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<br /> :s+�oti` t�t of ti�:.l�raMst� to �aT,.'a� �t� �o'�lia�►tfafasf� �i i��ieiael!:• �/rw�er
<br /> . �tirri�d. 1aww�, ll�i� psto= to tlM it�r�aeb b�' �+sM�t� o� ae7 oa�w�Mt �tt � ��
<br /> ' Csaaeor ia tbis. Inst:�at. Gicanto= �ha11 as��is� a�1 af�.itil. r�'ta uedis�d� �s �
<br /> �Ltll �oli�ee.�d s�si� �21 0� th,F:�ats�.aod sa�awa o� tia lrep�rt? as tsust� ie=�eb�
<br /> b�asfit at�ffciaty:•�Crantoi. ind�as �t�c�i..Craato� �11 sp�ly tlr�riazs�a4e1 sw�ws.
<br /> � so coll�ce�d to.tLs.s�a� s��vr�d�� Wis I�tsiwoe in ti�s 4rd�r pra�d�d ia pasajryL �
<br /> bl�s�o!vith tht bal+�..sa lot� u ao wr�s-bs�ach h�s o�cwhe�d. to tl�s accouat of Cr�ntor. °
<br /> -�t bsias.=#atRad�.b�-G"rantos.aad: �aaficiarg ebas tbis issi�at of �anv, �Id 2iws _
<br /> , coa�tituts� �n�aiap�rsAt'for a�dditioetal.�scuriL'� oal�: .Upon eL�bY�acb bp tisaator.of�
<br /> ca�o�ae or a�r�At of C�ru►tor in thf� iiest�att is prc�rid�d fn Para�raph��19 b�lai, �ed
<br /> ---•t!tlro�ut=�..��c�.:it3c.nf=D��fic3ary u�t�rins upa� aad r.akius aid'�iata��A►i_�t_#�1��2��� ..__ _-
<br /> of tba lcop�st�. in.�raoa. b�,a�t o� b� s aourt-appaint�d t�iNr. �tiaias� ai�ll «
<br /> ' 3aMdiat�l� (i�.,ba mC�tl�d�to as�rcia�t all of Graazor'a rf�ts vad�x th� �� +�1 �ii) `.�
<br /> 1� �tit2�d to pos+�safoo of all s�ata md rsiraiw�t o� ttr lrep�rtT as �eifi�d iit tbis .
<br /> Ps�caQcaph 14 a+s tbAr f+�t b�ca�s du� and.pa�rabli; ina�idit� Lbat��is�vpwt�t�nties'a
<br /> bx�arb, �acte e�n�a� of tha tropss� sh�].1 M1� such z�nts paYabl� to.md;P�7 sueh.r�ata to
<br /> Ea�fici.as�oY��ieissT'a a�n�ts an D�ffcia�r�•s+rtitta►.d�ld`to�ach t�nt tbrrtfor,
<br /> d�li�r�d tQ.�aab.t.�n�t p�rsooslly. b1 ssil or.by d�li�nrins auch dwt�d to Mcb.r�nt�l
<br /> �mit. rttbou�t aes�,;liability on ths part o�f aucb t�aaat to inquir� farttnr as to tlM
<br /> _ s:iat�nc� of a d��iailt b�► Cr+qatox. �s�ficiaiy sb�11`not be liabls�for sa3-Io�a aeestaiaed--. :---
<br /> br�tL� Graator rssulti�aa f=o� aYry failurs,hy E�nsficii�sy s�tl�rr to coll�ct t� r�arat aAd
<br /> rnsnoes af.�tlia PtdprrCjr oX ia ax�rcisins or faili� to ez�rcise au�r of Gsaator's riabts
<br /> undt� tbt Las�s. . � ,
<br /> 15. DLRPq�l1 00l��IAL t�ODE.SBCf1RITY.AQE�1R- This Instru�snt fs i�tteniMd to b�
<br /> a ss�urity ass��at pursuant to i�Unifozs Co�srcial Cod� as�nactsd in ths stats�z�ii►
<br /> t� ikop�rt�•fr�locat�d. for aay of.t�a itqs speci�isd abov� u part of.th� Prop�s�►vb�cb.
<br /> uad�r agplic�ble la�r, a�y 1� subjscti to. a sscurity intes�st pursuant to �tb�r Uaf.fo�ds
<br /> Corrcial Coda, at�d Csaator bsreby araats to �eu�ficiary s sac�i�city iat�rest in_aai+d�ita�s.
<br /> Grantor a�cefs.th�t 3�usfieiasy �ay file tbis Instr�aent. or a reproduction tb�rwf. iu th�
<br /> teal e+stata zecords or oth�r appropriats indsz, as a financi� atatRasnt for aay o£ r�
<br /> ite�s specifisd abovs as part of the Propsrty. Auy raproduction of this Iast�nt ox aay
<br /> ottrr ss�verity asraa�snt� or financiaa state�snt,sl�all be . sufficisnt' as 'a fitsst�cis�
<br /> stata�nt. in. addition, GYmtor aarees to executa and delivsr to EeneficZ+�sy. vpon
<br /> E�n�ficisry's saqu�st, any finaaciag statu�snts, ss tirell as uctsnsious... s�i�xals and
<br /> aasnd■ents ttytreof, aad reproductio�s of tt►is Insttv�ent in sucb fors sf��.:���.aiary s�y
<br />. sequire to p�x�ect a secusitq interest vitb respect to said itea�. Grsato= s�tat2l, Bay all
<br /> coats of filyds, such financing statesents .usd any extensioas. reaerals; �emt: aad
<br />' . r�leasss tttezeof, and �all pay all reasonable cosCS and expanses of aay r�car.d.usxch�s
<br /> � foY finstticing, stateaents Whicb Beneficiary say reqvire. Nithout the prioz v�ip��u co:tseat
<br /> of Eeae�icias�y, Grantor ahall not create, or auffaz. � be crested pursw�nz � the Unifori
<br /> � Ca�arcial Cod�e ary ather security iutereat in said•,:iteas, inc2udin� �e�?cace�snts and
<br /> additions theratu. Upon Grautor's breach of any covenaat or a�ee�sat o€�ari�ar cantainsd
<br /> in thia lASts�snt. Deneficiary ahall have the re�edies of a seturad putq vatdar �e Uai�oz�
<br /> Co�sreial Cod� and. t�t Beneficiary's optioa. aay�also imtoke tbe revedies providad ia thia .
<br /> Inat�ent as. to such itess. In exarcising any of said resedies� Baneficiary aay pzacead
<br /> against th� iten�s of real property and any ites� of personal property speeified ahove as
<br /> put of tl� Property, ssparately or toger.tzer and ia any order vt�atsoeves, vithout in any
<br /> vay affeetiag tha availability of Bene£icie�ey'a re'edies vuider the Unlfos� Cosercial Code
<br /> or of the resedies pravided in this Insts�ent. •
<br /> 16. IEASB AND SUBLEASES. Grantor sha11 co�ply vith and observe Grantor•a obligatioAa
<br /> aa landlord uadex all leases aad sublease�,of the Psoperty or any past thereo£. All leasea
<br /> not► or hereafter anterecfi into by Grantor �Sil be in a fors and substatics sub�eat to the •,
<br /> apptoval of Deneficiar�. All leasea aad :s:.'�leases of the Propesty to xbich Grantor is s• t`'
<br /> puty shall s�ecificaEl� provide,.that (i) auch leasea and subleases are and ahall re�ain �'
<br /> subo�ditute Gs t.�sis Instrt�s�ea.�., ��,i) that the t�nant tbeseof shall attorn to BeAeEiciary.. . jY.
<br /> such �ttorcaant to bc cf�ect�cc� upon Deneficiar�"s; acquiaition of, tiLle to Grantor's
<br /> intirras.t in tix Prapert�r, tiif,� �tat the tetr,snt ae�+ees to execute auch furthas evtdencta r_;,
<br /> o� sttiostrea�.asf8/ar subordinat�a� as Bc�eeTiciary �y�:fros Cf,rac to �i�s requese;. �.(iv}�� � {r
<br /> that the atiCass�ent og th� t�nia�shali ��,� in.ait�r;��s►ent., b�t,�esdnsted by forticEoaeurs o�c � 'r�_'
<br /> '. otli�s sale a� ths E�rap�zty by�Tse�s�e puYauant to tbaa���swed�es rss�rved in:.Ithf.s�.�nstsa�sa�: �;
<br /> E�n�fieiaYy a�,rsss ta authostze .Rrustee to furntsh upon Yequest ta ;�ttel te�tt of the ;.;;
<br /> PropaYty a Noa-Distusbance Agreetent pra•ricEl.ng ressomabie attt3 �ustoasry covenaaC�e.so long.
<br /> s� th�r� �zi�ts no evsiit of d�fault unde� �e eov�na�ts o� tb�t:applieable lea�e sgteesant. -
<br /> Craator abs],1 not, vithout ]i�n�ficiary'a Mrittet� consant. execute, *odifq. .suzr�n�ler• or t�.
<br /> teraiaate. eitiher oraliy or fn writing, any leaae or suhleaae noW exiattng or hereafter�etde �'-;
<br /> b� Graator vf,th rasp�ct to all or any part of the Property. except upon the oaauXrence of.. � :
<br /> sn�aatisial �v�m og d�fault by a te�t of aay such leasa or subleas�. �G;at�to��siull�uot,� ,
<br /> tritho�tt Drasfi.ciary's writt�n consent, perait an assi�wnt or subl�as� of �nyr��nah .l�+uce�. r.
<br /> or �ubl�ass� or r�qwst or conseat .to,th� subordiratidn of any a�eh l�as� o�t�-sublea�a:,ta��
<br /> M�iah Csmtor ia a party to apy lien subordinate to tbin Itistr�arnt:' If. Gzu��o�c,beeoMea,�� f
<br /> �wr� ttnt aap t�nt proposAS to do. or is doirg, a�y act or thiva�hicb s�y�ai.v�s�•ri.s�;�to�• k
<br /> ...-.- ::--__:-.--_:...- --_ -___..._ _ _.: � ' _ ...... .. ... . _ _
<br /> ;. _ . _. . . �. . .... _ _.. _.. _. ._ : :.
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