... . . . . ` . . . .. . � . -' _ ;�lti�.-
<br /> r �.� ..<- .� ,` ; F' i , �_ • �.. : . ' � . . ..
<br /> . . . • . -' . , . - ' . . . . _ � .
<br />� ✓ ` � .. � ' -• ' ` . ��A �` , . . . ' � � .
<br /> ' ' � ` LEGAL DFSCRI��ON �. ���7
<br /> � . . .
<br /> � � . � LFGAL DESC�'iTON(D�OCIC!Z) . . .
<br /> , . A tra�x of l�id co�all of Iats One.{l?.7Yvo(Z)��a(3�.Fa�t4}.F�ve(��Sis:(6?. ` :
<br /> . �vea fn,Bisbt(!ia a�d Yac�led Alby�11 i�Hbck 1�dve(12),Yanoh�n aod D�ecloet A�d�ion
<br /> � ' • iII tLC Ci[j/of Gtiod�HiU�A�[3►�NEDi�tllbt i�IeM�oridOd'm D�CEd BOd[Fy P��333 a0d
<br /> _ . �tba Wpt Half vf Vac�ed Moaroe Stned;SXCPFI'II�I�#T�it�i[OM,s tract of Lmd dexx��ed �
<br /> as folio�vs:. � �,
<br /> � Be�mniog at the southe�st c�arae�r of Lot�8��tgl:�1oa1��Tivehra(12),tt�eace mamn�noc�►
<br /> � . � � t�IC Ci3t �10G"t1f Si1d ��•�vtyi��110C 0�.,,S�X[ECQ(if1.��}� �OQ 111�
<br /> ' . N!'�Elly OD A�!C$17[�DCa(���,11dl1�.'!Of��t4 t�10�_�E.Of f#��QC�
<br /> � , , Tweh►e(12),�a�poieE Tl�i�ty Five�fS:O)�fat aat of the�dE lia of Lot Fiv�a ES},Bbcr� ,
<br /> T�vetve(12);tf�a no�rw�ed7 s diat�nce oE FpKjt Tluea aad Fifty Six 8imd�dt�s(43.5��,
<br /> � , fat oa a pomt on d�e�vqt line of said Lot Fiv�e;fS��thm�oa saa6edj►a1oa�6 ti�s Mdt Iine of sad�•
<br /> Lot Fiva(�,a du�nce af FaKty'1'+vo(42)feet,�t6e sooth�veat�usnet of a�id Lot Fiv�e i�,. �`�`
<br /> ���Y�E tbe sowbaly line of a�dd Biodc'�['+�rctve(12),s di�no�af T�vo �
<br /> • `� HuMrod Sixty Four(Z64) fat W ti�e point of 6eg�ianiing. Said tract c�oataimna !.$31�`ac�es
<br /> ' E?9�.�4.8 Sq Ft.)more.o��tas. . . � - - - - ,. . .
<br /> �::� ;:.
<br /> _ _ . LEGAL DF.SCRIP!'ION[��LOCS 11) � '�`��''��� .
<br /> . <<<�,��;�.. A t�act of l�and comp�ainE t6e NotU► Aa1f af Lot oae(1),a� of Lots T�vo(2), �tttie(3).
<br /> � � ` Fo�c.C4),F'n►e(�,Snc(6)aad 5evea('n,and Vacafi�d,fll�ep�IL iu Biocr Blev�ea(11),gelaoinn
<br /> : ��oie�oei�on in tba CSty of Gt�t Ial�adx��oi�at�y,Neix�ici as iecaded.mn Deed .
<br /> . _:: �Boo7c'l�.Page 3�33,uW d�e B�at Half of Vacated i�i�ae Sticee�:�lLCBPTII�IG T�RY4�R�M,
<br /> . �,i�t.of iand d�cn'bed as follo�vs: . . � - . :;,;.
<br /> Beg�nning at the souN�east cxn�er of L,�:Seven(7),Block Bkven(11),t�dic�ininning noBherly =
<br /> alaig t6e esst line of said Lot Seven{"fg;$diataace of Ten(10.0)fat;t1�at,�e nwainE ae,stdiY =
<br /> on a liva Teo(10.0j feet nonh of a�ptialkl to the southedy liae of said Bfo�lc�vea(11), -
<br /> a di�nce of One Hund�ed Ninety Eig6t wd Thne�Hw�drodt�a(198.03)fat,to a poiot on tBe
<br /> � wes��iine of aad Lot F'ive(�:tLmce n�nE�Y�8 tLo�►est line of s�id Lot F'ive(�.
<br /> . � a distaace of Tm (10.0) fat, W the sauth�►e�'�er o€ a�id l'.flt Five i�► ; tbe�ce nm�na �
<br /> astertq a{ona t1�e-sartb line of aa�d Blocl�Bkveot+�i3,a disraaoe af One Haad�ed N'�t Sevea °
<br /> �td N'iaety Fiv��(197.9�t�et,to tLe paint of be�iamnB. S�id trxx oon�uia��.576 =
<br /> xit,s{88.650 6 Sq.Ft.)�or kss. ..' .. =
<br /> . r
<br /> oussi�.i. -
<br /> . =_
<br /> .�*r.ati�i�� =-- — - - -
<br /> --_-G:'M1Y�n��i2,.°.�€'Y.7�_'�..',"=�,•-•:. ���r:.. ` T-.�ti-.Q_
<br /> - ___—' _.at �i �r.� _ ,cr.��t'�e��.:
<br /> -_---=�';�;�.�.:;��.��� _--
<br /> -.?f�c!c:'f�e!'s-u�-T�.:.'T��-��,..��ST.:"-° �:�':p.'e;f�s;=:,-+.-�-- i-�.�-=-r•�
<br /> .__--..-�nns'-r.",. .. . . ... . - _. _ .� . . . . _ . . � �
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