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<br /> .� ��t5�:;:�;:,�RaIUffit� and GE�RGEliA 8. lR�DEN� .hast�and and �ri.£e: .
<br /> h � be��ieii�,,ca�l��'�the Grantora, tro� aAd in consid�ration of the sma :
<br /> � o�=T��;�liiD UO/100 DOI�T�IRS ;(#ia.OQI: �D OTHER V1�LD�ALS COBSIDER�.
<br /> ]►�1'IOl�i:ieceived froa Gsantee, da�qrant, barqai.a,_ ee12�. convey and � �
<br /> . conffa7n nnto OTib P.�l. FRaQEIi�.° TRUS'�BE, I�erein callea the�Graatee,
<br /> the fallo++inq-de�tcr�bec� raal estate in Hail Co�an�yr �eb�easka: �
<br /> �n wWivided onerhalf i2/2! interest in and� =
<br /> � to`the Sou#�-Hal� of tbE So�theast Qnarter_�� _ .
<br /> , '.lS3SB�1 of,:=:3eetion . Thixty-Three t33). �- �
<br /> � • Taraship Eleven� �xl�, North, Ranq� Nine (9) , _,
<br /> �:;�.`� . t�es�`'of, the 6f.Yi P.1�'�: Hall Co�tp,,_�ebraska.
<br /> . ... . .� � .
<br /> . . . TO H7�V8 � TO �.HO�,D the premises abone descrihed, together_
<br /> With all the tenemeats, hereflitaments and appurtenances. thereunto
<br /> belonqfnq, uato� the said Grerutee and to Grantee•s successora a�d
<br /> assiqns forevc3c. And Gra�tas��}hereby covenarrC with the sra��.;
<br /> Grantee and witb Grantee's ���scrs and ass�gns, that Gran�a�r�
<br /> .� ars-�a�s�al�y sefze8:.o�-,sa4d..-�iiemisea. that' the� are free from'`,: . _
<br /> enc�ti�sce and that Gsantors have gc�ad:�:right and laWfnl author�,t� :..`=�°'.':� .
<br /> to s��� `�the same� :a�:=�aaiztoYS hetetxg,-'�ave�aat to aarrant a�ad�. _ , � . _ .
<br /> 8efend the ti�3r.e.;f.�t:��,�a premi.ses aqainst ,ttr�= ia�rful clafms;�ff.,;
<br /> all persoas wh;c�mce�*r��.� And the safd Granta�- hereby relinq�Et�,
<br /> : all rfght. title, cla��and interest ia •aad ta-;�he ab�ve-descai Ded�� '
<br /> premises. � ' "
<br /> � Signed thid �.� day of ' ,�i,•,_�_ -, lgg��•� `
<br /> -- - - .. �
<br /> ' �'
<br /> . ////`l� i�����.� r„�. � � �_
<br /> O to P. Frauen . -
<br /> : - ' . � .�
<br /> . . Gecrq E. Frauen •.
<br /> , STATE OF NEHAlil.SltA ) �
<br /> . ) ss: . -
<br /> COUNTY OP H1�lLL ) � . '
<br /> . , ,
<br /> Before aie�, a Notary Public for said Coun��r, persaaaily came .
<br /> dtto P. Frauen�and' Georqena E. Frauen, husb�nr� and.wit�; knatim.�to•�
<br /> ae tv be the i8er�tf.cdi persons who si.qned t3se foreqoim�: ine�u�en���
<br /> snd �ckna�ledged�the execntion thereof to be their vo�Tunt��ry act �
<br /> and daed.
<br /> � Mitness ay hared and ltott�rfal 5ea1 on ,,�Ol/��iQ�'.�.a2� � . -
<br /> � 1993. :
<br /> ,.
<br /> ..— ... . _ ' V F,� � . . . ' . '� :
<br /> �>yA�Rp�p1{.�/�M��c�J�Li P��y�u14V I' .. �.
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