. :.:,t_
<br /> - -- ----_— _ -_ _�=_- - . _ _ . � -- __
<br /> . _ __ _ �----- — -_---- . .
<br /> .... ._.. . . .:_.. < , : . . i . . . _ . .
<br /> . .. .` TOOE�BR:1YlTV a$ie I�o+►erirt+►ao�►a.l�anr�iMef aecied.oa tbe propptY,ad aH err � aed .
<br /> . � �o�ir,qr.�widfer a}Ne�af Iie�o�atr. MI� md a�ili�lia��1!airc be ao�re�+ed b�►;iis �tit�►
<br /> Y�NwM�t.�N:nt 14!'a�+pi�is�ekruea b i tliis sa�owit�►latr��eet�die'P�opatY-• ' ` ° _ - . :� � '"
<br /> • . �ORR07f1ER t�VENA1�l'!'S dr�t>OfrO�rer�ia ilArlrllr s0ired oi f1�E a1tME M�ebDr co�Ye�Md iMa tiie ri�t b*f�llt ad
<br /> aoirre�r tie teo�a�tY�d d�R tl�Yrupatty u reto�mba�ad.esoept for.�narab�aooec af aeoo�d. 8a��anrer wartmts anb�D�
<br /> d�eed�a�dally tAe tit�e la t!�Fmpc�l�apidt�I!cLimt�p daemds.�to anY�ot teooid. ` ` '
<br /> 'lHiS SBCfJRTPY II�SERVINEMf contbina u�fona oo�rm�ts'fo►�oe�-nse iod�fo�ooveorots witlt 1�.
<br /> v�ri�lioet hy j�xibn to.oaq�tinit s ua��'otsn�ec�Qity iaitnm�w Cu+�eslo�rt�t pr'cpatY• . � � , ,'
<br /> ` U�i�31t�C{OY�N�lEN'!'&.Bormww aucl l�eade�awenrat and�ea a�fdlo�s: ,� � .
<br /> _ L�li�y�t atlt�t aii �rlaeif:�a�i Ltie f'1Me�e�;Borrowa sh�ii promptty P�y-whe��ne�a-
<br /> �priocl�i ctaod mlere�t cit tpe dt6t�rrbe�ed by tbe Nde'atd an�r papaYmeat�ad l�tc cl�es due wd�r dk Notc. � .
<br /> x..l�fir?a�r ai Lr�a��e.Subjei,t w a�pptic�bk lavr or to a�vriteea w�iva by Lendec:Bo�w�ers�utt pay to .
<br /> .Leader on d�e d�y moathly pryatents m duc under d�e Note.wkil the Note is�id in tup,a 3um('Fluds')fbr.(�}ye�rty puaes
<br /> . -�od�rwmmts��r�ttiu pti�i�y over thi�S,aauity Inq�un�nt a a li�n on the Piopaty:f�)3^�9��P�Y� .
<br /> or,poa�d iaots ua tLe Piope�ty,if�uy;ts)YpuiY�e+d ar p�npettg i�tt+M�oG pretcivax:(d)Ye�dY Oaad i�q�oe P�iun�i►
<br /> ��Y:(�)Y�����PR��.if aary:and��+�aY�PnY�61e bY Bon!u�ver to I.d�der.ie xcco�d�ooe wridl.
<br /> t6c psqvisiuns o[�r�r�ph�.in liea af the p�ymont of m�ait�e�ur�ooe pi�emiums.Tl�e iteo�s ms c�llod'F.scco�r Itana�"
<br /> Irodes mry,�t any time. oolkct md boid F�nds in an�mount not tp eaceed tbe m�dmum amouat a lender for a fodaalty
<br /> nelaled mqRt�e!we m�y require for Borrowa's escmw aawnt ander tbe falerat Rea!Estate Seukme,at Yioeedute�li►ct of
<br /> t97<ss�nKaded froa�time w time. 12 U.S.C:Se�tion 26Q�•et s�q.:("RESPA`).unless aootl�er ts�Wac appljess,to�the Fuids
<br /> xts a kaeec amu�mt.If so.l,e�der�Y.�anY titne.-oollecE+�nd bold Funds ia ao�mxwnt�ot w eacred the lesser ataoud. �
<br /> , t dder aay estiawe tbe aenunf of Fur�da ducon�the b�sis of 4vr�eat data.a��abPo esoimu�s of txpenditures of fuiurc
<br /> Fscro�v ltems ar otha�vise ia�oe with apptica6�e la�v.
<br /> 7]�e Fm�s st�ll be hdtt�in an�stlttHiort whoisee deposits�ua insutet�by,a€edera!agency. imt�uuitntatiry, ar aKity �
<br /> . imdudio�IRader,.if I:endtt is sudi an iawhuion)or in toy,Fader�l Hotna�.o�n►�aalc,L,�nder.s6�f1.+�pPIY the Fuads to PzY�
<br /> � Fsci+pw I6ea�.I.ender m�r nat ch�'ae Boiirn�rer f�boWiog aed spplying tbe Fands:.a�ua11Y�Y�pB��w racoount.or
<br /> verifyiug'tbe Etcrow Ite�s,ualess LeMer pays 8omuwer iatet�.ct oo tbe Funds aeW sipptic�ie Iar�;�nniu l,ender ro make sach
<br /> a eUuge.Howtva.lsbder msy irquin Borrowa w pay a one time chuge for an iidependent i��3'�c�state tax'npocting secvia
<br /> = used by Lender in connection with tbic loan. untess appiicable I�w provides otiurxise: IInTess an agrameat is m�de ot .
<br /> tppliwbk lxw rapins intecest ta be paid,I.qnder shall not be roquind to p�ay Borrower aury interest or earnings on the Funds.
<br /> 8a�i�rer aod Laider mry agnee in wrtting,however.tl�t inte�est s�all be paid o�the Funds.Lender shall give to Bottnwer,
<br /> wifhoat chug¢:an a�u►ual accoonting of tbe Fuads,showing�redits and deblts w the Fuiids and;.Et�e putpose for which qcL
<br /> debit to'the�5:was made.The Funds are ptedged as addltionat s�ecu�aty for all�ums securod @jt,�iaaSecudty Instrument. .
<br /> .If the•:�i�s Aicld t�r��der sxc:ad the anwunts pamittad to,be�ki by applicable law.i�'shall acoount to Bomower
<br /> for.cl�•Cx;SOSS$��i»a�orrar�ae with the roquircment€.ef appl�cable law.If ttte anrnum of i�e 1F'i�ads hetd.�b�r Lender at aay .
<br /> - tim�c�s"sx�;s�F�e�t;to}�y tt�Tscrow Items when due;�f�t.t�Y so tiotify B�#�t�urr�itsag".-aaa,�ucs�i rsse&nra�ua - -
<br /> ...:.: ....... .. :.. . : .
<br /> sfm32 t�ay�ta Een�es the amobii4�ecessary to make up tlre�defictenc�;,��+bcrower shalf 5tiake up�:dc�CCieneq Em�o more thaa
<br /> tweivt�g.j,ajrments.at l.ender's soia discraion. �;;._ .; �..
<br /> Upon payniart in fuU of all sums securod by this Security In:K.sument. L.er�der shall promptIy refund to Borrower any .
<br /> Funds held by Lender.If,under paragraph 21,Lender sha11 acquirc ar seJl ihe Pr�nperty,I.endes.prior to the acquisition or sale _
<br /> of iltie PropcRy,shall apply any Funds held by Lendtr at tiie time of acqujsitian or sale as a credit against the sumc secured by �
<br /> this Secnriry Insuument. . -
<br /> 3.Appliptbn of Pfaymeets.Unless applicable law,provides otti�.s�:.�tl�(iaymen�s receivcd by Lender under paragraphs .
<br /> 1 aad 2.s�ati 6�applied:first.to any prepaymene�charges due under't�t�,Notal��econd.so amoa�payable under parapap6 2: . .
<br /> tbIzdrto intezcadae;faurth.to principat due�and last,to any��late ctsa��acs duo undet the Note. -
<br /> • �i�Gl�at�e.�I.leas�Bomowet shal!•paY alLtaxes.�ssxsrments.d�x�es. fm�sand.impositiarts attributable to the Praperty -.
<br /> �i�i�aiay attain priority•ovev tf1iS Secuttcy,�nsttvm�.,�;aixl teasel+.u�d pa��ma^.:s�'ac ground rents, if any.Borrou�er shall pay =
<br /> thase obfig2tfoar3 in the manrnr pmvided in gaiagraph�;ot if not pa5d-rn:th��manner.Borrower shall pay them on time directly =
<br /> W the perso!�.o�i�ed payment.Borrower sha11 promptiy fumish to Lei�itr a�11 not"ices of amounts to be paid under this paragraph. .
<br /> If Borrowtr rnakes tlkse payments directly.Bonower shall promptly ftsr.:ish to Lendcr receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly discGarge any Iten whic�,ha+priarity over this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees in �
<br /> wiiting to the payment of the obligation secured 6y tt�,�e�`ie►�in a manncr acceptable to Lender.(b)cantesu in good faith the lien
<br /> by. or defa's�,�ainst enforcertient of the tien in. legal:�tnc.eectiz�ge:�cvl�ach in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the.
<br /> enfotcemau u+f slft�lien;�or(c)sautes from the hotdbr of tha tien an t�gi�zement satisfactary ta Le:�c�5:r subordinating the licrr ta .
<br /> this Soturiry�as�ument,�If Lender determines that a�sy,p�rt,of tlie,��ierry is subject ta a lien wFsich may attain priority ov�r
<br /> thia Security inSnument,�,tender may give Eorrowee a natiae,ddbtitifyidg the lien..Bc�r,�wer shaU satisfy the Ilen or take one as " --
<br /> mo�rse of the actions set fotth above within 10 days of ti:��jving�of natice. � � � __
<br /> �' �" . Fonn�028 9.'9� "
<br /> , .. , Oa9e2ofd '
<br /> . �,- . �� . ` • . . . —
<br /> , „ ,� . , . .
<br /> S. �..._ _._. ' , . . - - -- - �._,_
<br />