._.._ _. . __"_.' �._ ._...._. ._.. . ..�i.. _-
<br /> . ' . - ._ _ -_-. -- . . ,\ . .
<br /> �F . - ' ' .. ' ' . .
<br /> :..�:. � . . `, �� . . ' _ . .
<br /> . LDGAL DESCR�'iZON � � . .
<br /> . . . � ��• ��'*�
<br /> I.EGAL D�Ip't'L�N(B�OCK l�
<br /> . �.�_
<br /> A tnct of�dt�ompres�n�all of Lots Ons�(t����a(2}„'1'hrea�j,TauC(4}.�iv�e(S?������3,
<br /> Sev�t(/y;��ht(8)and VacaOed Alky al�ii��lo�k�T�xel�-El.t');�K��D�ciac�kddlti�n � .
<br /> Im t�IC G�tx A��T!`Ild ISl�l�f�COtnit�fs I�ti�,�S.l�W[�i��'CEa BOG�C;�r��, ,��'ri;; ...
<br /> tbaWa���f�Yacated MoiaoocStc+ae�BXCEQTIIdf#�1'�[BRBFRQM,atraatof l�t descx�ed " �-�. . .
<br /> . �s toibws:,: . �
<br /> B�nin�.a�thes:�oaner of Iaot F�r�t(S�,�oak�(1�);;thanca r�mt�g�po�radr . .
<br /> a1on�:i5�a eas�.ilufa�of said Lot E'igUtt(�, i.dist�c::o€1Six�en(16.0��, �� iaeeia�
<br /> vr�esly.a�:a:�rf��5i�teea_{l� fieet,mocth�af,����•t±��.d�e �i_��o€�mnd,Biodc` . �
<br /> �+a�t�a3;;�,?���»c�rbiny����t�ul,��-�.��o��twa��w�e��e x�.Five�E�.i�
<br /> Tw�tltie�ll2y,ittl�oe�orthwest�tiyl��tiit���,Forty,t��e�ad F'�fly SiicBttMrodth�(43.56}
<br /> feet 1u.a poini;an�the west�in�a��saidd.ot�va€�'#3,���Y�&��t liae of s�id
<br /> Lot�ve(S�;:a:divance of Fotty TWa(42)fed, oo��ao�uWwrst ourodc of said Lot F'nre(�y;
<br /> d�eooe mm�in��s�erly ak�ng the 9outlKxly linc of said B1ocl�fia+�elve(12);a di�noc af T�+� �
<br /> Hundned S3x�t,Foar (Z64) fac w the point of ixgiming. S�ir3�tr�ct oontainiag.1.830 aams
<br /> (79:7I4.8 Sq:,�Fi.)mane ar las. . . - �� .
<br /> LEt�AL•DFSCRtirPiON(BLOCR 11) . ,
<br /> A tr�ct of Iarid comprising the Noith Half of Lot oae(1), all oF Lots Two CZ), T�tn�a�(3),
<br /> Four�{4),F'�ve(5),Six (�:and3even(7),and Vacatec�Alley all in Btack Fkwei�-{l l),Recnohan
<br /> �ad Dxker Additiotr irfthe C'rty of Grand Isiand,Astt Connry,Nebnsica ss ia�onkd in Deed
<br /> Hoo1c�F,p�g�333,and the Fast Half of Yacated Monroe S� LXCF.PTING T�tEFROM,
<br /> , a Mact of lanci�d�aii�•as,.foltows: ' . �
<br /> � Hegi�uig at the southrast ce�tt�r of Lot Sevcn(7),Block Etevm(11),thcaxx Funting aotthedy -
<br /> � alang the east line of said Lot Seven('I),a distance of Ten(10.0)feet;tixncc numing wr.�Oerly
<br /> � o�a tine Ten(l0A) feec north of ar�d paza�el to the souttierly line of said Btock F�evm(11),
<br /> :, ; ,;�a diatana of One Hundred Nmety Eight�d Three Awidnodths(198.03)fat,to a paint oa tl�
<br /> ;� ':_ � � � .��ine of said Lot Five(S);thence n�nning soutl�erly ato�g the we�line of s�id Lot�v�e(�,
<br /> :�:�%.�ce of Ten (10.0) feet, W the southwest corn�r of said Lot Five(S7; thd�oe nmaing . _
<br /> � . #�,surly atong the south line of said Block Fleven tl l),a distance of One Hundn+d Ninety Seven
<br /> � ' titd I�'zc�ety Five Nundredths(197.9�foet,w the point of beginntng. Said tract conLtining 1.576
<br /> ac�ts(fr�.650.6 Sq. Ft.) ma�e or less. � . .
<br /> . , .. �
<br /> ,...� . .
<br /> , � .� . aniasi;.e , ' . . � • �
<br /> ,::, , . , .. . . -
<br />