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<br /> � . B�ty ,� � �Oi� E�OAEOE� 10 pC�l �IliT�t pO�CY. t�. rE0CM�1 �.. ', .
<br /> . � • 11tb1�fYLC�OE�fYt�CC Ot C�f10d CO(�IE'i t�IQt�O�i�Y11 bC dC}�YCtOd�tbC b�OC
<br /> ,. of Ba�'�cisry.PRmiu�paid,at la�t 1S daJls 6d'oe�e tano�imtios tif po�cias tiee�oCoe� '
<br /> _ . delivee�e�to H�r. - _ _ , _
<br /> � � � � � (b) " App�Ifc�at of Ph�xeidt.. Le c�sa of d�n�s�e ar�ddbn�ctios b t6e 1�nnt
<br /> P�o�tg,Bd�t'�ci�t�►,•at its optioo,ab�ll be eatitied 10 seodv�a�telaia t�e pa�eed� .
<br /> � ' of t6e .inwnoc�e policje.s,. apptyiot We a�me upoa tl�e Sewted 06i�ptioti..
<br /> .. N�t6e immadisldy pieoadb�xa�eace,lta�or si�11 caws alt ro�ys�od .,
<br /> ` . od�eir aims t6u tasg ba�on�e papaLk aedet�n�r aud�poticies of�i�mx to be p�id`
<br /> ' PmmptlY to Beacficitcy aod,uakas�ta Ev�eatof De�ult(as baieia defioed�.iw ooc�nied, .
<br /> �ad ao bn��Ba�'iciuy is a�isfied, in ib sole aod�b�oluoe duaetioo, {i}tWt�ncb. .
<br /> inaur�aoe P�poea�(�otdt�er�vith ahei fu�#deporilo��vith a tittie��o�mpiay afim�awt � .
<br /> �sPP��7►�Y f"�a►a�'3,�Jf��b�ilf af TSnis�or far t6C� _ .r .
<br /> putpose of t�ir�od�ataaticn of�mdt�ordq�octlon):re stt�aatb p�y all
<br /> c�fs o�f �air and �to�tion of suc� d��a��on,.(i�i �t �ep�ir �1 :;E�-,_
<br /> . restaratjon of die 1�ust Ptopaty.�s��ommerc�Q�"��ia�ori�bia�d(�tWt Scdvaer i�ll� �
<br /> . aot terniiim�e d�e Scriv�c I�e_due m mch bas,�til ar��io�naeae peo�ceed��w�l be� � `'
<br /> depoaitad�rith B�cca�r�i�ent md`E�cro�r A�t��baur�c snch fuads(�ad mch dba �.`:�'`�.
<br /> . � fiuids depoaitod aith 8tctow �+lgeat bjt or aa beb�iif.af:3� as Nch�its ar . _::��� .
<br /> . �estontiou ue completed punuaat to tbe praviaioas of tbe Scrivner I.ase. To tl�exom�t
<br /> ;� the c;ost of t+�ts or t�stotation i�less tlnn t6e pnocoecEs of tLe�policies,�nI► .>,``.;;;.�
<br /> . Proceeda r�ninE aRu auc6�sh�U be applied in payneat of the Sxut�cE:;�:.,���::�_�:
<br /> . onlig�6oas. If aay bss abw o«�r ac any r�e al�a 7rmator sbau be ia ae4nlr iu�t�;;�':-�':�:°.
<br /> perfoin�oe of tl�e caveaaots aet fdcti�in this aub�eclion(6),B�icdr�►�t!be ' .a�Mit�eft;'`:��� �
<br /> to the beaefit of all inwr�aoe heid b�r or far aay Tntstor;o�t6e aamie axoa�t as if it i�d �
<br /> beeu made P�Yal�ie to Baieticiatsy,'and upoa fvir+cbsi�herenndet Hkaeficiary s6all ,; .
<br /> becomc t1�e.awncrt� �
<br />, . � .
<br /> (c) LlabiUry Insruance. Tiuswr sf�til pmcure and maiut�ia liab�ity insuraacx
<br /> covering iujury aad damage to petsons and g�Qerty in amauots and on te�ms a000ptable
<br /> , • IP B�IC�Ty.
<br />: . ..;�;-: :
<br /> „ (�}. ' BJf�7JtJ.f IlUtlliffJl�t)li, lAJ7llQl�C� TN�Q[ 8�1i11 ptOWIO �11d iART�1n . ' �
<br /> � . . businesac.�enuptlon insur�oa ��iing�for payme�at;:a�.tbe R� (as defi�aed ia tl�a
<br /> Scrivaer Lease)for up to 12 aea�s;�tl�c e�emt,�f��-g••,�ss irtenuption,
<br /> . �,,: • �
<br /> ' • (e?.. Fload l�surance. .'zc�swr sF,�I�•pz�asr�a�,maiatain flood iawrsooe if
<br /> the Propert}�.is.tocated ia ari a� a��ich is�ons�de�,t,i�t��ie a flood riak by tLe U.S.
<br /> Uepa,�t��of Housing and Urbsc��+elopme�t:. �':•'� , .
<br /> . . �.� , . .
<br /> • ;� .
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