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<br /> - , <, _
<br /> �:� " . ��:�= - —
<br /> -- �� -
<br /> . --- —-- -- _
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<br /> _ � ; - r .._ _--- - _.:-: - -� . .--;; �93- it��''�' � �� ?��. .` � . .
<br /> � :p+e,�.,�l►oo wa�x tie�neq�nnd.�t a�e apaa�.o�rre:�a,if N.oey.�a imw�oe ou�r.�e�m i6e`�'a ix�he�::. . ..
<br /> �IIYt 1�e� �qeii+a�?p��b!��:app��by I�e�dar apis b�eoometi s�A�ihbif xd ia abui�ad:Hott�r�Yhit.�qr .�
<br /> ` Ire pee�i�ma reqMined p m�mtaa�naitp�e i�`tari�oe is drec�,a q pnwide s Ior raave.�I 1tie ieq�ie�e�t ta�ay� ,
<br /> ` , ��isoeead�i�aocoed�eae wrid��qr�rtiqee�p�e+a�t betw�em Hoc�u�rar�rd I�mder or�plir�lrir li�r.. - .
<br /> !I�e�ii�s.?�e�odac ar its�eot aay mike eeaioa�Uk eatiia upon rod i�pectioos of th�Proslaty.t+eader�ll�rc
<br /> . �otro�ret`aotk+e at t�e time of or prior�o�n iarpe�ion a�ecziyinf t�e�oo�bie ca�for tffe impeaion. � . -
<br /> ` Y�.C�iei�r.The prooeetls of�►aaaid or cltim fac d�es,di�at 4��+ ia.0000ectioe wn�6�n�e
<br /> cadei�rotion or.o�Ba tatina of imy pAtt of ttie Piopaty,or far cbuveya�oe-in liea of cadeaawtioo.m�ercb7►a��aod
<br /> . �llbeppola.Laide� . � - - , _ � '-- - -. � ,
<br /> � fa d�e eveot of a wni cdang of tl�AoQaty,the pmoeeds�11 be spplied to t6e snms seauat by;t�Searicy Irotsumaw
<br /> ' �vl�elha or uot tltw due.wil�aaY exoesa p�id tn Borco�ner.In the evait,of a p�ctial t�idng of tbe Prnpaty iu whid�tbe fair
<br /> mulcst w�lue oFthe Pmpaty immedi�tely befoi+e tlse�u ewal tn ar g�eater tt�a t6e amoant of the s�sxured by tWs
<br /> Seacity Taatrammt.i�ediatdy befooe t!w taking,aWesm Bomswa aod L�der ati�et�rise a�t�ec in�vti�,tl�aoms�ecat�ad by
<br /> thit�Saw�itY lmuoma�t st�tI be teduad 6y tbe amount of th�prooeeds ma�tllplied by the fdbwu�g fractio�: (a) ebe tohl '
<br /> amamt af We sams a��ed inm�edi�ttiy.befbn tbe t�ting,divided�bY(b}t�e fair a�rket v�lue of the P�ogaty immiedistdy
<br /> 6efore die taidng.Any 6�taooe sh�U bc p�id to Borcow�er. 1n die eva�t of s p�c'tia!tatidg of the Pcopett,�r,in,vrbicb dx� •
<br /> morket v�hie of Hre Amperty im�edi�cely befoce the tskiag is kss th�a tl�s�cnt of tbe sn�us se�med�dy befara thq
<br /> tal�ing, unlesa BosroMaF�l�.eodet'otherwise tgt+ee ie aritln�ar qaie�¢�1'��e law otbetwist prov,i�;?¢i��Goc�ed,t•sb�ll' ` ,
<br /> ��acoa��;.� y � �::-:::��:�:;� ,_,"F:,;,.:
<br /> 6 Wis Serurity Inso�ament whetheti�s�trc�e�nis ate iheo due. •:�•::z;:>,;�,.,�..
<br /> If the Pmpe�ty�s �`,�sidoned by Barower,�or if,after notice�'���o'�orrowa fl�t thc oondamai�p�''�::tii�:i�re soi
<br /> awatd ac settte a cta��vr damages,Hornower fn7s to respond�:�ir' .�r;thiin 30 da}rs�fter the iiat�;fie troticc'.���?sza. -
<br /> I.eoder is authorizea,�±�,a��act atd spply the p�ooee,ds,at its optiou.�t�� :'�ration or�ir of th�P�rty or i�►�suptc
<br /> �becured by thls Secati��i'�tu�,whethar or not then dae. •:i%� r,.•;.'s.:�,,, � ,. `.�.=,:";:` c �; .
<br /> . Unkss Leoder�Hono�rer otLerwisa agt+ee ia wriUng:am��aa�f Pium6f�s.;��p�InCipa�`�slull not�es�end or
<br /> postpoae the du�date of the,monthly paya�ents refemed to iapata(,r�s_,r�.;ti��,�`�rch�ege c5�.�of'sacb ptymc�:.�;. :
<br /> ll.ao�soRer 1W�t Rela�aed;Forbearana By 3,eader Not,���eve�'�;�ioa p�';����le f�.pq!�?�nt or�t�on .
<br /> of amoYtiudion of tt�+5so�s sa�irod by iliis Savriry Ltsuumrnt g�stad`i'�':�=to any saoctssor�t.�of Bormwer s6aU ,
<br /> noE ope�t�to relesar,�liabtlity of the origi�wl Boc�oaer or Borrowes's�ts in�titecat. I:a�de�`s�!mt be n�irad to . .
<br /> cammenoe pro�epd.ings'against any suaxs.wr in auerast or cefuse to eatea��3C for payt�at or otheiwise modify�fio�izstion
<br /> of the suins sau�od by this Sxurity.Insuument b�►reason of aay de�iazid umde by iT�e nriginal Borrawer or B(�wec's
<br /> sucoessors in interest.Any forbearaace by L:ender in exeneising aay right o;�emedY sM�mot be a w�3c��af or pn�`'��de tl�e
<br /> exercise af any right or nmedy. • '� '• .. :����:::-'' --
<br /> IZ.Sa�+sors��►�ign4 Boaod;Joint sud Several Liability:C�s.Tbt�xea�acs�'�:.?dg�eements of.this � .
<br /> Security Lutnunent shaEL bend and beenefit the successors and assigns of I��and�.s�q�?�a the prvvisiom of . �
<br /> p�aph 17. Bomownr's cavenaass a�d agamenu shal# be joint aad several. Any Bc�^i�rer w�,;�-slgas this Sxarity
<br /> InstwnenE but does nat,execut�the�tate:<a)is co-s�gaing this Security Ia+mnment only to mortgag�::�mt and oomtey tLat • .
<br /> Botmwer's interest i��Property under the tec�ss�-f.Ihis Sa:urity Instrutnesst;(b)is not persomlly obii�ed to Qay the sums
<br /> secvred by this Secarcg�i'nstcument:and(e)agrees,r�t L.endot azd any othei�orrower may agcee to ezterx�..�odif�r,forbear or
<br /> rmlce any sccomnwdations with ngard to the terms of this Sec�uit�r�Instmment or the Note witl�oat that Boiiower's consent.
<br /> 13.I,wa CLsrges.If the toan secured by this Securiry iIISt�ument is subject to a law which sets maximum toan chuges,
<br /> and that law is fimally interpreted so that the interest or other toais charges collected or to be collected in oonnection aith the
<br /> loan exceed the perauued limits,then: (a)anY such loan charge sQall be redused by the amount neeGSSary to neduce�the charge
<br /> to the perrnittad timit;aad(b)any sums already collee[ed from Borrower which eaeoedod pcmuttod limiis wW 6o nfundfd to
<br /> Bomnwer. Lender ona3�choose to malce this refi�by reducing the principal owod under the Note or by making a dinct
<br /> payment ta Bortoaer. If a rcfund reduces principal. the re�,iu+xion will be treated ac a partial prepayrt�ent without any �
<br /> Oriepaaymeat ebarge n�der the Note. ,, --
<br /> 14.11qtices,Aa3�ar�tice to Borr�wer provi�a'.fo�in this S�rity Instrument shall be give�by deTsvering.it ar by mailing
<br /> . it by first class m�.7 a�i.�-s applicable law requin.,s iyse bf anothcr method.The notice shall be directed to tho Pmperty Addiess
<br /> or any othcs addre=.s�arrower designates by notice to Lender. A�y natic�to Lender shall be given by first ciass mail to
<br /> LeMer's s3;!ress staied herein or any other address Lender d�i.�:es by notice to Borcower. Any natioe provided for in this
<br /> : " Savrity fi�ment shall be deemed to have been given to Bom���r or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph. .
<br /> , 15..�vcrniug I.�w; Severabiiity. Thls 5ecurity Inmument shatl be gdvemed by federal law and tt�ee law of tl�e
<br /> ' � jurisdict9on in wRr�rb:�'�;Property ls located. In the event that any provisio►r,nr clau.ce of this Securicy Inswment ar the Note••'
<br /> • .' ' confticts with ap�.+1i�:+'�aaw.such conflict shaD not affect other Qrovisians Q��fi�s Security Instrument or the Note which pn be .. . ,
<br /> givea e�'.es2 witho:��ch�wnflicting provision.To this end the provisions of tiiis Security�Gr;at�r�ment arid the Note are dcelarod
<br /> to 6e sc.�+�a'�:e. � . � ' . ' _
<br /> l�16'rqti�owq'9 Copy.Bortower shall be given one wnfarned copy of the Note and a�this Seeurity Instrument. .
<br /> �,..
<br /> � � . . Fam 302A 8/!0
<br /> . � � . - ,1 . � ' .Prft 4 of 6
<br /> -- T.r�e+.�wz.SY�::.'tT,�J�m-";!-YSq`-r, ,-L-P:`\ri+►c.` .-. ..a ._.,. _ . .+'a?.- -
<br />