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<br /> ` �L.�'�i b�R d�Otl��b C�10 a[p0��'�1d��0 Cf��OM�MCO�t ` `c,
<br /> � � . , so�d�ra�le o�nider. at a f�m tib 1�nnt Pmpa�tY;aod , � . . � .
<br /> 4 , {� ocaiain at a nmov�e i�an t6e l�nnt pi�cpeety. a parfce� asg a5ec . .
<br /> � ` , nooes�t�►eemed�l actioa�,aay 6�acdaus�ub�ta�oa a�iolitl waMa i�a�� ,
<br /> �t6e 1Y�t P�ra�tg i��sa�d.w�a��eneuii�nert,re�av�ivtoR�ee�edi�1
<br /> � �aettbo is mquired �mder ar�r �lppiirabla Bsvhoamearal Is�rs�d, �rl�ether ar:aot �a .
<br /> ' � �•��m�.������ �.
<br /> � Bmriza�ll.mvs,wyooahinmeet,reo�ov�locreme�tioaaf�r i3�di�v�a�vi�t�lr
<br /> In�dous aibrtaaca oe�olid�nnos is aag ira�►adnet�ei�r.�tha 17nat Ptapaty.
<br /> , Tsua�or s�ll,apon�a�aeit t�f�,if,�ts,s rwit af�►o�orWioit al th�1Yiat
<br /> P�npaty a aa latl sd,joi■io�ttie Tsmt Prnpert,y t�eir�a iato�Wia lifod�oQd dMt -
<br /> diaa�Ms beea i�iase af lqrrazdaos a�qiooc or�o�d.�nuoe.a�t�e Timt Piopat�,
<br /> � � . atnn�e fac pe�iodic�p�eF I mvuaommdt`�od'its (a� sad� �aoe is dd'i�od Ao�v e�
<br /> , � ira�at�er by dia mvi�ooma�tal r�e�iat�o�i indu�stry),ae aode ti�et ta�ias aeactioos
<br /> ------- � - as may 6e req�nre�b�►!'►1�6te R�i�o�ar ApQba�le Bmrh�Omq�ht Lnvs,a�� .
<br /> � � aautd be oade�taloea b�,i;.�xudeat o�vner of oomprable oom�cial nt�t aule in s
<br /> similat sid�a6on, t� :ba",coQClarc�ad at d� �cm�t Prop�ty Iry qu�ed �
<br /> � �meavircae�atat�mtlers iad���ry�ade:ta a�oa�taa -
<br /> . compM��oe�a0.i�ppt�le'�ula6aes��od.Ap��ca�tiEavl�pomedal L��vs aed tl�e � ,
<br /> � � �vf tlus D�oo�of 1Yuat,a11 of t�e f�oio�1t�`ba at 1�u�ac's�oie aat aod ,
<br /> _— . e�cpea,�. �If ZYosoor�tl fa�w c�onducG m�t as ooab�pl�ed sUove,B�ry ,.
<br /> _ --= may cursain env�a�l aa�to beconducoed;.aad tbe ca�t of sucb aud�f�;.:,.;;��� .
<br /> = be damed a �ut�;d�e Sacumd Oblig�on. Tsa�tat sbtU, apoa die taqne� of�,.;.
<br />- ���. BCaeficia�Y:,pc�m+'i�.�cia�y�it�a bo�nd or ktt�r of ciedit„in fo�m and wb�ao�aa.: "` :,.
<br /> saBs€�c,tory to Be�r�sy, ia an ampw� sufficiaot to oavu tbe s� d��tbc.-;�:.�.. :� .
<br /> - --- � fongoing oa�sts��:�,��rnoval, �on�as�e.tsmea� `x'" :;::��
<br /> �� .. , . , .i:;�:�,.
<br /> � —�-= (C� T�U�OE���il�/�f10�_�IN��Clity t��!�^�,' ;;,.;..�. .
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<br />'�' sYv�'�` 'dt� '� �1au{� C�5 �QESES � f 'tAIiSQS Of�OD�t�O�S� � �r„�
<br /> f a�+�y�+!?s. s s �. �..�_�
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<br />';��. �:,�:L� ;'�,,�y� ('inctn�g tt�e fas and � of couasel) �v�`�may be iacamed by Beadiciuy, ar
<br />_ :?�cw::s� :; -�;'�'F � � ��IC�s � ��"""'b � �s
<br /> :.��:��.Y-. :�;, to or� out� of tLe
<br /> ..�. ; ° manufacxuring. �ining.�kasin8. �aa�O�ation.h�m�t,di�al or ati�a P��noe of tn9
<br /> '�*� 'r;;� �r, ha�s substanoes oa or about the Tiust Pmpetty or a bcac6 of We np�seatitians,
<br /> y.=�_::. ��-`�-r wananqd,covenmta and�g�eements aet forth in thia Saction�22.
<br /> � ' � i � ,
<br /> ' r;`� ��;
<br />,�.� r �. nr^ .
<br /> �,���";��";�,j�"'�. (� Tb6 LCQDS•Of t11�S SdC�11�,22•Slfi�ll`�St1N�VC�tll� I0� CjOS1A$. f01�1Qs .
<br /> �=��T:<° . - deed-ut-lieu tram�fions aud all ot�,� �.�ioas w�ich migpt<<.�se ta=miaue '�'cii;�'s �
<br /> ,:�.;:_ �_ _ , a
<br /> ''?:� �. liab�ities. � � � '
<br /> ._�`
<br /> =�;� , � ; . . .
<br /> ':;.>...
<br /> . 23. Um�r. Tiustor sbaU not be liabl�•foi the�FaY�cnt of aaq ci�s`;o�c�t
<br /> "_��:•::: providod in this Deed of Tmst to tUee�xte�snch chuges axcoed tl�e maxlmwa�at Pe�ed
<br /> _�.,:- - � ,;,. �
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