- - _ - ------,-,--.-.- -
<br /> - - --- ----- -- .. - — - -
<br /> --- -- --- .. -- -- - - -
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<br /> �. ,4� ' . . .. , .. , . . - . � , ` ' �, "�, -:,��' ' � `.
<br /> ` `. ' . t , , ` ` � a'`T', . � . . . ,
<br /> . � __ � . z. . st�� iubozdxnattnq Cr�ai�ar hRr�by<acr.l�ats �o zk� gr�nti• � .
<br /> ` � .. �ag�pY. t:�� D��tor to th� feevs+ed..Faztr o! �i�- t�rst li�e� i�t ait. tris<� ,
<br /> � -tailaC�ra� aea��tbaQ �r.pasaq�aph 3 ��: t2tis 3ubozd��tfan �q���- . .
<br /> � � � . �se�t. �, - ` , �� � ; , • " - ' � ; �
<br /> ` - � `3=. io 2�rtq,ss a� on2iqitton� i� o,c[zstsA�ing�.f=oa tKt t'i�trCar ,
<br /> � �ta ths seeur� �szty �or �rcQ�bt�dnrss svidsc�csa tiy �rosis�eYy � .
<br /> aat�� or 'oet��� tastrva��nts o�� in¢�b��dr�ess, tt�� Src�r�d lsrt�•s �
<br /> i��ESSSt.in the Coi�.at*rsi s�ail tuve priorlty to th� �xtient� o�
<br /> the outsesnCir�q cbliqazio� ovluq to tA� �ecur�d BaYtY bg r�asp�
<br /> o! ths sbovs-s�r�ttaned lroat�sory hot�s or otne� ls�CSUmeats v�
<br /> laQ.�Dt�dnsas aver tha 3i�a �ot tn: s�oosdinstt�q azaditor ia thst
<br /> CoZiattzai, at�¢ th� suDordLttatinq �reditar's tnter�st in �ttat .
<br /> co�2aCsxsi is, ta a11 s�s��rats� su��ect sad sa�ordlnste �4 th+
<br /> � ��tsnt of t:�� ab3iqa�lon ont�r.sndi�q and nnpaid to ths secnsit� �
<br /> iatersst o� trie seauxed pastiy,� hovtver avid4R�td.
<br /> - , - . -- . . .. . . _ ._ ,.:_ : .. .._. .. .. . _ . _ .. _
<br /> � ��. sa ionq as any portioa o! an obligstlon �s auts��di�tg . �
<br /> � ana unpai0, tne �roviafons aF the nostgage or oet� ot !=ust ,� ' ;
<br /> bttveert tn� aebtar sst4 ttte secuzed Party aze eant:a2iirig ts�:�o
<br /> � tt� Coliat�zai 3a,�r�:ielf Stcur�a.PastY ss to hsv� s !liat ����ty�..:. .
<br /> � lae�re�t aae� lA d12 cases in vlsic:� t�ere �s a car�flict betv�+�tt it : :. ,
<br /> ana th� provxs�o�a at �nY Horegage ar Dead o� srust qz�r�f�� to . ,
<br /> . the aatiasd�uatt�q c=�a�tor ny tt��� a�btor. .
<br /> � s. Ttti� �►gree�ent t:�a eont3naingr .abscZuze a�}d ancoad3-
<br /> tioe►ai aqream�nt ot suDOrdinat3vn vithaut rsgard,t��tht vaiidity
<br /> or ealoa�aaDiiity._o� tha pzom�sso=y Notes br other .lri��rnmenta of ::
<br /> indsDtedness b�titeen t1u Otbtox sn� the �ecured P�«�Y eviCetieiaq �
<br /> suas Cue o= �o�uaen�s grancxng a sre�rity iatasea� in the Coltat-
<br /> eril,f Szre�pCC:-tve �o« �t�G :tfae vr:;grdtr at aLL�atisacat o: p�x.tC�
<br /> ttan of th� seeuzEt� �inte�est i�: t�e ev2taterat vr: thQ orcler o� -.. .
<br /> £l2lttq tha Deeds cf �firuat �= Moz�aasss with rsagect to tt�e.
<br /> coitatera2. .
<br /> � 6. Tn�� Aqxeement sbait re�ai� in fuii torae znd e!lact sna
<br /> . is b�indiaq upon tne subosa:natittq cred3tor �tn8 upo� �ts suC�ea-
<br /> • saz� and a�slgas, sa lonq as iny gortion o! a: obztgativa lros ;
<br /> �� . the' Oabtaz to the Secuzed part� is outatand3ng ,sr.d �npaid.
<br /> ' � � . The suboxalaatinq Cze4i'ter aqrees that the pzomi��asy
<br /> Hctes or oC:�er la�-swu�nza ot ind-tateQnass o! the �rbtor ev!- . . _. `�. .
<br /> Oe�c�:ng tne oaligar�Sq,rt becween th�.,�iznzQr anC tht �tcared �ps�t�,�,;.: ..�. :. _
<br /> � � may -:rem tima zo �4�e ne _ene'vea, exteaQed, �od:=le�r co�ap�a- � �
<br /> , �ni�td, iCC�=A�ate+�, settled�ot .CZea�atd, withouL aotice �a a:�
<br /> ' ��:unsent �by.:;.;�e S��oz�ine�inq Cre toz.
<br /> � • lio st 3an1c as t.�:�1,�1{,isaciatioa
<br /> •
<br /> ' ' • , -
<br /> . . y ,
<br /> . , , . . ' �`
<br /> � . .
<br />� , „ �. . ... , �,
<br /> - _ ---- -
<br /> q�/y)u� rs�.�,;,;�i,R , ���
<br /> �- .�ii Z"kY f��c��l."_'i}�� t� � _ .'�-�� . 3['fz'a�il!'"?4,'-'.1'CT��'ct' �j��r ."
<br /> -_ ". �S�.3ciwb1 i�' --.�'_'_s,�,�����. T �r'��fx°`.e��'r�fY��?'.i
<br /> - - 'M-r'r.r�,c.%w;�,�,r;.� ^� .. .. �-.�-R`���w "Z�. :'x►•7`�;S�,?k[{.'�f" ' .
<br /> _—�=�a:r. ,..: .�. ..��,,�:� .. . . . ._ .. ,. _ . . . .�i . . . .. _ `.��Si�k''aj+:�k;�'- �' .
<br />