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<br /> . sec��na prt�►,�na�u�r�►�toBaod�u,►z s�aurhy��in ac�po�ion oEt�
<br /> ` Tiuu Pjvpexty (t� 'Pe�oml'�rope�ty'). C�umW�tive of �t! atLer d�ts a[Handici�y
<br /> 6ereunder; BeoeBci�►sbali�va all of tba riELts cunf�erned u�on aewrad p�ttja�bi►drs UGC.
<br /> Tiustor aritl exea�ta md ddivet ta Beae�iaat�►all�aancioa�ts tint may�tom tima tQ .
<br /> nme b�e iac�irbd bY Be�aa�►to e�btis6 and�n t�validitp and p�ioe�q af th�security . .
<br /> in�a�sc of�,or�►�t�Of,�na�n ooaa�na eacp�s of�ny�au�cLes .
<br /> � caNired aY B�e�iu�►- H�ry►ma�r eurci�e any or aD of tbe ranedies of a secured p�tty
<br /> ava�'W�e t�it under tha UCC�►ith respeat w ancb P�e�aoo�l Pmpeety,aad it is expre�i�r s&��eed
<br /> Wat if, i�Oa w.Bveat of De6nit, Beodci�tp_st�oald proceed to di�po�e of mch P�oml
<br /> . Propetty in.�eaord�nx �ritU�tlree pmvisioas of the UCC, 10�cbrys' �o�oe by�Ban�ars► ta
<br /> Tn�sto�sbitl be deemed m be n�.9on�bk notice undet u►y pmvision af�t6a UCC nequirins such
<br /> uaCix:Pmvic�,howcver,t6at Beaf ciazy may at its option dlapox of sucb Pec�oeat P�p�Ry
<br /> . in axord�ace�ith Beaficizry's rig�ts aud�+emediat�vidt ne�pect W the tal pcope�ty pu�aoc
<br /> ta the pmvisr�ss of dus Deed of Tiast,in l�w of pmoeeding nader tix IICC. ,
<br /> . . �
<br /> ' (b) �TivstoraS�Iigiveadvaucenotk�eia�toBmeSciaryofanyP�PQ�.��.�' . -
<br /> bt;1'n�stor'.a�mn�e;.ideatity, a tie�ss�foim or �;aal �riil execuoe aw!`tii�iv�er�o . ..
<br /> ; Ba�f"x�atp, �,�or,-or�o�j�,':�the oo�oa.a�;� euc6 e�,.a1�:�iid,b4ron�1
<br /> ,:,...
<br /> fra:iic,` iag� dqE���t�r zeqtin �o e�i and�mai�ain die " _ `" �md-
<br /> priarity of Ba�eficaatiy's:�jr.ir�with rdspect w ti�e Pleraoa�l�vperiy.� , . _
<br /> , . .,.,: . - _ ... . .
<br /> . . (c) Some of tha itema oft�;'�ivst Pmpeity desca6ad herein aro goods tlaut uie or are
<br /> • .tu:become FixNtes nelated to th��P�ty,aad it is inteaded that as iv thaiae goodi, this D�eed
<br /> bf 1Yu�t sLall be effearve as a financing�t filed aa a fixpue ffi�ag fivm tbe d�tc of ibt '
<br /> fi[uig for rdrord in the rat esbte records of the oouaty ia whi�ch the'I3��mpertq is sit�ted.
<br /> . � � � � . �
<br /> .
<br /> . .
<br /> .
<br /> . 13. . �'�ests.o� .
<br /> �. .
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<br /> � 2�g��t�r��iuie�€ti�e following events�be deemecl an Eve��Defwlt ha+wnder: .:• . . �: � .
<br /> � ,` .� �a) failun by Trtr�r to pay within iQ days of t6e date sucb paymeat is due �
<br /> and p4�rable, (i)aaY PaYme�t Q�principal of or iutetest on the Guaraata Note or-tl� _
<br /> Woodmen Note or(n7 wy ot6er sum se�u�+ed,hereby or due ha+eunder or uader wp. :.. .�;'�.
<br /> otber Loan Documeat,togdher aith interast at t6e defanh iato set faA6 in the Note; � -
<br /> .�) fa7� by Tr�stor to punctu�ItY pe�'�n or�obaenre aay cova�aat or
<br /> agnement eontaicn�iu this Dxd of Tiust(other than tlie manaary obligations descn'bed . '`�_
<br /> �in subsection(a)a�bo�ra)aal such faitun sba11 aot havc ban Gurd witbia 30 daya after • `
<br /> writteu aodce from Beaeficiary of such failune;provided,bowever,if such noomoned�r .
<br /> �;�., faituie is not susceptt'ble to cure aithin such 30-dstY Period,�ad Tiustor l�a commeotxd �.
<br /> to cure sucb failu�e within such 30-day period aad diligently and con6nuou,�ly prusecutes
<br /> .,. , , .
<br /> � ' ovs���.� g � -
<br /> �111S�7f�T! S I}�S1lf�'�. T,�..�__
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<br /> ��...�hyita.1�i,�ly�i F���:�,�i':.�f,.��,t �F.,o:���:r,�,,,t„ _
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<br /> _ "1l_t r� ' . ._ . ' �. .. __ - , , . ':�is C,.,.rr»�C.-S.:,o��3 u.,' , . _� . . ' � . .
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