„_�„�,� _..___ _ _
<br /> ��r,,,i s c� ;�=-- , - .- _ - _
<br /> _ •.�- .��•'� Y . -� - � . . . �--�� ---
<br /> .
<br /> - - � -”' . '- _- . - '
<br /> .. ._�, ----`--- ���,— - - - - — — - ' -- . .
<br /> . .:
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<br /> f ._ _.� �. ._ - ------- -- - --- - -
<br /> .
<br /> .. .. . _
<br /> ., •-:- .....� -,�.�--�- ---
<br /> � _ .._�!.t�:� - -,• -. --- - -_ -- - _ . -_.- _. . . . . ; ... , - -- -
<br /> , � . '.• ` . •- �� �V�7� ; _
<br /> �A�1e�ot w��iq�b 7t�MorCO��t?t+■�or�ad MrA�r OOiYCe o��ee�pt�a�t d�q��1c .
<br /> ----- . of 9�s Te�e Aa�p�ly�ae t�aea(1y taa�p�iot b tl�d�d�w ot w�t�b. 'fyrMot lYe1Yr aati�r�t _
<br /> — ---_-_ �yNoc�rW arra�s a�d d�iwr b B�lidiey w�ch f�e1i�wiprM of t�eb ad�r�sw d�Y 1'ewt!l�oNec�►
<br /> _ r . �gaw6ci�ry mty Rom tiase 10 f�ms e���t. , ; � ,
<br /> �_ '
<br /> -- f ' �lJy�oa td ooNet�ao�of aa Bwat otDefiult,Ba�lieLq►�Y m P�����°t��0°'OK'�°� __
<br /> _ � `` . reo�tvar af t� � at Dmalieiay's sec�it�r.�tipaa aed du rd�i�ia!f�➢r,o�ted dt� � -
<br /> � .� � -
<br /> � 'r� '`�-: Ti�e Aropatty i�oedir w pefoem JCacb ieo�eY�■d�Pl�opiMs far t1r°°peesti�a��ulaero�d�rof . --
<br /> _ ., . ,, ``".�s ie�ludie=.6at sot li�iled b.die ea�eeotiaa.amoeilM�ar�od'iffe+ttaa ot larr►t1M ooiyelio�of vl talM��d --
<br /> . �-<���. . , ------
<br /> �'�' e�vs�ea of�e'11�wtp�rapaety.�e m�tSo�of eep�ie�w�a?�tlrapaetY ai tY aae�ar 1aaiMtioa doaa� -==
<br /> - . :�. -
<br /> - - • .,;;.�'-� teaat poridi�lor.l�e or m�ida�oe of dis'11�t Propeety.aII a�sud tee��r�ee deaai bat , ---
<br /> _ -�{;�-� _,- __
<br />- �-�'._ �� �7 of�'i'eu�t. ts da avaet He�dia�ry►sieats w seek d�appoi�We�tof a iaair►�er --
<br /> �„ -�:;;... b �C _
<br /> :• �'"� .' . . kr d�c Tiart Fnopay►ar p�+apay►.tipm 1'ea�ta's 6iasci of�ry aa�s�ot at a�ea�a�t d bMot i�d�t Drd at -
<br /> ;';� '. -'�.� •� ''; 1�wt,Trn�6et�eby e�erdjr oa�nrmts b tie ippoiemmt of wel�neodvet. B�efidn�►a tb recdvar i�l bs ---
<br /> .� ;a r.,::;=°�.r, ..,, � mtided to secdva a sa�oo�bla kc for so m�Ibe'hu�t Ftapety. "�*.". =---
<br /> hn t �r�-__
<br /> - -_ -�� _.� All�mh md ravaene�oollected iubeqoe�t to tbe aoceemoe of an fivmt of D�cbult�ll be�pplied fint ��-�� _-
<br /> ���°,��� ' : '� -� �o @ic saw.if aa�► cf��mircl of and m�oKios t6a?�t PFoperiy�nd ooifect�tb imb,Ioelud'm�.Lot ; `;4��,u,, -
<br /> _ ,
<br /> � , • m:eoe[rroP�Load�.00rbo��ia�inbB�e'triptRopetc��. �� „�,.� ,.
<br /> ". � aotli�tedto.�ttomay'a�reoeiva'staea.p�oi�mr . . _ �;.
<br /> � � p�uorce�oe�K�,���0��hao�ad�e'C�tPmpeat�►:adao�s.�- , _ }����
<br /> '-. . :;�:...� ��
<br /> �;�: :. ��!�7�fxL�b�'txrof�':o�ora�le.orarlydtoidoitbeTiurtRap�c�rasdiesloiiawrs�'�;� ����:�
<br /> ` •"� aee�tee�d by�Det�i of'fm�..8�or t6e ieodrer i�1t Lave aa,�to is I�oa�s ad seoaet��sed i�ttie'', '
<br /> . �:. ` � `. opa�tian aad m�intasmt�e�t�s Tmit Anpelty aod�1t be 1LLM b Tne�.=l�'�f �r' �-
<br /> �,.� � �O!�1n11� 3a�q+=
<br /> . = �,rti • -' ..
<br /> . `���`�' ' TQintor os�nyot�e baviots uactsio�t in tbe T�t Ptogeriy by re�m oi anyt�na�da�e�ieit ao�oaeby Beae&i�y� . - -
<br /> -': 1�=�;,��+, - u�lart�Sect�o 26. ,,. . . . _ . � , . ..... -�
<br /> ;r,�'-S,s � ` ., • u.; 'caaaol of�lnd �.-
<br /> ;�; `'i;�E?=° .„°.,. ,� _ - If 9w�ats of�e Ttu�t Prnpe�ty are oot�afScimt to meet tba oab, �sy.of Wpn= . _}_
<br /> ;:sr,-':���5•:.;;:'�; ���p�petiy aod callactiaj tLe tma.aiY t�md�e�P��bY�Y��P�tP°�0�� —
<br />. . •�it AY�I�^';�(:,f•��5:�'-. - �� • . '." �'�
<br /> ;"'`i���. t��'�`��:,�?��w;� . � 6xomeindebradaaofT�rosaBeaefiei.rysecur�bbc�DeedotT,u�. Un1E�&�IefiCillt�/�1ed14mWt�IpO��_.' _.�.
<br /> �Y-v,:i]�/�t.�. .1 .
<br /> `�� 4�, ':` r ,r. . in wni6ns to o�er tam�of paymmt, ��uuoop�,p�tt be P�Yabk u�ao�io�fiom Bme�}.ry.�a. If�M�tc:` y .� :
<br /> . �t P�9��!aod dull be�a�t fio��dde otdi�uese�eat�t tbe ealt app�"ic�bia atOrs�-. .. ?�� �y_7__
<br /> . _ .._ �ated�o ti�11Toka. � . ,°` � � --
<br /> . ';�,, . ,�`
<br /> . , .. , : ,� • : • _ .. . . :`` �Y
<br />,, ` i � �. aad m�int�iq�of oontiol ot tbe'Mnt Peopeety b!►Beoe&i�ry a�a ' *.: r,,� -
<br /> � -- � -.- ��,.� ---- Y�i� �g •
<br />' . t+��ao�d�appliatioa�f tmts s prcvlded hemn�htH aot aue or�va�ve aua"�iult ba�euode�or mv�G�As . ,:��".�J'•�;'-
<br />•�-� any olba reg►2 or remody of Beaefieiaey vadee applicabk isa or psovlded lieteia. T6ts awimmmt ot ea�ot t6e , f. ' �,.-
<br /> �` . 13nat Prapett��11 urminua at such time a�Ibis Oeed of 7tort�xa�ea to sec�ue iadebtednas of Tsurwr IwW by �_ . . -
<br /> 7 ort � �:`
<br /> �i; ���. E ' , � �t�
<br /> �# i � ` 'II1is asd�nment,ball not operate w plue�poodbititYfos tbe oontrol.caez,miw�or repai:ol8a t:
<br /> `" � Tnat Prapeaty�,�+t my part tLee+eof.vpo�Beaeficb�ry.nor�lWl it operata w m�ice Bmeficiary tis6k for 8�a cutylej ' _
<br /> :i ' ; . , aut oi�ny bf�e teims�ad eoadiNoas of aoy o!tbe lwa or tm�oc.�ia ot the Aemiia.or fos�*�r�ute of 1be � .' ���.
<br /> -. . . b tLe kawt under aay of the lwa or tm�ncia.or anY w�er P�tt�'•or for ar¢�r�otao�r a ; . . . �# ,-
<br /> � -- �c��y Y �e upacaep ortooholtbe�eof �=i:
<br />., .� ;, d�tive condition of tLaZ�ast Property or for�ay ne�li;mee�n the mrnt meat. .np�ur p r. , �:. .
<br /> '`;�`;;' aesoiDsin=in lqa ot�uty tra�iay teaant,licea�e,emPloyee ot ttt�o�er. � .{��`'!:};:.�
<br /> ,, .y;�r;:;
<br /> .:'�. . .
<br /> � �;;�4�^;�'``I` • � �Y � �edy oo°kaad ;. . .
<br /> ,;1 s�,,,�;;i�. - 1?. �ofBeaaficiwtobeNooexaiusivaandCtimuTstive. �v n' tor bee+ein , .
<br /> .�.` oc idetvad�bie�oaeaclutive.�hall be cumulativ�s asd�11 be in additioo to every omer tijLt,temady. or (�• t:'
<br /> ., . . .,`;::t;: . , -- ._ .
<br /> '�f,,,< � . �awer pvm he�ec er eaav or bee�atbr e�i�tin=in➢aw or in equitY- Ne de��r omi�ioa by Beaefiaiuy la �
<br /> s_. . .. . , . . .�►`.-
<br />- . .,,. ,::-.:,�'�
<br />_ �,:,,,. , : exencisin��oy�v�u'L�ble�m�t,power or eemedy beer�o�ster�hall Imp�ir or be coe�saved a�s wdver tbeeeot or be �-
<br /> �
<br /> = eeo�idered aa�cquiaaace in tbe circum�taaca pvinsri�e tberdo. Ecery rifhb P�a����C°0� '• .•, .
<br /> - - . - . � �r, upon or raorved to BeneRtiary may be erze*_cited from time t�time and u oRen�s deeme�e�e�rmti , : � . :
<br /> •; ��'� . _•;.L'c . , . ,
<br /> - � �r..._�,.. �.:. '",
<br /> ,: ,:,•�. � 7�►e iccePtance b3►Henefictary oP paymeal o!my sum�eciued�by tbis DeeRB�?lr,�r i�;�e d�te�te ot . .
<br /> tr :���i'�```:`� � s�L p�yment sbtU not be a aaiver ot�fl •s re s to either ttire ��bee d�o�att ai�er 1
<br /> . , .. •,:i�.�,}:` ciaeY �� te4 Pro�� ,. ',;��;;
<br /> �. �.,. � � .wm�a recurod or w data�;s defwlt for fialuce w�ifce DremW D�Ymeat. 'Ibep�tte��....�+.a Gse f .':,
<br /> •'i` . �, . ` � o!taxa or otlier lieas or ,by BeaeS¢i�ey pura�!�'to Seatio,s !s�9[ao��s�i�'`s�er ot '` -
<br /> -',.i';' °z��{':',�;,.� - Baoe�fieu�ey's ri�ht w.aocekrate We m�turity of t�e 6adebtedaes�sxwed bY t� Uea�.aE1��`it, �or.�U �. , __..._.
<br /> - 'i"t. . - . ; .. . .
<br /> �,,�tr _ B e d e f i e i a r y�neceipt o f aay sw u�L.P r o c e e d�a r d+m���m d a S e c t i o n S o r S e c t i�s s�7 6 e r e�E c p e r�t e t o}�t a+o r
<br /> , �;;,'�'. � � s�aive Tnator's defwit io the p�ymeae a!aay am��a�red by tlw O�a�e�of Tra�. ' � _ ,�p � `�. .
<br /> -- �c�, . .�_�;' � , '•.�'�.• � .
<br /> . Ia c�re�ay of the nmedia in t�Oeed etTnue sivan or attempted to be sivm b 8a�iuU�1 aqy I � ..
<br /> �� dme be beld iavalid.or in tbe care �aoy providan of d�Deai of Tnnt eh�116e�d'G�e�l,'inwlid or ►- ----�--�---" .
<br /> -, �r ,.�-,z,�,y:," m�eaforce�k tor aay rca�on.�ucb Ukplity,i�nlidity or nseatoree�billry�uiI'sbt�ffed ttis�aioi�s p�M ot � .
<br /> -� � ��::-�-,:�;--_._�_. tbis Dad ot Twt or the othe:remedia Qivea 6ertby.�ad tLi�UeeB ot Tnat�hail be ton�tnied�nd mfarced�s � _`' ; .
<br /> if all�ue6 illepY or isvalia pro+riilom bd a�v�beas ieieited�eio. � ,
<br /> _ 7 .
<br /> _ � If at any t�mo-BanaHci�rY.bY ra�os o!�a Ewmt ot DebWt bera�oder.�tl lnve peoeeeded to aefoeoe ` � :
<br /> , .�sy of ib d�iW or pawds.bY furocloium.eottY a e8�eniiise.aod if.tbee�after. �Evaat ot Qet�ait�d ill� ; . . . .
<br /> �d�x Eweor of Defadt of TeuNor�11 Lave bees eueed oe itsre�otba praoeadinp i�il l�ve fot rry�sraa bia � ,. • . .
<br /> i: .
<br /> _ . . � 8 . �-
<br /> -- f11�V4125.1 • . . , ' ' ' •
<br /> - • . . �
<br /> - , : . �
<br /> �'�--
<br />