br /> , , bre�ch af asy rnre�t ar asreement ia tbb See��ity Ia�tr�a�eat(but not prior to socekrstio�nader p�n�rap6 17 . .
<br /> _ wetess applka�fe bw provides ot6erwbe). T6e naiee sha11 specity: (s)tUe default,Ib)IUe Ktios reqntned to c�re tl�e
<br />`.-t defaYlt:lc)�d��dt kst,tLaa 3Q dwYs lirom the d�te the notice ts siveR to Borro�ver,by wMicU t6e deflwlt wwt�c
<br /> curod:s�d(a11Uat faWire ro cuce tLe defaulton or be�orc tMe d�tcapecilkd In t�e�otice wsy re�it i��d
<br /> tbe swms sawnd by tbis Serad�Imtntmeet and s�lc of Hrc Property. Tbe notke shall turt6a inforn�Borrower a�
<br />:, t6e rfa6t to rei�shte after soceleration and thc rtght to bri�a court aclian to Assert tie aoa�exixte�oe o[s defaWt or
<br />- any Mher defense ot Borrower to aartleratbn aad sala It the default ts not cured on a'sefa'e t6e date apecitied i�
<br /> the notke,l.ender at its option msy reqaire immedi�te ps}rn�t in fall otaN sums secured by this Security Instrue�eat•
<br /> �. .�; without turt6er demand and may invake the porrer ot sale and any othes•remedks permithd by spplicabk law
<br /> ' • a; r. Lender slwU be entitled to co(fect all e�rpenses incurnd in pursuieg t6e remedies provided in t6[s p9ragrap6 21,
<br /> � �'��;y . iacludieg,but aot lunited to,reawnable attorne�s'fees and costs of title e�-id�oe.
<br /> .�,.....�`; �.-.
<br /> . , „�.,,..�, , It the po�rer oi sale is invoked,'I�ustee shall record a notice ot deiaalt in est�h county in w6ic6 a,sy part at tLe
<br /> ,,�. Prnpeity is lacated and s6a11 mail copies ot such nouiee in the maaner prescn'6ed by applicabk law,to Bor�vres aed ta
<br /> � : ,�, the other persons pnscribed by applicable law ARer the time required by applica6le law,ltastee��e p��4ir;�.: ,.,
<br /> ' ~ �"'f-1;�": notke o�sate to the persons and in the nwnner prescribed by applipble law 7lrustee,without dema�d�ou Barro�vei,-�• �: � �•`
<br /> �ou
<br /> .r'��• _•�
<br />; ;�; .is�,�:; : shall sell the Propertv at publk auctbn to t6e higlies�tiidder at�he time and place and under t6e ter��l�natM in
<br />. �;,�.-,+:�'�.�_:; -. . � . t he not i c e o t s�le in one�r�nore parce l s an d i n aaep m r d e r 7 Y u�t ce d e t ermines: 7lrustec ma Y p�t p o n e s�e of a�a sQ f
<br /> �:,�,;f. :°�.�•�_,;'i�s' paral ot the Property b public announcement at fhe time and plaee ot anv previously scheduted s�te. l.enderor its
<br /> £':;-��'. � �yatan •
<br /> � .� �,:�t�-.;�: •:;�:;;;� designee may purchase e Pr y sale. �
<br /> .'s�''`��:�:`�.• '• llpon recelpt af payment of the price bid.Trustee shall deliver to We purchaser 7Yustees deed coeveying tlie
<br /> ;i' , ,_'`•."�;,':'. • . Property. The recitals i�the 7lvstee's deed s6ali be prima facie evldence[}'f ahe truth ot the statemem(s made there�in.
<br /> ,:'`;', ;.��:.��: 7lrustee shall apply tde g�raceeds ot the s�le in tbe fullowing order. (a)to a�aasAS and eacpenses otexac�sing the po�ver
<br /> , ,.
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