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<br /> ' i�ende�a.yaiaicep[�ooratt�itnotm�deycomptiyltysaro,uer. . , , � , `
<br /> EJntea Leeder anr3 Hocto�ret otber�rix+�e�ee in�viitin�it�suaa�x p�oceads abril6e app;iet�t��toration uc re�tis cf,tl�r�
<br /> praPpr►9.d��s�d,iitl�restaationorrep�iriseeaa�idilyfasiblea�ndI.ender's:ecacity,isaatt�ased ift�ratantipnat;...
<br /> rep�;s i�iwt,eoanoaiail r fasible a Lander's aeear:ty�roula be te�senea.ehe insucaoca p�oceeds:ai�tt be apptiea to the�u�e�t:..
<br /> �eco�d.by.tltis Sec�uity L�trqment,�ther a not tha�due.�vitb any eicess paid ta$orto+►er.��#Ba[ro�ahndor�s•tl��: .
<br /> PtopectY,oc doa t�otm;wet�rithin 30 days a mtioe from Letdet tMt the it�sw�ncx t�rritt 1y1IF.AtS4�to settle a c2�im..theR.,.
<br /> Irader.auty.r�tlece:t�e.lpsurinae proca+ds.Lender msY.�tbe.pro�xeds tocepia oc:testtxett�Property ar to p�Y sures
<br /> sacivadby this5acnritp Tr�atromm=,�6etherarnottfren dne.The 30-0ay periodwilli�m��tte�.siaticeisgipen.
<br /> - Untass I.etWet:u�3 Barroxer othenvisc agrx in Mriting,anY appliattiort.af ptoceeda tc*a�t�ciPd sAtll not e�ttend or
<br /> - - P�P�thadaedetco�tbamonthlYP�Yment�tnferredtoinpuagraphsland2occMt�cttrssma+mf,ufthepYments.Ifander ._ ------
<br /> ppr�ph214E�aYroppttY issoquiredby Lender,Barroxer'stighttoany insni�poticiesan�Dp�mas�dsresdtingfroed�mase
<br />- to tt�YropRrty�.prior.talhe acqnisitian stvil pus to Lender to the estent oi,t6�sums secnctxk UR4his Security L�str�ment _ _
<br />::�i' � tma►odistd p ptior totdsaoqnisition. • �_---
<br />-=- � 6�.:Occ�ancY.Praestatian. 1ltaiatenanoe and Protsctian o�,tI�.Psopiert3!:.Boarc�tcr's Lwn App�ieatiao,,: ____-
<br /> '`"n=1 � �bW�dis.�orra�rer shalt occapY.establisb,md nse the Pmp¢tt���s•Bccrover':s p�irxip4l.i'esid�within siztY days�ftes: _-
<br /> �� ti�s.aaecoL��tetthisSec�itylnstra�entandaMflcontinneto =----
<br /> _�--, occugy:tt�:Propartyas.&mQ�+sr'�p►iociPtlresidence#a�atlrast: --__-
<br /> - aria:Y.alc�ad`t!r the date of oceup�ncY.anless Lendes otbaMise agtas•ith:�8�;�►I�i�f�icai�t(ft�ah�ll not•6t anreasaf�bly;
<br />-` - �tthst&•PrnNess�tana�tiegeircamata�eseiistNhicbarebeyadSorio��r�S�I1�tC�.1�3RlOVe�sMilnotdest�y:d�ma�eur,� �-
<br />� ' " ial;�d4��4 PropertY.al1oR the Property to deteriorete.or cpmuait Maste.oic ttsnc�sp�zt�?:?Borraxer.sh�il bG in def�ult�if�aop; �.� ,4,�.
<br /> �'fk!tft�t4fz:aetion or prooeeding.wfiether civil or criminal,is ixguon t6�tE�iuSi�Gst�dpf,�'�ood faith i�Jgment eould�resatt,in�. � ��- °_
<br /> ,F. �faf�o�;t1�Prapetty or athetveise matetially impeir the lirn crestod fxy�4F.�u�Seeudtq instsoma►t or Lender's aecarity; ���` _—_
<br /> , , " ir�terest.Sa�t�iWa msy care soch a defanit and reinstate.as provided'm Parsga p l r 18,:by caasing t!�action or p r o o e e d�i n Bto be -
<br /> '-� ='�y;r?�� � . .°�ismissedov�i�r�i�iinBtha�;inl.axier'sgoodfaitbd�tetminstion,practudesfqtleitaie�tlr�8arrowar'sint�restittthePtapedgs ��,u -
<br /> ,�-�f.->. ;'orother vm�Y±���--ctaftheliencreatedbyth�s5avritylnstrumentotEx��c'sseceu�ityintesast.Ho�roxeeahall�I�a,� ,rr*{ -;
<br /> __ ,.s � � be io defaui�'�`�brt�reF.during tLe laen apptication pcacess,g,sve materiallp fs�ai in�ocvrsate informati6cLOr�statee�eeni&ttl�� '�L L -
<br /> G • I.ender(orfi��dtaprovidebender�ritbsnymaterialinforntation)inaxuxctivnxriththctuq�env3e�ceclbgtheNat�inE��ig�.�;, _ -___
<br /> Y . Mrt mt limiti�to.represrntatia►s c�nveming Borrowet's occapocxy if�iF�e�cpperty a9 a priisespei resid�If thisSeeariiy. =��
<br /> ._�,� : ��"�� -` , L�tri�ment is un a leasehold,Borroxer ahsl{vomptY with all the��r"rs�x's c8 i'3irt�ease 1f Borrower saquires fe�titfe tq:tbe. ' �'- _--
<br /> ;',- ;:r�:: ��° -� . PropertY,ttalea.uholdendfxtitleshallnotmerg�m�lessLendesa�est�t���-�.rinwritin8- ,. . ::;:•. ' —
<br /> x.� ... �..:- . , .
<br /> .�.�.�.�:�....... __ 7.Protectioa c�:.�ender's ltishts ia the Ympetty.If Bc�we-�.�auss`�o perform the covee�t��d•egree�ts = ;.
<br /> - �. • �.= ,_�r . •'� cantained in this Secunty,7nstruma►t,or there is a legai Proc�d'a{g ti�,t�.3�:.�gnific�nsty,aflect Lea�e't"s ri�hts i�irtlx F..;-,,-�- - .-
<br /> "..�:: . %��'� r "•, • PmpertY(sucA as a proceeding in bsnicruptcY.probate,for condem.-satron ar��%�re or to r+.farce laws o'r regolatia�.$).then , ��`-
<br /> �'��-..: _ - .,t,;_�� 3� •... I.ender ms do and f�Wl�atevet is necesser to otect the`Qe!oe of t�;P.�apertY s�.�i=ckr's rights in ih��ropetEy.
<br /> • �`�,� � Y P�Y.. Y Pr
<br /> ` . r . �.:'r5�, �'�' � I.ender's actions may i�c�e peyingany sums secnred by a lien wiuch has��'oaer thls•Sxutity Instrument,appearing in �-�`
<br /> � -�•�; . �kl,t��•�r� � � coat�t,peYing reasonabfeattomeys'fees and entering on tfie Property to m�lo.TMr�}�.-iie.Afthr�x�Lender may tatce sctian undet . ., —
<br /> -.'� • •,����'',i�' , : . �';�:,...
<br /> ,� . ,5r�r"-� thisP4T+egraPb�,Lenderdceanothsvetodoso. . . � , :,..'< , ; , , `�' : , �Y
<br /> �,.0 Y(y.�y .
<br /> .=_t��:__, : '�� An�°�ounts disbarsed by Lender under tbis paregaph.�sh�becaa,e�dc,�itioita;�d�ti�`of Bortower secured b�:*�iis�;, �'"
<br /> - ...r, , ., ,i-:-- 5ecurity Ir,tsstcuaen�Untess BorraWer and Lender age�taotherte�of7��;: � 1 besr'snterest fr!s�a�tii�;•: =.��, �� `
<br /> cua
<br /> � � _,;;` . dato of disL��rsemrnt at the Nute rate snd shall�6e pa�abte,with,interest,upnr•=tea?ice irnro��I.ender ta,Bu�.�'or:e:.requ�eating� � _
<br /> - '��Ss�`'- � . 'papment. , , : , . ro : _ ' : �-�-
<br /> '��,�'t1ti.';.,'' . . 8. Mottgise I��cana.If Lender reqaired�nrtp�e insurance as a�cvcdition,of,mahin��tht:�aiac�isecuted bY this ;,-�-
<br /> � ' . ' Security Instrument,Bottawer shell pey the premiums iequited to maintain the mortpge ire�sn�e ineffect.Ff;fot any reason, � `-�
<br /> • _ the mnrtgage insurance coverege reqnifed by l.ender lapses or ceases to be in effect,Borrower shall peq the premiums reqnired � ��
<br /> d�� ��.� • • to obtain covetage substantipily equivalent to the taoct�a insurance previouslq iri effect.at a cost substantially equivalent to � : . - - :�:.:
<br /> -� °."'•`"�`'�•� � - , the cost to Borrower oE the mort e insoronce eviaqalK in effect.from an alternate mort insvrer a oved by Lender.U '
<br /> t;' � snbstantially eqnivalent moctgag�'egnsurance ca�rage'e�n�t.available.$orrovirersi�li pey t�o I�.ender eech mor►th a sumequal to •• �`�t
<br /> :' '' ;'� d� ..�,:.
<br /> ""` '`�' ���t;:: one-taeltth nf the yearl y mottgpge insurance premiam ti�i�r�,,r gs���1�,Borrower whrn the insursnge coverage Iapsed or ceased to '
<br /> ' :T,_
<br /> ��' . • � • be in effect.I.ender aiU accept,use and retain these pey'ed�c:�ns�sa�Iq3s reserve in lieu o�di��atgage insurance.l.uss res�ve " �
<br />�� •,:-� .�'' • : . . ..' '. . yments may no tonge�be requited.at the option of Lender.if�u�tg9�insurar�ce coverage E�:t*.�;e emount and for the pee�xi � �,--, �= � ..�:���{`.�,
<br /> , :. " :' . . t�hat Lender requires)provided by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes availebte and is a"a:i:r.erLi�a:coaer shatl pey � •° `���;,,, ;
<br /> �r:;::•_.
<br /> � ,=,R - . . . the eatiums r uiral to maintain mortgege insurance in effect,or to rovide a loss reserve.until the r .�i:r�,�t for mort �1,:�4;r � '��";'
<br />- .r_. ,, , . P! e9 P � � . , 888e , ,�r.:.�..,.
<br /> � -�!.•.� � • � insutanceendsinaccordancewithanywrittenagreementbetweenBorrowerandLenderorapplicableiaF: . •;S`;�i;;`.•ti;:�i���_��`
<br /> ""' �-: � • 9.lnspectiun.Lender or its sgent may maka reasonable entrie's upon and inspections of the Piopett y.Lender sAell give �'": �• ,�.r,.
<br /> ti. _ . . ,• ', ;.`;,:}f.i■s,t<,
<br />���;�.., �. •�, .�� Borrower noticeat the time of or Drioe toen inspeetion specif ying reasonable cause for the inspee�ian. , �. ' � .,,;:_<;::
<br />_; • �':�'"• ""::• 10.Condemeation.Ttte proceeds of any award or claim for damages.direct or cons�qFxntisl,in connection Mith any �:��:•,:: .
<br /> ' f P�'15,M1 : �....
<br /> �;� , �;- '� ' - � . candemnation or other teking�of en3�pert of the Property,or for conveyanec in lieu of condes.r�titm;are heroby assig��ed and ;,5��•J�i - ':
<br /> it: _ ' sta116ep�idtoLender.� � � � ES{4�" �
<br /> N = '��;.r��;t,��:;_':, � • . In the evrnt of a tata!•Uking of the Property.tha proceeds shall be a�oi::d to t�.e�ucas se+cure��.lby this Security ��
<br /> oq,' ` °••r,;:. ... ., Instroment,Nhether or not then due.with any excess peid to BaYr4n�f�:In the erac�t oY a pattial taking of t�l�rbpett y in�1.�i.�G. . � = _ - . �
<br /> ` • -• ' thefairmsrketvalueotthePropertyimmediatelybcforathetaYs�zis,e���aitoorg.*eaterthant6eamountcf'q?�sumssecarecTb•y ' •
<br /> '� '.�.R..'"_f � .
<br /> ' r.:�� this Sccurity Insttumedt•immediately before the ta'ti�►��unless Surtoaer and lf�nder otheraise agree irt>�?riting,the sums 1' •
<br />��'. ' secueedbythisSlcurity.1n51tumentshallbereducedEi��tti�amountoftheprocr '•-a�uUipliedbythetollo�us�Praction:(a�the ��! . �
<br /> ,::� : �►�o:• �� � raa� aoza�i�o �� ... � .
<br /> :,;� VEILRtqt a.o(ouos►!il�� , Page 3 u �itia! � tS�toNEC i � � � �.
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