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<br /> ` `� '`� y` s ,. � . ` ` � . ' �, i ', ' , �� �� , . � - ��a Y�!• f a. ` .
<br /> � `iMij !��tit1�f10t �rf /Y6'11 j1lOC�� '!� tM 11�� �� r�N Ol'�r �O�. �:f1t O��t �_.-
<br /> " ,r..wi.tl.. or mai=�t si�e ts+o�ucc�r. e= fi:) eo .�1�tL. t�laao. e� .�oi.*r.e..�. ce ee. � � .,
<br /> 'la�n� �i NK wr �urad bp this:twtt�aet: �t�s or as� lh�ra 4w. iati die �t� o�� , .
<br /> , a�lieatiaQ art'tosd� in Pas+apeap�c 3 lrs�of. � . ` . � ; -
<br /> it tbs itwwranei psoe�s as�.l�ld`b� �ticiar� to� r�itbuta�,Cta�►�os !or t�,eo�t�� <
<br /> o! r�stosatfop o�s r�pata a� tb��lropue�. tb� ltey�st7 sl�sil br s�stes�d te tb� �+ir'a1�at , .
<br /> ` of �u osisit�l coadit�at or s�h ott�s aonditle� as,`!*��i�eiat�,asl��lPZ� in�rtitito�.
<br /> �l�ciau����iay. at �ficia�•s o�tioo. coad��tioc► disbus�at o�' oaid psoossd� ua.
<br /> 1�iiet,ssy's appsd�al. of auch plaas �ad spiclfisatiae� � +m arcbit�et< uH�taetoty to •�
<br /> ---L-ftfs?.fst.i�-:F.+�r: ����ts �sstu�eiwlraeilf�• /MOYti1---. -- _
<br /> � statarsAtr o! �cba�ics �d s�t�rialara �md aueb oe�s avldiac�� o� cwta. P�re�aup _
<br /> � e:a�pl�tios of coorts�aeeioa, agplicatioa of a►�nta. aad �atislsction of lii�as ia
<br /> e:a p
<br /> �Hciar� r�Y�quis�. x� tIM is�susae�� proce�ds ar� appli�d ta t6� paYrn� o! d�s_iu�s
<br /> zp�fs�d bl' dds Ltstsvrnt. au� such appltcatiat oi ptocMds to priacipal shsll uot istw�d
<br /> os po�epon� tLs d«s dat�s of tba�ootbl.� iasltalLr�nts r�quir�d v�ad�r t� tote ar e�e�p tbi
<br /> � a�eunts of sueII insullaatt�. If 1�iicia� icqnir�s titl� to dw lrop�rtY. E�usficiaty
<br /> ahall l�sw d2 of tb��ri�►t, tiela a�nd iat�rast o! Cratttar iti and to att�/ it�sus�c��lici�a .
<br /> and vaea�d pa»i�as tb�raoa aad in aad to; t� asocs�ds r�sultiuS froa� da�ats:!A tbs _ .�
<br /> trop�st�Pr3or to such aale or acquisitioa. - - . � �
<br /> � 7. COND�fATI0litt. Graator sball iaMdist�l� �tify Semfieiary of any actioa or
<br /> �procadi� rslatina to au�► caada�ation or oth�r takiva, v�t�r dirset or 3ndirrct, of dwt
<br /> �rop�rtt, os am��pa�et`•t�reo£. and Graaeor st�all apP�u iu md pros�cut� ae� �h aet�oa
<br /> or proceedit�vmless othe�xiae directed by Esneficiary 1A vrittn�- �sn�iiaiu� abal� ban . ,
<br /> . . t�s �ri�t. on behaif of.Gsaator. to co�aACe; appsas in aid pras�cut�, in Dsaaficiasy's or� . . •
<br /> Grmtor*s na�e. anY action or Proesedlnb r�latina to ary aund�s�ation o�s otb�s Wci,�1i�of
<br /> th� prop�rt�. vbstb�r diratt or i�direet, and to settle oY co�psosiss aty c1at: in
<br /> �o�e�tioa +�itb sueb conde�nstion or otbes ta1�i�.� Graator hsr�by essi6os to sa�fieia�
<br /> , a11 ri�►ts of Graator in an�d to chs proeeads of auy► aeatd. payaeat or ciais for da�s�a.
<br /> d3sect or eoinseqtiantisl, ia e6tmection vith any sucb conde�atioa or otber tatcina, vbst�s _
<br /> direet or iadfrect. of the Property. or any.paat thereof, or for comr�eyaaces in lisu of
<br /> cor�deanatioa.
<br /> Airy snch avards, pay�eats, proceeds or da�sges, os portion tbereof to vhich Cs�tutor
<br /> is�entitled ahwll, sfur the deductioA of Eeneficiary'a expenses in�curred ia the collection
<br /> of such a�o�mts. at the election of Deneffciary. (i) be applied to the reconstruction,
<br />- � reatoration or sepair of the Property 3n co�pliance vit� all applicable legal require�snts. --
<br />- or (ii) ba applied to the payEent of tha sv�s aeCUred by tbis Insts�ent. whethar or uot �_�.-
<br />- ;«.T=..� --
<br /> thsn due. in the oYder of applicatioa set forth in paragraph 3 hereof, vitb the balas�ca+ �; .,4,�r
<br /> if ang. to Graator. 1lnless Grantor aad Eeneficiary otherwise agree 3a xritina. a�sy � ;.j:,_,_.,;,�,
<br /> , app2�eatioa of proceeds to principal shal! not extend or postpone the due d�te o£ the ��.;: .'.�
<br /> �.:�. . ,E.�:-
<br /> �•�•�. aontbly installweats required bq the Note. GrantoY abrees to e�cecute such furthar avidance ,.,^. :,..;„
<br /> � i:�.=.•�nCx
<br /> � of'assigs�sent of aay aWards, proceeds. daoages os clafas arisiag in com�ectiqn vith �,ach i;
<br /> '�I��' ' conde�nation ot taking as Beneficiary tiay requ�.re. araator's failing ta i�ediatal7 d�li�uc � : : � .
<br /> tq tbs saaeficlary sll suah av�sds, ps�aants. proceads os daaages.psid to Graatar bat v�in� � •
<br /> to t1� �nsfici�a: 6� �'rtue of tbis psra�sapL sLsil coastitute ui s�aat of dsfaoit v�s ' ,
<br /> �� �s��t:� s�Ei continv�� � �efauit until such �mds bsie bs�a d�li�ssed to ths ; .
<br /> E���iciasy . . ; ,<:.
<br /> , ,'_��.
<br /> . '.. � .; .:` �; . , ? :: �i'-;�.
<br /> $c;. pRESELiVATiON Qb1D MAIN'�"r�e.vCE QF 3�tTPERTY. Grantor (i) sball npt corit �rasta ot ; :
<br /> per�t i�psir�eat,or d��esioratia�af the 4��pesty aud sball not abandon tbe Psopesty. (11) ' � � �..,;;,•'.;.,;:..
<br /> slull seconst�t, restore or re�a�.r proaptly and ia a good and voria�anlike��anser all or _
<br /> . any yart of;�.Pro�esty ta tT� equivalent of i� ,,4rigis�al condition, or such other� � ; �.
<br /> condition as Eetx�iciar�*.�eay a�g�a�:e in wsiting, isn ��event of atry daaage. injury or loss ,,.,,�
<br /> tlier�to; vhettier or ar�t insis�r�nce proceeds or �t�$e or in part. the cp�ts of such �,._ :;' r.
<br /> sicourtrnctioa, sestoration or repsir, (iii) ahs�� keep the Psaperty i� gaod,order, f,,,����" '
<br /> � aoAdition and stpair snd aball �ccplace fixtures, equ4.g�ent, �achinery and appltatk�s oa the : , ��.�..f�
<br /> . ,�p�op�i�ty vt►tm nec�ssary to tceeg suah iteas in goac� repair, and aill a�lce or cause to be • ; � �.
<br /> �iLL��trwctural or no�stru�tural� intesioa• ' � � �
<br /> ' ards. as aa�.+w�atr tbs aa�e slul��coas t�ecessary. �. ; . ,;
<br /> aad �tt�sior,"ordinary.and �:tr�ordtnary. fose:eea�aiyd'unforsa�n repaira, raplacwenta m�8..;; �� ;° r•��:•.
<br /> r�arrai,s nea�saary to th�t �nd, (iv) slull co�pig:vfth sll zonina. buildinE. h�aith and���:;. '�,.;<<>;�;,;��,
<br /> �snvitat�ental lava, ordinances and regulations, ai�d slI otber lavs, re�.stS.o�s utr,� . `:t•:;1«;1�'',
<br /> � ���:�y:
<br /> ` .,'��(�.,._.,
<br /> r�quit�auits or a�y sover��ental body or sgency havi�g jurisdictioa oxer the Prope�Cty, or ; '� ,;,,�; :•�
<br /> � ttr� us� �sad occnpancy tZur�of by Grantor, and (v) .s�all ca�ply vith all cov�nsnts aad� . ��� ;_..i,';�,.:�
<br /> �c��iruts af r�aosd affectins tha Propesty. � l�either Grantor nor a�r othet�p�rson slull'� ,' !'7':%':':� �
<br /> rNOVe, de�oliah or alter any i�rov�aent nox existing or hereafter erected on thb Yropertq�, ' `';������''
<br /> •xitLout tb� priox vrittaa cansaat of DenaficiaYy: . . � ; .- �_ ..
<br /> . � ;:'
<br /> � � crautor.�luil �ar iu a�co�at�st amr actiot�or proc��d� purpo=ti�6 to aff�ct th� 1-�:. :.�.•.
<br /> � i�curitY I�raof or tbe si�ts or powrs of E�u�i�iaiary or Txnst��, and aba].l pay all coata
<br /> aN,d �otp�s,,iaclwliaa coat of rvid�nc� of titl� �nd atitosar�'a f��s. ia a�► such uctiaa �;:�:;.,
<br /> � . . �. . , . . ";�
<br /> . . . --
<br /> _ _. _. . ._ . - -
<br /> _ — _ __--------- . .. ._.._....._..._.__ __ . _. . ... . ... ,. . - - - -. .._. . . ._. . --- ---
<br /> - - —--�---..-- -------.
<br /> . . . � . . . . ' , � � . � . ' , , �.�.s:;:; .
<br /> . . �--::. ,.
<br /> . -�'
<br /> • ; . , . . . , . � , . , , � _
<br />