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<br /> ` ��.��R lE�ti!���C i�1��aiL'L�O�ill's��df Y�l�f1.Af 1��(Q�M�►Qt�IIY�I�l1�lit�II;L
<br /> ia�old or aaai�faned tor if a 6eaeficul i�ta+e�t in Bomn+vtr is soid a amsfer�ed aR!�orrowu is not a n�twyl peti4n)wlWort � �"_
<br /> ` L,eo�e�•s prior.�rrittet�oonsa�t. I+ender mty, �t its aption, req�iita inwt�adi�te paytltaM in,tutt at�ti w� Mai�ed by ti�
<br /> � Sec+�rity.L�st�ume�.Howaver,c�is ap[ion s�ll not be�ae+sod lry Leeder if oxe�ise is pro6�ad bi'fodeni�aw is of the dMe
<br /> . �of tt�is Sawrity Ir�shun�e�. ' .
<br /> � I�trnder eae�cises this optioa,I�ender shall give Bocmwer notice�1 acoeleruton.�'Ft�a�tice s6a1)p�nvWc a period.u[na � ti
<br /> ' l�s t�n 30 days fiom the d�te the aotice is ddiverod or ma�'ted wtthtn which BorrowEr must poY sil4unrc xcllrod bY this �
<br /> � . Seciirity Iasuumeat.If Bomuwer fai'ls w yay th�se�prior to e1x tapiration of this period;LCt►det mry imrolce any temedie�
<br /> permimed by t6is Security Instmment without fwther notice or den�ld on Bq�tawer. . .
<br /> � !�. sorio�ver's Ri�ht to Rda�tata If Barrower iaeets artaia wrditions. &snawe� stwU hava thr right;t�s.twve . .
<br /> enfora�me.�t of this See�ty�sa��at�any cime priar ur she.rariiec of: (a)_9.days�ur:w�h otf�r pariod�.u
<br /> spplia�bte taw•may.specify for cainsqtement�befoie aale ofY�Property pur3uant td�arry paw:r ot sale caM�inaf irt thix� ,
<br /> Secunry Insuumear,ar(b?e,atrY o�a judgmwt enfixeins.tais Socurity L�stmment.'il►ose conditions ara that Botrower:ta)PaYs
<br /> Leader all sums which tl�t wonW be due wder this Savrity Insttument and thc Nott as`if tw accelet�tion had occutrt�dt (b)
<br /> � pu�.s any deiaott of any ather wveaanu or agRemtnts:(c)pays all expease�incurred in enforcing lhts Serurity tnst�vment,
<br /> - , including.but mt timited to,�n�ble atwrntys'fas;and(d)mkes scuch'actian as Lender rt�y re�bfy noquira ta a�su�r
<br /> ==`;;,=. that the tien of thia�Sa�rity Tnsua,ment,Itader's rigtus in the Prnpetty arid Borrower's obligation to pny the sums scetu�by
<br /> �-:`:::<< this Sxurity„3�amrnt sh�li contin�e:��ged. Upon teittstatement by BorFower. this�Secvrity,iastrument an¢ the .
<br /> -'����' obligatiom�ceut+d$enby s6ait rd�t��ty effective as if ro aoaltration had occumed.,However.this ngflt to rcinswte shaq�
<br /> �wt appEy i�tTi�case of acoelera��::�'��17. '
<br /> � 19. Sde'ot Not� ��-����iugr 77�e Note or a partial iaterest in the Nota (togethor:with this Securiry
<br /> Insuumeat)may be sold one o��*�e�,vr'',3ia�t prior nouoe to BQrrower. A sale may r+esult in.n change in thc entity(known .
<br /> as 4he�Loan Servicer")tl�at collei�::��s�aFments due undcr tha Note uid this Serurity Inwament.,Thare alsa roay be one ,
<br /> . or_mppe ci�nges a�F tl�e Loan Senric�'�a�-"to a sale of tha Note.If therc is a ci�ange of tbe Loan Servicer.Bartower will be
<br /> ;::;.�',.,�a��riiton aotice of tT�e ci�ange in acs�:_�e with�graph i4 abave a�appiiwbte Ia9v.•'fhe�otice witt sfatc tha t�atlx:u�d
<br /> �:;;;;:a3�s.of tt�e new Laen Savicer and t�:a�dress to wdich paymeats sGould be made.The catice wip alsa eontvn any other
<br /> �;%.°;-:;��atioa tequired by applicab#t la�v_ �:..�; � . �
<br /> .�::;',-.'�::= 20. Harsrd�oos SuhSianoGS::�er�u�e"i sl�all uot cause or permit tUe presence. ose.disposai. storage. or ate�:o��iinY
<br /> ;:�_ ;�tazardous Substanoes ot�or in �;�y. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do.anything effccting the
<br /> .• �ro})erty that is in vioiation of any��tnl Law.The preceding two sentences sfiall aotapply ta the presence. use. or
<br /> '.; .�rorage on the Propercy of small quani��,of Ha7ardous Substances that ace generatly rocognized tu be appropriate ta normal , .
<br /> �' a�stdential uses and to maintenarsce of tTte�coperry.
<br /> `�r�;:;•� Hormwer shaq promp[iy g�ve Lendes:wnttea notico of any investigatbn.claim.de�d.lawsuiCar Whcr�ctionby aay
<br /> `:%°;�avemnrenuil ar regutatory agency or priv�e party involving the Property and any Hazardouc$ubstance'or Envimnn�cnt�t L.�w
<br /> ;`:°i�:which Boaower has actual IQwwledge.•:�f'�orrawer teams,or is notifial6y.�rty govemmental or reguiatary authnrity,tfiat
<br /> ��.tecnoval or otikr r+emodiatIon of any#��s Substattce affecting the Pmporty is necessary.Borrower shall promptly take
<br /> ' ;�}�sary remedial acNoas in accor���Ltb�i-arzmmental Law. .
<br /> As used in this paiagraph 20, "i#a�aidflra4 S,^�s�.ances°are �hase substanoes defined as toaic or hacarduu�substanc�s by� .
<br /> Emriranaxntal law and the folla�ting;s�°�^=��±^=�` �ga�sQtlne. kerosene. other tlammabte or toxic petroteum praducts: tox�c��
<br /> pestickks and herbicid�.volatile solceat;�ra�er"�s�:aritainiag asbestos or formaldehyde.and radioactive materials.As usad�ro��
<br /> __ —_th+c Paragraph Z0,'Envimnmentat Ia�;r*-u�'..�.as fa��._3ag�'s.and taws of the jurisdidion wfierc�(�e Pr��peny is located thilt
<br /> relate to hea1W,safety or envirott�ne�i��P�?�ion:,,--';:.-�•�": ��:•. . .
<br /> NON-UI�IIFOR�1 COVENA:�'S:�aa4wer an�;s.eIIde:z�'ur`�`ier covenarrt and agree as follows:
<br /> 21..Aeceieratton;Reaie+Aies 3x�ce'�raQ giive�nuticF to 8errawer prior to aca�lerwtiao fallowing Botrow•er•a breach
<br /> ot any covenant or A�eement�xl� SacurlEy.�Instrament,{hut not prtor to auceleralion under p�ragraph 17 untesv
<br /> applicab�e Iaw pcovides other�vis�):,Tiee aat�ce sI�'specit}�: (a)the detault;(b)the action requircd to cure the def�ull;
<br /> (c)a da[�aot les4 tiwn 30 ds►ys froan E.he date the notice is g�ven to Borrower,by whkh the deCaWt mnst be cured:�nd
<br /> (d)tlwt faHure to cure the delaalt`un wr bet'oce atie date speciited in tije�notice may result in accelersition oi the sun�
<br /> eecured by Wis Seenrlty Instrumeut aa�sale of-the Property. The noHco shalt further inform Borrower ot the rlght to
<br /> reinstate a�er RcceleraHon and the righe to'brLig a,court�etion to usert�the�non�exi.�tence ot a detault or any otT�er�
<br /> defer�se ot Borrnwer to aaeleration and sala I!the detAUtt is�wt cural bn or�detore the date specifkd in the notlCh
<br /> 1,ender,at ita optbn,may require immediate p�yment tu IuU ot aU sunu+�secttred b��this�Security Instrument witbauC�+
<br /> turtdee denwnd and may invoke t6e power ot sale and any other remedies permitted fi��Hpplicabk I�w.I.ender slwll be
<br /> entitltd bas�coltect alt expenses[ncuresA in pu�sa9ng the remedfes provided in tfiis par�raph•IIl;incladMg.but nM Umited �
<br /> to�r�6ie attorneys'!ces�nd casts aitiik�ideace.
<br /> It tbepqwer ot sAfe is invotceh,Tra�tee siCal�reeord a notire ot detaWt in euch county 1n whkh pny put ot the
<br /> Propa�ty Is loc�ted and shall ma1 oopi�es o€sucf�a�oti,ce in Elie.m�nner prescribed by applicabk taw to Borrowe�and to
<br /> the other pe�so��1bed 6y apptic�lele 1�tvc.Aflee the ti�e'� uired by applicable law,Tnutee shall glve publk notke
<br /> ot sala to the peisona 9nd in tde maa�ner p�+esceibed by appl'ic��e Inw.Tncstee,witlaut denwnd on Bon�ower,slwll sell
<br /> the FropMy�t pn6tic�uctio+r to t6e 6ighest bicWer at the tim�c�And place and under the temrs destgnated in the notice ot �
<br /> s�le in onc or moi+e pa�els and'en any order Tr�ce determirics.Tn�stee msY P�WrM ss�te.ot ail or any pa�rcd ot tlie
<br /> h+operty by public�wnn�oe�et at tl�e tfine and pTace oP•aay.prevlousfy scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may
<br /> NerMee tha Prnp�eet3 at�ny s�fe.
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