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<br /> _ , � • .. � . = �.o�t�YMlNT� .� - ��f . � .-
<br /> rt���'►Nr�o���or . . . ; � , � : . . .. .
<br /> �rw+�r.�aiw.t�a.�ia+w«�ir��rrowd.�ow.i.:aaain�.c:�wr�•�aiMi•«�a+�.e��
<br /> a.wao�+�M�n.O..da7Yu.ep�o+�I�.wf�wrwWj►dM�eKe�N�.neaeN�o�rdnvMorth�n�ma4�o.N�.w.n�
<br /> af a�*orluMOhda0lrMlon w�1t�Q�ld7iu�tirt��q,butnot M.�i4d1a tlw L�s+iOhtb h�s�IR�ppwy.aoi¢
<br /> by�n Tr��rMlrloYt aiq►l�w P�TsNb�r�pr�MrM��nd iM�r�aM��MiR�+Is folaioMiMd�k w��aA�d by.
<br /> Tn�b�bn th��acuMon d 11�I�d W'(Fwt � _
<br /> , . . . - - �����' ��- �-� . .
<br /> . . , fi B. Eaasclf T hnabato�..
<br /> . _ . . .. .c�;.�.�- . .
<br /> ' � J �. Baas�h Tn�Mor rif'e
<br /> .. . . . , :
<br /> - �EEQ�,�F Tit11�T MfITH�UriJRE AEIVAMCES _ �
<br />: ;�'�DEED OF�Rl�'���'ir�0�a�cf��d._d�ft�r gov �r . :=, � �1�..�3:�1►�f0 snwr� ,
<br /> T�;..�
<br /> . ._ � � - .) �- .�� . . .
<br /> . �yps�c�,,;�1 '° �in��`—�—'t'sa"a�C'.@ i ttr��nlr_ l�n:iut�i7'��{i�,f! ..._ •
<br /> `�l�tl�fi . _ .r� .,•.• �' ����� e.�- ` , ';'.:, . . .
<br /> . ,;iry;
<br /> .�,�k, �._Via Co�o• Grand islaad �:'b8803 - ��,.�j,�,y,-Tru�.'MMM±rr�ar nwnL
<br /> ,,a�k�►w!!�Five Pa ��. ,.5�� a �Tebrastr�'��ratiaa �;'T=- .. ---_ -- �-- - �..
<br /> `,",'i:;s;'= �tByIDJCU�I�R , s,,.•r,;..;; ; . .,- . . ^° , . '
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<br /> " � P � Rat'��I� ��,'�i(�J''� ��8Q2 � - - �,. (h�t�itl'?tt�i"l�#)l.d
<br /> .�l�����M .r,•l,�-,-�-.^-c;,. , ��l�f.: - :::5• �
<br /> . c . .. .. �..�. >..:• .�i.'>� . ,��.,. :••.: i
<br /> .: . '�,''��ire Po ta ;.�.. ,,�-3�ebri 'lra: Co ��ke '' '.,.•.,-° ..`,,;:�..
<br /> �'!�!! • - �' =� �� � :',:•,.;.�
<br /> :.E,: :,s: . � .. ,,_:. ;,, :.,;. .:::,' ;':..' �:";`:',,�r . ,
<br /> Ssland �:� ",:�, ,� .
<br /> .,. . . ...:.. - `:''$.;�: Baf'��07, G�� r :�$$��� `..'��1> (h�Nn"L�fl¢�''�'
<br /> � ,i.}F�Oi�1Q1�111�f1g i�f��i�:.±N y... !r .. . "s' � .;,'t;
<br /> 'j". .k_ ...•:'J::'':... ,� �. .� . �.,,.� .5 :,:�..p_�.;.,.t-�.•,��-, f.� ,, ,,,.,-___
<br /> . FOR 1►AliJABLE�'�fQKi;rrtiPl:tdin�LMldet'i butertlfOCr��td�i�i�ete�4�m:�hsrles p. .Ha�neh- tzl:.
<br /> �►a a�� R. ��,.h��'.aind aife �''��, �c ��, ' ,:�.'� . :::;�.;� ., � � ..
<br /> . tn�,�,`�°��.�«±��+�e� a•�t:t,
<br /> � :�t�Gi�r�p�ipt�or whieh �i�� �. �c���A����iM�. .
<br /> , ts�.iHyKmr �3fi�+�mb!►��Y�'� ��a� n�tlsra�
<br /> �'�1Rf.fST.Wf.iH.ROYYEROFSl�1�-!'iui��allt�sie�air� �yiutLender,we�ermidts��a�x�FNt .,•. .:::�
<br /> �.I�AR.M� �i.?'f�f+� ��`; ;, .. , .. t4 s! f r�:: : �- -,. z�',:•..,�.
<br /> ' I.ot 11f�i��14), ia 8�i�:-'l�ro (2)s.��in Ccatiiaea#al,.C�.�„ �t.�#�io'n to'the City .
<br /> of asas�d' Island, �tl.l �ans�,� Nebraska , . • , .. . . �,
<br /> To�w�.►whn au a,nain�.;,imarav.n+mts.�xwr...sa.ea..�krs w�w�r�eaah�na,�bna.w��w•a aa appw�s-
<br /> n�nc�s IoCard 11Nrpn or in anywlis ps�(ninp thento.and ths renta,issues and proTib.reverslons an0 qmalnd�n tlwnol.and
<br /> wcN pMSpn�t prop�rty that b alfacMd W ths Improv�rwnts�o u b conWWO�a flxtur�,includtrp.but not IMniMO b.AMlkp and
<br /> �colirq puipn�t�nd fo�Nw►wifh th�horr�t�ad or marfMl(nt�rests,If any.whicb intrresb u�h�r�0y rNMNO and wNwd��II
<br /> at whkh.Includinp nplactmeMf an0 aEdNlons th�reb,is hersby dacl�red to W�p�R ai th�rMl�sfat�Ncuad by th�N�W fhb
<br /> OMO of Tn�and all W Ilw lorpoin�ONnp rekRb b herein as ihe"Propsrty'.
<br /> This QNd of Trwt�hall s�cur�t+1�WY�t ot 1M prtncip�t wm and Intaat evid�nc�d by a promitwry nob a cndit
<br />. ��K�a v..o.��.r���� �Qoa .Mwinp�nuturHy date ot n••••.� ����S� �� •
<br /> ta th�ort�irts!prindpAl art�ount ot 5129,267.44 .and any end all mOdifiCatlons.ixansbns and r�wsts -
<br /> 1fMao1 a 1MrNo ana any and afl future advances and readvances to BoROwer(or any ot them if mar�tl�m one)fNr�ur�►
<br /> pufswnt b on�a more pranlswry nolss a cfsQit y�eemenm(hereln catlsd"Note'�:lb)�DaY�t ot Mhsr wms advanced by
<br /> UndN b proMat th�Mcurity oHhs Notr.(c)the psrfonnance of atl covensnb end a9reamenb of Trustor�NioM here(n:and(�all
<br /> pr�nt and itAur�indebkdnsss and oblipUtlons of Bortower(o►any of them i1 more than one)to Lender whslher dir�ct,indinc�
<br /> ab�otuM pr Canflny�nt and wha1M►ari�iny by nots,�usnnty.overdr�R or otherwlae.Ths No�.thts Deed of Truu�nd arry�nd a11
<br /> plMrdocwrM�th�b�cur��NoU or otberwlte�xecuted In connecdontherewlth,tncludin�wNhouf IimNaHOn pwranb��,s�curfly
<br /> aprNrtNn11�nA af�i�nn�nb ol tNSti and ronts,�hall bs referred b herein a�tt�e"Loen Instrumenb".
<br /> Ttwipr ca�en��artd aprea wiM�Lander as folbws
<br /> � t./a�M W N�A�bl�di�.Af1 indeblednsss fecured herebY�hall bs paW when due.
<br /> Z Ti�Truslor b 1M owner of ths PropeRy.has ths ripht and authorlry to convey the Property,and wamnb that tlN Ben _
<br /> Cr�Ned hKetoy�s�tint and Prlo►lien an the Praperly.sxceDt fof r�ns and encumbrances aes t�►by Trwtor tn writlrp and ;;;:
<br /> Nliwr�d b L,�r�r bNors e�utipn of this Oeed of Tmst,and the ere�-.�uUon and delivery of this Oeed of Trust dos�not vlotats any z.°:
<br /> Cantact or olftM oai�aor��v whicb TntstOr ie subJeCt -_
<br /> 9.Ta�Ai�MM�.To p�Y hMore dellnquency etl taxss,specr�al as�suments and all otl�r ehs�a aainq th�Proputy __
<br /> nOw or ffMwC��r Iwlad. • _
<br /> 4.Mwra�e�.TO k�sp th�P[op�Ay lnsursd e�ainn damape by fi��,t.azards inGudsd wltbin tt�lerm"ex1��Q�d eovaaDs",anQ =
<br /> wq�p11Nr h�rard�p Lw�mfy requln,In amounb and witl�cumpanies accept�bts to Lender.nam�np LendN as an addMlarw �_
<br /> n�n�d Mwnd.wNh foM WYabN to th�Lender.lo caw o1 bss under sucb palicles.the Lender b authorizad b�djwt ooM�ot ind .�
<br /> p0�promi�all cNImslMr�unG�r snd thall haw 1M apdon ofaPP�Y��all a p�A oNhs insuranc�P►ocs�dsp)to any k�bMdnM� ,_
<br /> MC1Mrd h�rM�►aed M wc110tdK a L�nd�r may MlMmins.(iq to fhe TruMor tb b�uMd br tIN apdr a ralanlbn dtf�PropNty _
<br /> orpNllaanf►cMfKpurO�a�taaYafacbrytolMfd�rwilhoutal(scdrplhsli�ndthbONdotTnnlialfniWlamounts�c�x�d :-
<br /> MrM�l�Mon wCh p�yn�ant ew►took plaC�.Arty apppcatlon of praceeds to InQeblednsa ahall not exMnd Cr pOS�oM fh�dw �-
<br /> � d�M�al any p�yn�ews ued�r th�No1�a ax�any dKau�t f�rwae�r ar t�«,ae�r. � s-
<br /> ., ik rwM�.1l�wdwn d�rid fy►L�rwM►.T�w1or MwM p�y to L�+d■r.ln sucA e�arNt rs L+iK�nM1l d�MOnMR��M �
<br /> s�e�b�rW�LMWN tp pay as fhey bscamo dus one or more olthsiollowlnp:(q alHaxaa,asres�menb�nd otl�x chac�ua�lnN
<br /> ths property�Qq the preir�stsns on the property Insurance requlred hereunder.and(iiq the premtuma on any mort�e tnwranee ;:
<br /> `�`�Y��IM�i�:,A�U.aM c«�oM�no�wMh t,aw�.Tn�ta s�w k.q ri.arop�rly in�ooa condwon and npNr:sAaN ' 4°
<br /> o��y:�•or r�pl�o�any�i�np�t whtch m�y M d�re�l;or O�Irv��N no�a�rirt�t a pKmit any w�w a •
<br /> dMwtw�IMfoR�a1 ri�Prop�flY�Irl1 nd trn�ow,d�moliMl or wbNrn6�ily NMr art!►at f1i M�prowew�tA on tlM Prop�rty;Nrll not
<br /> ... :ea�alNMraa��!�lrwab.don.tnorup«�ti,grop�tyinv�awona+n�rerw:oralrw�c�.«nouWior�.neshwo•yano -
<br /> : �:p��df�d��d���•ooN and wP���liwa�,�and clrr�+1wi�In�poNd a aw��0 aO�Nwt 1M► -
<br /> .._.-?-.�tMeM���Is.L�wMrlaMUrlr�ariAnidrlt�e�p�lurta4�w[Q�,�npM�ndalfN��M�orrMW(hu�Mf�r '
<br /> - _" "Pp0�71noo1MMe�0111Nir100fId�11MMrOflOtOMMrtik111pd�N��tOpKly010wf1�IM'�01ro►fo�00f1Y�110rin1iiud►COifdilPMf[- ..
<br /> �OI1.LM1du sh�6�w1�Q M IM opMon b oon�n��aPPw M ana P►oMCUI�in fb own n�ar►�I�ctlo�a procMdMga.and --
<br /> a1MM Mw IN�rMIMd b tnda�an�►oomp►ai�or sN�n�nt In oorwNCllan wMh wd�dkkq a d�n�.lrt th��wrM iry pafioel W �
<br /> IMCi�1IM�/Idr�Wrw�INK�6�M #j i`�.-��
<br /> ' �t�MM�Mfra�le.rr..rwrwl��rytM.rw�.wtwre.11�.rr . �+::' .
<br />