:�:�t�_"_:�' .::: : .. -•-_• -,- `sr!�
<br /> . . -•,�:�.:.� �` _ -
<br /> . - � ' a. . ' r S --
<br /> — . .�'���'~-i �� . � . ,.. _""__.._
<br /> . " _.-_ _ _i• _ - _ .
<br />. ..__ ... —. . _- �,i=.� . �w _ ' . - i. ` _ �. . .. - - T ' �� �. - - _ . ——
<br /> . . . ��� . ' � .
<br /> _ .__ . .. . ' �ADNS'�ABI.E�tA1`E 1�ID�R . `• . . _ � . . . .
<br /> : � . . � . ,��y.�r Tr,�ii�,.wf�—�we�wi,,��i,,,E.G�n«�w.o�,M.t � � .. � , , .
<br /> � Fr.
<br /> � • , �'1'HIS ADJU�`i'ABt�E R�.TE 1t10ER t`s.[nade tbi�:��•-dtY o�».:•�»..:........�..�:.f93.�.�M�H a�d i�` � ,
<br /> < .. _ ie�oor�nted into an�shall b�damed to imena and suppkd�t tbe�Monp�e,Dead of Truit ar Saurity Daod�(tl�e : _
<br /> � "S�er�ty IAStrvme�i")ot.tAe ssmc date�;iren by the u�u�n�ed(t6e"$ono�er")to secure Horrower'i Adjust�bk `;
<br /> . .: Rau Nate�ttbe"�ote")tQ..p�-a8 l�6AI6@,•��...........:...........:....».»»_»........»...................»»:...... - ��
<br /> ...:... . ............. ..».... _..........,(tRt.Lender")of the same date and borerina tbe property describad in .
<br /> _ _ t6e Sanrity I�trumeat�nd lacattd a4 . � - � _ ' , .� . _
<br /> • ......�.�sT-�.s�..s�e'�...,�1t+�n..I�..�...f�8q�................�............................. .......,..:.............. ..
<br /> -- f PropatY I►daressl .
<br /> 71E,llORE GOt�1'/1NS PROYI�IIOtiS#LCiIIYsNK�E�(1R CH�1lK�ES N'�iE R1iElEST M'I�
<br /> IItO T!�MOIITM.Y P111Y�ENT TlE�NE�E���/`[S 7fE AMWNT��Oi�O�S �
<br /> /1D�lSTM.E N1'QEST RATE CA[i C�i11t�'(lT AN1f E1l�Z�A!�TI�MA�JY
<br /> - VEt�i'TtE ADJ�Af�.E�1l1TE 7�4�t-7XE�M'EE '
<br /> = ApDI170:VAL�'AXENANT5. ln additiontothe�renants and agroements made ia the Security lastrument,8orr�a
<br /> - — and Lc�ler 1'yrthe�.�enant and agra as fdfoRS �
<br /> � .�. • � '
<br />_ .;.__:_. ._ . .
<br /> - - - � -----.��Q...= .
<br /> A. AWUSTABI.E`�1'�E AND MONI'Hl.Y PAYMENT Cf�ANG�S � - . : ---- — `
<br /> - The Nate pravides fw an init�ial intecest rate o�,.�SAEL::=96: The No[e provides.foc chanses in the adlustabic:• .
<br />- intaest au aad the.;mon[h!y�S�ients.as follow� .. .�.. - , ' ' .
<br /> - — -- 4. AWUSi'Ad��;�z4TEANDMONTHLY'pAYMENTCNKNGES '� .
<br />_' fA)�,���;::.�. ,-rr;;�'`' << . :�:.:- . �`''';.` ' � . . . ',. •
<br /> .,�;,�. :t'. _. .
<br /> .� _ . '[headjustabk�iaterestrat�a�i;�'paymaY�??��untb�;fiKstday,oF�.:�:�AD�RlL-a...............»..»t995,»..a�±ii��.: : : _�
<br /> tlut�ayeveryl2thmonthther��,� Eacledate:e�'vi�xi%c&�;����;s"stabiettiferestratecouJdchangeiscalieda"'��:_;�t<:;�h, ��.:
<br /> � Date." ` '- �•�� ,f . ' . � , ,•� . _
<br /> ri � ' x ',i.. `�': >�� �� --
<br /> �?::�-:�. lB)'fMel�ie ':' ,: . :..���;:''����:' =���` ;�� --
<br /> `-a:,._ .
<br /> `�• ,.-•=i:�.�� Begianingwith ltte first Change Date. my adjustable icE%�i.�:e i�a�?�based on an Ir►dex. The"Index"i�G�:. ,�:,;:.:;`:;.
<br /> ��` waTcl�ai,cTage yield on United States Treasury securities ad.�:3 a G?"`.y�tn!atarity of 1 year.as made avaita��g�;�.
<br /> '.�,.� T�F��:�,�r4 Baard The most rocent index 6gure a`��i=l�ras�i�'m,r���te 45 da�s,befon each Cbange Oa�i±�=;;
<br /> _ , ra:�<<..,:�... . .: ealto¢Lke;"Carcaiti��ez." - •} •� -
<br /> ��.;s _ �wY� er availab the Note Holder w��:claunse�a�ei���ndcx whicA is 6asest:u�s"��:er�.��',`��' ,'•�' ' ---
<br /> , � ` lf the lndes s�s�mcriong k.
<br /> �r�t ' �� :��.,:`: informaiian. The IVoic Holder will give me.notice of tbis c�,..'�e.� _. " ' ' —
<br /> ���� r, �� �� ' ''e:
<br /> ' (��G�lIIbu011 Ot�.�f�CS :�.• , .: ,-' ...,
<br /> �-•�= ' .. Before each Change Date.th�Nute Holder will catci�lai.e my new interest rate by�adding.....z.:�.��.�00..:�,_„�_. ;� , ,
<br /> ?:; .
<br /> �=_
<br /> -- ----- - - p eranta g e p oiau I�...7.50.Q0...%)to thc Currcn�Index. The Note Hotder will then round the result of this additiod to �_:._,,
<br /> �.,"syw,' � • ' � tlie nearest onereighth of one percentage point (0.125"/0}. Subject to the limits stated in Section 4(�) below.t�his '
<br /> `"' � � � rou�dod amount will6e my new interest rate until t6e next Change Date. ` t-z-
<br /> �;: - • _ �.;-
<br /> ��'x�';�= � � Tbe Note Holder will then determinc the amount of c[►�monthly payment that would be sufficient to repay W:�e` �:-�
<br />: �`.-S=�_-•�'=. unpaid principal that 1 am eapected to owe at the Changc�ate cn full on the maturity date at my new intaest ratr{rs:•'
<br /> �,% � � �� ' substaniially equal paymenis: The result of this calculati4rt•�i3t be the new amount of my monihly payment. ' --
<br /> ��h���,f�:':": . ..' �D)llrifsor I�es1 RateChs�es - . `• . .
<br /> 1�'''}��';��� ,• ' The interest rate 1 am required to pay at the first Ch�nge IIaie�tsii�a��t.1?e;�neater tAan»...7..�,2�OQ......%or tess than k. ,.
<br /> •;,�`,- � ' .:� ` � ..
<br /> �l�°"�`'�• � .....3,}a�p p...`�. 'f h e r e a i t e r.m y a d j u s t a b l e.i n t e r e s t r a t e�i.U':_a s�e r�r e idcreased or.d`�sed on an y sin gte Chan ge
<br /> ...,,i. _,�rar.. . . .
<br /> . - ±ti�:,;+.'.�
<br /> . ���al._;,; .. Dau bjr more than two perantage points(2.0^�) fram the r.stz�:-�.interest 1 have 6�s p:reng fpr�he pr�ng 1Z �:';.;
<br /> � � � `• � months. My interat tate will never be greater than 11.1�.:!��.:90.which is calted the ,��xim�mf Rate"• . .
<br /> ,�c _ ,•
<br /> �`. . � ' (E) Flectire D�te of Ctia�es , . �. . ;, , � :
<br /> . :;.��?��,i . �.,�:..� � .
<br /> • �'i1`.':"'"�' ' My new intcrest rate will bocome effective on each Charrg�Qate. 1 will pay the amouiti:���f tisty new momhly payrtceot
<br /> �.��.�;._.�, ._, „ � '
<br /> ��, . ... 6eyaa�ag on the first monthly payment date aher the Chan�s:�f3ate until the amount af;�y monthly payment chai't�
<br /> - ..}, aytia. f ..
<br />. �A"ri� �,.±� � . ' - , .' :.• ; ,
<br /> ' ,. (F� NNiceoE�.��gls , ! .
<br /> r 'r.. TI1E Note Hddet wip deliver or mail to mc a rtoticc of ai�r changcs in my adjustabte interest rat�aaci t8e amount of �
<br /> �= rny monthty payment Defore the etfective date of any change. The notice will include inFarmation rcquiced.bj�,law to be
<br /> __ �iven me and atso thc title and tetephone numbcr o!'a person who wi0 answer any question•!may hav�regarding the � �.
<br /> __= — �� . • , ;
<br /> /. FaED!N7'E�E�"P MTE�Pf'ION �..
<br /> The Note provJdes for the Borrower's option to oonvert from an adjustable;nterat rate with intcrest nte limits ta a
<br /> fixed interat rato.as fdMws: � '
<br /> t
<br /> , 3► �p IN'!`FRE�I'M7E CONVER�iON OP'i'ION .
<br /> , ' (M �w M CM�1 M Fixei�Ne �•'�;
<br /> = I 6ive a Comrersion Option that i csa exercise unlas 1 am in defautt or this 5ection S{A)�rjlt not pasmit me to do w. 1-�_ .
<br /> . 7'A�"Cor�renion Option°is mg option ta oonvert the interess rate!am reqn'ued to pay by this Nate from an adjustable i•_'
<br /> . n�e ait�iuera�t nte limits to thd fixed ate alc�tated ender Settian S�B)6cioa►. �.:.._
<br /> '1'y oo�wnio�pa oid�r tate piaoe on a dau(s)spedfwd by tbe Nae Noida de:rit�thd periad be�innin j on tAe 6rst ,� ..
<br /> • C r a t r e D r 1 e a M i p�d i�a t b e f i f f t b C 1 a e�D a t e.E a c b d a t e o e w b i c h m y a d j w t a b k in t e r a t nte qn aoevert to the new ��
<br /> 'i�d rue r ea1Md tUe"C+a�ar:ian Date« S
<br /> !f 1 Na�r to e:a�e tLe Carersio�Optia�.t mMSt 6nt mat oatain ooeditiva�. 7'hwe coedidam ue that:(i)1 �
<br /> �"::
<br /> _� �-_.-__:.-�__,�,���+t��loMft we4ice tla�lt:1 Mnst lo.da so4..�i��.cl�tLe Caarstsice Dat�1 mrN�6e is det�Ylt Y�der t6e . �:y-
<br /> lYa1s at tlre Sec�titY ia�na��lin��►�date.speciRed by 1Le Nate Holder.t mrst pay tiie Ncte Hoider s aonversion �;-:
<br /> .,
<br /> . ,.-
<br /> , ;:..�
<br /> � ��iqt Aa/M1�!M1E�—ANIl�MI 57-6r�Fmir—IM�N rr 4�tMN IIiM11W • Filw s11� 1t/.p !�'
<br /> � OMC7n/i�wYM , .. , � ,. . F=.'
<br /> �:
<br />