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<br /> . `r_ � ' _ .. .'!�-yni'l`-(rR_,i_.
<br /> "' '___ ___".. ... . ... . ...... _ "" __ __' _ - __ _ _ _ _—_' ... , _ . _ _ _ .. . ._— .
<br /> - . ' , ' . , _" _ ." ' ` .�-_ - _—�. ."' — —
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<br /> .'�.W�TH�#IfE�[1DYl�drf OONI O[�I�R!Ql�CtC(�CQ tI1E pPOQC[�.���Il��s.1�.. -
<br /> . "�1(dlni iM1Mt O[�![i�[['.Qf t�IC pIOQCltyl. AQ IC�iOE,�fb i� i�dlh0l15 S� i�lO bE ODYE[Cd �►, t�lt �Ei�1�-
<br />.. ` �BUII�.1w�t�lC fOIC$Oltl,�IS rGfO[�C�t0 ID 1h1S Sd�117tSt�[U�iS tIIG R[OpElty►.• , ' � .
<br /> ` � `�R�W��Y�A�n. f�$O[iOWEt 1S jtW[Y��jt SE�Sl�Of tllC E'S�C��jl CA�YC�►Cd l0��`t�1E!1$b[fQ$sOl1DI� ..
<br /> canv+cy the PmQertx.md�th�t tBe Pmpe�ty is arincvmbeced,excepc for wcvmbrancGS of neoord. Borrower wnnats aM will
<br /> def�d senenily the qtle to the FropertY agaiasE af!ctaims and dem�oads.subjecc to su►y eocumbnooes of rncot+d.
<br /> THIS SECUItTTY INSTRUMEDTT cono6itjes unifoim coveaants for t�onal vse and non-utiform ooverwat�:witt�.limitad
<br /> vanario�by jurisdicxion m constitute a uaiform saurity instrumeat caverin8�P�rh►•
<br /> � tJNiFO�tM COYENAN'i'S.Botrower�d l.ender oovenaat atd agree as follows
<br /> l. P�j�meet of Prfncipd md Iater� Prep�yu�ft aod Ls�te Clweg4s. Horrower's6�t1 Pt'a�Y PaY��'�
<br /> piincipal�af�d iater�st an the debt evidenoed by dx Note aid any ptepayment aUd tate d�atges dve�der tlfe,Nut�.
<br /> 2. �aa�for.Tazes and Insarance.Subjeet to applicable taw or to a written waiver by Lender.Bormwer strall pay W
<br /> Lender o�,tbe dsy awathlY PaYmeats are due undec the Note.nna'1 the Note is paid ia full,a sum("Funds")fo�.�ta}yearly taxes
<br /> ana ass�sments wi�icb may attain prioriry over tBis Sxurity Ta�ument as a lita on the Pmperty:(b)Ytarly(easdwld prymaws
<br /> oc ground nats on the property,if any.(a?Y�Y��or property insurance premimng;(d�Yau1Y'tlood iasuruix pnmiu�, �
<br /> if aay:(e)YeulY mostgago u�svrutct premiums,if any:aid(�anY sums p�yabte by Bomnwet ta I.e�ldct,�i��rdance wiW '
<br /> ', the:provisions af��8,in tiw o£ti�e payment of mrctgage insurance premiums..'I7iese itans are c�llqf�'�Fsenave It�ems.'�
<br /> Le�der may.at any ut��noll�ct aad hoW Funds in an amount not to exoeed:_the maximvm amount a twder for a federaltg.
<br /> ' nefated mortgage loan�zequire for Borrowet's escrow acconnt u�lerthe federal Real Fstatc Setttement Pcoceduns Act of .
<br /> 19'l4 as amended fiom time tb time. I2 U,S.C. Sec�on�2601�t saq_("RESFA'),unless an�.iaw that applies to the Funds .
<br /> , sets a lesser amount.:tf_�,Lettdes may.at atry�#i,�i°.;;col{tct auh hold Fuadq in an asaounE:�:'��eaccoe�i the lesser amotttn. "_
<br /> `� I.a�der may e�imat�'�«�iduunt of Funds dae c�i�lsasis of curnnt data and�+easonable��,�eapenditures of fntut�e - .
<br /> Bscrow Itaas or otI�eiai:,�e?�aacordance�vitit c�L�.$aw�• �, ° :�•`-..' � �.. . ,.:
<br /> �. ,. �
<br /> The Funds shal�'�:;lietd in an�:w�titution�Ii�'s`e depositis;,acic insund by a.federai �y �i�iry, o�c;e�icy `
<br /> ' (inctudieg;�r,i�:Lti�er is suciri�.gi�titutionj or ia apy�::Home Loan Bank.I��II apply tbe Fn�ds tit Qay.the �
<br /> Escmw Iti�s::.i�jet;may'rat cbarg"e'�'brrowbr fon�lding��Iying tt�e Fands.annoaiiF.�naly�ing the escrow account:or
<br /> � verifyiirg't�'�cai��tesiis.uNess Lender pays B��Ret lnteres't oe the Funds and applicable taw permits l.ender to malce such ,
<br /> ,.. a cbarge.iioweyer,�er may require Borrower:io�ay a ane-tia�e cUarge for an indepeadeat ral estate�reporting seivice .
<br /> •� used by;��pder in conneaion with this loan. ut�+zss applicebte taw provides otherwise. U�1ess an agoeement is made or
<br /> applic�b'te;�v reqait+es inteirst to be.paid�I.ender sGall•aot�`s�¢iied to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on t6e Fuads.
<br /> BormweT aod Lender may agroe in writiag,however,that"•,.�shaq be paid on the Funds.Lender sha11 give to Borevwer. •
<br /> .'.::avithopt charge.an annuai acconnting of thc Fu�s;.;�c�g c�dits and debiu co the Funets aed the purpose for wtuch eacb
<br /> ;•��aebfic to the Fw�ds was niade.The Funds are pledge�;�s a�dislonal securtty for al!sums securod by this Sec�:�nstrumen� .
<br /> ����:• If tAe Furds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be hetd bY apPlicable law,Lender shad��accq�r.t to$orrower .
<br /> f4r thr�xq�ss Funda��naccordance with the cequirements of a�t;�able law. If the aunAunt of the,Funds heI�by Len�,at aiay
<br /> tia�;is ix�i stiffiCiertt;to paY!T�e Escrovrr[tems:when due.Lendef.iieay so notify Borrower i��vie"im;,aiid,i�such case 86cro�ver `
<br /> .�.:'slaal��ipay�.to�i.et�der.the�amoum necessary tomaka.czp�lhe deficiency. Horrower shall make�r�t]K defcae�[ry in no rnore than •
<br /> , twelva mqnthlY paymems+at Lender s sale discr�tia�;i:� '
<br /> '� Upon payment in full of att sums secured by this Security. Instrument. l.ender shall promptly refa�.to Borrower a�+
<br /> Fands tteld by Lender.lf,under paragraph 2l,Lender shall acquire or seU the Property.Le�der,prior to the acquisition or sale
<br /> of the Property,shall apply any Funds�he(d.by�Lender at the time of acquisitio�or sale as a credit against the sums secured by _
<br /> 1}qs•Security Instrument. . ` —
<br /> $.°Applicatbn oi Payments.Unless appliptr�fe T��provides otherwise.att�ayments rereived by I.etu�r under patagraphs
<br /> 1 and.�Z shall be applitd:•�nst.�to any prepaymerr ctr.�es duc under the Note;second.to amomrts payahtC s;tider paragraph 2;
<br /> �''_third.lo int�rest dae;�'a:..rt(►.ta�rincipat due:a�i�,zo any late charges due smder�t ie fifiate. _ - � .
<br /> 4.•�ges; �.$arfower s�ai��ty:lf:,.t::r�"s:assessment�.chazges. fines and impa�icons amibutable to the Pr�.�ity
<br /> which m�v attain privrir_. over this:Seat.rity.in±uu�^ent. and leasehold payments or ground r�sts, iS any. Barrower st�ai�pay � —
<br /> these obligations in the manner provided in paragr.�[�3,or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on fime directly
<br /> to the person owod payment.Borrower shall promp�3!'urnish to I.ender all notices af amo��s to be paid under this paragraph.
<br /> If Borrower makes these payments directly.Barrowes shail promptly fumish to Lender reccip¢.s evidencing the paymenu. .
<br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security instru�eat unless Borrower.(a)agrees in
<br /> writing to the paymeni oP the obtigation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good faith�lien
<br /> by, ar defends against enforcement of the lien in; tegal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the .
<br />' � enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures fram the hoEdtr of the lien an agreement satisfactory to l.ender subar�i.^,ating the lien to
<br /> t *h3s Seatrity Instrument. If I.ender determines that any part oP the Propeny is subject to a lien which ma}�:tain priorisy over
<br />, `' t'�,fs Sec�.ri�"y Instrumcnt,Lender m�y give Borrawer a notice identifying thc lien. Borruwer shall satisfy[hs tien or take one or
<br /> � �ore C��e actions stt fortb above within 10 d�ys nf thc giving of aotice.
<br />� fqrm 3028 8/90 •
<br />� � .. � . Pape 2 018 ' - ' . .
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