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<br /> . r � � (�. �r �it air p�ocaedi� �Irlt`be,l��irt'lY�rror.a�r arlai�er, <
<br /> � � . . < �uiel� ar�r�reot cf�1'��lor va aag��f dia l�m D�oc�ob�MMidt; if adNaneit �� .
<br /> ` , � �� �dewmised.coWd�ab�a�ity�p�r die,�bifity,o�1Yu�eo�oc a�►a�doe� �ual7 ar = . � -
<br /> . '��or af 1�ro�loc 10 �eefotw`aay of t�eir � oo�taieed ta.tba Loia� .. ..
<br /> _ . Docuim�,as deiermfined bY Beae�ciuc7►: , • . �
<br /> ' ` N) � if,�lnr�tLa 1e�w af tbe Node eecaeed bp�tLis D�eed+of 11nat,�1ltuloi'
<br /> � afdi,ca�oept i�s othenvjse conkmp�aoed by Sect�on 19(b)of t6�Deed off'ri�eet�md:m�cq�t �
<br /> � for tbc Scrlv�er I�eue,sdt.caav'h►,slie�la,maetp�a a erctiol�ee�1i��l�tat�j►� ` .
<br /> -. < oc�ny put ttiemof oc aayr i��cs�airII ba dtve�ea.df iti.tith br aay iMe�e�
<br /> t�erein,.in�u�►m�met,w►het�r vo�roiq�ily vr imMOi�X.ar i!tl�r�+e is aRy�, , � :
<br /> _ � c�oaaalidatioa or diasolutioa��ffecana 1�cuator, a if d�ae i� i tr�m[ec of� mtjotit�► � �, .
<br /> intCirst in Tt1i.�tOt iD�Series Of t1�pa�CdQOS.Ot S�,aiun$ie t�n�tion; . � �
<br /> " � � (� anY assigmma�t by Tius�or o€tbe Mboie a any put af tbe�ta,isaoes.or�,
<br /> . pro�s arisiaa fmm are 1�P�nope�ty ta aa�►Pe�on w►uho�c wG commc�c�f Ba�c�y . �
<br /> , ::." or if; without such ooasent, Tii�.stor sball.firnLa a�cumber.t6is�ast P�cp�ii�.oc any� .
<br /> � � � - - �.po�do�t�eof rmc,o�oo�,.vi�onc�,secauea a�t;oa�ueda a�e U�c,; � �
<br /> � <t. � < 4. ' . ' .
<br /> (7 �[�pj/ZImC�E t�l�i0d,Nit�fc�:Ot�D1iflC,�'�111�Ot� ;
<br /> � ul��.i0�t!��OG111iE�Of�tC dpli�►�1�bj!Tip�.:Ebi�Y�fC�OCO!lOCt O�m13� ,
<br /> ` � 3bfU�t�tf t�IpC bG O1idC LO
<br /> - ` :- I4�ll�Cfl�l 1C�OCt,Ol tD�-IDi�fi�Q�t+Ej1� y . .
<br /> �;�;�;� Be�e#'�ciuy by Tit�stor;�or . . � .
<br /> - .�zris' �i� � ' ,, . � �i:i'' . .. .�' i
<br /> `t` ..,' ..:�... . ,�.. , �.�" _
<br /> , ;:� +`:� ,�.. -`:Q�t) aa Bveat of De�uh shall ooCnr uader�e Scrivner La.se or��4EOr�g�qes .. .
<br /> - � ���an or tetmit��of tb�Scnivner La�e witLout Ba�ry'x�aior Mrit�ea �
<br /> � � - � ' � �
<br /> ,",:•�:;� ,
<br /> . - . - - - 14.' `'j�eala�fioti �IpoR-ID��t;��a�e�ea. Upoo tLe _��oc�uimoe of 8u S�rdK of -
<br /> Default, Bcaefi�iacy.tnay.decluo��und(�bUgAtions W be daa and p�y�bla,and tl�s�me :,
<br /> s1�aU therapon�bao�e duc aad payabte withad�'anY P���P��'�otica of ,'`'
<br /> any jtind exc�pt as atdeivvise pmvided 6eceia�,.as way be �+cquired by applie�ble 1a►w, and ,
<br /> Tcustor heieby waives notice of i�ent w a�erdu the Secuied Obliptions. T6e�er,
<br /> Beneficiary may: '. � .
<br /> .. .
<br /> . (a) � �ther in peraoa or by �it, with or witbouE bringiog any �ction or '
<br /> � pmcoedin� or lry a ieoeiver appoi�ted by'a court;and with�.�gud to the�dequ�cy
<br /> " of its sxurity, a�er upon and take possession of t�e'arnst PcopeiRy or a�gart tl�enof
<br /> , . , and do aey acts w6icb it dams nocessuy oi�+�esiiable to pnaerve'tLe va1u�,
<br /> � � mulcd�bility or t+eetab�ity of the Tn�st PiopeRy, ar part thec�oof or iatere�t thentin;. ,
<br /> � , incn,�se tbe nicua�e t�etefro�n or protec�the security 6eneof and,aith or witi�out�ki�; .
<br /> passasion of the T�ust Pmpeity.t�ke any actioa descan'bed in Saxions 15 aar�161xceof, . , ,
<br /> .;:,
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