s°—/ S� � �
<br /> Lj �.eti�"'f ,.. _ _ _ .. _.__.
<br /> ---�..?
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<br /> .�.� . . � �� . ' ' _ _ . _
<br /> _ � . �,.��.wYSr.�� —� � _ - r . — ( ,T- , -.( _. � ..' ' ' ' ' ' t , . ; . . �--
<br /> . . . �. ' . . `. . � . . i � .' . " '� . • �t'�-
<br /> I ( �.
<br /> � peiads�IrqEslye�dat rpgri�r. 'ttie iaas�saet�aeria p�o�ridi��e inaheoa�irll be cioreatby�e�����rety . ' <
<br /> `� �PP���►k�ufptDe_�nrd��r�dd. If Hono�r�r�sb a�ie��rin t�+�en�e�nciieed ai�o�Lerder r�►.at �°`
<br /> l�dectr np�icp�;�j�vt�ap�xc ie�iar�rl�hb in me Pbopa►y io aciadAOe�vi�h piri��: = . -
<br /> A1i6�ur�n:e+.p��bt�fd�'a�ev�'�i+s�ll beao�ept w Iaaderaod sb�t iaclade s�ma�tja�b,al:ne: I.eedet . .
<br /> . sh�ltt�ve�t��G�c+i ,�t�d`4�i�.pW�cies�od teoe�v�ls. tl��Lt�des tequues.BanoMa�WI Paa�Hy tive tn l,a�der�11 rxei� '
<br /> of P�id pi�adiwp��axli;�l4��oaoes. In t6�ereot oE ta�t;Bamrrtr:hsll give proe�pt notica to�he�caerier aad
<br /> Let�der. i,t�de�t.as�r�dii�pici�of of iose if not made pompdY 1y Bortower . ' .
<br /> Untess•Leqdtt;p�i�d�a�ee i°��e prooeeds t6aU bc�pplied w�aatiao a t�ir oF �
<br /> � � ttse. S If�t�ie�stawtiaa or reprir is aootiomi�lly fe�iWe�t,tada�a sx�ity'is aot twme�. if the. . ,
<br /> ����:, . .:
<br /> .c�t�t�oas.ois:�eC{�ttS�.ir.AGF.tSteconomicallY feastble or Irade[7s tocnrity.�oeild be ies�dlcd.the hran�ce.pqceeds•ab�U b�E �
<br /> � �dr tp i1�d��.�bY this Sxuriry In�am�a�t,v�hadkr or not d�ea doe. xkte�aup e�cas p�id ta Bara+�ec Tf
<br /> Bctsp�anab�d�t:tt��DG�Y�or dae�nnR.�rc wit6u�3U=days=�r�ia-fio�t:Lt�..slz�4-fie=,nw�noe_-�+��_----_
<br /> _ --:—--�t�i���i�i,'���-miy collect tbe hisur�oce p�ooxds. Ileader m�y.�t6�piooieed�w�or 1bs�a�e
<br /> , th�,Pl�qpest�^aer•�yct�r:auma secueed by this Sec�ity bu�me�t.�vl�fl�a�or not tbau due. 31ie 30�day periad will bep wba►
<br /> . tE�ovRiccis:gk�iriap:..;:'';: .
<br /> . �7ro�s;f,aad�;�r�i$arowa otl�wue agrce iu wriw,g.anr appliic�uioa of piooeects w principv shan not e�teaa or
<br /> , pqst��.".��diff�o�it�t matthly PkYmeMS refen�to in par�gt�pl�s 1 aod 2 a c6�nge tht artroant of tbe p4y�. If
<br /> t�ddi;ppit�ni2l�[l.�,l'Y+�e:ty is acquired by Lenda�.Bonower's right to my inswance policies aod proceeds�sulting
<br /> �� � ,;fi�'�Y i�m tlro�oqwsipan aba�ll pass m L,endrr io the extent of tht sums aecured bq dris Saunty
<br /> . 1nst�tman��teL�priortntheoc!m�a+;,w+ �
<br /> '�6r��. �,Preaa�vabjae, Maieteesea �d Pea�eaioa d.t6e Pt+oparij: Ba�sower's I.a�a Appliatio�;
<br /> - - � .: j:�t,, "`.`';`Bc��ersF�l�cxx�gp:es�6�-snds�c�si€���x+�r�gi�cipelnaidence.within-sixt�ds�aRcr_-- --.
<br /> ifiie exePUtiea o�this Sea�rity Instrument aod shail oomi�e tn�y ti�Ptdpaxy�s,�wer;s p�ti ie�jdaoae fvr�E ,
<br /> � � oae yeaF,aftcr tLe.date of�axap�ncy, uniess.i�3ec��'��gct�s� �Iting. wbid�;�C:s��oR bt ;:
<br /> ; �.�aeasotr��e#i�tekl,ur,�e�ing ci�om�oes�����$��'s v�tit�€. �mo�st�not� :
<br /> )'.
<br /> ' �oY.dacrr�it cis im�ir`the�c+a�at.y.,a,.�rs�tbe Rnpe�t��i�ia",;�'ar'ia��nun���ae t�e�op�tY �o�iuv�`si�l:.. `
<br /> �be in defniSt,i��ny�'arfe"�c actfa�`s?4'r'�!.�*.°��'ciiv�q�;i�i�ii����r�n�'s�ao�:�jadg�tpenC� � ,
<br /> � «!wd �esvit ia firf�e:��5e�ta�e�;�ar����aterialiy impai*tK��[�c�d'vg�dsss"�o�iait�r,-�anene or . .
<br />� 1Lend�s security uRc�e"st.,B�iio�er isiay�.�atc s�a�#..Saiilt and reinstate.as pioee�3 tn puagr.+pTi I8,by��e�chon
<br /> `•:aF.pmc�eeding to 6e d�ii�airtlt'a tuting�t,mt�'�$ood faith hte�+*mr—=--.�+.�clQdrs fad�ue of flte$ormwet�s. .
<br /> , Bit�est m tbe Pcogertq�odier ina�erial �ti�the lien cneated by t6is Sec�uity Iosonifia�t or I.enadr�s security
<br /> - 'intenst Bomnw�r s6�ll.stso 6e ia defatilt if Bocm�a, during tl�e ban appliratiao p�ocess. 8av�materiatiy false a•�
<br /> = - inaccurate infarmvion or staum�is to l.ender(ar fa�dE�o pmvide LeMer with s+ay muexial infoimadan)in caan�witb�
<br /> `=� the loan evidenced Iry the Note. including.but not lirnited to,rap�esentations conceming Bonower's occupancy.of-the
<br />- Property as a principat�esidaxe. U this Secariry Insuument is on a leasehold,Bomnwcr ahall comply with all th6 provlcioas
<br /> of tt�e kase. If Borro�Yer acquiies fa titk to the Property.the kasehold and tt�e fee dtla shaU not merge unkss Lender�grees
<br /> . to the me►ger in writing. �
<br /> 7. Protectia� d l.e�kr's Ri�its is tbe Propert'. If Bo�ruwer fai(s to perfaan tbe cavenaats and sgneements
<br /> _ cont�iaal in this Seruricy In-strumenk ar thene is a kgal proceeding that rray significantly affec�Lenderh ri�hts in the . �
<br /> _ Pmpecty(snch as a proacding in 6�nkruqcy.prc�b,ite.for candemnation or fafeiture or to enforce laws or negulukms),tlkn
<br />_ L.cndcr may do nnd p:ty for whatever is nccessary w pratert tfie vatoe of the Praperty and Ltnderk dghts in the_Property.
<br /> � ` ''• Lcnder':�uctions may include paying uey sumz secumd by a lien which has priority aver this Securiry Insuument,Appo�ring
<br /> ' u
<br /> '�'�r���t�� in couh,paying reawnable attomcys'fees and entering on the Propeny ta make�pairs.Although l,ender may take�ction'
<br /> W 4�',
<br /> .:,.�-�.:-':'�M under[his paragraph 7.Lender dces not have to doso.
<br /> '` '•' � ';"': Any Amaunts disburxcd by Lender under this paragrapM T shall become additional debt of Botrowcr secnred by this
<br /> -� *���_;���. ., Security Insuumen�. Unless Barower and Lcnder agrce to other terms of paymen�these amounts�si�ll beu Interost from tite
<br /> "'�?q ��'�.Y date ot disbursemenl at the Nae rate and shall�6e payabte,witt�Interest,�upon nwlcc fmm�Lcncfer[a Borrowcr�gutatin�,• �
<br /> .'l'ti*.. .�. �"Yy� .
<br />., �•r'��t...�i;�' . paymen� •
<br />� •�F=-;�";;;:, ,. : S. Martgage InsurancG If Lender required mortgage inswm�ce as a conditiart of�making�;the toan secuced by[�r..
<br /> }��'�y"."�� � Security•in4�umenti Borrower shall ay the remiums uiml to maintain�the-mort
<br /> , ,•'�. P P �i ba8��insumnce in�effect. If.for aay •
<br /> � '•r; ,." . : '.��`,"•: reason, tPtr mortgage insurance coveragz required by l,ender �apses or ceases to be'in�effoct, Borrower sbatl pzy the
<br /> � ��'�'=•�,: premiams requ�ted to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a cast
<br /> =i°;��'' � �';; substantially equivalem to the cost to Barrawer of the mortgage insurance previously in effect,from an altemate mortgage
<br /> ''�:i'�;`:, .`• .,`t•?i insurer approved by Lender. If substanrialty eqaiva2ent mortgage insurance coverage is not s►vnilable.Borrower shall pay to
<br /> � ''�'`"�`;`:- ''-"�'�'` Leader each month a sum ual to or.e-suelfth of iht earl mo e insurance remium bein atd b Bormwer where the
<br /> � ' c.ti�t;�t';� �1 Y Y �SaB P S P � Y
<br />� ''*.•• _ insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in efi�.•Lene�r witl�axt�p�use and mtain these payments as a loss reserve in liew
<br /> '-: �.. :¢:_.:,�- �'" of mongage insurance. Loss reserve payments rna} no�tongev b�required.at the option of Lxnder.if moRgage insurance
<br /> �^`�- �,. • coverage(in the amount and for the period that Ler.det rquiras)provided by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes .
<br /> ;� .:availablr and is obtained.Borrower shall pay the prem"r�requ'rrc�ta�maintain mortgage Insurancc in effect,or to provide a ,
<br /> . loss n�serve;until the requirement for mortgage insu�r.ce ends in accorduhce with a»y written agreement between Borrower •
<br /> '?.:3� .'��.;,� .". - and Lender or applicable law. _
<br /> "" . _ 9 InspecNon. LenAer or its agent may maCc�raasonabteentries upon artd�inspections of the Property. Lender shall
<br /> �-.�:;,,.'��r • .' give Borrower notice at ti�e time of or prior to ar�in3p�etidnspecifying rea.sonabl:±causv for the inspecdon. °
<br />' � ��`-� -'�(-" � 10 Condemnatia►.=The pracee�c�of�an;+errurd br claim for damages.difect or consequential.in wnnection with any -
<br /> .� �+�,ie'"i�t�_
<br /> ~ '� .�� ?". SingleF$nllyl+.F�nnle�!Ifl�JF1+ed1(eMac1JN1FORMIrSTRUMEyT-•UnifartnCovmants �!!� (paRe3af6paResl =
<br /> arae Ids errer Ior,t�o.� °
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