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<br /> �una�.wnasr+�+Maoouw��er��oir�.Foi��wuaYr�..c..eef�ana���ay.r.ararr�.rr•�
<br /> a.d.p�itd�1�t+.a.eae�mMepe�o+�tW.rup�lfin�jr�ww�t+l�«�aloDlywlawto't�wlor�n+.�na�a►.intM.�wM
<br /> dadMMdtacD� dabMpMbound�r�D�dd.,nu�.inelu�q,buteotlM�db.�lNld�'�MOMlohaw�ll�l��
<br /> b�ws TnNfw wiM�oi�t Mq►�+�siM P�'��:�T�uMa'apr�N�.
<br /> lhwlot 6Mae���nwcu�on d1M Q�i�d:Tru�t.. , • .
<br /> . � p iYr�ii�d
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<br /> . . ;
<br /> DEE4��0lr,�TR�S�;W.l�H FU1'tIRE
<br /> , 'FtNS OEED OF�EiUBT,i�e�a�d:��;,.�►,"� •1�-9�..b9R���0
<br /> . , �TRMIO�. YCtlQ11 p ' ��p��LB.�..� �u� �t�;�lr�f� -- .
<br /> . wNo�snMWn�addr�is �=3�MB5T�:LqU��6 _': -:,�:,-�_: GQ,111D ISLA1��,'Tn�o�l�ror�ocmas�
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<br /> .. . :��1��r. ��'' ,,ii4l��pe��}f�'Aa't�it� '�'f�iiitir,�,Tr����r�f9ww . ! .
<br /> , , i . , .. .
<br /> , �����p,���,$,Q4' $�s �3i'!�- �r�we1.T�l�ed_ 686r2 (Nsrekl'fRl�ss'g.ind
<br /> 0
<br /> ��� . ,
<br /> . , Ri'oi Pei��'Baiele .
<br /> �a:$ini�CMryc , — .
<br /> , w1�ow m�g add�ets b. �s����ii p� �w �>> a��..Isl�ads ML. 688�?-t..�—(hu�in'L��..
<br /> '-. FflR Wit�lAt�t�,GaN9fE1L'EiA71�M:indudin�LaMfer's exbn�ton M cradN ldentiNed hasin+�,¢Yit P PPEFFEQLE,�_
<br /> L MClitY`F P�'t'FRO1tR.� (hOfllA°80ffOW0�',Mfh011Nt Ofl0 O�f110f0�Af1d 1�t171it ININfI C�I�d.
<br /> 9�p�ea�tp�iPr��.is t�erebY�D�.TruaEOr hsreb!►trravoeaaht 9�ta�transtea.com�eys aed aesi�ns b TnriM�,IM
<br /> TRU�tiW(f�1 P.OWEROFSALE.forMebanllifand securityot Lende►.underand subjectbUtefertnsand�anditknshsreinillxslt.
<br /> iprth,,the,md pro�r.i�!:de�Cribsd as bUOw�• '.'
<br /> l;Q'L'�T�EE:`:EY3i, BLOCK FIFTY-O�E.t51)�ClaIA�R� 11ASIlBRS 7HI110 AODIlIO�' ZLL:�'EBB .
<br /> .C��F 6RAIm ISL�110� HALL COUI['FY� ��
<br /> � � � �' � �
<br /> ' , .. �`
<br /> To�elher wi@�all buitdin�e;.im0�ove�rtecri�.fiztures.straets.alteys,Wsss9ewa5►s.easert�nls�ri�,�rhiN�es�na appuris-
<br /> nances loqlpd thpreon ar in arrywlse peRAinii?#�tf�ereto,and ths►en�r,issues end prolRs.r�wersions�agrniindNS ihs���nd
<br /> wch perwnal property tMt ts attact�s0 to the:�nprovemenb ao as to constituk a ftxtur0.inrludiny.but�cot Umited b.hsatitq and
<br /> coolin�squfpment and toyethec vriitrfiha homestead or marital inte�esb.ilany,which interes�sare.hereby rebased arb waivaa ait
<br /> ot whkh,includinp replacements�e additions thereto,ls haraby dectared to be a partoft�a realestaLa secured byfhe lier�oftbis
<br /> Oeed ot Tcust and aif oi the tore�oing being referred to heretn as the°PropeAyt'. � • .
<br /> This Desd ot Trutt shall aecure(a)tha pafmBnt ot the principal aum and interes!eviQenced by a.�,'..saory nots or credit �
<br /> ���� haviny a rr�turity date ol � .
<br /> ;a;': `
<br /> in ths odpinsl principal amouni ot i ;::,.�° S .ar�any artd eH mo�ttcatiam,��is si�d renewets . .
<br /> tl�ersol a thereto and any an0 ail future adv.�?ra�a and�Ceadvances to Borrawer(or arry ot them,it�mrr�lC4an One)hereundsr
<br /> purwant tv one or more n►omtssory notes or o�bJ..a�reements(herein called"Note'7;@)the payment df cd`ser sums advaneed by
<br /> Lendsrto pro�ectlhetecurity o1 the Note;(cjR�I�:formance of ai1 covenanta and a�reemerrsaf Trustbrseiforth herein;and(�alt
<br /> pre�ent and tutwrs inESbtedness and ob11�4�?is oi 8orrower(or any of tAem if more thari�rt�}�Lender whether direct indirect,
<br /> �toluls or contin�ent and whe�er arieing.lrjr��te,yuaranty,ovardratt or otherwiae.tha c�this OeeQ o1 Trust and any and att
<br /> oN�srdoc�lMtsecurotheNateorother�klse�tecukdineonnectiontherswith.ineludingwithoNlimltatiortg�iaz�aecurity . .
<br /> s�resmenls aad assl�nmenb of be'es end re�shall be retened to bereio as the"Loan Instruments'. • � , .
<br /> � Tru�to►co�b an0 syrsea wlth Lenct�r r;�40l lows .;: ..., ;, •
<br /> f:•��E d�nQ�bMa�.All indebtedci�ss secured hereby ahafl bo paid when due. ' �, `
<br /> 2:t'Aff�.Trsr.�or is the owne�of the Properry.has the right and authorlry to camrey the Properry,and wanartls�l:1hs Oen
<br /> c�S t:ereby is a flrst�nd prlor Ben on the Properly,except tor Qena and encumbrance�aet forih by Truator i►r v�nitir�I�nd
<br /> deltv�ered to LerrdeF�etoro execuUon of thia Deed of Trus�and the executlon and dUlveryof this Deed of Trust does notvtolate eny
<br /> co�traCl pr o1hlr qn6ip�tion to which Trustor is subjecL
<br /> •� 3. T�N.AM�nb.to psy before delii�quency all taxes,apecial assessmentsend ail othe►charws ay�inst tha Property °
<br /> now or INrddler bvied.
<br /> � 4. NN�r�Tokeeptha�+tytnauredagalnstdama�ebytire,harsrdainctudedwithirtfAeterm"sxfendedcovsra�a:�nd
<br /> w�h otl�haza�ds p L.�ndsr ma+�cepuiro,in emounb and wHh companies accepq�bte to i.mnaer,naminp Lend�r as srt addfltonal .
<br /> nrn�d N»urb,wilh tOSS pay�bts to ths tender.tn etse of lots under such policiel,the I.iar�ier is autliorized m adlusR wiNct ane
<br /> cotr�romiss,afl clairm thereunQer and shait have the option of applyirro aN or paA M tfie In`sura±s�a procesds p)to any indsbNdn�ss
<br /> �eurb hsreby enc!t�such aQer as lender maydetermine,pi)totheTrustorto be usedforthe r�pRi�cc i�estonUonoHhs Prop�rty
<br /> pr(tii)fer�nyotluirpurpo�s orotyecteatisfacbs�yto LanQer withoutaffectingtl►e11en ofthls 0erd alTrui�farths tuil amourita�ured
<br /> h�relty b�ias w�i�psyrt�ent ever taok placa Any appticatlon ot proceeds to indebteEneas shatl nof�x'om0 or poetpare:�i���•
<br /> � d�ir d ary ptynHnb unQer the tlbae or cure any detault thereunQer or hereunder.
<br /> 5. t�eaMr.Upon wtNIM dre�nd by Lende�.Trusta ahatl pay to Lendsr.in sueh maisner as tender fiay Q�isneiuey swffici�nt�
<br /> �nsbMwbML�nd�r�op�y�stMy6aeamsduron�ama�oHh�foltowinp:(ryallta�ce�.aaessm�nfaardotlwrehfr�sapaln�t �
<br /> ��b.lw?1M 0►enuume on Ihs prop�rty lnaurancs requtnd heteundsr.and(iii)1tN premtumt ors�ny nwrt��imuranc�
<br /> �eq��ited b7f lenQer. � .
<br /> 0.Y�o�;,�I�pUrs and Ce�WK!wNB Lawa.Trustor ahall kasp the Properry In�ood eondidon aqd rpalr,shall
<br /> Oncn�p�►npoM.or rpbor an�l ImprovM►wnt whkh may b�dam�d or d�troyr�siWl not cOrtNntt or p�rmM any wNti1 ot
<br /> d�l�eior�on d��t�r.�IMN not r�mow d�mo�i�h a��ManM�IIY�Iw arry M th�M�prowm�nb on th�PropNtY MuN not
<br /> aaendR�t orpKmiUny aclbb�da»in a uponitNProprrry in viol�Yon alany hw.ordinmc�arpuhYorr.andshW p�yand
<br /> P�'��P�1►dMc�r�if Trwior's eat and ixp�n�aN INns.�neumbranas anQ eharg»feri�d.Irt�porsd a.ww.a a�n.��n.
<br /> Pr�opwly o►any p�rt iMr� �
<br /> 7./�M 0���La��t�fN�nby MMp��alf eort�pN�ilo�aw�t+d�:drnp�s and o11Nr p�nMnb a rMNf prn�kM1(rr
<br /> -- - .... "F7acaaCf'�lrsc�qcSoawi�scotidatsstsa�oaatalhac�ki�o!!As!'ropstiyaep�l�arhs�lsslk�tt!ld�bt�ta �
<br /> ror1.LMIQ�MMM b��fWM�O�f t!i e�pYon b�ne�.a00M►M�nd(sraMCUb In ib own nMn�an�►aeYOn or p►oea�di�i anQ
<br /> �allo 0��nM�db eWnaeryl can0�on�or eell�ent M Connet�on wf�tsuelsldslss�or�htlhs erenteny�{�o�N�+t d
<br /> irie�nwr�r.�r.�owww.� � ; ; � ." ��.,�
<br /> �fIRM�Mw1�.r�lOr...w.i«.w�wr��wr.rKtrwNlW�.rr � .
<br />