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<br /> . �If p�m 0��'�!� a�� (dr�..'Di�d et 'tn�st"?.,t�i�� t�s�.�7 . .`
<br /> � .o�nscwbss, 1l93�.ttif a�'a�oe���s IiC., a�Obti,o cospasatieer. �ira���ailini.
<br /> aadr�as is 3�9i 1lorth Hiy�e Str�at. Col�t�iu�. •Obie 4321t (1Mr�i�afaY n�ssr�d so as .
<br /> 'Clfnto!*�• and �air �IC�1 �t?!i �`�i O�i�f'!r.�•t�ili�addt�sa it 100 Lft
<br /> �s Yisn �onlarasd: Suiu 3fi0. Colv�b��. aii� 43�3S-4526 .(�loaft�c s�fi�id ti� a�„ :<
<br /> 'Ssust.�e"?. as ttust�s for t.l�b�a�fit of!!M �ntis�toa�atioe�i satat. L4 tittiooal baoici� -
<br /> ` association, vhoa�a�ilina addrsaa is�rl Soad►Siab stsMt. Col�abua. Chio 432�7. �tti�ntton:
<br /> �..,.�►�isLSank3a�Di�tiQa:3t.tlt��ssors�partic_t��a ,�rad assiEas EcoTl�ctiwelr s�fars�d .
<br /> __ _ _ — -- __._ . _. _ .___
<br /> CO �i "�Mf�Cfai���• . - � -- -- -
<br /> • . . � � , , ��
<br /> . . 1iI1�4S�t: � . • • � , .
<br /> � �II�GRHGAYS AlO�!OF PRIIICITAL Z+D 1= s�tD �! A�Y �E SLR �� is .
<br /> � $3.4�ZS,Q00.00. , � . .
<br /> TEifs,coavey�aca is �ds it� trust ta s�ars, aad wnforcr t1�s follarius d�sarib�d
<br /> - -iadeb-te�;;;oTilisations aird liabflitiss f Qer�i� co22sct=v�a1J. th� 'Ia��tsMiss'�: . ,. . -- -
<br /> ..�;,_:_: . ., .
<br /> ,f.',�E�� ' a�a�t of .
<br /> . :,.,(i) pay�ent of a ee�ctaitt Cog�ovit Prowisso�t ltote ia th�psi�ci.pal .
<br /> � � � $t.4�15". �;000.00, or so anch ttNreof as tr�irs �mp�id. o� sa�n dste 1�r�vYtb, s�ucut.�d
<br /> ' t►�G.�ar..P+►9able to tt�e order of De�a�sficiuy. bsarin6 intsrest as�prar�►i�in aaid
<br /> ' Xoteb::°�'j�aytbla as set �dztb iu such Nots; ury aad tt1l r�ala. ��zt�osioas. .
<br /> � , �od�lEiii:u�tioni. substi+�iiear�F o�,i.ACreas�s o£ aaid Nou (hareia�f�ber. �atl�sr oas or .
<br /> �.�or�;'�led tlr�.'�iota'y..�or �Fart tt�r�of;. . , ' � .. . . _
<br /> • < < -
<br /> . , '�•;�?�;,;t of all funds".for�costs, aupsnses. aad feas i�wcs�d b�r�a€tar.b� ' .
<br /> , . ��'#�;`,'.�..'..�a
<br /> aans£��'a►�'��.contesplatad by amy,coveivat.or proviaion her�in contsiasd or for aag
<br /> otbeic;:';;��e.� including vithout liaitstion. resl astats tuas md assess�nts, .
<br /> insut�pFs.psae�ras. ssintansnce..�ensas. Tsuistee fi�s. sad teasonabls attarnsy's' '
<br /> fdes; md ,t , ,.
<br /> ,,,,�:: ;: "; ;,�:'' :.�:;:..:,
<br /> : , :
<br /> �% - -� -
<br /> . ,.::..:,� _ . .._ . ._. _ <.,:,.:;;.
<br /> . co�, :;::.�iff)-The .perfo�ce of�'t�a-covenm�s iad ��et�eat� af=Grsabi�r-bs�eeLYr-- -
<br /> r,�nd aad containt�;�-:�.certain Loan Agreesent, dated��f���� 1�le�� ��°
<br />_ �LO�'iX$ZE6>Etlt)� SIld �' ..� . .
<br /> Graato�, in.c�:�deratfon of the �Iiidebtedaess herefa���f�.� � �e �t �reia
<br /> aseated, l��f� granes and conveys to Trustee IN TRIIST, tiZT�pOSiFS ttY?•SALE for Lh�beaefi.t
<br /> aAd secvr�y,,r,;� Beisefialasy and subject to the �isvenants and coad€�oas of tbis Deed,of
<br /> Tsust� the fdllo�ia��escribed property: � , • ,;.,.
<br /> ;.; ;�;...�. � , . .
<br /> ' (3) . the reai q�roperty iocated i.�z.the State of Nebra:��. sore pssticularly dsscribad _
<br /> � . �ri;'�hibit "A" attached heseta.a�d sade a part hereof. • �y � ��:_
<br /> �� (11) A?�l buildings, ia��av�a'�, structures and te�ents Aaw aituated or bs�eaf�s �`.
<br /> �=y
<br /> �:.ce�ected on aaid resl� propeit�,��ai�.,fi�etofore 'or hereaL`r.�r vacated alleys.,ats�d atrele�a rj;:
<br /> �',e�sutting the properc��, all easesents; r�g,hts, appurtenancei�.rents, royalties, �ti�eral,.oil ��=-
<br /> ;;__�
<br /> �'afits. water. Water ri ts and'watr� stock a urtenant tb ttte'�11 •f��,
<br />_ �. a�id gas rigbts and i3.. Bh PP ,, �,: ;
<br />- Ps°p°rty� . �; :�. . . �:�r�-
<br /> � (iii) All i��es, sacbinery, eg,nipaient, engines*.boilers, incineratar��, b+�s£��fr�, . ,;��;,
<br />- 'iriterials prior ta i�ur.��rporation into �ie strueture or s�tt�'r�'turea or said r�+iIl;Qxoperty, • ��'�'.`
<br /> �'1't:
<br /> appliancaa and good� of every nature vhatsaever, nox or�L`ereafter located ii�;� or •an. or ��:..
<br /> . . used, or intended to be u3ecti ;�n connection with, said real property, including, bu�t.aat .,�,
<br /> liait�d to. those for t�r'r�osea,�.of supp�.yt�g or distributing .heazin�. coo�ia}g, r
<br /> dsctricity, gas, r�a�ex. 'st��, air dri�i,li�ht;' and all elevatora and telsted.a�cbia�t"y ��'.'
<br /> aAd �quipfeat, firpe:.�,���eveat�d+ce and• eicx�nguishin� apparatus. secv.rity and ar,�caRr contt+ol .
<br /> appasatus. Plurbin�;. �r�te�z 1i;�aters. vater�closatsr.�si.t�,:::'�a�:*tsings. stosa iriti�►�ar aad.s�xs ;'.�:
<br /> doors, �cre�ns. blfi�dls; :aft�s'rs. curtain� and c�i�cCa�irt 's,'q,�a', '�i�ross, cabi�ts, paa�bl�3xlg.
<br /> carp�t aad other atuched�£��a+r coverings, furia�:t�e andr�Eurnisbinas, and a11 a�d���:�fn�+
<br /> aecessions and substitutiat�s tbereto or therefor.�vhethe�.#aw ovned or t�eseaftsr scquized ; `
<br /> by D�btor and ttoM or hsreafter attached Co or �ed in coritt��tion �itt� said real ptope=ty; ��
<br /> , t~.
<br /> (iv) All rentals. reveaues, payasnts. repay�sats, deposits, iuca■e. clsu6�s ad i�-.
<br /> �oneys dexived fso� the use, lease, sublease� rental or other dispoaftion of the psoperty f`
<br /> a�d t� proc��ds fro� u�y iASnrat�ce os coads�aation aw�r� pestaining thareto; �
<br /> , (�). Aii ri�hts in a21 constructio� and ucbit�ctural contr:ats fos th� iaprav�rnt� � �
<br /> �od. Ctsaeor's ri�ts in th� plans �ud �cifioations w�th r�spset ttNr�to; aad ��
<br /> . . . ; .
<br /> . . , � �..�.
<br /> • . . . . • . j��.,
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